Understanding the factors affecting the species richness of alien and native plant is a key issue for predicting the spread of alien species and protecting rare and endangered native species in nature reserves. To investigate the factors affecting alien and native species richness in temperate nature reserves of China, we used a database of 25 nature reserves in Shandong Province of northern China, and studied the relationship of alien and native plant species richness with climatic and anthropogenic factors, as well as area and elevation range. We found that most of the nature reserves in Shandong Province have been invaded by alien plant species. The distribution of alien and native species responds to the same climatic factors, and temperature and precipitation exert strong effects on both groups. Alien and native plant species richness are positively correlated. Human activity is more effective for explaining richness of alien than for native species. Simultaneously, human activity has stronger effects on alien herbaceous than on alien woody plants. Our results suggest that native species richness is mainly explained by climatic factors, whereas alien species richness is mainly explained by climatic factors and human activity together.
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The impact of biological invasions should be considered from ecological and economic perspective. To understand the influence of the invader, both its range and abundance should be known. Even if the range of invaders is well-known, the problem of assessing their abundance still occurs very often. In this study we report the results of an assessment of the area covered by stands of alien Solidago species in Silesia (Central Europe, south-western Poland, area ca. 30 000 km2), and estimated costs of the invaded areas recultivation. The results of field survey show that the stands of invasive Solidago species cover an area of about 130 000 hectares in S-W Poland, which is ca. 4.5% of the total area of the studied region. It was also found that the cadastral data and Corine land cover maps underestimate the area of fallowed agricultural lands. The cost of removing stands of invasive Solidago species in S-W Poland ranges from 123.24 to 266.17 million PLN, depending on the method. The method that balances reasonable costs, low environmental impact and efficiency of grassland establishment costs 180.7 million PLN for S-W Poland.
In Poland there are three invasive species of the genus Solidago native to North America. In the years 2010-2015 field survey in five tows in Oswiecim Basin and its vicinity was performed which aimed to examine frequency, habitat preferences and basic parameters of populations of these species. Amongst invasive goldenrods S. canadensis (79 localities) and S. gigantea (74) prevailed in the study area and are much more frequent than S. graminifolia (8). Populations of goldenrods were not very abundant and did not occupy large area, however, there were populations exceeding 500 m2 and that had more than 500 ramets except for S. graminifolia which occur at low densities. The Canadian goldenrod S. canadensis tended to occur more frequently in ruderal and segetal habitats than S. gigantea whereas S. graminifolia was encountered only at fallows. Both S. gigantea and S. canadensis were reported to occur in wetland habitats and sometimes formed monospecific stands what prove negative influence on biodiversity.
W Polsce występują trzy inwazyjne gatunki z rodzaju nawłoć Solidago rodzime dla Ameryki Północnej. W latach 2010-2015 przeprowadzono badania pilotażowe w pięciu miastach Kotliny Oświęcimskiej i w jej sąsiedztwie. Badania miały na celu określenie częstości występowania, preferencji siedliskowych i podstawowych parametrów populacji tych taksonów. Wśród inwazyjnych nawłoci przeważały: nawłoć kanadyjska S. canadensis (79 stanowisk) oraz nawłoć późna (n. olbrzymia) S. gigantea (74) nad nawłocią trawolistną S. graminifolia (zaledwie 8 stanowisk). Populacje nawłoci nie były liczebne i zajmowały niewielką powierzchnię, aczkolwiek występowały populacje przekraczające 500 m2 i mające więcej niż 500 pędów (ramet) z wyjątkiem S. graminifolia, która pojawiała się tylko w małej liczbie okazów. Nawłoć kanadyjska miała tendencję do występowania na bardziej ruderalnych i segetalnych siedliskach niż S. gigantea, podczas gdy S. gramifolia została odnotowana wyłącznie na ugorach. Zarówno S. gigantea, jak i S. canadensis zostały stwierdzone na siedliskach mokradłowych i czasami tworzyły jednogatunkowe płaty, co jest przejawem negatywnego wpływu na rodzimą różnorodność biologiczną.
