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The scarcity of annual rainfall, which sometimes spreads over successive years, causes persistent droughts. In order to study the drought severity on the Algerian steppe, we analysed precipitation data (1985-2015) from the weather stations of Ain Sefra, El Bayadh, Tiaret and Djelfa, using drought meteorological indices: the mean deviation, the standardised precipitation index, the rainfall index and the frequency analysis of the rainfall series. Thus, we adopted the diachronic study by satellite remote sensing for the years 2002 (the driest year) and 2009 (the wettest year), which allowed us to better understand the evolution of the steppe rangelands surface and to better interpret their spatial-temporal changes. Drought, as determined by the mean deviation index, occurred during two periods (in sequence and corresponds to 55% the sequences of deficit years), one over 12 years (from 1994/1993 to 2006/2005) and the other over 5 years (1985-1990) and with isolated years. The results of the diachronic study of the vegetation change demonstrate the obvious divergence of the vegetation cover between 2002 and 2009. Drought has impacts on vegetation composition, growth, productivity, structure and functioning of ecosystems, which limits regeneration of vegetation cover.
The aim of this study was to ascertain the current condition of the Anchar lake water body in the Indian state of J&K in terms of water quality using some main parameters such as pH, TDS, EC, DO, and nitrates content. For the years 2019 and 2020, samples were obtained for two seasons: summer and winter. The quantitative analysis of the experimental results indicates a general increasing trend and considerable variance in nitrates content, as well as a gradual decrease in pH, indicating that the lake's acidity is increasing, but only within the basicity range, with real values approaching neutrality: TDS and EC content suggest a very favorable situation, but when the overall parameters are tested, they show a defect. Since the sampling sites were well aerated, the dissolved oxygen content showed a growing pattern, and as a result, this metric proved to be useless in deciding the overall scenario in the lake. In the winter, the longitudinal trend line indicates a 10% decrease in pH, while in the summer, it shows a 4.4 percent decrease in pH. In winters, the longitudinal trend line reveals a 6.7 percent growth in nitrate content, while summers see a marginal decline. In the winter, the longitudinal trend line shows a 7% rise in dissolved oxygen, while in the summer, it shows a uniform trend.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad kosztami budowy i eksploatacji stacji uzdatniania wód powierzchniowych. Analizie ekonomicznej poddano stacje podzielone na trzy grupy w zależności od kategorii jakości pobieranych wód (A1, A2 i A3). Dla każdej z kategorii wód określono zależności pomiędzy jednostkowymi kosztami, a ich przepustowością. Wielkości te zostały ustalone na podstawie informacji uzyskanych z przedsiębiorstw wodociągowych-kanalizacyjnych. Zależności te zostały przedstawione w formie analitycznej i graficznej. Analiza kosztów pokazała, że jednostkowe nakłady inwestycyjne i koszty eksploatacji maleją wraz ze wzrostem przepustowości stacji.
The article presents results of research on the costs of construction and operations of surface water treatment plants. Economic analysis were carried out in plants divided into three groups, depending on categories of drawn water quality (A1, A2 and A3). For each of these water categories the relationship between construction and operations unit costs was determined. Their level was determined on the basis of data from water supply and sewerage utilities. These relationships are presented in the analytical and graphic form. Cost analysis shows that unit capital and operating costs decline with increasing of plant capacity.
Sustainable development involves integration of political, economic and social activities maintaining natural balance and durability of basic natural processes in order to ensure the possibility to fulfil the essential needs of individual communities or citizens, for both present and future generations. An attempt was made in the paper to evaluate the provinces in view of sustaining their development. A set of 71 indicators was used to describe the individual areas of sustainable development, i.e. economic, environmental and institutional-political order in a synthetic way. Linear ordering of provinces was conducted using their taxonomic distance from the model object.
Content available remote Patterns and Distances in Words Related to DNA Rearrangement
We initiate studies of patterns in words that appear as subwords (not necessarily factors) of words. A pattern is a string of variables, and we say that a pattern appears in a word if each variable can be morphically mapped to a factor in the word. We define pattern indices and distances between two words relative to a given set of patterns. The distance is defined as the minimal number of ‘pattern reductions’ that transfer one word into another. Motivated by patterns detected in certain scrambled ciliate genomes, we focus on double occurrence words (words where every symbol appears twice) and patterns in those words. Specifically, we show that in double occurrence words the distance relative to patterns αα (repeat words) and ααR (return words) is computable. We also compare some pattern indices of highly scrambled genes in O. trifallax relative to random sequences.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę morfologiczną tętnic środkowych mózgu w miejscu podziału na tętnicę skroniową i czołową. Trójwymiarowe modele tętnic pacjentów zostały wygenerowane w środowisku Mimics na podstawie zdjęć angioTK. Analizowano tętnice 24 pacjentów z tętniakiem oraz 24 pacjentów zdrowych, u których badanie angioTK wykonano w ramach rutynowej diagnozy innych schorzeń. Uzyskaną bazę danych podsumowano metodami statystki opisowej, porównywano m.in. średnie wartości pól przekrojów, obwodów i średnic poszczególnych naczyń, a także kąty pomiędzy tętnicami. Praca stanowi podstawę do dalszej wielowymiarowej analizy statystycznej.
