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Purpose: The subject of the publication is a philosophical reflection on the idea that organizes the space of human and citizen life, of which we are contemporary beneficiaries. This idea today inspires the search for the subjective status of man, shapes the axiological system of societies, defines the duties of the human person, sets legal standards. Methodology: The publication is theoretical in nature. The analysis of the literature on the subject constituted the method of working on the publication. This method made it possible to learn about the current state of knowledge in the subject under discussion, indicated the scope of consideration of the problem, and also determined the perspective of further issues and questions that require answers. Findings: The publication discusses the values on which the idea of human rights is based, the assumption being that a person who transcends the characteristics of the zoological species participates in the moral and rational sphere, the sphere of unconditional moral imperatives that cannot be empirically determined. Social consequences: The perspective adopted in the publication discussing the idea of human rights is, first of all, important criteria and categories for the construction of the normative order, it projects the formation of social ties and the evolution of values that consolidate society. The idea of human rights in this sense is a regulator of collective life that creates social order. Originality: The publication asks what are the sources of the idea of human rights, whether the rooting of man in intellectual loyalty to reason is a sufficient motive to safeguard against the desire to invalidate them, whether man as a moral being is immune to the action of the instincts of his own nature.
Purpose: The purpose of using the method is to obtain information on the social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry, taking into account the phase of design, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment for the industry and local communities. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. The article presents a research method enabling social assessment of barriers and determinants of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry under the just transition mechanism. The method of researching the social perception of the hard coal mining employment restructuring process, due to the specificity and complexity of the issue under consideration, uses various, mutually complementary methods and techniques of social research: quantitative and qualitative. Findings: As a result of the interviews carried out, it seems that all the expert assessments and opinions expressed confirm thesis that if the changes related to the just transition process cannot be stopped, then one must learn to take advantage of it. The view expressed above regarding the process of just transformation, which implies both economic and social challenges that are important for mining communes, among which the following deserve special attention as increasing the importance of the participation of mining communes in making government decisions, more friendly conditions shaping cooperation, need for mining communes to implement projects based on local mobility, adaptability and social sensitivity, need to increase social awareness related to mining in mining communes with responsibility for the just transition process, disappearance of state policies in the implementation of social functions in the phase of ongoing changes and taking them over by the local society. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry. Based on the assessments and opinions of experts, it seems that in the perspective of the predictable occurrence of the transformation process, it could be important for local governments, and in particular mining communes, to promote actions for an evolutionary, not short-term shift from coal-based energy to low-emission sources - striving to make it a multi-stage and long-term process. Equally important may be the pursuit of solutions according to which the principle of introducing funds directly to individual communes for the implementation of the just transformation process will be adopted. Must be considerated need for local governments, including mining communes, to obtain state intervention appropriate to the scale of the challenges, while equipping them with reliable and comprehensively planned proposals for transformational activities limiting their spontaneity.
Purpose: The purpose of using the method is to obtain information on the social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry, taking into account the phase of design, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment for the industry and local communities. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. The article presents a research method enabling social assessment of barriers and determinants of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry under the just transition mechanism. The method of researching the social perception of the hard coal mining employment restructuring process, due to the specificity and complexity of the issue under consideration, uses various, mutually complementary methods and techniques of social research: quantitative and qualitative. Findings: As a result of the analyzes and surveys carried out, a set of conclusions can be presented, the most important of which include conclusions relating to social issues – implementation of the economic transformation in mining communes and poviats is possible in the coming years, but the communes are not prepared for the transformation. The negative effects of the employment restructuring process on the local economy may be noticeable in significant liquidation of enterprises cooperating with entities restructuring industry, reduction of revenues to the budget of local government authorities and reduction of demand on the local market. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry. The attempt to capture the phenomena and processes presented here that may result from the transformation of hard coal mining in Poland is aimed at a better comprehension of the task that may be played by the local government in the area of which operating or closed mines and mining companies are located. On the basis of the results of the survey, it is mainly noticed that there is a need to define the challenges and tasks that should be undertaken in real action by the institutions responsible for the transformation of mining communes – especially due to the need to limit the social and economic consequences that may appear in the transformation process, both in the area of mining communes mining and in their surroundings.
