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W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu nadzoru ewakuacji osób z budynku użyteczności publicznej. Celem wspomnianego rozwiązania technicznego jest zapewnienie sprawnego przeprowadzania ewakuacji osób z miejsca zagrożenia. Do poprawnego działania systemu wymagane jest pozyskiwanie w czasie rzeczywistym lokalizacji ewakuowanych osób, co uzyskano dzięki technologii Bluetooth. W tym przypadku oszacowanie lokalizacji odbywa się na podstawie pomiaru siły sygnału transmitowanego z nadajników, które mają formę opasek noszonych na nadgarstku. Dzięki zastosowanym czujnikom, opaski monitorują i przekazują informacje o funkcjach życiowych osób objętych opieką.
This article presents the concept of a system for supervising the evacuation of people from a public building. The aforementioned technical solution aims to ensure the smooth evacuation of people from the place of danger. For the system to function appropriately, real-time acquisition of the location of evacuees is required, which was achieved through Bluetooth technology. In this case, the location is estimated by measuring the strength of the signal transmitted from the transmitters, which take the form of wristbands worn on the wrist. Thanks to the sensors used, the wristbands monitor and transmit information about the vital functions of the care recipients.
W artykule opisano zintegrowany system nawigacji wewnątrz pomieszczeń, umożliwiający określenie położenia użytkownika wewnątrz budynku, w którym niedostępne są sygnały satelitarnych systemów nawigacyjnych. Komponentami składowymi opisanego rozwiązania jest system nawigacji ultraszerokopasmowej oraz inercyjny system nawigacji. W systemie zastosowano filtr Kalmana przetwarzający dane o położeniu z obu komponentów systemu.
The article describes an integrated indoor navigation system that allows to determine the location of the user inside a building where satellite navigation system signals are not available. The components of the described solution are an ultra-wideband navigation system and an inertial navigation system. The system uses a Kalman filter that processes position data from both system components.
Content available Analysis and testing of an indoor navigation system
The implemented indoor navigation system underwent testing to evaluate its performance in various environmental conditions, both in the absence of UWB signal propagation disturbances and in the presence of such disturbances. These tests aimed to assess the accuracy of position and velocity estimation by the integrated INS/UWB system. The conducted studies confirmed that the system effectively estimates user position and velocity coordinates. Research results under conditions without UWB signal propagation disturbances show that the system is capable of determining object position with a centimetre-level accuracy. However, even in the presence of signal propagation disturbances, the accuracy remains at a very high level, with errors not exceeding several centimetres. As a result, the estimated position determined by the INS/UWB system faithfully reflects the actual user movement paths indoors.
W artykule opisano opracowany przez autorów system nawigacji wewnątrz pomieszczeń, który został poddany badaniom mającym na celu ocenę jego działania w różnych warunkach środowiskowych, zarówno w przypadku braku zakłóceń propagacji sygnałów systemu ultraszerokopasmowego, jak i przy obecności takich zakłóceń. Badania te miały ocenić dokładność estymowania składowych położenia i prędkości przez zintegrowany system nawigacyjny INS/UWB. Potwierdziły, że system skutecznie szacuje współrzędne położenia oraz składowe prędkości użytkownika. Wyniki badań w warunkach bez zakłóceń propagacji sygnałów systemu ultraszerokopasmowego pokazują, że system jest zdolny do określania położenia obiektu z centymetrową dokładnością. Nawet w przypadku wystąpienia zakłóceń propagacji sygnałów dokładność pozostaje na bardzo wysokim poziomie, z błędami nieprzekraczającymi kilkunastu centymetrów. Dzięki temu estymowane położenie wyznaczane przez system INS/UWB wiernie odzwierciedla rzeczywiste trasy ruchu użytkownika wewnątrz pomieszczeń budynku.
Mapmodeling is an important aspect of indoor navigation. It involves creating a digital map of the indoor environment that can be used for navigation purposes. The map can be created using various techniques such as laser scanning, photogrammetry, and computer vision. Once the map is created, it can be used to develop navigation algorithms that can help users navigate the indoor environment. In this paper, we propose a solution based on CAD files. These models can be used for a variety of purposes, including indoor navigation. There are many CAD applications available, including AutoCAD, SketchUp, and SolidWorks, among others. It is a relatively cheap method to model any indoor environment from scans of plans or CAD files. CAD files are the most accurate way to build a digital indoor map because these files can include 2D or 3D designs and usually contain important location information (e.g. floor level) within the layer properties. Moreover, we can map the CAD annotation to the following feature classes if they conform to the indoors model: types of rooms, types of doors, etc. We propose a solution based on DXF format files. We developed the parser to transfer the necessary data from the CAD files to the navigation system. It consists of processing existing maps from the CAD format to the appropriate structure, supplementing it with the data of BLE transmitters, and saving it as a graph suitable for determining routes and guiding the user along the route. We use our method in a system that supports navigation and user safety, emphasizing users with special needs, which we are implementing on our academic campus.
