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Each investment aims at the effective utilisation of available and possessed sources of financing real estate investment. Investment process should result in an increase in capital. Basic investment criteria which need to be considered irrespective of the object of the investment are the potential income and the risk involved in the investment. In the respective literature much consideration is given to the comparison between the profitability of investment in mutually competing areas of the capital market. While making these comparisons the investment should be also analyzed in terms of its capital-intensive nature, bureaucracy level, operating costs in the given area of capital market, and availability of different investment forms and instruments. A decision to invest in a real estate is determined by its attractiveness and profitability of this fonn of investment in comparison with other instruments. There are factors determining this investment attractiveness of real estate that define financial results possible to reach from the engaged capital and may stimulate development of selected sub-markets in the future.
Każda inwestycja ma na celu efektywne wykorzystanie posiadanych i dostępnych źródeł finansowania inwestycji. Rezultatem prowadzonego procesu inwestycyjnego winno być powiększenie kapitału. Podstawowymi kryteriami inwestycyjnymi, rozpatrywanymi niezależnie od przedmiotu inwestycji, jest dochód możliwy do uzyskania oraz ryzyko towarzyszące inwestycji. W literaturze przedmiotu spotyka się rozważania dotyczące porównywania opłacalności inwestowania na konkurencyjnych wobec siebie różnych obszarach rynku kapitałowego. Dokonując tych porównań należy przeprowadzić także analizy tych obszarów inwestycyjnych pod względem kapitałochłonności inwestycji, stopnia sformalizowania, kosztów operowania na danym obszarze inwestycyjnym rynku kapitałowego, dostępności różnych form i instrumentów inwestycyjnych. Jednym z wielu wariantów inwestycyjnych jest realizacja inwestycji w nieruchomości. Decyzja inwestycyjna w nieruchomości uwarunkowana jest atrakcyjnością i opłacalnością tej formy inwestowania na tle innych instrumentów. Istnieją czynniki wpływające na ową atrakcyjność inwestycyjni nieruchomości, określają one możliwe do uzyskania efekty finansowe z zaangażowanego kapitału oraz mogą stymulować rozwój wybranych subrynków w przyszłości.
Włączenie Polski w 2004 r. do struktur Unii Europejskiej dało możliwość skorzystania z unijnych funduszy na europejską politykę spójności - ponad 12 mld EUR przydzielonych na lata 2004-2006 oraz 59,5 mld EUR na lata 2007-2013. Największą grupę beneficjentów środków unijnych w Polsce stanowią jednostki samorządu terytorialnego. W niniejszym opracowaniu dokonano analizy potencjału inwestycyjnego jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce, w latach 2003-2005, aby odpowiedzieć na pytanie czy jego rozmiary stwarzają szansę na absorpcję unijnych środków pomocowych.
Poland having joined the European Union structures in 2004 created an opportunity, among other things, for making use of the European Union funds on the European cohesion policy - over euro 12 billion were allocatted for 2004-2006 and €59.5 billion were allocatted for 2007-2013. The local government units are the biggest group of the European Union funds beneficiaries in Poland. In the above work, an analysis of the investment potential of local government units was carried out between 2003 and 2005; the aim of this analysis was to answer a question if the investment potential size can create a chance of the union aid appropriations absorption.
Artykuł stanowi prezentację metodyki oceny efektywności finansowej inwestycji w energetykę odnawialną, uwzględniającej wpływ instrumentów wsparcia ze strony państwa, przedstawionej na podstawie metody skorygowanej wartości obecnej (adjusted present value, APV). Dokonano analizy studium przypadku jednej z farm wiatrowych funkcjonujących w Polsce, gdzie wyniki stosowania zaprezentowanej metody wyceny zostały zestawione z wynikami oceny ekonomicznej efektywności inwestycji, opartej na analizie kosztów i korzyści (cost-benefit analysis, CBA). Stwierdzono, że inwestycje w OZE są opłacalne z punktu widzenia społeczeństwa, jednakże nie będą podejmowane przez inwestorów bez wsparcia ze strony państwa. Największy wpływ na wzrost wartości bieżącej inwestycji ma możliwość sprzedaży świadectw pochodzenia energii ze źródeł odnawialnych. Natomiast możliwość skorzystania z dotacji oraz preferencyjnych kredytów pozwala na zniesienie poważnego ograniczenia jakim są bariery wejścia.
