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Content available Skały w romańskich murach Małopolski
Early medieval Małopolska (Lesser Poland) covered regions with diverse geologi¬cal structures and, therefore, various rocks of different suitability for the construction, shown up on the surface. Masonry skills of historical builders changed with time. So did their preferences in choosing the rocks and stones of mechanical properties optimal for the stone- masonry techniques of the time and mechanical resistance. Below, we present the rocks that were chosen by the stonemasons, usually foreign, to build what were often the first stone buildings there. We present the preferences and skills of contemporary builders, changing over time, regarding the proper selection of rocks with the desired properties, ensuring sufficient resistance to destruction while allowing the use of an appropriate method of stone processing. An inventory of stones in the available fragments of the walls was made, and their structural and textual features and petrographic composition were identified. Measurements of the size of stone elements in the faces of the walls were also made. Based on the analysis of the geological structure of the building's surroundings, the most probable sources of origin of the rocks used and, if possible, their basic physical and mechanical properties are provided. The order was established in which different rocks were used to obtain the desired effects. It depended on the possibility of obtaining them in particular regions. It was shown that the distance of the construction site from the out¬crops of the rocks used did not exceed 25 km. Examples of the use of different rock properties in various architectural solutions are given.
Romanesque collegiate church in Opatów (south-eastern Poland) belongs to the best-preserved Early Mediaeval edifices in Poland. Its date of origin, founder, architects and history are still unclear despite numerous investigations carried out since the beginning of the 19 th century. It is clear that local sandstones were used in the construction of the impressive church. Present investigations resulted in the inventory of the stones used as a building material: their petrography, size of blocks and strange holes and striae on some of their surfaces. Dominant sandstones have different colours: white-greyish or grey-brownish. They are built of very fine-grained, well sorted quartz with siliceous-clayey binder. All sandstone blocks have similar heights (most frequent average 34–38 cm), but different lengths. Longer (up to 62 cm) are placed in the oldest parts of the edifice, shorter (up to 48 cm) form younger fragments and might have been reused after destruction of previous undefined buildups. The sandstones represent Lower Jurassic sediments exposed currently on the slopes of the Opatówka River valley in Podole, some 5 km NE of Opatów. Only a few sherry (reddish) sandstone blocks found in various parts of the walls are probably replacements during post-Romanesque reconstructions. They represent Lower Triassic sandstone from Lipowa, 3 km NE of Opatów. Lancetoidal grooves, 5–20 cm long, and hemispherical holes of 1–4 cm in diameter are apparently of anthropogenic origin (apotropaic marks); however, their purpose is unclear. It is supposed that the grooves are traces of tool sharpening or grinding, while the holes are places where sandy or dusty material was acquired for magical or medical purposes.
Sacral edifices, in particular churches, no matter an epoch, were created of the most imposing and durable building material, mostly stone, available in the area or imported. Identification of the stone is crucial for conservation and reconstruction. However, in many cases, it is not done properly. Thorough mineral and geological studies on the stones and their provenance are thus strongly advisable. Romanesque churches in Siewierz and Mokrsko have recently been subject to such studies. They are located in different geological regions, which obviously reflected in different stones used for their construction. Church in Siewierz (founded probably at the beginningof the twelfth century) was constructed mainly of well-shaped regular blocks of local “Diplopora” dolomite (Middle Triassic). Only a few (out of a few hundred) blocks represent sandstone. Their provenance is unclear (Carboniferous or Lower Triassic sandstones that occur SW of Siewierz?). Church in Mokrsko (erected probably in the first quarter of the thirteenth century) was originally built of also well-shaped regular blocks of limestone and sandstone. They are: very typical for the area Pińczów (“Lithotamnium”), limestone (Neogene), and Upper Triassic sandstone. The former shows up on the surface a few km E of Mokrsko, the latter occurs ca 10 NE of the site. The distribution of the stones and sizes of the blocks shows some regularity. Bigger and of more uniform size blocks were used in the parts of the buildings located closer to the high altar, it is in the apse of the church in Siewierz and the presbytery in Mokrsko. It seems clearly connected with special attention paid to those parts of the temples. Moreover, resistant sandstone was used more frequently than soft limestone in lower parts of the walls in Mokrsko, more exposed to the action of water raised from the ground. Numerous caverns, holes, and crevices have been spotted on external surfaces of the dolomitic and sandstone blocks. Caverns in the dolomites (in Siewierz) developed naturally, while those in the sandstones (in Mokrsko) have obvious anthropogenic provenance. They are interpreted widely in the literature as apotropaic marks. Here it seems that excavation of stone sand and dust for magic consumption by humans or livestock or(and) ignition of holy fire could be reasons for the scratching and drilling.