W artykule autorzy przedstawiają wyniki badań i prac rozwojowych, których celem jest zaproponowanie nowych rozwiązań wspierających poruszanie się osób w budynkach, w oparciu o wykorzystanie tzw. geo-opisów przestrzeni. Wykorzystanie dźwięku oraz głosu nie jest jeszcze obecnie popularną metodą realizacji przekazu kartograficznego, czy szerzej geoinformacyjnego. Dostępne i wykorzystywane są coraz powszechniej natomiast aplikacje typu „Przewodnik Turystyczny”, w którym nagranie głosowe (lub syntetyzator mowy) wykorzystywane jest do przekazywania informacji turystycznych. Istnieją też inne metody przekazywania dźwiękiem informacji. Tego typu rozwiązania mogą być przydatne każdemu użytkownikowi aplikacji mobilnych lub osobom zainteresowanym poznaniem budynku przed jego odwiedzeniem. Szczególnym beneficjentem mogą być natomiast osoby z niepełnosprawnościami, a największymi osoby niewidome. Dlatego na tę grupę potencjalnych użytkowników zwrócono szczególną uwagę. O ile dla terenów otwartych, zarówno osoby widzące jak i niewidome mogą znaleźć szereg aplikacji wspomagających ich poruszanie się, o tyle w budynkach jest to nadal niezwykle rzadkie. Dlatego też autorzy jako pole testowe wybrali wnętrze budynku, tym samym starając się znaleźć rozwiązania, które dotychczas nie były dostępne. Autorzy opisują w artykule proces budowy prototypu mobilnej aplikacji geoinformacyjnej, testują wykonalność przyjętych założeń koncepcyjnych oraz oceniają uzyskane rezultaty. Zwracają uwagę na szereg technologii jakie obecnie można zastosować, aby w pełni korzystać z dźwięku i głosu zarówno do odczytu zapisanych informacji o przestrzenia, jak i sterowania aplikacją, oraz zwracają uwagę na standardy jakie stosuje się podczas projektowania aplikacji dla osób niewidomych. Praca realizowana była w dużej części w ramach projektu pt. „Politechnika Warszawska Ambasadorem Innowacji na Rzecz Dostępności”, w ramach którego powstają aplikację nawigacyjno-lokalizacyjne dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami oraz tzw. Mapy Dostępności Budynków (w tym audio mapy i symulatory).
In the article, the authors present the results of research and development work aimed at proposing new solutions to support the movement of people in buildings based on the use of so-called geo-descriptions of space. The use of sound and voice is not yet a popular method of realizing cartographic or, more broadly, geo-information messages. However, applications of the "voice guide" type, in which a voice recording (or speech synthesizer) is used to convey tourist information, are increasingly available and used. There are also other methods of communicating information about the area using sound. These types of solutions can be helpful to any mobile app user or those interested in learning about a building before visiting it, for example. On the other hand, people with disabilities may be a special beneficiaries, with the largest being the blind. Therefore, this group of potential users was given special attention in the research. While for open areas, both sighted and blind people can find several applications to assist their movement, this is still extremely rare in buildings. Therefore, the authors chose the interior of a building as a test field, thus trying to find solutions that have not been available so far. In the article, the authors describe the process of building a prototype of a mobile geo-information application, test the feasibility of the adopted conceptual assumptions and evaluate the results obtained. They point out the range of technologies that can now be used to make full use of sound and voice to read stored spatial information and control the application. They also note the standards that are used when designing applications for blind people. The work was carried out largely within the framework of the project titled "Warsaw University of Technology as an Ambassador of Innovation for Accessibility," which includes the development of navigation and location applications for people with disabilities and so-called Building Accessibility Maps.