W artykule, napisanym w duchu teorii realistycznej, skupiono uwagę na trzech podstawowych pojęciach - doktrynie, strategii i polityce, ujętych w kontekście teorii polityki i zarządzania organizacją. Doktryna jako zbiór zasad i wartości jest podstawą do formułowania strategii, ta zaś jest konkretnym planem działania, ukierunkowanym na osiągnięcie celów politycznych. Przez politykę natomiast należy rozumieć proces, w którym są podejmowane decyzje mające wpływ na codzienne funkcjonowanie człowieka. W artykule przeanalizowano wzajemne oddziaływanie tych pojęć i ich wpływ na zarządzanie organizacją. Autor identyfikuje powiązania między doktryną a strategią, strategią a polityką oraz doktryną a polityką, by wykazać, w jaki sposób podejście doktrynalne kształtuje działania strategiczne i jak podejście strategiczne wpływa na doktrynę, która z kolei determinuje decyzje polityczne i skuteczność zarządzania. Badanie ma na celu nie tylko dostarczenie teoretycznych definicji tych pojęć, lecz także wyciągnięcie praktycznych wniosków z ich zastosowania.
The article focuses attention on three basic concepts - doctrine, strategy and policy, framed in the context of policy theory and organizational management. Doctrine, as a set of principles and values, is the basis for the formulation of strategy, which in turn is a specific plan of action aimed at achieving policy goals. Politics, on the other hand, should be understood as the process by which decisions that affect people’s daily functioning are made. The article examines the interplay of these concepts and their impact on organizational management. The author identifies the links between doctrine and strategy, strategy and policy, and doctrine and policy to show how doctrinal approach shapes strategic actions and how strategic approach influences doctrine, which in turn determines policy decisions and management effectiveness. The study aims not only to provide theoretical definitions of these concepts, but also to draw practical conclusions from their application.
Content available Mine rescue service. Polish and Chinese experiences
Purpose: the main purpose of the article is to compare Polish and Chinese mine rescue services. It tries to bring closer the organization of mine rescue in Poland and in China and constitutes a development of the research work of the author's article entitled "Motivation to work in rescue services of young mining staff" (Hetmańczyk, 2017, pp. 19-24), indicating the main factors motivating young mining staff to work in the rescue services. Design/methodology/approach: theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. Findings: based on content of this article, it will be highlighted the need to seek new solutions to increase the efficiency of mine rescue. In the opinion of experts and practitioners in the area of security, the next "jump" may lead to the intensifying of preventive measures aimed at human beings, mainly focused on making changes in the consciousness of mining crews. In practice, this would mean including within the scope of preventive measures, those which have a major impact on the skills, motivation, and attitude to issues related to safe operation. Finally, the mine rescue system, through prevention and training, will strengthen safe mining practices. Originality/value: the article enriches knowledge and develops discussion in the area of mine rescue. Thanks to the knowledge presented in the article, it can be concluded that role and the rank of mining rescue lies not only in the dimension of tasks that it has to perform, but also importantly in the dimension of new challenges that determine the need to constantly adapt mining rescue to dynamically changing organizational and technical conditions, both underground and on the surface of mine sites.
Content available remote The roots of armed conflicts: Multilevel security perspective
The aim of this study is to indicate the roots of armed conflicts based on an analysis of a variety of theoretical approaches. The methodological framework for this research is Kenneth Waltz’s concept of analytical levels’ causes of armed conflicts: (1) the level of individual; (2) the level of the state; (3) the level of the international system. The armed conflicts are also generated by the nature of state regime and society, security dilemma mechanism, diversity between economic development, and rapidly growing population. The anarchy of the international system causes war, particularly due to the imbalance of power, power transition, challenging the hegemonic state by a rising power. The author presents a proposition of systematizing roots of armed conflicts and highlight the need for starting a discussion about developing approaches for the analysis of the roots of modern armed conflicts. The author highlights the need for starting a discussion about developing approaches for the analysis of the roots of modern armed conflicts. The starting point for discussion is introduced the concept of primary and supplementary approaches.
Hereby there is given the speaker identification basic system. There is discussed application and usage of the voice interfaces, in particular, speaker voice identification upon robot and human being communication. There is given description of the information system for speaker automatic identification according to the voice to apply to robotic-verbal systems. There is carried out review of algorithms and computer-aided learning libraries and selected the most appropriate, according to the necessary criteria, ALGLIB. There is conducted the research of identification model operation performance assessment at different set of the fundamental voice tone. As the criterion of accuracy there has been used the percentage of improperly classified cases of a speaker identification.
