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Ammonite distribution patterns and carbon and oxygen stable isotopes from the Lipnik-Kije (Poland) and Dubovcy (Ukraine) sections allow us to propose a model of sea water paleo-circulation in central Europe for the Coniacian-Santonian interval. The tectonic evolution of the south-eastern part of Poland, and expansion of the Krukienic Island areas, appears to have been one of the most important factors affecting paleotemperatures and the distribution of ammonite faunas in the shallow, epicontinental sea in this part of Europe. In the Lipnik-Kije section, low-latitude Tethyan ammonites, especially of the genera Nowakites, Parapuzosia and Saghalinites, are mixed with the cold water loving ammonite genus Kitchinites in the Lower Santonian. In the Dubovcy section (western Ukraine), Tethyan ammonites disappear abruptly in the earliest Santonian, giving place to temperate ammonites of the Kitchinites group in the early Early Santonian and to Boreal belemnites of the genus Gonioteuthis in the Middle and Late Santonian. Despite evidence for the effects of diagenesis in both sections, bulk-rock δ18O records from the limestones support higher seawater paleotemperatures in the Polish sea and cooler conditions in the western Ukraine. The proposed paleo-circulation model and paleotemperature distribution across Europe is supported independently by changes in faunal and nannoflora evidence (ammonites, foraminifera and nannoplankton), and rather unexpectedly with the bulk δ18O data. These data allow the recognition of the end-Coniacian–Early Santonian cooling event, resulting from cold currents flowing from the north, which is traceable, with different magnitude, in several European sections. Facies changes in both sections are related to the input of terrigenous material, and linked to Subhercynian tectonic movements which affected the eastern (Ukrainian) and central (Holy Cross) segment of the Mid Polish Trough at different times. Uplift and sediment input moved westwards through time. Clastic input is detectable at the Coniacian–Santonian boundary in the Ukrainian segment. Similar facies changes reached the Holy Cross segment in Poland distinctly later, somewhen in the Middle Santonian. It is likely that tectonics together with paleo-circulation changes markedly restricted or even cut-off the western Ukraine area from Tethyan ocean influences in the Early Santonian.
The oxygen stable isotopes investigation to elucidate thermoregulatory strategies in Middle Triassic basal sauropterygians is currently ongoing at University of Silesia and University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska. The results of similar studies on Late Mesozoic marine reptiles indicate that some of fully aquatic reptiles like plesiosaurs or ichthyosaurs could be warm-blooded animals. Our investigation is an important part of the aim of the research project "The Marine and Terrestrial reptiles in the Middle Triassic environmental background of Southern Poland" to solve the thermoregulation issue in basal marine reptiles and show how, and when did homoiothermy evolve in Sauropterygia. Homeothermy and gigantothermy were important physiological adaptations which allowed sauropterygian ancestors to leave the shores and conquer the open seas and oceans.
Badania nad paleofizjologią kopalnych kręgowców ostatnimi laty stały się niezwykle modne. Polegają one na kompilacji danych uzyskanych wieloma komplementarnymi metodami z zakresu fizjologii (badania współczesnych form, zgodnie z zasadą aktualizmu) i geochemii izotopowej. Szczególnie interesujące stały się kwestie gospodarki termicznej u gadów kopalnych, które silnie dyskutowane są w kręgach badaczy dinozaurów (Reid, 1997; Ruben i in., 1996). Badania na izotopach stabilnych tlenu szkliwa zębowego przeprowadzone na obligatoryjnie morskich gadach okresu jurajskiego i kredowego (Bernard i in., 2010; zob. także Motani, 2010) wskazują, że ichtiozaury i plezjozaury późniejszego mezozoiku mogły być zwierzętami stałocieplnymi. Brak obecnie jednoznacznych danych dotyczących gospodarki termicznej bazalnych przedstawicieli gadów morskich z triasu, choć przyjmuje się, że te zamieszkujące nadbrzeżne i marginalne strefy mórz zwierzęta były gadami zmiennocieplnymi (pojkilotermicznymi), podobnie jak współczesny legwan morski, czy też smok z Komodo. Czy przejście z pojkilo- do homojotermii było jedną z adaptacji umożliwiających mezozoicznym gadom morskim ekspansję na otwarte morza? Na pytanie w jaki sposób ewoluowała homojotermia u gadów morskich spróbuje odpowiedzieć projekt badawczy pt. "Gady morskie i lądowe na tle środowiska triasu środkowego południowej Polski", realizowany na Uniwersytecie Śląskim.