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The spread of species far from their native range is an important component of global changes. Investigating the ability of alien plants to invade different habitats is one of the most important approaches in the analysis of biological invasion mechanisms. The study was based on floristic research carried out in 1998–2002 in the north-western part of Poland. The habitats sampled were classified according to the EUNIS classification. A dataset of 2638 naturalized neophyte records was compiled based on a total of 2132 floristic lists. Species entries were supplemented with data on taxonomic position (family), origin, frequency, life form and number of habitats a particular species colonises. Ordination analyses showed the level of disturbance in individual habitats to be important in species-habitats relationships. Some of the species (e.g. Chamomilla suaveolens, Galinsoga parviflora, Veronica persica) occurred mainly in man-made, heavily disturbed habitats, while others (e.g. Impatiens parviflora, Padus serotina, Quercus rubra) were present primarily in natural habitats, less affected by humans. The species with the broadest habitat ranges identified included, i.a. Conyza canadensis, Impatiens parviflora, Epilobium ciliatum, and Oxalis fontana. Most of them, however, had different “core” habitats. Some species, e.g. Juncus tenuis, Elodea canadensis, Veronica persica were associated with one or a few habitats. The ability of species to invade numerous habitat types did not depend on their invasive status. The most successful aliens are those which spread dynamically along forest paths as well as those penetrating forest communities. The phytocoenotic role of each naturalized neophyte in plant communities requires a detailed study.Each individual habitat supports well-established alien species whose traits fit its characteristics and the disturbance intensity. Analysis of alien species traits, local distribution, habitat preferences and range makes it possible to reliably assess potentially successful invaders.
Northern Red Oak is a tree species native to North America. In Polish flora it has status of invasive plants. In the years 2008-2011 autoecological studies were conducted aiming at examination on what type of soils the species tends to regenerate ie appearance of seedlings in the vicinity of maternal trees. In total 250 phytosociological relevés and 100 soil samples (400 soil subsamples) were collected. It was observed that majority stands (almost 80%) of Northern Red Oak occupy sites very strongly acid and strongly acid. In reference to pH in KCl results are a little different, however, sites with soil very strongly acid (pH = 4.1-5.0) and stronly acid (pH < 4.1) also predominate. The investigated soils were typified by very low values of magnesium (< 10 mg/1000 g), phosphorus (< 3 mg/100 g) and potassium (< 7 mg/100 g). Total nitrogen in studied sites dominated in two the lowest classes (> 0.25%). The sites of Q. rubra are rich in organic carbon. Almost 50% of all sites covers two highest classes of concentration of this element ie 4.0-8.0% and > 8.0%. Soils where seedlings of Northern Red Oak were encountered, were characterized by humus medium for mezotrophic and eutrophic broad-leaved forests and mixed coniferous forests - more than 60% had ratio of carbon and nitrogen CN > 25. In several sites this ratio reached 50. The lower values in case of content of calcium and loss on ignition dominate. The studies showed that soils on which species grows and also spontaneously regenerates are typical for coniferous and mixed coniferous forests, however, in natural range Q. rubra is component of deciduous forests. It could be associated with the fact of more frequent introduction of Northern Red Oak into poorer sites than the consequence of its habitat requirements.
Dąb czerwony Quercus rubra L. to gatunek północnoamerykański, introdukowany do Polski na początku XIX w. W polskiej florze ten gatunek drzewa ma status rośliny inwazyjnej. W latach 2008-2011 na obszarze Wyżyny Śląskiej prowadzono badania autoekologiczne m.in. w celu sprawdzenia, na jakich typach gleb gatunek ten ma tendencję do odnawiania się (tzn. w miejscach, gdzie pojawiają się siewki w sąsiedztwie drzew macierzystych). Zebrano ogółem ok. 250 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych oraz ok. 100 próbek glebowych. Stwierdzono, że pod względem odczynu gleby (pH w wodzie) stanowiska z dębem czerwonym prawie w 80% zajmują miejsca bardzo silnie kwaśne i silnie kwaśne. W stosunku do pH w KCl wyniki się różnią, ale wciąż przeważają miejsca o odczynie silnie kwaśnym (pH = 4,1-5,0) i bardzo kwaśnym (pH < 4,1) na korzyść tych pierwszych. Stanowiska z Q. rubra są zasobne w organiczne związki węgla. Prawie 50% stanowisk mieści się w dwóch ostatnich klasach zawartości tego pierwiastka, tj. 4,0-8,0% oraz > 8%. Azot ogólny wśród badanych miejsc dominował w niższej i średniej klasie (> 0,25%). Gleby, na których odnotowano siewki dębu czerwonego, charakteryzowały się humusem pośrednim dla mezotroficznych i eutroficznych lasów liściastych i mieszanych, a borów i borów mieszanych - blisko 70% stanowisk miało stosunek węgla do azotu > 25. Na kilku stanowiskach stosunek C/N był bliski 50. Badane gleby odznaczały się wyjątkowo niskimi zawartościami magnezu (< 10 mg/100 g), fosforu (< 3 mg/100 g) oraz potasu (< 7 mg/100 g). Około 69-90% wszystkich stanowisk znajdowało się w najniższej klasie. Badania pokazują, że gleby na jakich rośnie, a także spontanicznie odnawia się dąb czerwony są typowe dla borów i lasów mieszanych, natomiast w naturalnym zasięgu Q. rubra jest głównie składnikiem lasów liściastych. Może to być związane z tendencją do częstszego wprowadzania dębu na uboższe siedliska przez leśników niż odzwierciedlać jego rzeczywiste preferencje.