In this paper it was performed the morphological analysis of bifurcation geometry in middle cerebral arteries. The three-dimensional models of arteries were obtained from angiography images from 24 healthy people and 24 patients with aneurysm. There were analyzed the mean values and quartiles of diameters, areas, circumferences and angles. It was also calculated kurtosis, to check whether the distribution is normal. The studies are the basis for further, multivariate statistical analysis.
Príspevok je zameraný na problematiku vymedzenia univerzálnej poštovej služby a jej jednotlivých kvalitatívnych charakteristík vo väzbe na dokumenty Svetovej poštovej únie, Európskej únie a Európskeho parlamentu ako aj národnej legislatívy Slovenskej republiky (SR) v kontexte zmien na trhu poštových služieb.
This paper investigates the issue of universal postal service definition including the research focused on qualitative indices in relation with the documents of Universal Postal Union, European Union and European Parliament as well as the national legislative of Slovak republic (SR) in the context of changes on the postal service markets.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie kilku wybranych metod pomiaru wymiaru ekologicznego rozwoju zrównoważonego, z uwzględnieniem pomiaru dokonywanego w Unii Europejskiej i Polsce oraz próba znalezienia podobieństw i różnic między metodami pomiaru.
Ecological (environmental) dimension of the sustainable development concerns land management and planning, ecosystem services, maintenance of proper performance of the ecosystems, their resilience and preserving biodiversity. Referring to the above-mentioned elements, different measuring methods are used. Commonly used indicators not only apply to conservation of individual components of the environment, but also to the anthropogenic (socio-economic) impact on the environment. The aim of this article is to present selected, best known estimation methods of the environment at national and supranational levels, and to an attempt to find differences and similarities between them.
Five composite samples of waste water were collected from waste water tank of a vegetable oil refining company and were analyzed for physiochemical characteristics, heavy metal and organic pollutants. Physicochemical determinations were done according to standard methods; heavy metals were determined by use of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer method while organic pollutants were determined by Gas chromatography system HP 6890 series. Sulphate was determined by vanadomolybdophosphoric acid method while phosphates and chlorides were determined by argentometric method. Results reveal that effluent pH (4.67 ±0.015), salinity (125 ±4.50 %) and BOD5 (17.83 ±1.70 mg/l) were bellow WHO standard whereas TDS (127.7 ±5.77 mg/l), TSS (563.6 ±3.15 mg/l) and COD (3959 ±3.8 mg/l) were above WHO standards. Heavy metal pollution index (0.31) showed no multi-element contamination arising from effluent. The degree of contamination (1.84) showed that the effluent has a moderate polluting potential. Lower molecular weight PAHs showed a significant difference even though most of the organic compounds in vegetable oil refinery wastewater showed good biodegradability that varied weekly. Therefore there is either no treatment or an in effective treatment of the effluents. This could result to serious environmental problems in the near future.
The article discusses the impact of the agrarometeorological conditions on the state of soil and the processes connected with soil tillage and crop sowing. It determines agrotechnological reasons of technological adapting of these operations to enviromental conditions. It sets the terms of qualitative modifications in soil under the impact of agrometeorological conditions within spring and summer-autumn periods.
Swobodny dostęp do publicznych danych statystycznych jest jednym z podstawowych warunków funkcjonowania „sprawnego” państwa i jest praktyką większości państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej [Eurostat 2013; Sprawne Państwo 2013]. Prawne podstawy tego dostępu w Polsce gwarantuje art. 61 Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Dz.U. 1997, Nr 78, poz. 483, z późn. zm.) oraz Ustawa z 6 września 2001 r. o dostępie do informacji publicznej (Dz.U. 2001, Nr 112, poz. 1198, z późn. zm.). Publiczne dane statystyczne stanowią źródło informacji dla potrzeb ewaluacji realizowanych polityk oraz podstawę do formułowania prognoz niezbędnych do skutecznego i efektywnego prowadzenia dalszego rozwoju. Ograniczenia w zakresie dostępu do statystyki publicznej, a także występujące przypadki manipulacji tymi danymi, co miało miejsce w ostatnim okresie w Grecji, nie tylko utrudniają realizację zadań badawczych, ale naruszają zasadę przejrzystości państwa, co zmniejsza poziom zaufania obywateli, partnerów międzynarodowych oraz może stanowić zagrożenie dla ekonomicznych fundamentów jego funkcjonowania [Tatała 2012].
