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The article provides a description and a review of measures indicated in the National Masterplan for Inland Navigation by 2023 (KPŻ2030). The Masterplan is the first planning document for inland navigation to have taken into account the development of inland waterways, as well as strategic and regulatory measures. The Masterplan also includes a diagnosis of the use of inland waterways for transport and goals for the inland navigation sector to be achieved by 2030.
Artykuł stanowi opis i przegląd działań wskazanych w Krajowym Programie Żeglugowym do roku 2030 (KPŻ2030). KPŻ2030 jest pierwszym dokumentem planistycznym dla żeglugi śródlądowej, który uwzględnia rozwój śródlądowych dróg wodnych oraz działania o charakterze strategiczno-regulacyjnym. W KPŻ2030 zawarto również diagnozę transportowego wykorzystania dróg wodnych oraz cele dla sektora żeglugi śródlądowej, które mają zostać osiągnięte do 2030 r.
The aim of the study was to identify the causes of the progressive stagnation in Polish river shipping (Polish inland navigation) since the middle of the 20th century. The methodology used, due to the type of research, was of a complex, eclectic nature. It was based on the analysis of empirical data, desktop research studies, a systemic analysis of relations and cause-and-effect relationships in the sphere of river transportation, and a critical interpretation of the goals contained in program documents on the development of river shipping. The studies focused on the macroeconomic level. The results obtained not only identified the causes of stagnation, but also indicated the most urgent directions for research in this area. Their implementation may allow to design such a strategy for the development of river shipping in Poland, thanks to which it will become an important part of the economy and sustainable transport. The research is original and unknown in this form in the Polish literature.
Celem opracowania była identyfikacja przyczyn postępującej stagnacji w polskiej żegludze rzecznej (polskiej żegludze śródlądowej) od połowy XX wieku. Zastosowana metodologia, ze względu na rodzaj badań, miała złożony, eklektyczny charakter. Opierała się na analizie danych empirycznych, badaniach desktopowych, systemowej analizie relacji i związków przyczynowo-skutkowych w sferze transportu rzecznego oraz krytycznej interpretacji celów zawartych w dokumentach programowych dotyczących rozwoju żeglugi rzecznej. Badania koncentrowały się na poziomie makroekonomicznym. Uzyskane wyniki nie tylko zidentyfikowały przyczyny stagnacji, ale także wskazały najpilniejsze kierunki badań w tym obszarze. Ich realizacja może pozwolić na zaprojektowanie takiej strategii rozwoju żeglugi rzecznej w Polsce, dzięki której stanie się ona ważną częścią gospodarki i zrównoważonego transportu. Badania są oryginalne i nieznane w tej formie w polskiej literaturze.
Traversing the river Seine in Paris is challenging for inland vessels due to the density and diversity of local traffic that is encountered in a confined environment. The waterway authority, Voies navigables de France (VNF), commissioned a study to assess the relevance of the current regulations when vessels of varying types cross Paris. A first simulation study showed that regulations based on length only may be too restrictive for ships with smaller beams [1]. This paper presents additional simulations executed on a full mission bridge simulator with ships of reduced beam. The main bottlenecks happen at different locations depending on the ship’s beam and ships with smaller beam can sail at higher water levels than the ships considered in the first study. The maximum water levels for which safe passage is possible were determined for each ship. Finally, recommendations have been formulated, which were then discussed with VNF and stakeholders.
Due to the ongoing climate change, the European Commission is implementing the promotion of inland waterway transport. By creating favourable conditions for the further development of the sector, the Commission hopes to encourage more companies to use this mode of transport. The policy to promote inland waterway transport in Europe is encapsulated in the NAIADES Action Programme. Carriage of goods by inland waterways is climate-friendly and energy-efficient and can significantly contribute to sustainable mobility in Europe. The European Commission believes that transport by inland waterways must be better used in order to relieve heavily congested transport corridors. In inland navigation, we are dealing with water areas of relatively small depths, therefore the units - pushed convoys carrying out the transport task in these areas have a shallow draft. The small draft of the units, as well as the shape of the hull, which is flat-bottomed, makes such a unit very sensitive to hydro-meteorological conditions. At the same time, the shape of the underwater part of the hull greatly influences the maneuverability of the vessel, especially when turning, taking up a large maneuvering space. The number of inland waterway accidents and claims for damages has been increasing year by year since 2014. The value of claims for damages is also growing. According to Paul Goris, President of the IWT Platform, "The inland shipping sector is on the verge of a major transformation in terms of sustainability and digitalisation. This requires further development of standards and certain security requirements".
