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Background: The most important contemporary methodological problems in the study of supply chains include creating and verifying hypotheses and theories as well as selecting appropriate research schemes. An acceptance of the different ways to explain problems (induction, deduction or abduction) is key. It should be remembered that interesting and useful results can be achieved only with well-formulated questions and research problems. All of these issues relate to the need to strengthen methodological rigor within the research into supply chains. Methods: The primary method employed in this article is critical analysis. This article focuses on the most important issues related to the construction of a theory and its verification, as well as the issue of the pattern of research and the cognitive scheme. In addition, the issue of the correctness of definitions has been developed, as these are often wrongly formulated and do not fulfil their role. Results: The main purpose of this article is to indicate that supply chain research requires a change in the general model of scientific practice, assigning a higher rank to replication research and increasing the role of scientific criticism. Potential drivers of supply chain research are all types of reasoning: deduction (reasoning, checking), reduction and its special case induction (translation, command), and the systematization of knowledge. The knowledge gained from this research is so extensive and varied that its further development is possible through refutation, i.e. thesis making, defence and falsification. The aim of this article is also the systematization and analysis of theories and methodological assumptions in the area of supply chain management. Conclusions: The analysis points to a need to structure the definitions of supply. What needs to be established is a set of basic theories useful in the study of supply chains and the assessment of the assertions formulated with regards to hypotheses. The improvement of methodological assumptions, as well as the search for methodological elements useful in this study, need to be continuously ensured. The scope of the theories used in the research should be broadened, but at the same time, new theories should be examined which also pertain to their usefulness in explaining and creating the concept and practical recommendations. It is suggested that research on supply chains needs to be approached in a slightly broader way than has been done so far in the literature. The methodology is recognized as a system of analysis in a particular area of study or activity. Therefore, the majority of publications retrieved according to this key word refer only to examples of the use of particular methods, tools for researching supply chains, or only some aspects of its functioning. However, methodology can also be understood as a philosophy of science. This approach to supply chain research methodology is an important research gap and a new view on supply chain management.
Wstęp: Do najważniejszych, współczesnych problemów metodologicznych w badaniach łańcuchów dostaw należą: tworzenie i sprawdzanie twierdzeń oraz teorii i wybór schematów badania. Kwestią krytyczną jest też akceptacja sposobów wyjaśniania (indukcja, dedukcja lub abdukcja). Trzeba przy tym pamiętać, iż wartościowe rezultaty można uzyskać tylko przy dobrze sformułowanych pytaniach i problemach badawczych. Wszystkie wymienione kwestie wiążą się z potrzebą wzmocnienia rygoryzmu metodologicznego w badaniach związanych z łańcuchami dostaw. Metody: W artykule podstawową metodą jest analiza krytyczna. Wyniki: Dokonano systematyzacji i analizy teorii i założeń metodologicznych w obszarze zarządzania łańcuchami dostaw. Wnioski: Analiza dowodzi, że wpierw należy zlikwidować bałagan w definiowaniu łańcuchów dostaw. Można odwołać się do teorii grafów i używać prostej definicji: zbiór przedsiębiorstw i relacji między nimi, w którym firmy są dla siebie dostawcami i odbiorcami. Trzeba także rozwijać zbiór podstawowych teorii przydatnych w badaniach łańcuchów dostaw i ocenić poziom asercji formułowanych hipotez. Należy stale dbać o ulepszanie założeń metodologicznych i szukać elementów metodologii przydatnych dla omawianych badań. Warto zwiększać zakres teorii wykorzystywanych w badaniach. Ale jednocześnie należy ustalić pochodzenie wykorzystywanych i nowych teorii i ich przydatność w procesie wyjaśniania i tworzenia koncepcji oraz rekomendacji dla praktyki.
Content available remote Filozoficzno-moralna interpretacja wybranych hipotez logistyki
W artykule dokonano metodologicznej analizy hipotez wyróżnionych przez filozofię nauki, które mogą być stosowane w logistyce. Zdefiniowano samo pojęcie hipotezy i jej kontrasty, jak też podjęto próbę skonstruowania dla logistyki przypuszczeń obecnych w metodologii wiedzy. Analizowano zatem charakter hipotezy dyrektywnej, przewidywania probabilistyczne oraz hipotezy deterministyczne i implikacyjne. Na tym tle poszukiwano związków pomiędzy możliwymi w logistyce przypuszczeniami a problemami mającymi zastosowanie w filozofii moralności.
