The quality and quantity of groundwater resources are often assessed by sampling a limited number of wells drilled sparsely across a plain. So far, various methods have been developed for assessing and modeling groundwater quality, each of which has its capabilities and limitations. In the present study, the copula functions were applied to multivariate analysis of groundwater quality variables (including SAR, K, Mg, Na, Ca, Cl, EC, pH, TDS, SO4, TH and HCO3) in Shahrekord plain, Iran. For this purpose, the quality data from 24 wells distributed across the Shahrekord plain during the period of 1990-2020 were used. For bivariate analyses of groundwater quality, first the fitness of some common distributions in hydrology were examined to the quality variables and the appropriate marginal distribution was determined by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S). The results revealed that the Generalized Extreme Value distribution has an acceptable fitness on groundwater quality variables of Shahrekord plain. The results of correlation analysis indicated that the highest correlation based on Spearman Rho, Kendall Tau and Pearson correlation coefficient is related to the paired variables of SAR-Na and EC-TDS with correlation coefficient greater than 0.9. Therefore, these variables were selected for further analysis. In the next step, bivariate distribution of two different quality variables in a well (point analysis) and also bivariate distribution of a quality variable in two different wells (inter-well analysis) were created using copula functions. To do this, the fitness of different copulas (including Plackett, Joe, Clayton, Frank, Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern, Ali-Mikhail-Haq, Gumbel, Gumbel-Hougaard, Gumbel-Barnett, Philip-Gumbel and Galambos) was tested to construct a bivariate distribution of quality variables. For choosing the best fitted copula on studied paired variables, the theoretical copula values was compared with the corresponding values of empirical copula based on the goodness of fit criteria. Based on the results of point analysis, the Joe copula function was chosen as the best fitted copula function for multivariate analysis of two quality variables in a well. For inter-well analysis (IWA), the Clayton copula function was selected for creating bivariate distribution of a quality variable in two different wells. Comparing the performance of the proposed IWA method with geostatistical methods showed that in addition to the IWA method having acceptable accuracy, it has a higher efficiency than geostatistical methods, especially in areas where the number of sampling wells is less.
Coal is a strategic and essential resource that ensures quality of life, energy security and sustainable development. Being the cheapest source of energy, it is the second after oil that is used to generate 40% of the world's electricity. However, traditional and conventional coal fuel extraction can threaten human health bycontaminating air and water, harming land, and contributing to global warming. The environmental impacts associated with conventional methods of coal mining and consumption can affect all components of the environment, and these impacts may be beneficial or harmful, permanent or temporary, repairable or irreparable, and reversible or irreversible in nature. These effects require considering of changing the production and consumption of coalwithin a technological framework. Coal mining operationscan cause both quantitative and qualitative impacts on water systems in and around mining areas. This paper reviews the impacts of coal mining on water resource development. Land subsidence, disruption of hydrological channels, flooding, and contamination of water resources and depletion of water table are the major measurable impacts of mining activity on the hydrological environment.
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Przedstawiono ocenę zmian jakości wód podziemnych odpływających z rejonu składowiska odpadów przemysłowych "za rzeką Białą" w latach 2002-2017. Wykonano ją na podstawie analizy zmian wybranych wskaźników chemicznych w wodach podziemnych, takich jak pH, ChZT (chemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu), zawartość anionów chlorkowych, siarczanowych oraz amoniaku (jako N-NH₄⁺). Z dokonanej oceny wynika, że od 2004 r. nastąpiło znaczne zmniejszenie koncentracji głównych wskaźników zanieczyszczeń wód podziemnych. Spadek ich koncentracji był spowodowany głównie przez zakończenie prac rekultywacyjnych w obrębie trzech dużych sektorów składowiska odpadów przemysłowych oraz uszczelnienie geomembraną większości pozostałych sektorów i tym samym zmniejszenie ładunku zanieczyszczeń infiltrujących do wód podziemnych.
Quantitative changes in groundwater near an industrial waste landfill (pH, chem. O₂ demand, chlorides, sulfates, NH₃) were assessed in 2002-2017. The concns. of major pollutants decreased during reclamation in 3 large sectors and after using of geomembranes in other ones.
