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We present vehicle detection classification using the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) of the deep learning approach. The automatic vehicle classification for traffic surveillance video systems is challenging for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) to build a smart city. In this article, three different vehicles: bike, car and truck classification are considered for around 3,000 bikes, 6,000 cars, and 2,000 images of trucks. CNN can automatically absorb and extract different vehicle dataset’s different features without a manual selection of features. The accuracy of CNN is measured in terms of the confidence values of the detected object. The highest confidence value is about 0.99 in the case of the bike category vehicle classification. The automatic vehicle classification supports building an electronic toll collection system and identifying emergency vehicles in the traffic.
Content available remote Wpływ rozwiązań ekologicznych na rozwój i funkcjonowanie miast
Miasta w ostatnich latach ulegają dużym przemianom. Dzieje się tak nie tylko z powodu systematycznego powiększania się populacji zamieszkujących miasta (rozległe metropolie czy wręcz megapolis) i wynikających z tego faktu problemów, ale także w związku ze zmieniającymi się potrzebami ich użytkowników czy też zmianą polityki w urbanistyce. Rozwiązaniem wielu z tych problemów ma być nowa forma miasta jako nowoczesnej, inteligentnej struktury przestrzennej realizującej postulaty ekologiczne. W kierunek ten wpisują się z pewnością inteligentne rozwiązania w postaci nowoczesnych technologii, na których w niedalekiej przyszłości miałoby się opierać funkcjonowanie miast, np. w zakresie transportu czy kontroli jakości powietrza etc. Zaprezentowany cykl publikacji dotyczy rozwiązań technicznych, które mogłyby być wdrożone w nowoczesnych przestrzeniach zurbanizowanych. Bardzo ważna przy tym jest strona technologiczna na etapie implementacji owych rozwiązań, co również zostało poruszone w prezentowanym poniżej materiale.
Cities have undergone major changes in recent years. This is not only because of the systematic expansion of the population living in cities (large metropolises, or even megapolis) and the resulting problems, but also in connection with the changing needs of their users, or changes in urban policy. The solution to many of these problems could be the new form of the city, as a modern, intelligent spatial structure that implements ecological demands. Smart solutions, in the form of modern technologies, on which the functioning of cities would be based in the near future, e.g. in the field of transportation or air quality control, are certainly part of this direction. The presented series of publications concerns technical solutions, that could be implemented in modern urbanized areas. The technology side is very important at the stage of implementing these solutions, which was also discussed in the material presented below.
Content available remote Ekologiczne rozwiązania typu smart w mieście (etap II)
Współczesne miasta stawiają czoła różnym problemom, które częściowo wynikają również ze zmian struktury potrzeb mieszkańców. Odpowiedzią na niektóre z nich ma być idea tzw. miast inteligentnych dotycząca ich rozwoju w różnych obszarach związanych z funkcjonowaniem terenów zurbanizowanych. Jednym z ważniejszych systemów w miastach jest transport. Zapewnia on ich funkcjonowanie, dlatego nie jest możliwe całkowite jego wyeliminowanie, stąd też rozważania nad regeneracyjnym dla środowiska miejskiego wpływem wprowadzenia inteligentnych technologii do systemu transportowego. Przedstawiony zestaw publikacji zawiera techniczne rozwiązania, zarówno te dotyczące przestrzeni miejskich, jak i inteligentnych rozwiązań dla miast w przyszłości. To właśnie dostosowanie do użytkowników zależy od szczegółów związanych z implementacją partykularnych technologii lub innych rozwiązań. Zaprezentowany cykl opracowań przedstawia kwestie bezpośrednio związane z transportem inteligentnym, a także z potencjałem, jaki może przysłużyć się nowoczesnej, proekologicznej urbanistyce.
