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w słowach kluczowych:  inkubator przedsiębiorczości uniwersyteckiej
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Purpose: The article aims to assess the knowledge and interest in the offer of university business incubators by students of faculties offering theoretical and practical knowledge about starting and running a business. Design/methodology/approach: A questionnaire plus the Pearson correlation coefficient and the T-Czuprow dependence coefficient were used to examine the relationship between the study variables. Findings: Students are well acquainted with the offer of university business incubators, while not sufficiently aware that these entities can provide them with support at the stage of setting up or developing their business activity. Practical implications: Intensifying activities promoting the activities of the surveyed institutions at universities could activate entrepreneurial thinking and the involvement of academic youth. Originality/value: The article highlights the important role of university business incubators in supporting young entrepreneurs, which makes it a valuable source of information for those interested in starting their own businesses.
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