Składowiska odpadów stanowią jedno z potencjalnych ognisk zanieczyszczeń wód podziemnych. W celu uniknięcia zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych w dnie składowiska odpadów w Gniewinie został ułożony drenaż zbierający przesączające się przez odpady odcieki i odprowadzający je grawitacyjnie do zbiornika retencyjnego. Celem badań było określenie jakości wód podziemnych w rejonie składowiska odpadów w Gniewinie oraz analiza stopnia ich zanieczyszczenia pod kątem zróżnicowania przestrzennego i czasowego. Autorzy przeanalizowali wyniki badań wód podziemnych pochodzące z monitoringu składowiska odpadów w Gniewinie, a także porównali stężenia wybranych wskaźników między okresem powstawania sieci monitoringu z aktualnymi wynikami. Analiza wykazała zmienność składu chemicznego wód podziemnych zarówno między poszczególnymi otworami obserwacyjnymi, jak również w czasie.
Landfills of solid waste are among the potential sources of groundwater pollution. To avoid polluting by strongly contaminated leachate, the Gniewino landfill has been designed. It has a leachate collection system to collect leachate by a drainage system into retention tanks. The purpose of the research was to assess the groundwater quality near the Gniewino landfill and to analyze the temporal and spatial diversity of contamination. The authors analyzed the results of groundwater monitoring of the Gniewino landfill and compared the concentrations of selected indicators between the period of the monitoring system construction and the recent times. The study showed that the groundwater quality in the Gniewino landfill area was variable in each sampling well and was changing in time.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę gminnego komunalnego składowiska odpadów zlokalizowanego w województwie podlaskim. Składowisko zlokalizowano przypadkowo, bez izolacji dna, a eksploatacja składowiska była prowadzona bez wyraźnie określonych zasad. Wykonanie trzech otworów i pobór próbek gruntu umożliwiło ocenę składu chemicznego gruntu dla wybranych wskaźników zanieczyszczeń, wykazujących wartości ponad normę w wodach podziemnych, tj. Zn, Cu, OWO, WWA. Analiza przemieszczania się zanieczyszczeń została przeprowadzona względem głębokości, występowania zwierciadła wód gruntowych oraz wyznaczonego współczynnika filtracji gruntów.
Analysis of the communal municipal waste landfill, situated in the Podlasie region, was performed in the paper. The landfill had been located randomly, without any barriers, and landfill operation was carried out without clearly defined rules. Execution of three research holes and collection of soil samples enabled an assessment of the soil chemical composition for selected pollution indicators, showing elevated values in groundwater, i.e. Zn, Cu, TOC, PAHs. The analysis of the pollutant movement was presented in relation to depth, occurrence of groundwater table and soil filtration coefficient.
The article presents the chemistry of the Neogene multi-aquifer formation in the Wroclaw region. The principal scope of this study was to present the quality of Neogene groundwater samples collected at the same time from 23 boreholes. Chemical analyses were made at the Central Chemical Laboratory of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute in Warsaw. The Neogene aquifer occurs at significant depths (approximately 80 m b.s.l.), which has a great impact on the groundwater quality. The mineralization of the Neogene multi-aquifer formation was measured and shown as the electrical conductivity (EC). The pH varies from poorly alkaline to alkaline. The research results show the major ions and the hydrochemical type of the groundwater, and they can be a valuable source of information for such domains of human activity as geology, and town and municipal planning.
The article presents the results of investigations conducted within NCN grant no. 2015/17/B/ST10/03233. The aim of the research is to access changes in the chemical composition of groundwater occurring in a glacial-outwash aquifer, on the basis of the natural hydrogeochemical background. The research includes the area of the Brda and Wda outwash plains belonging to the Tucholskie Forest mesoregion. The study compares the natural hydrogeochemical background identified 30 years ago with the current chemical composition of groundwater from the glacial outwash aquifer. Local changes were observed, expressed as an increase of the concentration of nitrate compounds, TDS and to a certain extent also chlorides and sulphates. In the remaining area, the chemical composition of the groundwater similar to the natural composition.
This article presents results of research whose main aim was to evaluate the quality parameters of water in the area of Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship in 2006-2015. The data for the analysis comes from 41 PSH observation points and two groundwater intakes. Groundwater occure in Quaternary, Neogene, Palaeogene, Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments. Analysis of physicochemical parameters of water (pH, PEW, HCO3, SO42- ,C-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Fe, Mn, NO-3, NO-2, NH+4 ) was presented over time and over space. Analysis were made separately for each aquifer. It has been found that the most important factors influencing of groundwater chemistry are rock types in the aquifer (salt dome, contacts between aquifers) and human impact.