Contemporary cities face various problems, which partly also result from changes in the structure of residents’ needs. The answer to some of them is the idea of the so-called intelligent cities based on their development in various areas related to the functioning of urbanized areas. One of the most important systems in cities is transportation. It ensures their functioning, therefore it is not possible to eliminate it completely. Hence the considerations on the regenerative effect of the urban environment on the impact of introducing intelligent technologies into the transport system. The presented set of publications contains technical solutions, both regarding urban spaces and intelligent solutions for cities in the future. Because it is the adaptation to users, that depends on the details related to the implementation of particular technologies or other solutions. The presented series of studies presents issues directly related to intelligent transport, as well as the potential that can contribute to modern, proecological urban planning.
This article contains results of studies on the applicability of data from Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for the purposes of geographical studies regarding the spatial mobility of inhabitants within a big city. The article focuses on the option of applying two types of sub-systems – induction loops and automatic number-plate recognition (ANPR) – and includes examples of analyses based on the resulting data, which can serve as a basis for mobility studies. The area on the example of which the capabilities of application of ITS data have been presented is Lodz – a large city in central Poland. The conducted research shows that ITS systems offer an enormous potential in providing data for spatial mobility studies. In order to fully exploit its worth, however, it is imperative to expand the research procedure by including, for instance, the results of qualitative research. Also, the interpretation of results obtained on the basis of ITS data ought to be performed with an awareness of numerous significant preliminary and simplifying assumptions.
This review addresses the intervehicular communication in Connected Vehicles (CV) by emphasizing V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communications in terms of evolution, current standards, state-of-the-art studies, embedded devices, simulation, trends, challenges, and relevant legislation. This review is based on studies conducted from 2009 to 2019, government reports about the sustainable deployment of these technologies and their adoption in the Brazilian automotive market. Moreover, WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) and DSRC (Dedicated Short-range Communication) standards, the performance analysis of communication parameters and intervehicular available at the market are also described. The current status of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) development in Brazil was reviewed, as well as the research institutes and governmental actions focused on introducing the concept of connected vehicles into the society. The Brazilian outlook for technological adoption concerning CVs was also discussed. Moreover, challenges related to technical aspects, safety and environmental issues, and the standardization for vehicle communication are also described. Finally, this review highlights the challenges and proposals from available technologies devoted to the roads and vehicular infrastructure communication, their evolution and upcoming trends.
In this work we present solutions which aim at enhancement of the localization precision of the road side unit (RSU) devices which will participate in vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication in future autonomous driving and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Currently used localization techniques suffer from limited accuracy which is due to various factors, including noise, delays caused by environmental conditions (e.g. temperature variation) and differences in elevation between devices communicating with each other in the road environment. In case of application of the ITS, these factors can be the source of significant discrepancies between real positions of the RSUs and their estimated values provided by the V2I system. The proposed techniques, based on various approximation techniques, as well as linear and nonlinear filters, allow to improve the localization accuracy, reducing the positioning errors by more than 90%.
The paper deals with the problem of works transport organization in logistic center with the use of artificial intelligence algorithms. The presented approach is based on non-changeable path during travel along a given loop. The ordered set of containers requesting transport service was determined by fuzzy logic, while the sequence of containers in a loop was optimized by genetic algorithms. A solution for semi-autonomous transport vehicles wherein the control system informs the driver about optimal route was presented. The obtained solution was verified by a computer simulation.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki sterowania transportem wewnątrzzakładowym w zautomatyzowanych centrach logistycznych z zastosowaniem metod sztucznej inteligencji. Zaprezentowane podejście zakłada predykcję niezmiennej trasy przejazdu środka transportu. Kolejność zbioru regałów wymagających obsługi transportowej jest determinowana przez logikę rozmytą, natomiast do optymalizacja trasy przejazdu wykorzystano algorytmy genetyczne. Zaprezentowano koncepcję środka transportu, w którym system sterowania informuje kierowcę dokąd ma jechać. Uzyskane rozwiązanie zostało zweryfikowane z wykorzystaniem metod symulacji komputerowej.
Paper presents important issues related to the development of intelligent transportation systems with following ITS components: stakeholders, ITS services, variants of ITS configurations. The use of formulated original models was presented in relation to the case study: ITS concept for the urban agglomeration in Poland. An important scientific contribution is the mathematical formal description of following issues: mathematical model of stakeholders of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) with its aspirations regarding the services of ITS system, mathematical model of ITS services, and mathematical model of technical variants of ITS configuration.