New data are presented for three formations (Itamaracá, Gramame and Maria Farinha) and two boundaries (Campanian/Maastrichtian and Maastrichtian/Danian) in the Olinda Sub-basin of the Paraíba Basin. Currently accepted facies models, sequence stratigraphy characterizations, and stable-isotope data of carbon and oxygen are reviewed. The carbonate cement of the Itamaracá Formation sandstones shows carbon- and oxygen-isotope ratios consistent with a shallow-marine depositional environment: δ18O ranges from -0.8 to -2.7‰ PDB, and δ13C ranges from +1 to +2‰ PDB. Within the Itamaracá Formation, a maximum flooding surface at the Campanian/Maastrichtian transition has been identified. During the Maastrichtian, a Highstand System Tract was deposited, which shows an increase in temperature and marine bioproductivity as recorded by stable-isotope values (δ18O from -3 to -5‰ PDB, and δ13C values of -1.2, -0.3, 0.1 and +2.3‰ PDB). Just below the K/Pg boundary, the O-isotope signal indicates three warming phases, alternating with four cooling phases.
The present study investigates environmental conditions during sediment accumulation in Lake Niepruszewskie, western Poland. Palaeolimnological reconstructions are based on stable isotope composition ([delta^13]C and [delta^18]O) of a wide range of biogenic carbonates occurring in the sediments, including shells of several gastropod species and the bivalve genus Pisidium, carapaces of ostracods belonging to the subfamily Candoninae and encrustations and oogonia of the aquatic macrophyte genus Chara. According to the radiocarbon dates obtained, accumulation of the sediment sequence began in the early Atlantic and terminated in the early Subboreal. Both [delta^13]C and [delta^18]O records reveal significant and frequent fluctuations that are attributed to repeated changes in the Lake Niepruszewskie water balance. However, conditions of prevailing long water residence time, accompanied by high productivity within the lake, are reflected in a [^13]C-enriched carbon-isotope record. Minimum [delta^13]C and [delta^18]O values were recorded for the earliest Atlantic and maximum values characterize the interglacial optimum during the middle and late Atlantic. Discrepancies observed between isotope records of particular taxa reflect the specific season and subhabitat of each carbonate secretion. [^13]C-enriched Chara encrustations and oogonia are consistent with their precipitation within the photic zone, which is commonly [^13]C-enriched due to the photosynthetic activity of macrophytes and phytoplankton. The carbon isotope composition of Lymnaea auricularia shells indicates that breathing behaviour leaves its imprint on [delta^13]C in snail shells. In aquatic air-breathing pulmonate gastropods this results in [^13]C-depletion in shells. Isotope records of individual shells of two snail species, Valvata piscinalis and Gyraulus laevis, indicate that in order to obtain mean [delta^13]C and [delta^18]O values that are representative of a 5 cm thick sampling interval, stable isotope signatures of more than five shells must be obtained.
Analiza stabilnych izotopów tlenu i węgla w wapieniach środkowego i górnego ordowiku regionu kieleckiego Gór Świętokrzyskich wskazuje na zmiany ich składu w czasie. Największe wahania (w skali PDB) występują w wyższym ordowiku (górny karadok) i pojawiają się po okresie aktywności prądów wstępujących. Fluktuacje te byty przypuszczalnie spowodowane czynnikami klimatycznymi, kontrolowanymi przez zlodowacenie na Gondwanie, które spowodowały zachwianie stratyfikacji gęstościowej i termicznej oceanów (Wilde & Berry, 1984; Railsback i in., 1990; Wilde, 1991). Wartości [delta]^18O i [delta]^13C są zbliżone do wyników uzyskanych dla kopalnych, chłodno- lub umiarkowanie ciepłowodnych osadów węglanowych oraz mieszczą się w przedziale wartości stwierdzonych przez wielu badaczy dla ordowiku.