The paper presents results of long-term studies in the Kashubian Lake district that have been completed with data gathered over the lastfive years. The purpose of this research was to assess a temporal variability of groundwater chemical composition and to analyze risk of pollutant migration to subsurface water. Investigation indicates local, however, significant anthropogenic influence on a shallow aquifers.The assessment of shallow groundwater vulnerability to pollution has been performed with the use of DRASTIC method. The results revealed that about 60% of the catchment area is moderately high susceptible to pollution and 28% is potentially at high risk. The use of DRASTIC method has helped to explain the causes of a local contaminants in shallow aquifers.
The paper presents the water quality of the Quaternary aquifer in the area of reclaimed open pit Maczki-Bór in the light of results of monitoring investigations carried out in 1995-2014. The area consists of mine workings, the reclaimed field of Bór Zachód, and the area of Bór Wschód, which is under reclamation. Processing and mining material from coal mines is mainly deposited in the mine excavations. In the northern part of the Bór Zachód field, there is a municipal waste dump for the Sosnowiec city. The monitoring network consists of 12 piezometers monitoring groundwater of the Quaternary aquifer, 3 monitoring points on the major dewatering canals, and 2 points on the Biała Przemsza River (upstream and downstream of the cumulative mine dewatering discharge). The monitoring of the leachate is carried out in 2 observation wells located in the deposited rock on the dumping ground of Bór Wschód. This article discusses the significantly spatially diverse chemistry and quality of groundwater and surface water affected by varied anthropopressure.
The paper discusses the quality of water of the Triassic aquifer in an anthropogenically changed area of water inflow to the designed groundwater intake W-1 in Wojkowice. The results are based on chemical determinations and hydrochemical modelling, and document the useful character of the water. The water is ofquality classes II-IV and shows increased contents of SO4, NO3, Mg and high values of total hardness. Bacteriological pollution was found in springs.
This paper synthetically describes results of research conducted in Gdańsk in 2009–2014. The chemical composition of
groundwater varies between aquifers. Intermoraine, Miocene and Oligocene aquifers conduct freshwater with a mineralisation of
below 600 mg/dm3. These waters preserve natural chemical composition and are characterized by first- and second-class quality. The
groundwater of the Cretaceous formation are low-mineralised and represent mainly the HCO3-Na type and, to a smaller extent, to the
HCO3-Ca type. High concentrations of fluoride ion are also a specific feature of these waters, reaching even 2 mg/dm in some places.
The groundwater composition of the Pleistocene-Holocene aquifer is often altered due to the impact of anthropogenic factors. The performed
study has enabled identification of zones of past groundwater pollution. The work was focused on determining the type, extent,
concentration and the rate of transport of contaminants. Two zones of polluted water have been identified with different specific substances.
Based on the study, activities aimed at reducing the risks and improving an appropriate water management have been undertaken,
particularly with regard to the endangered groundwater intakes.
The research was aimed at identifying groundwater contaminants in the inflow area of the Gdańsk intakes of “Czarny Dwór” and “Zaspa Wodna”, and determining their origin. The hydrochemical study covered an area of over 12 km2; it also included the vertical variation in the chemistry of the aquifer. The study shows that the most common parameters decreasing the water quality are typical municipal sewage components, communication pollutants and, locally at several locations, compounds derived probably from some industrial plants or service facilities.In most of the area, the poor groundwater quality in the upper part of the aquifer, caused by anthropogenic influence, does not affect the quality of water in the central and lower parts of the aquifer. However, the water is mixed near the intakes, because of the induced groundwater inflow from the entire vertical section to the active wells. Migration of VOC compounds, which are heavier than water and gradually sink toward the aquifer's bottom, occurs in a different way. Based on a hydrochemical model, a prognosis of the time and direction of contaminants migration has been made.