The article contains a methodological analysis of hypotheses distinguished in the philosophy of science that can be useful in logistics. The very notion of the hypothesis and its contrasts were defined, also take the attempt to construct the assumptions for logistics present in the methodology of knowledge. Therefore, the nature of the directive hypothesis, probabilistic predictions as well as deterministic and implicit hypotheses were analyzed. Against this background, connections between possible assumptions in logistics and problems applicable in the philosophy of morality were sought.
Artykuł poświęcono rozważaniom o zagrożeniach, jakie dla rozwoju logistyki płyną z niedojrzałej metodologii prac naukowych oraz z braku wiedzy w zakresie istoty wkładu do rozwoju teorii.
The paper is devoted to deliberations about threats for the development of logistics that come from the immature methodology of scientific works and from the lack of knowledge of the meaning of contribution to the development of theory.
The principles of civil aviation safety are considered. At present time, aviation is an ultra-safe system, (i.e. a system that experiences less than one catastrophic safety breakdown every one million production cycles). But, unfortunately, we can never state that aviation activities will be absolutely safe. In current conditions the increase of the civil aviation safety level is one of the principal objectives of the world air transport development. The paper pays special attention to the civil aviation threats and risks in the context of globalization processes. The investigation deals with problems of global implementation of Annex 19 to the Convention of the International Civil Aviation. Present research paper discusses new theoretical approaches to searching for methods to assess the “safety space” of civil aviation activity. Special attention is paid to an effective test, proposed by A. Wald.
This work justifies the need for further research, both laboratory and real-time usage, on improving currently operating diagnostic systems adapted to monitor ship's two-stroke, slow-running high power rating main engines in order to prevent the damage of the main tribological systems of the engines, at least these mentioned in the paper. The randomness of the variability of the load of the engines is highlighted. It is pointed that the load should be taken under consideration during the period of usage of the engines as random processes, but the optional period of time of usage as random variables. The models of these processes which are necessary to the research are offered to be elaborated with the use of Semi-Markov model theory. The rationality of the proposition is pointed out with two hypotheses. The first explains the relation between the mechanical load QM(t) and the thermal load QC(t) of the engines. The second - the existence of the stochastic linear relation between the load QM(t) and QC(t) of the engines and the wear Z(t) of their main tribological systems in such relation, that the value of the coralation coefficient rqz=1. In order to simplify the actions made to improve the currently used diagnostic systems of the engines mentioned; the most relevant description according to the author of chosen tribological system damage is given. The conditions of usage which favor the described damage are also characterized.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest propozycja metody oceny wpływu historii obciążenia na trwałość zmęczeniową gruntów związanych cementem. Skupiono uwagę na matematycznym opisie metody. Wykorzystano wyniki badań doświadczalnych dostępne w literaturze. Posłużono się w pracy uogólnieniem pojęcia jednostkowej szkody zmęczeniowej, co pozwoliło na sformułowanie prostej w opisie i zastosowaniu hipotezy zmęczeniowej, uzależniającej trwałość zmęczeniową od historii obciążenia.
The paper deals with a method of assessing the impact of load history on fatigue life of cement treated soils. The mathematical description of the method is presented. Experimental results available in the literature have been used. A generalization of the concept of unit fatigue damage was used in the paper allowing the formulation of a simple hypothesis defining the fatigue life as a function of the load history.
Content available remote Wybrane metodologiczne problemy w naukach o zarządzaniu
W pracy przedstawiono, dla potrzeb prowadzenia badań w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu, wybrane konstrukcje metodologiczne. Podano w doprecyzowanej postaci pojęcia metody naukowej, falsyfikacji, tezy, hipotezy i hipotez cząstkowych. Oryginalnym wynikiem jest formalizacja rozróżnienia hipotezy i tezy oraz opis procedury weryfikacji merytorycznej hipotezy uwzględniający konieczność uprzedniego sformułowania kryterium rozstrzygania o zaklasyfikowaniu. Podane zostały przykłady hipotez i odpowiednich kryteriów do ich weryfikacji merytorycznej.