Cyberspace as a virtual venue for communication and information offers its users potentials the consequences of which can be debated from different angles. The critique coming from respectable professional sources highlights some of the risks in the system. Cyberspace has accelerated a fundamental transformation in consumption and increased the use of digital services. It reinforced digital business models’ dominant position at the expense of more traditional businesses. Tech giants showed how vital is big data and inferred data derived from the Internet users’ activity. Today hardly anyone can ridicule or dismiss as bizarre stories of censorship, malevolence, manipulation, fake news, fraud or actions of distinct ideological flavour. Hardly anyone mentions the fate of the human being who has drifted into the domain of illusion.
Cyberprzestrzeń jako miejsce wirtualne komunikacji i informacji oferuje swoim użytkownikom potencjał, którego konsekwencje mogą być debatowane pod różnymi kątami. Krytyka pochodząca z cenionych i profesjonalnych źródeł podkreśla niektóre ryzyka w systemie. Cyberprzestrzeń przyspieszyła fundamentalną przemianę w konsumpcji i zwiększyła wykorzystywanie usług cyfrowych. Wzmocniła dominującą pozycję cyfrowych modeli biznesu kosztem bardziej tradycyjnych biznesów. Giganci technologii pokazali jak ważne są big data i dane wywnioskowane, uzyskane z aktywności użytkowników Internetu. Dzisiaj niewielu może wyśmiewać albo odrzucić jako niedorzeczne historie cenzury, wrogości, manipulacji, fake newsów, oszustw czy też akcji o zabarwieniu ideologicznym. Niewielu wspomina o losie człowieka, który podryfował w domenę pozoru.
In the paper, in an interdisciplinary way, an attempt was made to define the term "social innovation" in the context of strengthening active social policy and community organising. It appears that multifaceted tendencies and changes in the development of technological and social innovations determine the need to take into account numerous tasks, functions, needs, determinants and systematic efforts to ensure that community inhabitants have good living and development conditions.
This paper, based on literature research, reflects upon the importance of active social policy and labour market in the social and professional development of people aged 50 years and more. It seems that in the light of the conducted research, the formula of the social policy and labour policy market related to it has been exhausted. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new policy model that will take sufficient account of the dominance in the elderly society and the need to sustain their social and professional activity as long as possible, while maintaining the idea of employment priority and education over benefits.
Artykuł skupia się na złożonej i nieposiadającej w piśmiennictwie szerszego i głębszego opisu tematyce rozwoju i awansu zawodowego młodych kadr górniczych. Zarówno nieliczne w tym obszarze problemowym badania oraz obserwacje wskazują, że rozwój i awans zawodowy oparty o tradycyjne formy górniczej pracy i zatrudnienia będzie zanikał. Kluczową determinantą tego procesu będzie Rewolucja Przemysłowa 4.0., której skutki już się ujawniają w działaniach Kombinatu Górniczo-Hutniczego Miedź Polska S.A. i Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. ukierunkowanych na powstanie e-kopalni. Można założyć, że osiągnięcie celu, jakim jest inteligentna kopalnia może całościowo zredefiniować dotychczasowy model rozwoju i awansu zawodowego młodych kadr górniczych w kierunku odejścia od tradycyjnej górniczej „szychty” do permanentnego rozwoju opartego na najnowocześniejszych i inteligentnych technologiach.
The paper focuses on a complex and lacking in literature a broader and deeper description of development and promotion of young mining personnel. Both the few in this problem area research and observations indicate that professional development and promotion based on traditional forms of mining and employment will disappear. The key determinant of this process will be the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which effects are already evident in activities of Kombinat Górniczo Hutniczy Miedź Polska S.A. and Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. focused on creation of the E-mine. It can be assumed that achieving the objective of a smart mine can completely redefine current model of professional development and promotion of young mining personnel towards moving away from traditional mining “shifts” to permanent development based on the most modern and intelligent technologies.