The following thesis’s objective is to analyze the quality of underground water for consumption, illustrated with an example of water for Czestochowa city. Although underground water is much better than surface water in terms of quality, it’s necessary to monitor the water’s quality constantly as it may decline due to many reasons during the exploitation of intakes. The importance of this is emphasized by the fact that there have been changes in water’s intake over the past 30 years in Poland. The changes involved the increase of share of underground water in the total amount of used water resources by 70.4% to 2012. Drinking water is mainly deliver to consumers by water companies, whose duties involve drawing water from natural sources and preparing it in such a way so that it is harmless to consumers. The selection of water treatment technological processes is mainly determined by raw water quality. Sanitary safety is a major priority in water treatment process, whose main aim is assuring water biostability. Biological stability of water is confirmed by the content of BDOC (biodegradable dissolved organic carbon) and AOC (assimilable organic carbon). The permissible content of AOC and BDOC in non-chlorinated water is 3÷10 and 160 μg/L, respectively. The research results show that BDOC and AOC content in raw water was 20÷95 μg/L and 5÷19 μg/L, respectively. Therefore all examined waters met requirements for biostability in terms of BDOC content. In terms of AOC content, however, only 3 out of 6 waters met these requirements. Moreover the research results show that 47% of examined quality parameters classified underground water for Czestochowa city as first class water, 29% as second class, 18% as third class and 6% as fifth class. When treating underground water as drinking water, its quality parameters met the standards of water intended for human consumption, with the exception of nitrates concentration in the water from intake A’s well, which was 62.1 mg/L and exceeded the acceptable concentration by 24%.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza jakości wód podziemnych ujmowanych na cele konsumpcyjne na przykładzie wody dla miasta Częstochowa. Chociaż pod względem jakości woda podziemna jest znacznie lepsza od wody powierzchniowej, konieczne jest monitorowanie jej jakości cały czas, ponieważ może ulegać ona obniżeniu podczas eksploatacji ujęć z wielu powodów. Jest to o tyle istotne, iż nastąpiły zmiany w spożyciu wody w ciągu ostatnich 30 lat w Polsce. Dotyczyły one wzrostu udziału wód podziemnych w ogólnej ilości eksploatowanych zasobów wodnych do 70,4% do 2012 roku. Woda pitna jest dostarczana głównie do konsumentów przez przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowe, których obowiązki obejmują czerpanie wody ze źródeł naturalnych i przygotowanie jej w taki sposób, aby była ona nieszkodliwa dla odbiorców. Wybór metody i technologii uzdatniania wody zależą głównie od jakości wody surowej. Priorytetem w procesie uzdatniania wody jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa sanitarnego wody. Innymi słowy, głównym celem jest zapewnienie biostabilności wody. O stabilności biologicznej wody świadczy przede wszystkim zawartość BRWO (biodegradowalny rozpuszczony węgiel organiczny) i PWO (przyswajalny węgiel organiczny). Dopuszczalna zawartość BRWO i PWO w wodzie niechlorowanej wynosi odpowiednio 160 i 3÷10 μg/l. Wyniki badań pokazują, że zawartość BRWO i PWO w wodzie surowej wynosiła 5÷19 i 20÷95 μg/l. Dlatego wszystkie badane wody spełniały wymagania dotyczące biostabilności pod względem zawartości BRWO. Jednakże pod względem zawartości PWO tylko 3 z 6 badanych wód spełniały te wymagania. Ponadto wyniki badań pokazują, że 47% analizowanych parametrów jakościowych wód podziemnych dla miasta Częstochowa sklasyfikowano w pierwszej klasy wód, 29% w drugiej klasie, 18% w trzeciej klasie, a 6% w piątej klasie. Rozważając wody podziemne jako wody pitne, ich parametry jakościowe spełniały standardy wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi z wyjątkiem stężenia azotanów w wodzie ze studni A, które wynosiło 62,1 mg/l, i przekroczyło dopuszczalne stężenie o 24%.