The study concerns methodical aspects of financial effectiveness of renewable energy projects assessment, bringing out government support mechanisms, based on adjusted present value APV method. The case of wind energy project was presented, where the result of financial analysis was confronted with the result of economic analysis, based on cost-benefit analysis (CBA) method. It was found that renewable energy projects are effective from the social point of view but they would not be undertaken without the government's support. The largest influence on the net present value of the investment has the possibility of selling the renewable energy certificates. The subsidies and preferential credits help to overcome the barrier to enter the market.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy metod uwzględniania ryzyka w ocenie inwestycji. Poddano w nim analizie metody w świecie bez ryzyka. Autor zaliczył do nich metody wykorzystujące równoważniki pewności oraz metody bazujące na prawdopodobieństwach arbitrażowych. Analiza porównawcza tych metod przeprowadzona została na przykładzie liczbowym.
Presented article deal with methods which regards risk in valuation of investment. Only methods in a risk-neutral environment was concerned. Among this: certainty equivalent method and arbitrage method. Compare analysis this method was realized.
In dynamically being developed to the economy, using modern technologies and inno-vativeness in the manufacturing process, a more and more greater problem are waste material. These waste material can be divided on two principle groups, i.e. industrial and communal waste material. Both one, how and second determine environmentally of natural the often huge threat. Because one ought to take action in aid of the protection and guarantees of the most precious heritage world and national for next generations - the environment. This is not tantamount with a cessation of some manufacturing processes or a limitation of the accessibility of consumer goods. One ought however to begin affectings in aid of combination of the part of waste material communal and industrial with the new or renewed production cycle. Accordingly is indispensable the proper level of working of this type of the activity. The elaboration this targets characterizing of sources and institutions financing in respect of the size of admitted resources and the aim of their destination.
This paper deals with investment's optimal duration problem. In order to find optimal solution two popular investment valuation methods (NPV, IRR,) were used. While lating cash flow forecast authors took advantage of logistic function. Investment's optimal duration depends on reinvestment rate assumption.
Riskis an essential part of every process of decision making. Paradoxically, the lack of action may also be considered in terms of risk. When an iiwestor decides to allocate his capital to a certain project., he can never be surę of a finał outcome, even if the change in money value over time is taken into consideration. Even the most profitable investment may be too risky. An investor ought to foresee the probable losses and determine the risk level acceptable for the owner or the project and all the parties involved. For the proper analysis of inyestmenfs effectiveness, it's necessary to identify every risktype and include them in the investment's evaluation. The role of risk management is identification of risk sources and types, its evaluation and devising preventive strategies. Such identification allows for efHcient control of the investment process, and reduces the unwanted side effects. The complete elimination of risk from the investment process is not possible, despite using the most sophisticated and modern preventive methods. The price of a risk depends on its type, and projects with higher risk factor ought to offer higher return ratę then so called "safe investments".
While conducting investment activities, it is of crucial significance to select, from numerous alternatives, investment projects of the highest efficiency in given conditions. In this respect, dynamic methods are usually utilized. Most frequently encountered issues concerning these methods are associated with the question which efficiency evaluation criterion to choose for the assessment of an investment project. Available literature focuses on the area of constructing isolated multi-period models, yet it is more important to turn attention to integrated models, which consider relationships occurring among different investment projects, as well as between investment efficiency and the efficiency of various operational areas of the company and a company as the whole, including the influence on company value.
Relationship between strategic management and classical financial effectiveness methods is realised through concept of real options. This method allows to value the strategie opportunities of growth and flexible reaction to changing environment. This paper describes basic methods of real option valuation. Example of making use of this method in strategic investment decision is presented.
In the paper there are presented methods which we use in assessment enetrprises' value. The analysis of profitable project mergers or aquisition is going according to proceeding by some form of investment. Because in this case the investment is buying or connecting with another firm that's why the most important thing is to judge profitable of enterprises' value which we would like to aquisition.