The aim of this paper is presenting the current state of public information resources and indices displaying socio-economic phenomena in regional studies in Poland along with the recommendations resulting thereof. The analysis rests upon the experiences collected by the Authors in course of the research project entitled “Socio-economic development and the pattern of growth and stagnation areas”, co-financed by the Polish National Science Centre under Ref. No NN 306 791940. The spatial analyses carried out in its frameworks encompassed NUTS 2 and NUTS 4 levels. They referred to the period of 2000-2010 and were fully compliant with the assumed scope of observations fundamental to the substantial diagnoses.
The article describes the different types of indexes. Their characteristic determines whether and when they can be used to improve database performance. Then studies are performed using different indices for different situations. The conclusions of the study can be serve as a guide to correct use of indexes.
The paper presents analysis and significance of the implementation possibility of the existing selected slagging and fouling indexes for solid biofuels. Various biomass and alternative fuels which may be a good energy source for heat and power generation are considered. Basing on the chemical properties of their ashes the fouling and slagging propensity of the biofuels was determined. Moreover, the potential profits in case of their validation and suitability are discussed. The results of the analytical calculations indicated substantial differences in the fouling and slagging tendency of the fuels not only in within the biomass type, but also within the given biomass itself. Additionally it was shown, that smart blending of biofuels (not only with coal) may lead to the increase of biomass share in energy production without deterioration of combustion conditions in the boiler.
Praca przedstawia analizę i znaczenie możliwości wprowadzenia istniejących wskaźników szlakowania i żużlowania dla biopaliw stałych. Rozważane są różne bio i alternatywne paliwa, które mogą stanowić dobre źródło energii do produkcji ciepła i energii. Opierając się na cechach chemicznych popiołu, określono skłonność biopaliw do szlakowania i żużlowania. Ponadto, omówiono możliwe zyski w przypadku potwierdzenia ich ważności i stosowalności. Wyniki obliczeń analitycznych wskazały na istotne różnice w tendencji do szlakowania i żużlowania paliw, nie tylko w poszczególnym rodzaju biomasy, ale także w poszczególnej biomasie. Co więcej, wskazano, iż inteligentne łączenie biopaliw (nie tylko z węglem) może prowadzić do wzrostu udziału biomasy w produkcji energii bez pogorszenia warunków spalania w piecu.
W pracy przedstawiono możliwość szacowania ilości azotu wiązanego symbiotycznie przez rośliny motylkowate (w obecnej systematyce - bobowate) za pomocą wskaźników wyznaczonych wg metody opracowanej przez HØGH-JENSENA i in. (2004). Podano wartości wskaźników wnoszenia azotu wiązanego symbiotycznie przez różne gatunki roślin motylkowatych występujących w monokulturze i w mieszankach z trawami. Wynoszą one od 31 do 86 kg N·t-¹ s.m. runi w odniesieniu do motylkowatych drobnonasiennych i od 35 do 38 kg N·t-¹ s.m. runi lub od 36 do 54 kg N·t-¹ s.m. nasion w odniesieniu do roślin strączkowych. Stwierdzono, że wyznaczone zgodnie z wymienioną metodą wskaźniki wnoszenia azotu związanego z atmosfery przez rośliny motylkowate mogą być wykorzystywane do sporządzania bilansów tego składnika w gospodarstwach rolnych, a także w celach edukacyjnych.
The paper presents a possibility of estimating the amount of N fixed symbiotically by legume plants with indices determined acc. to the method of HØGH-JENSEN et al. (2004). The indices of N input by various legume plants both in monoculture and mixed with grasses amounted from 31 to 86 kg N·t-¹ DM sward of small seeded legumes and from 35 to 38 kg N·t-¹ DM sward or from 36 to 54 kg N·t-¹ dry seeds for pod legumes. The indices of N input determined with this method may be used in nitrogen budgets in farms and for educational purposes.
Content available remote Quantitative evaluation of veto power
The decisiveness index and the loose protectionism index for a single player have been introduced, starting from the decisiveness and the loose protectionism indices for a collective decisionmaking mechanism defined by Carreras. Attention was mainly focused on the latter index, being proposed as a quantitative measure of the power of veto of each agent. According to this index, a veto player has veto power equal to one, while each other player has a fractional power according to her/his likelihood of blocking a given proposal. Such an index coincides with the expected payoff at the Bayesian equilibrium of a suitable Bayesian game, which illustrates the non-cooperative point of view of a decision-making mechanism.