W Polsce ogromnym problemem jest zanieczyszczenie środowiska gruntowo-wodnego przez nieczystości płynne, pochodzące ze zbiorników bezodpływowych. Dotyczy to szczególnie terenów wiejskich. Negatywne zmiany stwierdzane są zarówno w sąsiedztwie nieszczelnych zbiorników, z których zagęszczone i zagniłe ścieki infiltrują do gruntu, jak i w wodach powierzchniowych i gruntach ornych, do których trafiają nieczystości z opróżnianych zbiorników. W pracy, na przykładzie wybranej gminy, przedstawiono skalę występowania procederu niekontrolowanego odprowadzania ścieków bytowych do środowiska. Zaprezentowane dane porównano z wynikami oceny jakościowej wód podziemnych, ujmowanych w tej samej gminie do celów wodociągowych. W znaczącej części studni woda nie była bezpieczna pod względem sanitarnym, bowiem stwierdzono w niej obecność zanieczyszczeń mikrobiologicznych. Wśród oznaczonych mikroorganizmów dominowały organizmy wskaźnikowe zanieczyszczenia wód ściekami bytowymi. Problemy z jakością wody zostały odnotowane na ujęciach, zlokalizowanych w pobliżu posesji, wyposażonych w zbiorniki bezodpływowe lub w miejscach, do których w niekontrolowany sposób trafiały ścieki z opróżnianych zbiorników. W ten sposób wykazano, że istnieje związek między niewłaściwie prowadzoną gospodarką ściekową a jakością wód podziemnych, ujmowanych do celów wodociągowych.
Pollution of soil and water environment by liquid waste originating from septic tanks is a huge problem in Poland. This applies especially to rural areas. Negative changes are observed both in the vicinity of the leaking tanks, from which concentrated and rotten sewage infiltrates into the ground, and in surface water as well as arable land, to which impurities from the emptied tanks are discharged. The paper presents the scale of the practice of uncontrolled domestic sewage discharge into the environment on the example of selected municipality. Presented data were compared with the results of the qualitative assessment of groundwater, which is collected in the same municipality for waterworks. In a significant number of wells, water was not safe in sanitary terms, as the presence of microbiological contamination was recorded. Among determined microorganisms, the indicator organisms of domestic waste pollution prevailed. Water quality problems have been reported at intake points located near the properties equipped with septic tanks or in places, to which sewage from emptying septic tanks were transferred in an uncontrolled manner. In this way it has been shown that there is a relationship between improperly maintained wastewater management and groundwater quality collected for the purpose of water supply.
Przystąpienie Polski do UE i implementacja Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej (2000/60/WE) do krajowego systemu prawnego znacząco zmieniło tryb i zakres planowania działań w gospodarce wodnej oraz oceny ich realizacji. Akcentowany w RDW zintegrowany i dynamiczny sposób łącznego traktowania zasobów wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych, ich użytkowania oraz środowiska ich występowania utrwalił i rozwinął dotychczas stosowane procedury monitorowania i oceny stanu wód. Procedury te mają prowadzić do osiągnięcia racjonalnie uzasadnionej równowagi między celami środowiskowymi wyznaczonymi do osiągnięcia w jednolitych częściach wód podziemnych (JCWPd) a zaspokojeniem potrzeb wodnych użytkowników. Wymagało to opracowania rozszerzonej metodyki oceny stanu wód podziemnych, wykorzystującej własne doświadczenia oraz wytyczne i poradniki Komisji Europejskiej, co zostało wykonane i wdrożone przez Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w 2013 r. na zamówienie Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska i sfinansowane ze środków NFOŚiGW. Metodyka analizuje potrzeby wodne priorytetowych użytkowników wód podziemnych przez testy klasyfikacyjne, rozpatrujące główne elementy charakterystyki wód podziemnych i potrzeb ich użytkowników, w tym ekosystemów lądowych zależnych od wód podziemnych. Każdy z dziewięciu testów oceny stanu JCWPd kończy się cząstkową oceną stanu dobrego lub słabego wód podziemnych. Końcowa ocena stanu JCWPd uwzględnia wynik wszystkich testów, co oznacza, że wystarczy jeden test zakończony wynikiem negatywnym, aby stan badanej JCWPd uznać za słaby.
The accession of Poland to the European Union and implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/WE) into the Polish legal system has significantly changed the course and scope of national water management and assessment of water resources. The concept of integrated and dynamic way of treating groundwater and surface waters and their position in the environment, emphasized in the WFD, has strengthened and enhanced the already applied procedures for groundwater monitoring and status assessment. These procedures aim at achieving sensibly justified and well-founded balance between environmental objectives defined for groundwater bodies and water needs required by all types of water users. This required establishment of a new, holistic methods for assessing groundwater body status based on previous national experiences and new EU guidelines and requirements. The new methods for assessing groundwater body status in terms of its quality and quantity were developed and implemented by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute in 2013. The project was commissioned by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The methods accounts groundwater needs of priority water users through nine classification tests which investigate groundwater characteristics and dependencies between groundwater and its receptors, including surface waters and groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems. Each of nine classification tests can result in either good or poor status and the final groundwater body status assessment is a product of all tests, which means that a negative result of at least one test can decide of poor status of a given groundwater body.