One of the contemporary methods of incorporating uncertainty into investment decision process is real option valuation. This paper describes factors influencing real option value and basic methods of real option valuation. Example of making use of this method is presented on the basis of delay and expand options.
"As a result of recent developments in communications and transportation, and the growing internetional trend towards deregulation of industry, many more industries are now exibiting global characteristics (...). In order to attact foreign direct investment by multinational corporations a country must show that it is a desirable location for carrying out research and development or for major production facilities. The tradicional economics of comparative advantage and low unit labour costs are becoming less and less relevant in a world characterised by technological competition, increasing returns and locational advantages based on the agglomeration of activities, mutual reinforcement and complementarities in research and development. Accordingly, unless a country is already an established location for multinationals or their subsidiares, then it usually must rely on special incentives to bring its potential as a global platform to the attention of multinational corporate headquarters" In the article has been made an afford for an identification the basic's private and social benefits of globally integrated foreign direct investment especially those ones which are important and connected with the process of creating the competitiveness' potential today's enterprises, which have been shown in a model of generation benefits of globally integrated foreign investment. The considerations presented here should not be treated as exhaustive answers to all questions concerning the consequences of aforementioned processes for polish enterprises, but rather as a incentive to further studies.
The article presents statistic methods which can be used to estimate the own risk of the capital investment. The article includes traditional methods, based on the calculus of probability, but also methods which enable estimation of changes in measures of financial effectivness in the investment.
Content available remote Transport infrastructure investment and its impact upon port choice
A large number of investments in highways and ports in Poland and the Baltic States have been completed or are proposed. This paper outlines an approach to assess the impacts of these developments upon shipper choice and the impact upon route and modal choice of investment in links between ports and highway infrastructure. It concentrates upon a Stated Preference approach to assessing shipper choice and presents a detailed discussion of the advantages, drawbacks and characteristics of the technique in the context of the transitional economies of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Wiele inwestycji przeznaczonych na autostrady oraz porty, zarówno w Polsce, jak i w krajach bałtyckich zostało już zrealizowanych lub są one proponowane. Poniższe opracowanie stanowi próbę przedstawienia ich wpływu na wybór załadowcy oraz wybór trasy i multimodalny wybór dalszych inwestycji w połączenie między portami oraz infrastrukturą sieci autostrad. Opracowanie oparte jest na podejściu Założonej Preferencji, za pomocą której badany jest wybór podejmowany przez załadowcę. Ponadto opracowanie przedstawia szczegółową klasyfikację korzyści, skutków negatywnych i cech charakterstycznych techniki badania w kontekście zmieniających się gospodarek Polski, Litwy, Łotwy oraz Estonii.
The objective of this study was to identify actual investment practice in Polish enterprises in comparison, firstly with the theoretical recommendations, and secondly with the findings of the previous surveys which had been carried out in developed countries, mainly in the UK and USA. This survey is probably one of the first, if not the first, "state of the art" surveys undertaken in Poland. The survey sample was drawn from the largest 173 firms of Szczecin Province measured by employment at the end of 3rd quarter 1994. Each sample firm was reviewed by means of questionnaire review, i.e. all firms were interviewed by interviewers directly at headquarters. A total of 126 responses were obtained, i.e. a response rate of 72,8 %. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1.The investment practice situation in Poland is, to a great extent, conditioned byobjective factors, mainly such as: inheritance of the former economic system, lack of knowledge pertaining both to managers and to persons responsible for education ofmanagerial staff, exceptionally variable economic environment, poor political stability, problems in compiling data required in investment appraisal (no information centres). 2.Investment practice in Polish companies differs essentially from that in countries having stable market economy and from theoretical assumptions and recommendations. 3.Most Polish managers base their investment decisions on qualitative techniques (factors) of informal nature (not framed in company obligatory procedures). 4.Application of analytical techniques has been reported by over 2/3 of companies, however nearly every second company has been using generally criticised Payback period method. 5.A formalised financial appraisal of investment projects is carried out in every second firm reviewed. It means that some enterprises use analytical techniques in an informal manner. 6.Polish managers - particularly those running state owned companies - have not become accustomed to deal with investments in terms of outlays and returns. Only 25 % firms responded to the question about expected nominal rate of return, and most of them used nominal rates below the rate of inflation.
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