Content available Kamień podkrakowskich budowli romańskich
Three objects were studied within a project aimed at investigation of stones used in the Romanesque edifices in the vicinity of Kraków, and continued since 2019. These are the churches in Dziekanowice (21 km SE of Kraków) and in Czchów (58 km SE of Kraków), and a clergy house in Morawica (13 W of the Kraków city centre). The church in Dziekanowice is relatively completely and well preserved, while the only Romanesque remnants of the church in Czchów are those reused in the Gothic church. It is a clergy house in Morawica (a former castle), whose walls contain Romanesque fragments. Two former edifices are built of the Istebna sandstone (Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene), quarried from the local flysch bedrock. Fine-grained, grey-yellowish stone dominates. It is soft and easily workable due to argillaceous binder (matrix). The stone blocks are precisely shaped and well fitted. Romanesque remnants of the clergy house in Morawica are con- structed predominantly of limestone, also of local origin. Only a fragment of the NW wall is built of the Istebna sandstone. This fragment is probably a part of the butress supporting the NW wall. The study shows that stonemasons and builders of that time had good skills of selecting and applying proper stone blocks for particular purposes. Blocks used in load-bearing structures were exceptionally well shaped and fitted. On the other hand, those skills varied. The frieze from the Romanesque church in Czchów is rather primitive. The size of limestone blocks used in the clergy house in Morawica is strikingly similar to those of various Romanesque edifices in Kraków. It seems, therefore, that those blocks could have been quarried and shaped in quarries located in the city, where the masonry “industry” was well developed. Larger, irregular blocks, used as foundations and filler in the “opus emplectum” type walls were probably quarried on site. Moreover, stones used in more eminent edifices (churches, castles) were probably more carefully selected. The Morawica castle (clergy house) and many churches in Kraków were built of limestone blocks without cherts.
In attempts to seek basics of geology, it is worthwhile getting to know and analysing the state of knowledge about rocks and minerals in definite historical periods. They made it on the basis of an analysis of masonry signs. After short indicating general trends in the development of construction in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and the Byzantium, the authors concentrated on the medieval architecture of Europe, Poland including the gothic cathedral in Gniezno. However, they paid a special attention to the work of stonemasons and the way of documenting the results of their work. Based on masonry signs survived till today, we can reconstruct the origin, as well as the mobility of builders of the examined object. Masonry signs are a wonderful subject of the research for multiple inquiry about interdisciplinary representatives of geological, social and technical studies.
Artykuł przedstawia historię oraz aktualny stan istniejących i dawnych kamieniołomów piaskowców godulskich w Brennej, Ustroniu i Wiśle na tle charakterystyki geologicznej warstw godulskich (jednostka śląska, kreda). W zarysie kreśli też kierunki wykorzystania piaskowców i możliwości współczesnego zagospodarowania dawnych kamieniołomów.