Oxygen and carbon isotopic studies were carried on bulk-rock samples from the Middle and Upper Ordovician limestones taken j'rom the Mójcza section in Kielce Region of the Holy Cross Mts. Measurements of [delta]^18O and [delta]^13C are close to results obtained from ancient temperate- and warm-temperate water carbonates. The greatest changes both [delta]^18O and [delta]^13C are associated with upper part of the Mójcza section (Upper Caradoc) and appear after ceasing of upwelling currents activity. Carbon and oxygen isotopic fluctuations are concurrent with changes in conodont assemblages (Dzik, 1999) and were probably caused by climatic factor, controlled by glaciation on Gondwana.
Content available remote Analiza izotopowa tlenu w mikroobszarze: krzemiany i tlenki
Laserowa aparatura próżniowa do preparatyki tlenu z krzemianów i tlenków w mikroobszarze została skonstruowana w Pracowni Geologii Izotopowej i Biogeochemii (Instytut Nauk Geologicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski). Głównymi elementami opisywanej aparatury są: laser gazowy (CO2), reaktor, metalowy układ próżniowy do destylacji BrFs i oczyszczania tlenu, oraz szklany ulad próżniowy do konwersji O2-CO2. Preparatyka izotopowa na opisanej aparaturze polega na stopieniu i odparowaniu wybranego fragmentu próbki, przy pomocy promieniowania laserowego, w atmosferze BrF5. W wyniku reakcji z fluorem powstaje gazowy tlen, który jest oczyszczany i konwertowany do postaci CO 2 w reakcji spalania grafitu. Eksperymentalne wyniki analiz wzorców oraz wybranych próbek skał pokazują zadowalającą powtarzalność preparatyki (rzędu 0,1 %o). Wdrożone zostały dwie techniki preparatyki tlenu: in situ, w celu wykonania oznaczeń składu izotopowego tlenu pojedynczych ziaren mineralnych oraz ze sproszkowanej próbki skały (całej skały). Głównymi zaletami opisanej techniki laserowej, w porównaniu z technikami konwencjonalnymi, są: możliwość analizy składu izotopowego pojedynczych ziaren minerałów, kompletna reakcja, ze związkami fluoru, minerałów zawierających magnez, mniejsza ilość próbki konieczna do analizy, skrócenie czasu preparatyki i analizy składu izotopowego z 24 godzin (techniki konwencjonalne) do 1 godziny.
The aim of this paper is to describe the laser fluorination system (LFS) for oxygen isotope preparation from silicates and oxides, constructed in the Laboratory of Isotope Geology and Biogeochemistry (Institute of Geological Sciences, the University of Wroclaw). The main parts of this equipment are: CO 2 laser, stainless steel reaction chamber, metal vacuum system for distillation of BrF; and purification of extracted oxygen, and glass system for O2 to CO 2 conversion. The sample materiał is ablated with the laser radiation and the evaporated products react with the reagent BrFs. Oxygen is then separated from the reaction by-products and converted to the CO2 during reaction with the hot graphite. Experimental results show good preparation reproducibility (0. l%o) tested by several preparations of standards. Two preparation techniques have been applied: in situ analysis of mineral grains, and analysis of oxygen isotope composition from the whole rock sample (powdered). Compared to the conventional techniques, the main advantages of the LFS are: determination of oxygen isotope composition of single mineral grains in rocks, isotope mapping of single grains, complete reaction in the case ofMg-rich minerals, smaller amount of sample, required to determine the value, reducing time of preparation and analysis from 24 h to I h.
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