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane działania zmierzające do poprawy wykorzystania potencjału transportowego europejskich szlaków wodnych. Przedstawiono realizacje i plany we Francji, Belgii, Niemczech, Czechach i w Polsce z próbą wskazania najistotniejszych kwestii lub wyzwań technicznych i środowiskowych. Z dokonanego przeglądu wynika, że rozwój drogi wodnej może być atrakcyjną przyszłością dla danego regionu i jest łatwiejszy do przeprowadzenia na istniejących szlakach i kanałach lateralnych niż w przypadku rzek swobodnie płynących, gdyż rodzi to obawy o ich przyrodniczą degradację i sprzeciwy organizacji środowiskowych. Dotyczy to rzek Łaby i Odry.
The article presents selected activities aimed at an improved use of the European waterways transport potential. The author describes the implemented projects and plans in France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland in an attempt at indicating the most important issues or technical and environmental challenges. The review indicates that the development of a waterway may be an attractive future prospect for a given region and is easier to implement on the existing routes and lateral channels than on the freely flowing rivers, as it raises concerns as to their degradation and protests of environmental organisations. It regards the Elbe and Oder rivers.
Bridge passing and passing waterway locks are two of the most challenging phases for inland vessel navigation. In order to be able to automate these critical phases very precise and reliable position, navigation and timing (PNT) information are required. Here, the application of code-based positioning using signals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is not sufficient anymore and phase-based positioning needs to be applied. Due to the larger coverage area and the reduction of the amount of correction data Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has significant advantages compared to the established Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning. PPP is seen as the key enabler for highly automatic driving for both road and inland waterway transport. This paper gives an overview of the current status of the developments of the PPP algorithm, which should finally be applied in advanced driver assistant functions. For the final application State Space Representation (SSR) correction data from SAPOS (Satellitenpositionierungsdienst der deutschen Landesvermessung) will be used, which will be transmitted over VDES (VHF Data Exchange System), the next generation AIS.
For many years, satellite systems have seen widespread use in a variety of technical applications, as well as in operations related to setting-out and the exploitation of track infrastructure. Their main applications include an inventory of the trackage course and detecting changes in its position. In both of these tasks, the most important element that determines the quality of an analyses is the high accuracy of the determinations being carried out. Satellite surveying techniques are not always sufficiently accurate, and in such cases, it is necessary to employ other land surveying methods to process surveying data. This article presents the authors’ considerations with regards to the possibility of applying one of the most common land surveying adjustment methods, the parametric method, to operations related to an inventory of tram infrastructure in Gdańsk. The results are based on surveys carried out during a surveying campaign in the autumn of 2018. The considerations presented in the article concern a small part of the research conducted under project No. POIR.04.01.01-00-0017/17 entitled “Development of an innovative method for determining the precise trajectory of a railborne vehicle” which is being implemented by a consortium of Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University
Content available remote Żegluga śródlądowa w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa państwa
Celem artykułu jest diagnoza roli Marynarki Wojennej w zapewnianiu bezpieczeństwa państwa. Zobowiązania powstałe w związku z ratyfikacją w 2017 roku Europejskiego porozumienia w sprawie głównych śródlądowych dróg wodnych o znaczeniu międzynarodowym (AGN) stały się determinantą do ponownej dyskusji na temat stanu żeglugi śródlądowej w Polsce. Aktualny stan śródlądowych dróg wodnych oraz taboru śródlądowego wymaga zintegrowanych działań na rzecz jego poprawy, a bezpieczeństwo państwa jako najważniejsza wartość i potrzeba narodowa traktowana jest jako priorytetowy cel państwa. Mając na uwadze powyższe, w artykule przedstawiono wpływ żeglugi śródlądowej na bezpieczeństwo państwa.
The obligations arising in connection with the ratification in 2017 of the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN) have become a determinant for rediscussing the state of inland navigation in Poland. The current condition of inland waterways and inland rolling stock requires integrated actions to improve it, and state security as the most important value and national need treated as the priority goal of the state. Therefore, bearing in mind the above, the article presents the impact of inland navigation on the safety of the state understood as the sum of its individual criteria.
The paper presents the impact of the weather on inland navigation conditions. Each mode of transportation depends on the weather, but inland navigation is the one most affected by it. Inland navigation is strongly dependent on the water level in a river bed, which is a result of weather conditions. In Poland the depth of inland waterways is relatively low, but the biggest consideration is the weather which results in the variability of this level. The variability of hydrotechnical conditions results in problems with planning for transportation. It is widely known that water is one of the most important factors in the hydrotechnical conditions of inland navigation and it is directly correlated with the weather. In this paper the authors present the impact of temperature on the duration of the navigation season on the Border Oder, based on research conducted in the years from 2004 to 2018 and the authors also investigated important changes in the weather conditions during last few years. The results showed that the number of navigable days has dropped significantly over the investigated period as a result of changes in the climate.