The work presents selected methodological structures, for the purposes of management studies. It provides precisely defined notions of the scientific method, falsification, thesis, hypothesis and partial hypotheses. The original result is formalization of distinction between hypothesis and thesis and description of the hypothesis verification procedure taking into account the necessity of previously formulating the classification resolution criterion. Examples of hypotheses and appropriate criteria for their verification are provided.
On the basis of dynamic capabilities theory, this paper has put forward the theoretical analysis model and examined questionnaire data from 195 large and medium manufacturing enterprises in 2011 through statistical test methods including intermediary role term and SEM model. The results are as follows: first, in the test for basic constructs, the correlation of independent and dependent variables Sig. <0.001 and Pearson coefficient>0.500, all multiple correlation coefficient > 0.800, all determination coefficient R2 >0.650, Durbin-Watson coefficient approximated to 2.000, all check coefficient has presented distinct character, the whole regressive model explained variation achieved significant standard and all hypothesis have passed the statistical test. Secondly, during the tests for hypothesis with intermediary role term, the regressive coefficient intermediary variable was up to 0.723 and markedly different from 0(Sig. <0.001), the regressive coefficient of organization modularization, intellectual capital and knowledge resource were decreased respectively, determination coefficient R2 increased to 0.889 with significant higher explanation power. It shows that the regressive model with intermediary variable has influenced much on comprehensive regression effect and the hypothesis of intermediary role term have passed the statistical tests.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę teoretyczną danych ze 195 dużych i średnich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych z 2011 roku. Wykorzystano do tego celu testy statystyczne, w tym model SEM. Zamieszczone wyniki pokazują, że zastosowany model regresyjny ze zmiennymi pośrednimi ma duży wpływ na ogólny efekt regresji. Analiza hipotezy o roli pośrednika, na podstawie dokonanych testów, okazała się prawdziwa.
W pracy przedstawiono ocenę wyników badań jakości wykonania rozpylaczy płaskostrumieniowych, stosowanych w opryskiwaczach polowych. Oceny jakości wykonania tych rozpylaczy dokonano na podstawie analizy statystycznej wartości jednego z podstawowych parametrów funkcjonalnych rozpylaczy, tzn. natężenia wypływu cieczy technologicznej. Podczas badań sformułowano hipotezy statystyczne dotyczące zgodności wartości natężenia wypływu z wartościami nominalnymi i dopuszczalnymi oraz poddano je weryfikacji. Uzyskane wyniki upoważniają do stwierdzenia, że ocena jakości wykonania rozpylaczy płaskostrumieniowych na podstawie ocen i charakterystyk natężenia wypływu cieczy nie jest jednoznaczna.
A transverse irregularity of spray is the one of the most used characteristics for spray quality assessment. The value of this indicator is assigned based on laboratory measurements carried out on a multi-groove table. The functional parameters of nozzles have a direct influence on the value of the indicator, for instance, it depends on the intensity of liquid outflow. The intensity of liquid outflow is important during the procedure of agricultural spray. Disagreement between the actual and nominal value of this parameter may cause significant deterioration in spray quality during fieldwork. The paper presents an analysis of the workmanship of nozzles, which is made on the basis of statistical analysis of the intensity of liquid outflow values. During the tests, the statistical hypothesis concerning agreements between the real and nominal or acceptable intensity of liquid outflow values were formulated and verified. In the conclusions the author affirms that the assessment of the level of nozzle workmanship is ambiguous, but a lot of the circumstances indicate that the workmanship is not satisfactory.
The paper deals with importance of hypothesis in the process of scientific research. The authors explain meaning of commonly used basic terms and characterize research methodology, research process and its structure as well as types of research problems. The main attention is paid to the role of hypotheses, their classification and possible formulations.
Artykuł zajmuje się ważnością hipotez w procesie badania naukowego. Autorzy objaśniają znaczenie ogólne wykorzystanych terminów i charakteryzują metodologię naukową, proces badania i jego strukturę oraz rodzaje problemów naukowych. Główną uwagę zwracają na rolę hipotez, ich klasyfikację i możliwość formułowania.