Content available Współczesny wymiar bezpieczeństwa
Termin bezpieczeństwo doczekał się wielu definicji, jednak ich wieloznaczność jest wynikiem samego postrzegania, między innymi odmiennych perspektyw badacza. Wielość ujęć definicyjnych bezpieczeństwa sprawiła, że w literaturze wyodrębniła się oddzielna dziedzina zajmująca się jego badaniem, określana jako securitologia. Stanowi ona odrębną płaszczyznę badawczą, gdzie w centrum zainteresowania jest człowiek, a wszystkie działania jednostki ludzkiej ukierunkowane są na zapewnienie poczucia bezpieczeństwa. Termin uwzględniony w tytule opracowania systematycznie poszerzał swoje znaczenie, w wyniku rozwoju otaczającej nas rzeczywistości o nieznane dotychczas wyzwania i zagrożenia oraz nowe środki i sposoby ich eliminowania. Celem opracowania jest interpretacja współczesnego wymiaru bezpieczeństwa, jego znaczenia dla jednostki, grupy, a także państwa, również w wymiarze międzynarodowym.
The term security has had a lot of definitions, however their ambiguity is the result of the perception, inter alia, of different perspectives of a researcher. The multitude of the definition approaches of security has caused that a separate field called securitology which deals with its research has been distinguished in the literature. It constitutes a separate research ground in which a human being is in the centre of attention, and all activities of an individual are directed at providing the feeling of security. The term included in the title of the study has been systematically expanded as a result of surrounding reality with unknown challenges and threats, as well as the new means and ways of eliminating them. The objective of the study is the interpretation of the modern dimension of security, both in terms of definition presented in the literature, and also for the strategic importance for the individual, the society and the state. In addition, the intention of the author is to show some contradictions in the interpretation of the security notion.
Publikacja przedstawia myśl wybitnego polskiego filozofa Leszka Kołakowskiego na zagadnienie identyfikacji natury ludzkiej moralności. Twórczość Kołakowskiego to przede wszystkim poszukiwanie sposobu, w jaki człowiek staje się człowiekiem. Dwa najważniejsze wymiary pozwalające na odnalezienie istoty problemu to rozum i transcendencja. Oscylowanie między tymi poziomami czy warstwami ujawnia nie tylko drogę do moralności, jako formalnego zespołu norm i praw, ale także drogę do człowieczeństwa istoty ludzkiej jako wartości abstrakcyjnej.
Leszek Kolakowski's work is revealed primarily through his interest in man, both in the social dimension and in the individual dimension. The contemporary man is a complex entity for Kolakowski, both in historical and existential sense. In the historical perspective, he witnessed the experience of banality and oppression, in the existential perspective, the indispensable tension between biology and intellect. This, according to Kołakowski, is the source of permanent human crisis as a human being.
Głównym celem artykułu jest omówienie − poprzez analizy literaturowe − w wybranych aspektach zjawiska, które związane jest z populacją ludzi młodych nieposiadających zatrudnienia i nieuczestniczących w kształceniu lub szkoleniu (dalej - NEET co oznacza w języku angielskim Not in Education, Employment or Training). W obszarze rynku pracy Unii Europejskiej omawiane zjawisko powoduje liczne i rozległe negatywne skutki społeczne i gospodarcze. W tym świetle warto podkreślić, że poza celem głównym zawarta w artykule refleksja ma pobudzać dyskusję na temat zjawiska NEET, w którego świetle, niezależnie od wielkości stopy bezrobocia, nie można pomijać problematyki aktywizacji zawodowej ludzi młodych, którzy na rynkach pracy krajów unijnych zaliczani są do grupy znajdującej się w trudnej sytuacji. Jak zauważają Attewell i Newman (Attewel, Newman, 2010) zjawisko NEET należy obecnie do jednego z najważniejszych problemów społecznych, które wymagają szybkiej i zdecydowanej interwencji w większości państw Unii Europejskiej.
The main goal of the article is to discuss - through literature analyses - in selected aspects of phenomenon that is related to population of young people without employment and not participating in education or training (hereinafter - NEET which means in English, Not in Education, Employment or Training). In the area of the European Union labour market, the discussed phenomenon causes numerous and widespread negative social and economic effects. In this light, it is worth stressing that apart from the main objective, reflection contained in the article is to stimulate a discussion on the phenomenon of NEET, in the light of which, regardless of the unemployment rate size, the issue of professional activation of young people who are included in a group in a difficult situation on the labour markets of EU countries. As Attewell and Newman (Attewel, Newman, 2010) the NEET phenomenon is currently one of the most important social problems that require rapid and decisive intervention in most European Union countries.