This study aims to identify and quantify the economic benefits of eliminating collisions between two transport systems: rail and inland waterway transport. The collision between transport systems is caused here by the obsolete structure of a railway drawbridge, which constitutes an element of the railway line used by freight and passenger transport and is located on the main inland waterway used by inland waterways freight transport. Railway transport results in limitations of inland waterway transport and, vice versa, inland waterways transport blocks railway transport during lifting of the bridge span. In the case of railway transport, the low capacity of the single-track railway bridge constitutes an additional limitation of the development of transportation. There are plans to eliminate the collision in the regional transport system by constructing a new railway bridge in place of the old drawbridge. The effects of the transportation infrastructure improvement were measured directly for both rail and inland water freight systems as well as the result of the interaction between passenger rail and car and bus transport. In order to compare the different types of impact, the effects of different actions were valued in monetary terms. The planned intervention, as investigated here, will lead to reductions in the cost of time of inland waterways freight transport and costs of time of rail passenger and freight transport and a decrease in the external costs of transport. This will make possible transportation services that are both cheaper and more reliable.
The European river cruise market is the leading cruise market in the world and is also one of the fastest growing tourism segments in Europe. However, the demand structure of the European river cruise market has seen significant changes over recent years, and the aim of the studies described in this article was to identify the determinant factors and the ensuing changes in supply and demand within this market. The primary trend observed was a shift in demand, as the share of tourists from outside Europe has been growing with the share of Europeans (to date, the main group of customers) shrinking. These changes are attributable to social, economic, political, and technical factors that have resulted, in particular, in changes in river cruise passengers’ preferences, which in turn have led to specific reactions by river cruise operators. The analyses have shown that river cruise passengers, who are seem increasingly interested in being educated about the local culture, traditions, ecology, wildlife, arts, foods, and history, expect that the river cruise offer will be extended to include new destinations. They also expect an extended offer of wellness-related services and more active river cruises, as well as high-quality passenger space on board ship. In response, European river cruise operators have developed a cruise network and a fleet of river cruise vessels based on these emerging river cruise markets and increased the diversity and comprehensiveness of their offered services. The evolution of the European river cruise market will also constitute a challenge for emerging river cruise destinations, which will need to meet the changing expectations of both passengers and operators.
The article presents an analysis of offenses in inland navigation in 2013-2017, based on the number and reasons for issuing fines by Offices of Inland Navigation in Poland. In the investigated period, in Poland, over 1,300 fines were issued on the basis of five articles of the Act of 21st of December 2000 on Inland Navigation. Based on the collected data, the most common reasons for punishing crews of inland vessels were determined and the impact of these offenses on the safety of inland navigation in Poland was identified. In addition, recommendations for changes in the classification of offenses were presented due to the too wide spectrum of individual articles, which adversely affects the ability to interpret the most common offenses and makes it difficult to assess the causes and effects of their occurrence.
Planowanie przestrzenne stanowi pochodną kilku czynników natury przyrodniczej, ekonomicznej, rynkowej, technicznej, społecznej i politycznej. W planowaniu przestrzennym śródlądowych portów wodnych jako główne czynniki przyjmuje się konfigurację powierzchni terenu, tzn. jej kształt (rzeźbę terenu) oraz obecność i wzajemne położenie obiektów i punktów charakterystycznych portów wodnych. Dodatkowo w planowaniu przestrzennym i lokalizacji duże znaczenie ma przeznaczenie portu, planowanej struktury obrotów towarowych, prognozowanego ruchu statków, ciągów komunikacyjnych, stosowanej technologii przeładunków, a także od przewidywanego popytu na rozwój żeglugi i handlu drogą śródlądową. W artykule opisano kryteria uwarunkowań logistycznych planowania lokalizacji i dostępności transportowej portu śródlądowego w dolnym odcinku rzeki Wisły. Dokonano oceny intensywności ruchu statków, planowania przestrzennego portu oraz uzasadnienia ekonomicznego.