The article presents an example of a dynamic traffic flow modeling using as a data source information the measurement system weight Preselection Implemented in Gdynia. The measuring point is located on the road leading to the Gdynia container terminals and to Gdynia Kwiatkowski, which is Directly connected with the TriCity Bypass. One of the goals of the system is collect data which can be used for operational purposes and statistics. Measurement period allowed the appointment of a mathematical model which describes the dynamic variation of the structure of the stream. In Addition, an analysis of the variability of the traffic flow in both the daily and weekly basis is presented. This give possibility to determine the effect of time of day and day of the week on the parameters of a dynamic model describing the structure of a generic stream. The resulting model allows the study of the impact of the share of heavy vehicles on ride comfort of passenger cars.
Content available remote Analiza danych pomiarowych pochodzących z Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych
W referacie omówiono funkcjonalność systemów ITS oraz ich wpływu na zarządzanie ruchem pojazdów w mieście. Następnie wskazano trudności występujące w analizach prędkości pojazdów w ruchu miejskim. Z kolei na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań pomiarowych na wybranym odcinku trasy wskazano trudności w interpretacji uzyskiwanych wyników. W ramach podsumowania zdefiniowano kierunki dalszych badań, pozwalające w sposób kompleksowy przedstawić omawiane zagadnienia.
The paper discusses the functionality of ITS systems and their impact on the management of vehicle traffic in the city. In the paper the difficulties facing the analysis of the speed of vehicles in traffic are also pointed out. Based on studies measuring the selected section of the route, the authors indicated difficulties in interpreting the results. In conclusion the directions for further research, allowing in a complex way to introduce the discussed issues, were defined.
The implementation of ITS is carried out with the use of standard project management tools. Therefore, it includes certain phases. One of the most difficult and risky phase of ITS implementation is launching of such projects. An important factor causing this difficulty is the fact that launching is being done on „living organism”. Thus it has to be time-consuming mostly due to the necessity of a proper real-time city traffic data collection. Additional factors are occurring failures (eg. the tram network or traffic lights system) or accidents. Another problem are social expectations, which does not take into account the specifics of ITS implementation. The citizens expect immediate results. The aim of people responsible for the launching phase of such systems is to ensure smooth operation of all its components and to provide local community with information on a relatively long system activation to its full operation. This article presents the analysis of the launching phase of the biggest ITS in Poland.
ITS systems have been deployed for last one and a half decades. Their aim is to increase a traffic flow rate in a road network of an urbanized area, to improve the comfort of driving as well as to decrease the pollution. A lot of commercial software are is available to simulate road traffic in urbanized areas. Some of them are suitable to perform traffic simulations of intelligent transportation systems via traffic modeling. A process of traffic modeling exploiting numerical simulations for an urban area where an ITS is deployed requires provision of digital maps, traffic demand amongst city zones, traffic signalization micro-programs being executed in the environment that can imitate a dynamic behavior of traffic lights at intersections in the ITS. In this paper an execution environment, developed by the Ars Numerica Group, that launches a road traffic micro-simulation is used to audit a performance of intersections’ signalization micro-programs on one of the main arteries in the city of Wrocław (Poland).
