The microclimate in livestock buildings must meet all zoohygienic requirements. The ambient airflow must be uniform in order to prevent drafts. The analysis of the current state of heating and ventilation systems in agricultural buildings showed that the important factor in the design and use of such rooms is the application of energy-saving technical solutions to maintain comfortable conditions. The nature of the velocity field distribution in the area of the exhaust outlet allows the conclusion that the solution used is able to localize the convective component of the infrared emitter, which allows for better heat recovery from the exhaust air. This improves the energy efficiency of such a system. As a result of the studies, graphical and analytical dependencies were obtained to determine the rate of air intake through the outlet. These can be used at the stage of calculating the microclimate parameters for the premises of agricultural complexes.
Mikroklimat w budynkach inwentarskich musi spełniać wszystkie wymagania zoohigieniczne. Przepływ powietrza w otoczeniu musi być równomierny, aby zapobiec przeciągom w pomieszczeniach. Analiza obecnego stanu systemów ogrzewania i wentylacji obiektów gospodarskich wykazała, że ważnym punktem w projektowaniu i użytkowaniu takich pomieszczeń jest zastosowanie energooszczędnych rozwiązań technicznych w celu utrzymania warunków komfortu. Charakter rozkładu prędkości powietrza w obszarze jego wylotu pozwala stwierdzić, że zastosowane rozwiązanie jest w stanie zlokalizować element konwekcyjny emitera podczerwieni, co pozwoli na lepsze odzyskanie ciepła z powietrza wywiewanego. To poprawia energooszczędność takiego systemu. W wyniku badań uzyskano zależności graficzne i analityczne zależności określające szybkość zasysania powietrza przez wylot. Zależności te można stosować na etapie wyznaczania parametrów mikroklimatu dla pomieszczeń w kompleksach inwentarskich.
The article analyzes the results of experimental studies of duration of air pumping out from chambers of the variable vacuum-gauge pressure in the "teat cup - pulsator"system. The study of impact of structurally-technological parameters of milking units on the process of milk ejection and time characteristics of the operating mode was analyzed. The methods of conducting experimental studies of transitive time characteristics of pulsator operating modes based on differentiated study of transitive processes by high-frequency scanning of vacuum-gauge pressure changes while pumping air out from the "teat cup-pulsator" system are given. Results of the study of impact of vacuum pressure and the overflow hole diameter on the duration of air pumping out from chambers of the variable vacuum-gauge pressure system are provided. Results of experimental data are compared with theoretical ones. The analysis of results of experimental studies showed that the pulsator overflow hole diameter has the greatest effect on the duration of air pumping. By reducing the diameter, the duration of air pumping increases nonlinearly. Due to results of comparison of theoretical and experimental studies it was found the deviation of experimental data from the theoretical modeling of the duration of air pumping out from chambers of the variable vacuum-gauge pressure in the"teat cup - pulsator"system. The coefficient of coordination of theoretical dependencies on experimental data to calculate the duration of air pumping was calculated. The analysis of the obtained dependencies of the duration of air pumping out from the system "teat cup - pulsator"system allowed to recommend the most rational options of the pneumatic and electromagnetic pulsator, provided that it will be provision of the mode of smooth shockless opening of milking cup teat rubber at 48 kPa vacuum pressure and the volume of variable vacuum-gauge pressure chambers of the system "teat cup - pulsator" 10-4 m3.
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