Spatial planning is a derivative of several natural, economic, market, technical, social and political factors. In spatial planning of inland water ports, the configuration of the land surface, i.e. its shape (relief) as well as the presence and mutual location of objects and points of characteristic water ports are assumed as the main factors. In addition, the planning of the port, the planned structure of trade in goods, forecasted ship traffic, communication routes, applicable transshipment technology and the anticipated demand for the development of shipping and inland waterway trade are of great importance in spatial planning and location. The article describes the criteria of logistic conditions for planning the location and transport accessibility of the inland port in the lower section of the Vistula River. The intensity of vessel traffic, port spatial planning and economic assessment were assessed.
Referat obrazuje sposób kształtowania się stanu transportu wodnego śródlądowego w Polsce, a także charakterystykę obecnej sytuacji żeglugi śródlądowej. W referacie ujęto przyczyny wystąpienia utrudnień w rozwoju. W tekście ujęto również perspektywy rozbudowy oraz modernizacji szlaków wodnych z uwzględnieniem pozytywnych i negatywnych aspektów planowanych działań. Celem referatu jest przedstawienie kierunków, w których według Ministerstwa Gospodarki Wodnej i Żeglugi Śródlądowej będzie rozwijać się polska żegluga śródlądowa na przestrzeni najbliższych jedenastu lat. W referacie podane zostały przykłady zadań inwestycyjnych oraz udogodnień dla armatorów, które muszą zostać zrealizowane, by ta gałąź transportu mogła rozwijać się zgodnie z obraną koncepcją. Dodatkowo pokazano potencjalne źródła i mechanizmy finansowania planowanych inwestycji.
The lecture shows how the situation of inland waterway transport in Poland is shaped as well as the characteristics of the current situation of inland navigation. The lecture shows also the reasons for development difficulties and proscpects for the extension and modernization of waterways regarding the positive and negative aspects of planned actions. The aim of the lecture is to present the directions in which, according to the Ministry of Water Management and Inland Navigation, Polish inland navigation will develop over the next eleven years. The examples of investment tasks and facilities for shipowners that must be carried out in order for this branch of transport to develop due to the the chosen concept are also given. In addition, potencial sources and financing mechanisms for planned investments are shown as well.
Porty morskie stanowią kluczowe ogniwa łańcucha dostaw. Są swoistego rodzaju oknem na świat, łącząc gospodarkę krajową z rynkami międzynarodowymi. Na konkurencyjność poszczególnych portów, a pośrednio gospodarek krajowych wpływ ma wiele czynników takich jak: dostępność transportowa portu od strony zaplecza, dostępność transportowa portu od strony przedpola, sprawność obsługi portowo-logistycznej. Polskie porty ciągle podejmują działania, aby zapewnić klientom najwyższą jakość usług we wszystkich trzech obszarach. Przyglądając się historii XVII i XVIII wieku, można dostrzec, jaki potencjał w obsłudze ładunków posiadała Wisła. W tym okresie była najbardziej żeglowną rzeką Europy, czyniąc Gdańsk i dorzecze Wisły jednym z najbogatszych regionów kontynentu [1]. Obecnie w Wiśle i całym polskim układzie dróg śródlądowych drzemie olbrzymi, ale niewykorzystany potencjał. W artykule skupiono się na ocenie, jaki wpływ na porty trójmiejskie wywrze realizacja „Założeń do planów rozwoju śródlądowych dróg wodnych w Polsce na lata 2016–2020 z perspektywą do roku 2030”. W artykule wytłumaczono, czym jest dostępność transportowa. Poddano również analizie aktualną dostępność transportową zapleczy portów oraz wizję zwiększenia dostępności transportowej trójmiejskich portów morskich w przypadku budowy i modernizacji wodnych dróg śródlądowych oraz bez przeprowadzania tych prac.
Sea ports are the key links in the supply chain. They are a kind of window to the world for the country, combining the national economy with international markets. The competitiveness of individual ports and thus of individual national economies is influenced by many factors such as transport accessibility of the port on the back side, transport accessibility of the port from the forefront, port-logistic service. Polish ports continue to work in order to ensure the highest quality services for port customers in all three areas. Looking back to the past and reaching the 17th and 18th centuries, one can see how big potential in handling the cargo Wisła had. At that time, it was Europe's most navigable river, making Gdansk and the Vistula basin one of the richest regions of the continent. At present, Vistula and the entire Polish system of inland waterways provide a huge untapped potential. The article focuses on the assessment of the impact on the Tri-city ports by the implementation of the “Assumptions for inland waterways development plans in Poland for 2016–2020 with a view to 2030.” The availability of transport, both theoretical and practical, has been explained. There are also presented analyzes of the current transport accessibility of port facilities and the vision of increasing the transport accessibility of the Tri-city seaports when the construction and modernization of inland waterways is implemented and in the case of abandoning those works.