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The study focuses on the characterization of the groundwater salinity on the Nador coastal aquifer (Algeria). The groundwater quality has undergone serious deterioration due to overexploitation. Groundwater samplings were carried out in high and low waters in 2013, in order to study the evolution of groundwater hydrochemistry from the recharge to the coastal area. Different kinds of statistical analysis were made in order to identify the main hydrogeochemical processes occurring in the aquifer and to discriminate between different groups of groundwater. These statistical methods provide a better understanding of the aquifer hydrochemistry, and put in evidence a hydrochemical classification of wells, showing that the area with higher salinity is located close to the coast, in the first two kilometers, where the salinity gradually increases as one approaches the seaside and suggests the groundwater salinization by seawater intrusion.
Since recently localization, building, and exploitation of landfill sites in Poland have been taking place without any guidelines and legal regulations. As a result Poland, in comparison to other European Union countries, does not score well in this respect. Unfortunately landfills, particularly from the rural area, quite often have been stored directly on the natural grounds without any protection in excavation after the exploitation of aggregate. The aim of this article is to indicate the elements that should be taken into account during structure design, or expansion of the landfills, by focusing particularly on the groundwater quality of the terrain. In order to stress the significance of this subject, three examples of the municipal landfills that have been located in the sites of adverse geological conditions are presented, and the effect of it on the groundwater quality was carried out. Tested landfills have been located mainly within the limits of the non-cohesive soils with high filtration coefficients without any protection. In every case, a subsurface water-bearing layer is deposited directly under the stored landfills. Observation for analyzed landfills were made just before their closing but still during the exploitation. Therefore, the analysis regards the period from the formation of the landfill monitoring wells till today when the landfills are already closed and reclaimed. In the water samples, which were collected according to the guidelines, the following indicators were taken into account and analyzed: reaction pH, proper electrolytic conductivity, total organic carbon, heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Hg), total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In all the tested landfills was found higher concentrations of groundwater’s pollution indicators in landfill monitoring wells located on the outlet of these waters than in the landfill monitoring wells located on their supply. An increased total organic carbon content and higher electrolytic conductivity and content of heavy metals such as copper and zinc was specifically observed. Increased contents of these indicators prove a negative impact of landfills on the water environment. Consequently, the order to close these landfills was justified, as further storage of these landfills would have a bad impact on the groundwater quality, as a result of which a complete degradation of the water-bearing level would take place. As a consequence of the cessation of the exploitation, the quality of water has improved within the limits of the landfills where the geological conditions were the best, namely, even a discountinuous layer of the poorly permeable formations stored above the water-bearing layer had a positive impact and stopped the pollution, disallowing their further migration into the highly permeable formations. In the case of the landfills situated directly on the soils of high filtration coefficients, the indicators of negative influence of deposited landfills increase even after the closing of the researched landfill sites. In this case, a further analysis of monitoring research is needed in order to see after how many years after the shutdown the landfills would cease to be damaging for the waters of the subsurface water-bearing layer.
Microorganisms that live in groundwater should be considered not only from the sanitary-hygienic point of view but also in terms of adverse changes in groundwater chemistry in the aquifer layer and its negative influence on the installed devices. For these reasons, it is important to correct approach to the problem of bacterial contamination of groundwater. The paper presents selected results of physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of raw water and treated water (after building a water treatment plant). The aim of the study is evaluatoin of groundwater quality on water intake Osowa taking into account the presence of sulfur bacteria, as well as to determine the causes of the appearance of hydrogen sulfide smell in these waters.
Since 2009 Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute has pursued measurements of pesticide concentration in the chosen points of groundwater chemical status monitoring as a part of State Environmental Monitoring. The article shows the results, which confirm that in groundwater in Poland occurrences of pesticides are mostly below of their limits of quantification or very close to them.
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