In the 20th century, until approx. 1980, the Cieszyn area was the largest stone field in the Silesian Beskids. This is where sandstone used in the construction industry, in road construction (among others in Ustroń and Wisła) and in stone masonry (Brenna) was mined. The Godula layers (upper Cretaceous) provided abundant material, particularly sandstone. Sandstone mined from the lower Godula layers was used in road construction, whereas sandstone from the middle layers - in the construction industry, particularly in stone masonry, and sandstone from the upper layers - in local construction projects. After a time of prosperity, the number of active open-pit stone mines decresed. Currently, sandstone is mined in Wisła Obłaziec and in Brenna only. From among 14 sandstone deposits documented for the Cieszyn region, only seven are actually mined: in Wisła-Obłaziec, in the “Gahura” quarry, and in Brenna, in the “Beskid”, “Cisowa”, “Cisowa 1”, “Głębiec”, “Kormany” and “Tokarzówka” quarries. Long-decommissioned Godule sandstone quarries are located in Ustroń, Brenna and Wisła. The majority of them was naturally “reclaimed” by the natural world. Their small ledges were completely overgrown, and their initial shape was obliterated. Larger pits are still recognizable, although they are now overgrown with large trees. They are however often hidden deep in the woods, entirely forgotten. Yet, the former open pits could become a geo-tourist attraction of the region, and a part of them, such as the: “Czantoria”, “Szwarc” and “Równica” pits in Ustroń, or “Kończakówka”, “Jatny” and “Jarząbek” pits in Brenna, and “Jonidło” - in Wisła, deserve to be protected by establishing a documentation site. They are important for conserving the geo-diversity and cultural heritage of the region.
The article presents a method of non-destructive evaluation of the moisture content in saline brick walls. This method is based on the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) that are trained and tested on a database that was built for this purpose. The database was created based on laboratory tests of sample brick walls. The database contains over 1100 sets of results. Each set consists of two parameters that describe the dampness of the tested sample walls, which were determined using dielectric and microwave methods, and also three parameters that describe the concentration of salts in these walls. The ANN with back propagation error and the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno learning algorithm (BFGS) was used. It was shown that the proposed method of assessment allows reliable results to be obtained, which was confirmed by the high values of the linear correlation coefficient for learning, testing and experimental validation.
Prezentowany artykuł, związany z szerokim obszarem zabytków sztuki sepulkralnej, odnosi się w szczególności do dawnych koncepcji kamieniarskich (architektonicznych i rzeźbiarskich) zawartych w rysunkach projektowych obiektów nagrobnych Cmentarza Rakowickiego. Przegląd i analiza licznego zbioru materiałów archiwalnych z lat 1833-1961 umożliwiły określenie wielu istotnych cech budowy zabytkowych grobów – ich struktury, formy i sposobu planowanej realizacji poszczególnych elementów (piwnic, sklepień, ścian, zadaszeń, zwieńczeń i pomników). Solidnie i klarownie rozrysowane projekty XIX-wieczne ilustrują wypracowaną wówczas stylistykę i techniki realizacji form nagrobnych, zapoczątkowaną przez uznanych rzeźbiarzy i mistrzów kamieniarskich (J.N. Galli, E. Stehlik). Również późniejsze rysunki, nierzadko precyzyjne projekty architektoniczne z przełomu wieków oraz okresu międzywojennego, pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie najistotniejszych zmian, do jakich dochodziło w sposobie realizacji grobowców w różnych okresach historii i funkcjonowania cmentarza. Dotyczyły one nie tylko widocznej formy architektonicznej i dekoracji rzeźbiarskich, wprowadzania nowych odmian kamienia oraz pozostałych materiałów budowlanych, ale także wewnętrznych struktur grobowców i ich podpiwniczeń. Część planów – zwłaszcza pochodzących z pierwszych dekad XX wieku, odnosi się także do przebudów i modyfikacji istniejących już obiektów zabytkowych. Dalsze zmiany, jakie można dostrzec w projektach wykonanych po zakończeniu II wojny światowej, świadczą o odejściu od wcześniejszej jakości i tradycji kamieniarskich na rzecz unifikacji form i odmiennych „walorów” estetycznych lastrika i zapraw cementowych.
