This work is interested to optimize the job shop scheduling problem with a no wait constraint. This constraint occurs when two consecutive operations in a job must be processed without any waiting time either on or between machines. The no wait job shop scheduling problem is a combinatorial optimization problem. Therefore, the study presented here is focused on solving this problem by proposing strategy for making Jaya algorithm applicable for handling optimization of this type of problems and to find processing sequence that minimizes the makespan (Cmax). Several benchmarks are used to analyze the performance of this algorithm compared to the best-known solutions.
The job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) is one of the most researched scheduling problems. This problem belongs to the NP-hard class. An optimal solution for this category of problems is rarely possible. We try to find suboptimal solutions using heuristics or metaheuristics. The firefly algorithm is a great example of a metaheuristic. In this paper, this algorithm is used to solve JSSP. We used some benchmarking JSSP datasets for experiments. The experimental program was implemented in the aitoa library. We investigated the optimal parameter settings of this algorithm in terms of JSSP. Analysis of the experimental results shows that the algorithm is useful to solve scheduling problems.
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One of the most recent and interesting trends in intelligent scheduling is trying to reduce the energy consumption in order to obtain lower production costs and smaller carbon footprint. In this work we consider the energy-aware job shop scheduling problem, where we have to minimize at the same time an efficiency-based objective, as is the total weighted tardiness, and also the overall energy consumption. We experimentally show that we can reduce the energy consumption of a given schedule by delaying some operations, and to this end we design a heuristic procedure to improve a given schedule. As the problem is computationally complex, we design three approaches to solve it: a Pareto-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, which is hybridized with a multiobjective local search method and a linear programming step, a decomposition-based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm hybridized with a single-objective local search method, and finally a constraint programming approach. We perform an extensive experimental study to analyze our algorithms and to compare them with the state of the art.
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We investigate a quasi-optimal cost reachability problem for weighted timed automata. We use a translation to the satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) problem to solve the problem. In particular, we show how to find a run of length κ ∊ N that starts at the initial state and terminates at a state containing the target location, its total cost belongs to the interval [c; c + 1), for some natural number c ∊ IN, and the cost of each other run of length κ, which also leads from the initial state to a state containing the target location, is greater or equal to c. This kind of run is called κ-quasi-optimal. We exemplify the use of our solution to the investigated problem by means of the weighted timed generic pipeline protocol and the weighted job shop scheduling problem, and we provide some preliminary experimental results.
In the paper a variant of cyclic production with setups and two-machine cell is considered. One of the stages of the problem solving consists of assigning each operation to the machine on which it will be carried out. The total number of such assignments is exponential. We propose a polynomial time algorithm finding the optimal operations to machines assignment.
In this paper there is considered a flexible job shop problem of operations scheduling. The new, very fast method of determination of cycle time is presented. In the design of heuristic algorithm there was the neighborhood inspired by the game of golf applied. Lower bound of the criterion function was used in the search of the neighborhood.
The paper presents capabilities of Enterprise Dynamics software in modelling and simulation of production process in job-shop conditions. The modelled production process was conducted on the total of 8 machine tools representing 5 different types. The conducted simulation represented production of three types of parts in an alternating sequence of jobs according to the technological machine sequence. The production process of the developed model was controlled by means of 4D Script programming language.
The paper deals with the problem of evaluating the performance of job-shop systems under a cyclic manufacturing process. This process for each job is specified uniquely. Modelling based on timed event graphs terminology allows the performance of a system of repetitive production processes to be evaluated. The objective of the schedule production is to minimize the cycle time and the number of jobs that are actually required in the process. The considered problem is specified as a linear programming problem and is solved by a heuristic algorithm.
rtykuł dotyczy oszacowania wydajności systemów typu job-shop, w których występują cykliczne procesy produkcyjne. Proces produkcyjny jest jednoznacznie określony dla każdego zadania. Modelowanie oparte na terminologii czasowych grafów znakowanych pozwala oszacować wydajność systemu cyklicznych procesów produkcyjnych. Celem planowania produkcji jest minimalizacja czasu cyklu i liczby zadań wymaganych w procesie. Rozważany problem przedstawiony jest jako problem programowania liniowego i rozwiązywany za pomocą algorytmu heurystycznego
Here we discuss a multi-product lot-sizing problem for a job shop controlled with a heijunka box. Demand is considered as a random variable with constant variation which must be absorbed somehow by the manufacturing system, either by increased inventory or by flexibility in the production. When a heijunka concept (production leveling) is used, fluctuations in customer orders are not transferred directly to the manufacturing system allowing for a smoother production and better production capacity utilization. The problem rather is to determine a tradeoff between the variability in the production line capacity requirement and the inventory level.