A proposal of probabilistic interpretation of loading process of self-ignition combustion engines, was presented. Probabilistic description of loading the engines was proposed with taking into account known parameters (indices) of their operation. It was demonstrated that instantaneous load of such engines can be considered a random variable. Attention was paid to the fact that the load can be taken as a multi-dimensional random variable. Engine load changes during its operation were considered as the loading process and presented in the form of a multi-dimensional stochastic process whose states are loads considered to be random variables. It was demonstrated that the loading process can be taken as the stochastic one of asymptotically independent incements, stationary and ergodic. Justification of the above mentioned features of the loading process is contained in the presented hypotheses. It was also demonstrated that in testing the load process of self-ignition engines stochastic relation between thermal and mechanical loading should be taken into account.
Content available remote Process of self-ignition engine loads and its properies
The paper presents a probabilistic interpretation of self-ignition combustion engine load, with regards to known parameters (rates) of engine operation. It has been shown that load of engines of this kind, considered in any moment, can be regarded as a multi-dimensional random variable. Changes of engine load in time of operation are considered herein as a process of loads and presented in a form of multidimensional stochastic process, of which states are loads as random variables. The process of loads can be regarded as a stochastic process with gains asymptotically independent, being stationary and ergodic. The researches on self-ignition engine loads should consider the stochastic dependence between thermal and mechanical loads. Load considered in arbitrary moment of work of each engine has been accepted as a random variable. Loads considered in successive moments make the process of loads.. The moments, however, are not random variables, but parameters of the process. Apart from the hypothesis specified above also other ones have been formulated. For verification of the hypotheses there have been proposed: the method of non-deductive (inductive) inference, called reductive inference and the method of deductive inference, called the „modus tollens” rule. The proposed approach to analysis of self-ignition engine loads is essential because the loads are ones of the most significant causes of surface (linear) as well as volume wear of the engines, what in consequence leads to engine failures. The engine failures happening during operation are random events. The failures considered in successive moments of their occurrence make the process of failures, which is a random process.
Paper presents a new scientific hypothesis for reduction of any given fatigue cycle to the equivalent cycle, in sense of the fatigue wear. This hypothesis should allow designers to enhance quality of the computational fatigue analyses, particularly analyses of the riveted structures. In effect, implementation of the presented hypothesis should allow designers create lighter, more stressed and - hopefully - equally safe riveted structures.
W pracy zaproponowano nową hipotezę redukcji zadanego, dowolnego cyklu obciążenia zmęczeniowego do cyklu równoważnego w sensie zużycia zmęczeniowego. Hipoteza ta powinna pozwolić na na podniesienie jakości obliczeniowych analiz zmęczeniowych - zwłaszcza konstrukcji nitowanych. W efekcie powinna też umożliwić projektowanie coraz lżejszych, bardziej wysilonych i co najmniej równie bezpiecznych struktur nośnych konstrukcji.
Content available remote Hipotezy w etyce marketingu
W artykule dokonano metodologicznej analizy hipotez wyróżnionych przez filozofię nauki, które mogą być stosowane w etyce marketingu. Zdefiniowano samo pojęcie hipotezy i jej kontrasty, jak też podjęto próbę skonstruowania dla etyki marketingu uniwersalnych przypuszczeń obecnych w metodologii wiedzy. Analizowano zatem charakter hipotezy dyrektywnej, przewidywania probabilistyczne oraz hipotezy deterministyczne i implikacyjne. Na tym tle poszukiwano związków pomiędzy możliwymi w etyce marketingu przypuszczeniami a normami moralnym, mającymi zastosowanie w tej dyscyplinie.
Analysis of the hypothesis which can be used in marketing ethics is carried out. A concept of hypothesis has been defined and its contrasts, also the attempt has been undertaken to construct the universal assumptions present in the knowledge methodology. The character of directive hypothesis, probabilistic prognosis as well as deterministic and implicative hypothesis were analysed. It was searching for the connections between assumptions and moral norms having application in this discipline.
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