The presented article, connected with a wide area of monuments of sepulchral art, particularly refers to old concepts of stonemasonry (architectonic and sculptural) encompassed in project drawings of funereal objects from the Rakowice Cemetery. A review and analysis of a rich collection of archive materials from the years 1833-1961 allowed for identifying many significant building features of historic graves – their structure, form and manner of planned realisation of individual elements (cellars, vaults, walls, roofing, finials and tombstones). Neatly and clearly drawn 19th-century projects illustrate the stylistics and techniques of tombstone form realisation developed at the time, initiated by renowned sculptors and master stonemasons (J.N. Galli, E. Stehlik). Also later drawings, frequently precise architectonic projects, from the turn of the centuries and the inter-war period, allowed for distinguishing the most significant changes occurring in the way of realising tombs in various period of history and functioning of the cemetery. They concerned not only visible architectonic forms, sculpting decorations, introducing new varieties of stone and other building materials, but also interior structure of tombs and their cellars. Some blueprints – especially those originated in the first decades of the 20th century, refer also to alterations and modifications of the already existing historic objects. Further changes which can be seen in the projects made after the end of World War II, confirm the departure from previous quality and tradition in stonemasonry in favour of unification of form and different aesthetic “value” of terrazzo and cement mortar.
Światowy przemysł kamienia blocznego, chociaż nie zalicza się do dominującej branży górnictwa światowego, wykazuje jednak stałą tendencję wzrostową. Wciągu ponad 30 lat produkcja skał blocznych notuje średnio siedmioprocentową dynamikę wzrostu, a roczne obroty przekraczają 60 mld USD. W Polsce w 2010 r. łączne obroty kamieniami budowlanymi i drogowymi osiągnęły poziom ok. 0,6 mld zł.
In this paper the pull-off test results on CFRP laminates bonded to masonry units on stiff and flexible adhesives are presented. The flexible polymer adhesive was matched to repair the brick specimens with delaminated CFRP strips bonded on epoxy adhesive, which failed in the Single-Lap test. The same test was applied for the research on the specimens repaired with the polymer adhesive. The results demonstrate that the flexible adhesive is more effective than the stiff one because of stress concentractions reduction and stress distribution equality along the bond length and higher fracture energy.
Content available remote Petrografia wobec wyzwań współczesnej turystyki i przemysłu kamieniarskiego
W praktyce dnia codziennego na świadomość obecności i znaczenia kamienia większy wpływ wywiera handel niż nauka. Z geologicznego punktu widzenia ujemnym skutkiem tego stanu rzeczy jest dezinformacja, dotycząca nazw skał, które mają się nijak do klasyfikacji nauk petrologicznych. Także w turystyce, a w geoturystyce w szczególności, autor postuluje uwzględnienie badań petrograficznych. Mogą one wnosić do naszej wiedzy o dziedzictwie kultury regionu wiele nowych danych o obiektach przyrody Zwrócono uwagę na niedobory wiedzy społeczeństwa z zakresu nauk o Ziemi. Autor stoi na stanowisku, że większa otwartość środowiska geologicznego na współpracę, a przede wszystkim na upowszechnianie wiedzy, może przyczynić się do podniesienia rangi i znaczenia nauk geologicznych, w tym również petrografii.
In everyday practice a greater impact on the awareness of the presence and significance of stone is that of trade than that of science and education. A negative result of this state of affairs is misinformation from the geological point of view, which concerns names of rocks which in no way are related to classification of petrological sciences. Also in tourism, and in geotourism in particular, the author postulates that petrographic studies should be taken into acount. They can contribute a lot of new data not only on the inanimate objects, but most of all add to our knowledge on the cultural heritage of a given region. The author has drawn attention to the lack of knowledge in the field of Earth sciences on the part ofthe society. The author's view is that more open attitude on the part of geological milieu to cooperation and most of all to popularisation of knowledge may contribute to the raising of the rank and importance of geological sciences including petrography.