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In total 273 stands of the invasive species Fallopia (Reynoutria) japonica in Oświęcim valley (southern Poland) were examined, in terms of cover, area, abundance, height and width of shoots, and presence of coexisting species. F. japonica occurred more frequently in wastelands and was the rarest in forests. Statistical analyses revealed some significant differences among habitats with particular traits. The most abundant populations, occupying the largest area, were recorded in wetlands and along railway lines. Populations were very diverse in terms of their percentage of flowering shoots within a particular type of habitat, however, the highest percentage was again observed in wetlands and along railways. In forests, gardens and in wastelands the contribution of flowering shoots was lower. The presence of accompanying species in the studied populations was generally low, most frequently stands of F. japonica were mono-specific with a slightly higher cover of accompanying species being recorded in F. japonica populations in forests. The highest proportion of the tallest shoots within a patch of F. japonica was observed in wetlands, while the lowest was in wastelands and in railways. The individuals with the thickest shoots were present in forests and wetlands and the thinnest in wastelands. Despite the simplified nature of the data collection the study demonstrated that F. japonica is more vigorous and forms larger stands occupying larger areas in some of the analyzed habitats. The study showed that in manmade habitats the considered species has favourable conditions for its development and further spread and this is of concern to conservationists and land managers as it can pose a threat to native biodiversity.
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One hundred and one stands of non-native red oak Quercus rubra L. were examined across various forest types with the objective to relate the influence of environmental variables on the abundance of this species and to characterise its impact on the species richness and proportion of functional groups of native plant species. Amongst randomly selected stands more than 50% were self-regenerating ones, i.e. seedlings were present. The cover of Q. rubra seedlings was positively correlated with light intensity (rs = 0.38, P <0.05) and negatively with the content of nitrogen (rs = –0.20, P <0.05) and loss on ignition (rs = 0.20, P <0.05) in soil. The cover of mature trees was positively correlated with the value of pH (rs = 0.22, P <0.05). Separate correlations with DCA scores of phytosociological relevés and the cover of red oak in each layer showed that the species influenced the floristic composition of forest vegetation. The cover of mature trees of red oak negatively affected both the number of understorey species (rs = –0.39, P <0.01) and the cover of shrubs (rs = –0.21, P <0.05) and herbaceous species (rs = –0.22, P <0.05). Q. rubra in the form of a mature tree had a negative influence on the cover of barochores, endozoochores and species of Grime’s CSR strategy. The cover of red oak’s seedlings was negatively correlated with the cover of annual species (rs = –0.21, P <0.05). Saplings of Q. rubra had a negative influence on the cover of dyszoochores (rs = –0.21, P <0.05) and was positively correlated with competitors (rs = 0.31, P <0.01), megaphanerophytes (rs = 0.27, P <0.05) and therophytes (rs = 0.25, P <0.05). The study showed that Q. rubra is a competitive species both as a mature tree and in the form of seedlings or small saplings and thus it can contribute to the reduction of biodiversity in forest communities.
Problem synantropizacji flory wskutek migracji gatunków na skutek działalności człowieka od dawna budzi powszechne zainteresowanie wśród wielu badaczy. Jednakże terminologia odnosząca się do tych roślin i zjawisk z nimi związanych jest bardzo bogata i niejednokrotnie myląca. Autorzy w oparciu o liczne źródła przeprowadzają dyskusję pojęć i proponują przejrzyste rozumienie niektórych terminów. Inwazja to rozprzestrzenianie się obcych gatunków w nowej ojczyźnie najczęściej zaczynające się od wniknięcia do zbiorowisk antropogenicznych a stamtąd do naturalnych. Natomiast ekspansja to proces rozszerzania areału przez gatunek rodzimy, prowadzący do wkraczania gatunku do zbiorowisk synantropijnych. Cechą wspólną inwazyjnych i ekspansywnych gatunków jest ich szeroka tolerancja ekologiczna.
Problem of synanthropization of flora, species migrations as a result of human activity have attracted the interest of many researchers for a long time. However, terminology concerning those plants and phenomenon connected with them is very abundant and sometimes confusing. Authors based on plentiful sources discuss the problem and suggest clear comprehension of some terms. Invasion is the spread of alien species in new homeland; it begins the most frequently from penetration into anthropogenic plant communities and later on into those of natural origin. Expansion, in turn, is an increase of range of native species, leading to penetration of the species into synanthropic communities. Common feature of both invasive and expansive plants is a wide ecological tolerance.
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