Inteligentne systemy rozproszone są coraz szerzej stosowane w różnorodnych dziedzinach nauki. Przykładem najprostszego systemu rozproszonego jest organizacja ludzka, która poprzez szereg cech takich jak kooperacja, negocjacja oraz koordynacja jest w stanie wspólnie rozwiązywać rozmaite problemy. System złożony z komunikujących się oraz współpracujących ze sobą agentów jest w stanie osiągnąć zadany im wcześniej cel. Sytuacje, które wymagają rozwiązania problemów o charakterze rozproszonym lub złożonym obliczeniowo, takie jak wyszukiwanie informacji w sieci, zarządzanie sieciami, symulacje rynku, wspomaganie zarządzania w przedsiębiorstwie czy kontrola ruchu lotniczego, ukazują szerokie pasmo możliwości stosowania systemów wieloagentowych. Systemy oparte na agentach mogą znaleźć swoje zastosowanie również w transporcie. Projektowanie systemów sterowania i zarządzania ruchem, modelowanie ruchu oraz planowanie systemów transportowych z użyciem systemów multiagentowych pokazuje możliwości dalszego rozwoju transportu jako inteligentnej dziedziny. W artykule przedstawiono sposób działania systemu wieloagentowego oraz możliwości jego wdrożenia w dziedzinę transportu. Opisano rodzaje agentów, które można zastosować w systemach wieloagentowych oraz przykłady symulacji z ich użyciem. Przedstawiono następujące przykłady: model symulacji ruchu we francuskim mieście La Rochelle; budowa modelu sieci aglomeracji poznańskiej z wykorzystaniem go do symulacji wieloagentowej w środowisku MATSim oraz symulacja systemu zarządzania ruchem na skrzyżowaniach w symulatorze opracowanym przez naukowców z Melbourne. Artykuł kończy krótkie podsumowanie opisujące korzyści płynące z zastosowania systemów multiagentowych i ich przyszłości w dziedzinie ITS.
Distributed intelligent systems are increasingly used in various fields of science. The example of simplest distributed system is human organization. With features such as negotiation, cooperation and coordination people are able to jointly solve variety of problems. The system consists of communicating and cooperating agents who are able to achieve goals that were set. Situations requiring solution of distributed or complicated character such as searching of an information in the Internet, network management, market simulation, management support in the company or supervision of air traffic present wide range of possibilities of multi-agent system use. Systems based on agents may also be used in the transport. The development of technology has allowed to use artificial intelligence in such fields of science as transport and traffic engineering. The next step in development of intelligent transportation systems is application of the multi- -agent systems. Agent based systems may find their use in traffic control systems, modeling and planning of transportation systems in cities. In the article types of agents that might be used and examples of simulation with the practical application are presented. Following examples are given: traffic simulation model in the French city of La Rochelle; construction of the Poznań agglomeration model with the simulation implemented in the MATSim as well as simulation of the traffic at intersections management system implemented by the scientists from Melbourne. The article concludes with short summary of advantages of multi-agent systems and their future application in the ITS.
Applications of VANET (Vehicular ad hoc Networks) networks is focused on monitoring of the safety states of vehicles or roadway by exchanging messages between vehicles and infrastructure so that the applications will be able to help a driver to handle insecure situations. They are able to warn before possible risks which can occur during the process of transportation. Essential tool for assuring of safety communications within developed applications of intelligent transportations systems are cryptography constructions on the basis of digital signature schemes. In order to assuring safety and anonymity within vehicular communications are used pseudorandom authentications methods. The authors in the paper are focused on realization of mathematical model and description of modified cryptographic constructions which are suitable for sensor networks and applications orientated to memory and performance. In these systems it is very important to use signature scheme which do not have only computational safety but must also be effective from the view of performance and must generate short digital signatures in order to communications in real time conditions.
The main objectives of all the types of implementation in the field of ITS include facilitation of road traffic that results from efficient utilization of the network of roads, improving road safety and efficient services for travellers. The scope of activities within ITS systems includes road traffic management, demand management, support for management of public transportation, information for passengers, management of vehicles’ fleet, management of incidents and support for rescue teams, advanced technologies inside vehicles and problems of electronic payments and collection of tolls. The ITS applications necessitates development of a strategic basis that regulates the principles of design, implementation and decision-making. Such a basis is provided by ITS architecture. This paper presents the standardization requirements and the structure of services in terms of ITS, discusses the organizational questions concerning architecture and presents current state in terms of development of the national ITS architecture
Artykuł powstał na podstawie analiz prowadzonych w latach 2011-2013 przez działającą przy Instytucie Transportu Samochodowego Polską Platformę Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych (PPT ITS). Przedstawiono w nim, czym są Inteligentne Systemy Transportowe. Omówiono ich znaczenie w kształtowaniu koncepcji zrównoważonego transportu w Europie. Opisano główne obszary problemowe związane z wdrażaniem ITS w Polsce oraz postulaty zmian w tym zakresie. Przedstawiono przykłady dobrych praktyk oraz wskazano głównych graczy rynku ITS w Polsce.