The paper focuses on finite element (FE) modelling of in-plane response of retrofitted masonry walls when subjected to quasi-static in-plane cyclic loading. The retrofit technique involves inserting inclined and horizontal stainless steel bars, already practiced in several historical masonry constructions in Japan. The strength of the pinning technique is ease of construction and it maintains the original appearance of the URM walls. This paper presents a 2D FE model for the retrofitted masonry walls, where continuum elements represent brick units, interface elements represent brick unit/mortar interface, and truss elements represent reinforcing bars. FE model with the proposed simplified equivalent vertical bar model, to represent the inclined inserted reinforcing bars, is validated by comparisons with the experimental results. It was found from the experimental and numerical results that retrofitted specimens showed substantial increment in both strength and ductility and showcased the applicability of the pinning retrofitting technique for historical masonry constructions.
W artykule skoncentrowano się na modelowaniu elementami skończonymi naprawionych ścian murowych poddanych quasi statycznemu, płaskiemu obciążeniu cyklicznemu. Technika naprawy, zastosowana w Japonii w różnych obiektach historycznych o konstrukcji murowej, wymaga wkładania ukośnych i poziomych nierdzewnych prętów stalowych. Zaletą takiej techniki kołkowania jest łatwość wykonania oraz zachowanie niezmienionego wyglądu ścian bez zbrojenia. W artykule przedstawiono dwuwymiarowy model elementów skończonych dla naprawianych ścian murowych, gdzie elementy ciągłe przedstawiają poszczególne cegły, elementy kontaktowe odwzorowują powierzchnię styku cegły i zaprawy, a elementy kratownicowe przedstawiają pręty zbrojenia. Model elementów skończonych z zaproponowanym uproszczeniem zastąpienia prętów ukośnych elementami pionowymi został zweryfikowany przez porównanie z wynikami badań doświadczalnych. Na podstawie wyników badań doświadczalnych i numerycznych stwierdzono, że naprawione elementy wykazują znaczący wzrost wytrzymałości i plastyczności, co potwierdza możliwość stosowania tej metody naprawy w historycznych obiektach o konstrukcji murowej.
Content available remote Elementy krajobrazu polodowcowego utrwalone w architekturze sakralnej Garbowa
Występujące w cokole neogotyckiego, z początku XX w., kościoła w Garbowie koło Lublina, duże starannie obrobione bloki różnobarwnych i o zróżnicowanej strukturze skał krystalicznych są efektem obróbki głazów narzutowych z obrębu Niziny Lubartowskiej. Wykorzystanie takiej ilości dużych głazów spowodowało nieodwracalne zmiany w polodowcowym krajobrazie tej części Lubelszczyzny. ślady pozyskiwania i wstępnej obróbki głazów znajdowane są w odległości do 20 km od kościoła, pokrywającej się z historycznymi granicami parafii. Bloki skalne, starannie dopracowane i boniowane, w znacznej części są sygnowane inicjałami kamieniarzy, którzy stanowili zapewne warsztat "szkoły mularzy" Józefa Piusa Dziekońskiego, architekta i w znacznej części wykonawcy kościoła.
Occurring in pedestal of neogothic church in Garbów near Lublin, which is from the beginning of XX centaury, the large carefully treated variegated blocks, which are also of diverse stone structure, are results of erratic boulders machining from Lubartów Lowland region. Make full use in a so high scale of big boulders effects in non-reversible changes in that part of postglacial Lublin region landscape. The exploiting traces and initial machining of boulders be present far up to 20 km from the church, what is an overlap with historical parish borders. Stone blocks are scrupulous worked out and rusticated. Many of them are signed with stone mason initials, who form a workshop team - Józef Pius Dziekoński "masonry school" - architect and contractor of the church.