Solutions designed for indoor navigation are extremely rare compared to outdoor navigation; however, the potential for development is, therefore, very high. Several pilot projects exist in airports, universities, hospitals, and shopping centres. The difficulties in development are currently mainly due to the continuing low quality of indoor positioning and lack of widespread access to high-quality building models. A strong methodological basis for how the interior and exterior of buildings can be cartographically represented in navigation applications has also not yet been developed. Therefore, an attempt was made to design a virtual environment dedicated to supporting the design of indoor navigation applications. Authors present the results of a study aimed at creating a concept of a simulation environment accompanied by the assessment and preliminary validation of its technological feasibility in terms of the method and technology used – although it does not yet constitute a target study. The result was a fully functional prototype of a virtual test environment, which was successfully used in a pilot study on the effectiveness of different types of navigation guidance. The participants’ behaviour within the desktop virtual environment was investigated and their opinions were collected through a questionnaire. This research proved the technological feasibility of the proposed concept and demonstrated the usefulness of the Unreal Engine game engine in building new tools to support the work of cartographers. The created environment will be further developed and used in indoor mapping research.
This paper proposes an android-based application to help the users to navigate in finding books in the library easily and interactively. This navigation application is connected to a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device that will emit an RSSI signal received by the Smartphone user and show the desired distance to the bookshelf position. The method of triangulation and mean filter were used to eliminate noise in the test environment to make the position of the bookshelf can be found precisely based on the RSSI BLE Beacon value. The test results showed the largest RSSI value for LOS conditions at -48dBm and NLOS at -63 dBm; while the lowest RRSI values for LOS conditions was at -84dBm and NLOS was at -96dBm.
Content available Smart Indoor Navigation System: INCREDISCOPE
The paper presents a newly developed, innovative idea on a global scale system for indoor navigation INCREDISCOPE. The system is fully autonomic, and it is based on e-paper displays technology. The original positioning and navigation system for people inside buildings gives the possibility to intuitively and naturally lead a person to the desired destination. The paper consists of four parts. In the beginning, the short introduction and basic assumptions about indoor navigation and positioning are given. Then the core idea of the system and basic assumptions are introduced. In the third section, some technical information of prepared software is presented. Three different applications were prepared - intended for the system administrator; designated for e-paper displays and a mobile application for users who move inside buildings with their smartphones. The recognition of the users is based on Bluetooth technology. In the paper, two versions of the administrator interface were presented (Admin 1.0 and Admin 2.0). The operation logic of each version is completely different. The first one was too time-consuming during relations table creation. The second one is more intuitive. The last part of the article includes conclusions and prospects for further development of the system.
Artykuł przedstawia ideę nowoczesnego i innowacyjnego na skalę światową systemu nawigacji wewnątrzbudynkowej INCREDISCOPE. System jest w pełni autonomiczny i bazuje na modułach z wyświetlaczami typu e-papier. Dedykowany system lokalizacji oraz nawigacji ludzi wewnątrz budynków pozwala intuicyjnie i naturalnie kierować osoby do wyznaczonego dla nich celu. Artykuł został podzielony na cztery części. Na wstępie zostało podane krótkie wprowadzenie oraz podstawowe założenia projektowanego systemu lokalizacji i nawigacji wewnątrzbudynkowej. W kolejnej części przedstawiono kluczową ideę działania systemu oraz podstawowe założenia i ograniczenia w realizacji tej idei. W trzeciej części artykułu skupiono się na informacjach technicznych na temat stworzonego oprogramowania. W ramach oprogramowania przygotowano trzy różne aplikacje. Pierwsza z nich przeznaczona jest dla administratora systemu, druga przeznaczona jest dla modułów z wyświetlaczami typu e-papier, natomiast ostatnia to aplikacja mobilna dla użytkowników poruszających się ze swoimi smartfonami wewnątrz budynków, w których zainstalowany jest system INCREDISCOPE. Rozpoznawanie użytkowników następuje na podstawie technologii Bluetooth. W artykule przedstawiono dwie wersje interfejsu administratora (Admin 1.0 oraz Admin 2.0). Logika działania każdej z wersji jest całkowicie różna. Pierwsza z nich była zbyt czasochłonna na etapie ustalania relacji między węzłami nawigacji, natomiast druga jest o wiele bardziej intuicyjna. Ostatnia część artykułu to podsumowanie i przedstawienie kierunków dalszego rozwoju systemu.
The map is the key element in any navigation system. The dynamic growth of indoor navigation systems requires improvements in quality not only of positioning systems but also of maps of building interiors. Most emergent solutions in this field do not use cartographic knowledge. Cartographic methodology for representing building interiors is still in its initial stages of development. Its proper use may, however, be of great importance to the effectiveness of indoor navigation. The author presents important features that indoor mobile maps should possess, for both the data model and the presentation method to be used. In this context, the question of the contemporary definition of a map is also discussed.