The article was written on the basis of the analyses conducted in 2011-2013 by the Polish Technology Platform for Intelligent Transport Systems (PPT ITS) operating within the framework of the Motor Transport Institute. The article outlines Intelligent Transport Systems and discusses their significance for the development of the concept of sustainable transportation in Europe. It also describes major problem areas related to the implementation of ITS in Poland and postulates changes in that respect. It presents examples of good practices and lists major players on the ITS market in Poland.
Infomobilność odnosi się do procedur, systemów i urządzeń opartych na inteligentnych systemach transportowych (Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITS) oraz usługach, które zwiększają mobilność osób i towarów poprzez gromadzenie, przetwarzanie i dystrybucję informacji. Aplikacje infomobilne mogą być stosowane zarówno przez operatorów mobilnych, jak i przez każdego użytkownika, dla wszystkich rodzajów transportu. Usługi infomobilne są dedykowane do dynamicznego zarządzania publicznym i prywatnym transportem, pojazdami oraz ruchem drogowym (np. informacjami dotyczącymi wypadków drogowych). Zastosowanie ITS umożliwia zintegrowanie systemu transportowego, gdzie połączenie jego elementów służy uzyskaniu większej efektywności, bezpieczeństwa i ochronie środowiska. Usługi infomobilne mogą mieć wpływ na różne grupy użytkowników, np. pasażerów, gminy, operatorów transportowych managerów floty oraz generują korzyści dla każdej z nich. W artykule opisano projekt POLITE, współfinansowany przez Komisję Europejską w ramach programu INTERREG IVC oraz usługi infomobilne w telefonie komórkowym – Aalborg.
W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane zagadnienia interoperacyjności inteligentnych systemów transportowych (IST). W większości dotyczą one określenia interoperacyjności, aspektów komunikacyjnych w obszarach funkcjonalnych - podsystemach IST oraz europejskich i krajowych ram interoperacyjności.
The paper presents some issues of the interoperability of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). It focuses on a definition of interoperability, communication aspects of ITS subsystems and on the European and national interoperability frameworks.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have been growing in popularity lately, especially in larger cities. In this article we present the result of a survey on vehicle navigation systems and on traffic measurement. Gathered information, including studies on psychological aspects of drivers decision making process, are a basis for designing a web service solution. Concept and prototypical implementation of a web service displaying traffic information for the city of Cracow is also included.
Inteligentne systemy transportu zyskują na popularności w ostatnich latach, zwłaszcza w większych miastach. W artykule opisano rezultat przeglądu literatury poświęconej zagadnieniom nawigacji samochodowej oraz pomiarom ruchu drogowego. Zebrane informacje, z uwzględnieniem badań nad psychologicznym aspektem procesu podejmowania decyzji przez kierowców, stanowią bazę wyjściową do zaprojektowania systemu zarządzania ruchu w mieście. Załączony został opis koncepcji oraz prototypowa implementacja prostego serwisu WWW, prezentującego informacje o ruchu ulicznym w Krakowie.
An Intelligent transportation system (ITS) focuses on application of smart vehicles. The vehicles are equipped with significant computing, communicating and sensing capabilities to provide services to travelers or the goal of providing safety massages in emergency situations. Vehicular network may also be used for Internet access, inter-passengers communications and entertainment. To understand the behavior of such networks as well as to provide good services to the travelers many issues have to be managed, some of them are: call handover between vehicles in vehicular network, speed Vs capacity, security of call, network topology, and network fragmentation. In this paper we study such vehicular networks and explain these issues and the related work. Detailed study of practical node mobility models based on mobility states and the quality of practical links based on received signal strengths are used as inputs for system capacity studies. Experiments were run in Sydney based on drive tests with mobile terminals deployed on them. Then some new ideas for managing the vehicular networks are proposed.
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