The landscape structure can be analysed in different ways while using different methods, research tools and initial data. One of the effective research methods is remote sensing together with satellite imageries obtained by this method. This technology used to be successfully applied in ecology, e.g. for evaluation of forest landscape structure modifi ed by economic activity of man. In the studies carried out by remote sensing methods, it was found that the current landscape structure results from its previous states and is shaped both by man and by natural processes. Having the above statements as a starting point, an analysis of forest landscape structure was performed in the territory of the Zaborski Landscape Park, based on Landsat satellite imageries from the period 1975-2003. The NDVI was calculated for the entire park as well as for three research plots situated within the park. Squares were set up as research plots, with a side of 5040 m long. Each square encompassed 28 224 pixels of dimensions 30 x 30 m. The squares were set up in areas of different intensity of forestry and different share of secondary forests on formerly arable soils. On the basis of generated images presenting the spatial diversifi cation of NDVI, the following texture parameters were defi ned for each research plot: diversity (H), fragmentation (F), fractal dimension (FD). In calculations of the diversity index and fragmentation, the size of the matrix window amounted to 5x5 pixels. The fractal dimension was calculated with the triangular prism method described by Altobelli et al. (2001). The NDVI was also calculated for three sets, each comprising 24 or 25 test areas distributed within each research plot. Test areas were squares with a side of 300x300 metre long representing all age classes of tree stands in the habitat of fresh and dry pine forest. The completed database on subdivisions of the surface area division as well as the course of the process of deforestation and afforestation of the region during the period 1796-2003, allowed the detailed analysis of the obtained results with reference to land use history in this area. In the comparative analysis of three research plots on the basis of structure indices, the graphic method of Jentys-Szaferowa (1948) was applied and methods of numerical taxonomy. On the basis of the performed analyses, it was concluded that together with the increased human pressure on the nature, the average value of NDVI decreased together with the simultaneous increase of indices expressing the diversity, fragmentation and fractal dimension of the landscape.
Przeprowadzona analiza statystyczna pozwoliła określić wpływ wielkości gospodarstw na poziom uzbrojenia technicznego. Określone zostały również relacje pomiędzy poszczególnymi wskaźnikami charakteryzującymi park maszynowy. Analiza korelacyjno-regresyjna wykazała współzależność na podobnym poziomie w obu gminach. Wskazuje to na tendencje generalne wzajemnych powiązań analizowanych cech niezależnie od regionu i wielkości gospodarstw indywidualnych.
The performed statistical analysis allowed to determine the impact of the farmstead size on the level of technical infrastructure. Relations between particular indices characterizing machinery were also determined. The correlational and regressive analysis demonstrated correlations on a similar level in both communes. This indicates general tendencies of correlations of the analyzed qualities regardless of the region and size of individual farmsteads.
Zróżnicowanie gmin pod względem kierunku gospodarowania pozwoliło określić wpływ ich ukierunkowania na poziom wyposażenia gospodarstw w park maszynowy. Badania przeprowadzone zostały w formie wywiadu kierowanego i objęły swym zakresem po jednej gminie z województwa małopolskiego i wielkopolskiego. Zgodnie z oczekiwaniami obiekty z terenu typowo rolniczego tj. gminy Nowe Miasto nad Wartą, charakteryzowało lepsze nasycenie środkami technicznymi w porównaniu z gmina przemysłową Chrzanów.
Diversity of communes in terms of course of farming allowed determination of the impact of their orientation on the level of outfitting farmsteads with a machinery. The studies were performed in a form of directed interview and covered one commune from Małopolska province and one from Wielkopolska province. As expected the facilities in the typical agricultural area i.e. in the commune of Nowe Miasto on the Warta river, were characterized by higher accumulation of technical means when compared to the industrial commune of Chrzanów.
This work addresses the influence of the PQ-monitor connection on the estimation of voltage dip site and system indices. Voltage dip indices are estimated for a set of events obtained from simulation and measurement of voltage dips. The simulated dips are obtained applying the method of fault positions on a large transmission network and the measured dips come from a one-year survey performed on three buses of a sub-transmission and distribution network. The site and system indices estimated to compare phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral dips are SARFI-90,SARFI-70,SARFI-ITIC,expectedvoltagedipamplitude(µ[VDA]),andthecumulative distribution frequency of voltage dip amplitude. These indices are estimated at the bus level and then aggregated to estimate the system performance. The comparison of phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral indices indicates that, at high voltage level, phase-to-neutral dips are more frequent and more severe than phase-to-phase ones. However, these differences are damped at low voltage level, where the monitored bus presented similar indices for phase and line voltages. These observations must be taken in consideration to compare voltage dip benchmark because the lack of information about the type of the measured voltages may lead to derive inaccurate conclusions about the site and system performance regarding voltage dips.
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