Content available remote Urban geology and historical sites in Bratislava
As an important center located in the past and today at the crossing of trade routes. Bratislava has accumulated many types of building and decorative stones through ages. There exist many sites, e.g. Bratislava Castle, St. Martin Cathedral Church, Old Town Hall, which connect historical value with interesting natural stones whereas modern buildings offer over wider variability of industrial stones
Bratysława, położona na skrzyżowaniu ważnych szlaków handlowych Europy, a od wielu lat także stolica Republiki Słowackiej zgromadziła wiele wspaniałych zabytków architektury, Zamek Królewski, Katedra św. Marcina, Stary Ratusz. Wraz z nimi turysta może podziwiać różne rodzaje kamieni budowlanych i dekoracyjnych. Daje to niezwykłą możliwość połączenia opisu walorów historycznych i budowli z informacją geologiczną, obejmującą nie tylko rozpoznawalne makroskopowo minerały i struktury skał oraz skamieniałości, ale także dane o ich wieku, pochodzeniu, petrografii, wydobyciu i obróbce, procesach niszczących oraz walorach estetycznych
Content available remote Propozycje tras geoturystycznych w paśmie Magury Wątkowskiej (Beskid Niski)
Artykuł przedstawia propozycję jednodniowej wycieczki geoturystycznej w pasmo Magury Wątkowskiej, znajdujące się w Beskidzie Niskim. Zwiedzany teren, administracyjnie należący do powiatu gorlickiego, woj. małopolskie, cechuje się różnorodnością atrakcji turystycznych. Kulturowa przynależność tutejszych ziem do Łemkowszczyzny dodatkowo dostarcza interesujących obiektów w postaci drewnianych cerkwi, przydrożnych kamiennych krzyży, czy imprez folklorystycznych. Na trasie wycieczki, zaproponowanej w dwóch wariantach, znalazły się obiekty typowo geoturystyczne. Należy do ich kamieniołom piaskowców na Maguryczu Dużym, z którego przez ponad 150 lat pozyskiwano surowiec do wyrobu kamiennych krzyży i przedmiotów codziennego użytku, jak kamienie młyńskie czy brusy. Inny obiekt to rezerwat geologiczny "Kornety", przykład rozległego osuwiska wraz ze wspaniale rozwiniętymi formami wietrzeniowymi piaskowców magurskich, a znajdująca się w jego obrębie Jaskinia Mroczna jest typową jaskinią szczelinową. Kolejne nagromadzenie dużych form skalnych to pomnik przyrody nieożywionej "Diabli Kamień", a całości dopełniają źródła wód mineralnych i złoże ropy naftowej. Dodatkowo trasę urozmaicają łemkowskie cerkwie, wytwory kamieniarstwa ludowego w postaci kamiennych krzyży czy wreszcie lokalne muzeum przemysłu naftowego a także cmentarze wojskowe z okresu I wojny światowej.
The article presents the proposal of one-day geotouristic excursion to the Magura Wątkowska Range in the Beskid Niski Mts. (a part of the Flysch Carpathians). The area shows variety of tourist attractions. The tradition of "Łemkowie" local ethnic group provides great number of interesting objects: from wooden Orthodox churches through roadside stone crosses to masterpieces of folk art and cultural entertainments. Two variants of geotouristic route are proposed. Both include the quarry in Magurycz where sandstones have been excavated for 150 years for various purposes: construction, architecture, art and common use. The "Kornuty" geological reserve protects the huge landslide as well as the "Dark Cave" - a typical example of crevice cave. The large "Devil's Stone" is also the monument of inanimate nature. In the vicinity mineral water springs and oil rigs can be visited. Additionally, the trail leads the tourist to numerous Orthodox churches, which present a variety of forms typical of local architecture along with the examples of stonework. An interesting objects are also the museum of petroleum industry and military graveyards from the World War I.
Content available remote Mechanical modelling of quasi-brittle shear failure
The present paper deals with masonry subjected to combined compression and shear. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the capability of numerical simulations to reproduce the essential mechanical behaviour, as observed by experiments. A coarse 3-dimensional element mesh was used to study the mechanical behaviour of the Fixed Smeared Crack model, in combination with various shear retention descriptions, and the Rotating Smeared Crack model. The obtained shear-stress/deformation relationships, before onset of cracking, showed that the applied elastic stiffness was somewhat too low, when compared to the average of the test results. This was not due to the geometric modelling, as a coarse mesh should yield a too stiff behaviour. The reason was likely that Young's modulus was taken from uniaxial tests with specimens of another batch than the ones used in the combined compression and shear experiments. With the Rotating Smeared Crack model, a limit load and subsequent global softening was obtained. In the first instance, this was due to rotation of the crack directions, such that increasing shear stress produced crack-planes in the joint element which approached the horizontal orientation, i.e. parallel to the interface between units and joint. Subsequently, the softening behaviour was achieved by a realistic description for compressive states of stress.