Methods of Lean production primarily designed for companies with mass production are commonly used in other types of manufacturing as well. Whereas the concept was not proposed for these companies, it is possible to use only a part of the procedures and achieve a partial improvement in the specific areas. The paper is focused on the implementation of Lean methods in companies with Job-shop production, visualised through the use of an information database. Diagrams of Lean methods implementation suitable for job-shop with their labels and display in the database create the basis of this paper. A survey in the V4 countries was conducted to collect information on the use of lean methods in practice. Based on this survey, the critical methods which are not suitable for companies with Job-shop production were determined. These methods are consequently visualised through the use of an information database that allows visualising the sequence of activities required to implement the Lean methods for the entity itself in a transparent manner. An information database serves as a support for decision-making in the implementation of Lean methods and also as a guide for self-help implementation of Lean methods, particularly for companies with Job-shop production.
This paper presents a generalized job-shop problem taking into consideration transport time between workstations and setups machines in deadlock-free operating conditions. The automated transportation system, employing a number of automated guided vehicles is considered. The completion time of all jobs was applied as the optimization criterion. The created computational application was used to solve this problem in which chosen priority algorithms (FIFO, LIFO, LPT, SPT, EDD and LWR) were implemented. Various criteria were used to assess the quality of created schedules. Numerical results of the comparative research were presented for various criteria and rules of the priority.
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A re-entrant job shop production is examined in the paper. An optimization model is constructed to achieve an optimal buffer allocation ensuring profit maximization. An algorithm based on simulated annealing approach is developed to solve the problem. A real industrial application in commercial offset printing is presented. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology is effective.
W artykule przedstawiono uogólniony problem gniazdowy uwzględniający czasy transportu międzystanowiskowego oraz czasy przezbrojeń. Do rozwiązania tego problemu stworzona została aplikacja obliczeniowa, w której zaimplementowano wybrane algorytmy priorytetowe (FIFO, LIFO, LPT, SPT, EDD, LWR). Zastosowano różne kryteria do oceny jakości tworzonych harmonogramów. Zamieszczono wyniki numeryczne badań porównawczych omawianych algorytmów dla różnych kryteriów i reguł priorytetu.
In the paper a job shop problem with transport and setup times is described. The application with implemented dispatch rules (FIFO, LIFO, LPT, SPT, EDD, LWR) for solving this problem has been created. It uses different criteria of estimation of schedules quality. Numerical results of comparative study of algorithms for a variety of criteria and dispatch rules are presented.
W pracy rozważa się problem gniazdowy z transportem. Do transportu zadań stosuje się identyczne, dwukierunkowe wózki AGV, których liczba jest ograniczona, zaś przydział do realizacji czynności transportowych nie jest zadany a priori. Jako kryterium optymalizacji przyjmuje się moment zakończenia wykonywania wszystkich zadań. Dla problemu proponuje się algorytm bazujący na technice poszukiwań z zabronieniami. W celu określenia jakości dostarczanych rozwiązań, algorytm poddaje się badaniom numerycznym przy użyciu instancji testowych.
In this paper the job-shop scheduling problem with transportation is considered. All jobs have to be transported by the finite number of bi-directional automated guided vehicles which are identical and are not assigned to jobs a priori. As goal function we take the completion time of all jobs. For the problem, we propose the algorithm based on tabu search technique. To examine the quality of provided results, computational tests on test instances are performed.
In the paper the method of scheduling are discussed. The case of the flow-shop system with variable number of machines (resources) and production orders are presented. The comparison of the different methods applications: complete reviewing, approximating reviewing, priority rules and genetic algorithm are presented.
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