Przedstawiono metodykę oraz wyniki przeprowadzonych badań. Analizowano przyspieszenia oraz prędkości drgań. Przeprowadzono analizę przebiegów czasowych oraz analizę widmową w tercjowych pasmach częstotliwości. Porównano z wynikami badań opisanymi w literaturze, dotyczącymi drgań od przejazdów pociągów, prac strzałowych oraz wstrząsów górniczych.
Paper presents both the methodology and results of the research. Acceleration and velocity of vibration were analysed. Time histories and one-third octave frequency bands spectra were analysed. Results were compared to case studies presented in literature, concerning railway, quarring and mining induced ground vibration.
Publikacja przedstawia myśl wybitnego polskiego filozofa Leszka Kołakowskiego na zagadnienie identyfikacji natury ludzkiej moralności. Twórczość Kołakowskiego to przede wszystkim poszukiwanie sposobu, w jaki człowiek staje się człowiekiem. Dwa najważniejsze wymiary pozwalające na odnalezienie istoty problemu to rozum i transcendencja. Oscylowanie między tymi poziomami czy warstwami ujawnia nie tylko drogę do moralności, jako formalnego zespołu norm i praw, ale także drogę do człowieczeństwa istoty ludzkiej jako wartości abstrakcyjnej.
Leszek Kolakowski's work is revealed primarily through his interest in man, both in the social dimension and in the individual dimension. The contemporary man is a complex entity for Kolakowski, both in historical and existential sense. In the historical perspective, he witnessed the experience of banality and oppression, in the existential perspective, the indispensable tension between biology and intellect. This, according to Kołakowski, is the source of permanent human crisis as a human being.
Content available Architektura - podejście naukowe
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu zmiany demograficznej na kadry kwalifikowane w górnictwie węgla kamiennego. Z przeprowadzonych badań i analiz wynika, że brak działań wyprzedzających wpływ zmiany demograficznej na kadry kwalifikowane w górnictwie może prowadzić do zagrożenia funkcjonowania zakładów górniczych. Wraz z tym zagrożeniem można oczekiwać niekorzystnych zmian w ich otoczeniu. Mogą to być zmiany wiążące się ze zjawiskami bezrobocia, ubóstwa i w konsekwencji wykluczenia społecznego.
This paper presents the results of the research on impact of demographic change on the current state and future demand for qualified staff in coal mining industry. The research and analysis show that the lack of pre-emptive effect of demographic change on qualified staff in coal mining may lead to risks in mine functioning. Along with this threat an adverse change in its environment can be expected. The changes may be connected with the phenomenon of unemployment, poverty and, consequently, social exclusion.
Artykuł skupia się na ocenie nowych wyzwań społecznych i gospodarczych dla miasta Bytomia. Wynikają one z nowej sytuacji, którą kształtują zmiany w zakresie funkcjonowania ostatniego wielkiego zakładu pracy w mieście, tj. kopalni Bobrek-Centrum oraz przyznania miastu wsparcia w wysokości 100 min euro na jego rewitalizację.
This paper focuses on the assessment of new social and economic challenges facing Bytom. They result from a new situation, which is shaped by changes in functioning of the last huge plant in the city - Bobrek-Centrum mine - and granting the city € 100 million financial support on its revitalization.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące oceny stanu i przyszłego zapotrzebowania na kadry kwalifikowane w górnictwie węgla kamiennego. Badaniami objęto grupy zawodowe, które mogą w przyszłości stanowić trudne do odtworzenia zasoby kadrowe w górnictwie podziemnym. Brak możliwości odtworzenia tych kadr może mieć konsekwencje dla funkcjonowania organizacyjno-technicznego zakładów górniczych. W tym kontekście prowadzenie badań powinno wyprzedzać występowanie zagrożeń kadrowych, co jest szczególnie ważne dla stabilizacji zawodowej załóg górniczych.
Paper presents results of research on assessment of state and future demand for qualified staff in coal mining industry. The study involved occupational groups that may in the future be a difficult to reconstruct human resources in underground mining. Lack of possibilities to reconstruct these human resources may possess implications for organizational and technical functioning of mines. In this context, carrying out research should anticipate the occurrence of personnel threats, which is particularly important for stabilization of professional mining staff.
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