Content available remote Kamień i kamieniarstwo - przeszłość - teraźniejszość - przyszłość
Polski przemysł kamieniarski to wielowiekowa tradycja stosowania kamienia. Dysponując zasobami naturalnymi, zakładami wydobywczo-przeróbczymi i montażowo-usługowymi może sprostać zapotrzebowaniom budownictwa, drogownictwa, hydrotechniki. W artykule zaprezentowano wykorzystanie kamienia w dziejach ludzkości, współczesne funkcjonowanie przemysłu kamieniarskiego (wydobycie, obróbka, montaż). Przedstawiono dane liczbowe dotyczące produkcji, eksportu i importu kamieni budowlanych i drogowych w Polsce. Wskazano perspektywy dla przemysłu kamieniarskiego, które muszą uwzględnić usunięcie przeszkód występujących w obecnej działalności poprzez stworzenie korzystnych warunków makroekonomicznych.
Polish stone industry has centuries long tradition of stone usage. Having stone deposits, quarries, and processing and service site-assembly companies is well suited to fulfill needs of construction industry, highway and hydraulic engineering. Paper presents utilization of stone in human history and today situation of stone industry (quarring, processing, assembly). Presented data describe production, export and import of building and road stone in Poland. It also points to future perspectives for stone industry with indication of obstacles, which have to be removed to create favorable macro-economic conditions.
Content available remote Kierunki i uwarunkowania rozwoju przemysłu kamieniarskiego w Polsce
W ujęciu historycznym pokazano wykorzystanie kamienia w budownictwie, drogownictwie, hydrotechnice, architekturze i sztuce. Omówiono bazę surowcową i stan przemysłu kamieniarskiego w Polsce. Zwrócono uwagę na utrudnienia warunkujące rozwój kamieniarstwa. Sformułowano węzłowe zagadnienia do rozwiązania dla utrzymania dalszego rozwoju kamieniarstwa w Polsce.
The application of stone in building, road construction, hydraulic engineering, architecture and arts is shown from historical prospective. The paper describes the material basis and the state of masonry in Poland. It points out the difficulties conditioning the development of the industry and formulates crucial problems to solve in order to sustain further developmenl of masonry in Poland.
Content available remote Kamień w budownictwie - zarys rozwoju i aktualny stan kamieniarstwa w Polsce
Przedstawiono zarys rozwoju i znaczenie kamieniarstwa w Polsce. Podano liczne przykłady zastosowania elementów kamiennych w architekturze. Omówiono rozwój produkcji i handlu kamieniami budowlanymi w świecie i w Polsce. ˙H
The article presents the outline of the development and meaning of masonry in Poland. It includes numerous examples of the application of stone elements in architecture and discusses the development of the production and trade of building stone in Poland and abroad. h¨
Content available remote Kamień w architekturze
Przedstawiono uzależnienie rozwoju kamieniarstwa od rozwoju architektury. Scharakteryzowano złożoność technologii kamieniarskiej, a w szczególności problematyki geologicznej i górniczej własności kamienia. Omówiono uzależnienie typów zakładów obróbczych od zakresu obróbki kamienia. Określono możliwości uzyskiwania w Polsce różnych rodzajów kamienia blocznego. Podano warunki stabilizacji produkcji kamieniarskiej, oraz wpływ modelu gospodarczego na rozwój kamieniarstwa w Polsce ze względu na rozległość tematyczną poruszanych problemów. ˙ň˙÷˙
The article presents the dependence of the masonry prospects on the development of architecture. It discusses the complexity of masonry technology, and especially the issues of geological and mining proprieties of stone. It describes the dependence of processing plant types on the range of stone processing as well as the possibilities of obtaining various types of block stone in Poland. The paper presents the conditions of stabilising stone production and the intluence of market model on the development of masonry in Poland. o˙
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