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w słowach kluczowych:  ionospheric strom
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GPS measurements carried out by European stations were used for the analysis of the spatial correlation of the ionosphere during the intensive magnetic storm of 22-23 November 1997. The estimation of correlation was performed by comparison the absolute TEC (Total Electron Content) to the ionospheric Doppler shift variations for individual satellite passes at different stations. The maximum distance between stations amounted up to 1500 km and minimum about 20 km. It is shown that the spatial correlation of the TEC variations is worse during the storm. It essentially depends on the presence of the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TID's) in the ionosphere. The coherent length is determined with the horizontal scale of the TID's. During the storm the large-scale TID's prevailed. Correlation of the Doppler variations depends on large-scale TID's (LSTID) as well as on medium-scale TID's (MSTID). We found that during the storm not only the amplitude of MSTID's increases as well as the spatial sizes too. The residual ionospheric delay attributed to MSTID's increases by factor 2-3 and it makes up 0.5 m during the storm. The expand of horizontal size of MSTID can cause the increase of the correlation at residual delay during the storm.
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