This paper presents ambiguity resolution in the range-based ZigBee positioning system. The system is using the phase shift measurements to determine the distances between user and anchors. In this paper, the ambiguity is defined as the number of full reps of a certain distance added to the measurement result. The way of resolving ambiguities in the positioning system is described and an experiment results are presented. Featured algorithm is successful in finding ambiguities and correct location of the user.
The main goal of the article is generalization of intellectual innovation project of information system “Mobile information assistant of the tourist” (MIAT), which provide a full-featured integrated information and technological support to tourists during planning and implementation stages of his journey using a wide range of modern information technologies. About two-thirds of today's tourists use information technology to plan and support their journey, while a significant number of them use mobile computer and telecommunications devices. The result of the research made by the group of researchers of the University “Lviv Polytechnic” is the project of innovative intelligent system “Mobile information assistant of a tourist” oriented on IT support of the user in planning and realization of his/her tourist trip in accordance with information technology slogan “EVERYTHING! HERE! IMMEDIATELY!!!”.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibilities of GPS-technology (Global Positioning System) in the tourism industry. The study is devoted to the identification and analysis of functionality of mobile computing devices equipped with GPS receiver in tourism industry, the methods and means of their implementation, building on this basis a mobile information technology for tourist support at all stages of his journey. To achieve the goal a number of mobile information systems using data GPS, methods and means of their implementation, a comparative analysis of current cartographic services that are used in the developing of mobile information technology applications for tourist are analyzed. The study outlines the place of GPS-technology in the "Mobile tourist information assistant" system, and the role of Google Maps services for information technology support and implementation of the main tourist features in mentioned mobile information system.
For many years, cartographers are involved in designing GIS and navigation systems. Most GIS applications use the outdoor data. Increasingly, similar applications are used inside buildings. Therefore it is important to find the proper model of indoor spatial database. The development of indoor navigation systems should utilize advanced teleinformation, geoinformatics, geodetic and cartographical knowledge. The authors present the fundamental requirements for the indoor data model for navigation purposes. Presenting some of the solutions adopted in the world they emphasize that navigation applications require specific data to present the navigation routes in the right way. There is presented original solution for indoor data model created by authors on the basis of BISDM model. Its purpose is to expand the opportunities for use in indoor navigation.
In this paper we present an indoor localization system based on particle filter and multiple sensor data like acceleration, angular velocity and compass data. With this approach we tackle the problem of documentation on large building yards during the construction phase. Due to the circumstances of such an environment we cannot rely on any data from GPS, Wi-Fi or RFID. Moreover this work should serve us as a first step towards an all-in-one navigation system for mobile devices. Our experimental results show that we can achieve high accuracy in position estimation.
The development of indoor navigation systems should utilize advanced teleinformation, geoinformation and cartographical knowledge. The authors analyzed available specifications of prototypes of indoor navigation systems and drew conclusions about how to enhance the use of cartographical methods in the whole process of designing a new system. The analysis proves that cartographical methodology is still very limited in the process of designing indoor navigation systems. Researchers focus mainly on improving the positioning accuracy, and they often neglect the issue of developing spatial databases and the rules of their effective visualization. The process of designing indoor navigation systems, just like in the case of outdoor navigation systems, consists of a number of tasks that can be supported by the theory and practice of cartography. This article presents the issues of determination of spatial database model appropriate for an indoor system, improvement of accuracy of positioning algorithms utilizing spatial data and methodology of generating graphical and voice directions for indoor navigation. In the authors’ opinion, the discussed cartographical methods and techniques may considerably enhance indoor navigation systems and accelerate their development. The fundamental knowledge of cartographical methods should be within the interest of designers of these systems. At present the first attempts in this field may be observed, although they are still not mature and complex.
Autonomous mobile robots need to use spatial information about the environment in order to effectively plan and execute navigation tasks. The information can be represented at different levels of abstraction, ranging from detailed geometric maps to coarse topological maps. Each level is adequate for some sub-task, but not for others. In this paper, we consider the representation of spatial knowledge at two different levels of abstraction, which are commonly considered in the robotics literature : the geometric level, and the topological level. We propose to represent the environment by local metric maps connected into a topological network. This technique allows us to use maps that are not metrically consistent on the global scale, although they are metrically consistent locally. The structure allows also the combination of abstract global reasoning and precise local geometric computations. Moreover, this structure reflects the typical organization of indoor environments, where rooms and hallways define independent but connected local working spaces. To navigate in the environment, the robot uses the topological information to plan a sequence of sectors to traverse, and uses the metric information in each sector to locally move within the sector and to the next one. The functioning of the proposed system with respect to omnidirectional mobile robots and results of simulated experiments are presented.
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