The paper continues the study of the same authors, who previously proposed a method of risk assessment in inland navigation. In the literature there is a gap in the research area of a risk management of transportation systems, especially: inland navigation. The authors carried out interdisciplinary research and presented the results related to the identification of risk factors present in the systems of inland navigation. The paper presents inland navigation risk analysis, conducted using the linguistic variables and the FMEA method, taking into account technical, economic and social aspects. The aim of the article is to present a procedure for the assessment of risk in inland waterways transport, and carry out risk analysis for transport companies. In paper the proposal of behavior scenarios, methods of preventing and minimizing effects of pointed risks are shown.
The reclamation of the Pinsk marshes, as envisaged in interwar Poland, was one of the most ambitious national investment projects of the era. The plan was closely linked with the concept of a trans-European waterway running through Polesie, that was also being contemplated around that time. The latter project was embedded in a larger discussion about Poland’s inland navigation. Eventually, neither of these projects were finalized or even begun, before the second world war broke out. This paper analyses the discourse that took place on both issues, with a particular focus on their inevitable intersection. While describing the political background of this discourse, the article reconsiders the role of the engineers as the principal, sometimes overlooked, players in these processes. This research was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland, Grant No. 2015/19/B/HS3/03553
Celem polityki transportowej Unii Europejskiej jest utworzenie zintegrowanego oraz efektywnego systemu transportowego. Założenia do planów rozwoju śródlądowych dróg wodnych w Polsce na lata 2016-2020 z perspektywą do 2030 roku zakładają rewitalizację dróg wodnych w Polsce do minimum IV klasy drogi wodnej o znaczeniu międzynarodowym. Modernizacja obecnej infrastruktury liniowej oraz punktowej jest niezbędna do sprawnego rozwoju żeglugi śródlądowej na odcinku Dolnej Wisły. Odcinek Dolnej Wisły wraz z infrastrukturą punktową może wpłynąć na wzrost przepływu ładunków m.in. transportem intermodalnym w strefie korytarza Bałtyk-Adriatyk. W artykule została zawarta tematyka dotycząca znaczenia korytarza Bałtyk-Adriatyk w Transeuropejskiej Sieci Transportowej TEN-T. Dodatkowo artykuł zawiera informację odnośnie infrastruktury punktowej na zrewitalizowanym odcinku Dolnej Wisły.
The main goal of European Union's transportation policy is to create effective and integrated transportation system. According to development plans of internal waterways in Poland for 2016-2020 with a view to 2030 it can be assumed that there is going to be a revitalization of waterways in Poland up to minimum fourth class level of international waterways. The modernization of current line and point infrastructure is crucial for efficient development of inland shipping on Lower Vistula's part. The part of Lower Vistula along with the point infrastructure can affect the increase of cargo flow, for example: intermodal transport of the Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea corridor. Article includes the meaning of Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea corridor in reference to transeuropean transportation TENT network. Moreover, an article includes the information regarding infrastructure of Lower Vistula's revitalized part.
Mobile devices are increasingly popular among recreational water users and for navigational purposes. Making full use of the possibilities they offer requires a navigational system to be designed and built for mobile devices which make use of mobile cartography. A dynamically adaptive mobile presentation model offering various display possibilities may be an appropriate example of such a system. The navigational purpose of the system, however, requires that the main navigational data presented are integrated in one place, in a so-called conning display. These data should be easily accessible to the user, which is not always the case with mobile devices. The idea of using a Head-Up Display (HUD) as a conning display in a mobile navigation system arose from these considerations. The current paper presents research on implementing a HUD into a mobile system. First, the idea of mobile cartographic presentation is discussed, then the navigational data available in the system are presented. Finally, the concept of using a HUD is explained, a HUD presentation model is shown and technical aspects of HUD integration are described.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki prowadzonych badań, dotyczących aktualnych warunków żeglugowo-nawigacyjnych, intensywności ruchu statków, wypadków i incydentów dla dolnego odcinka Wisły jako uzasadnienie do wprowadzenia systemu wspomagającego żeglugę śródlądową na Dolnej Wiśle. Przedstawiono i scharakteryzowano dwa warianty wdrożenia systemu informacji rzecznej.
The article presents the results of conducted research on actual navigation conditions, traffic intensity, accidents and incidents for the part of the Vistula River as a justification for introducing the inland waterway navigation system in the Lower Vistula . Two variants of the implementation of the river information system were presented and characterized.
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