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Industrial sites used to be located outside of the dense urban fabric. Nowadays, they are dismissed and the growth of the contemporary city has enclosed them in the old urban fabric. These sites have become ‘available’ places for perspective development. In general, abandoned industrial areas are regarded as ordinary and valueless places, neglected places within the mental map of the city. On the contrary, they are extremely important reminders of our industrial past, significant layers of our history to be safeguarded and to work with for the development of the contemporary city. They are a challenge for designers, in that these have to unveil the peculiarities of the sites, to understand the unique features of the factories remnants and to provide an appropriate interpretation. This paper focuses on the transformation of the industrial canal landscape circuit of B5 (BrabantStad) that connects five cities in The Netherlands. It will show the results of a research carried out for the first time on this subject. Along the canal circuit, dated 1800, are valuable industrial sites that risk the fragmentation and standardization, thus erasing local identity and memory. The former canal zone of Eindhoven will be presented as a case specific. The research was developed at the Eindhoven University of Technology with the collaboration of local Municipalities, heritage institutions and the North-Brabant Province that funded the research. The investigation aimed at studying the stratified layers of the industrial canal areas and at proposing quality scenarios where the old and new can harmoniously coexist.
Zapadanie skrzydła południowo-zachodniego kapelanii przy kościele św. Józefa S.S. Bernardynek postępuje od 2010 roku, powodując pękanie murów okalających ogród, a zwłaszcza pomieszczeń piwnicznych pod zabudowaniami przykościelnymi. Celem badań jest określenie właściwości i stratygrafii gruntów w podłożu zagrożonego obiektu, jak i w najbliższym jego sąsiedztwie. Archeologiczne źródła i ich międzydziedzinowa interpretacja w kontekście wykonanych profili geologicznych, w oparciu o odwierty i wąskoprzestrzenne odkrywki, wykazały złożony układ nawarstwień historycznych i ich potencjalne oddziaływanie na budowle. Oprócz odwiertów i badań gruntoznawczych przeprowadzono georadarowe i elektrooporowe rozpoznanie ośrodka pod poziomem piwnic oraz badania geochemiczne próbek gruntu. Wyznaczony poziom calca jednoznacznie wskazuje na położenie zagrożonych obiektów w strefie 30 stopniowego skłonu pierwotnej morfologii terenu, w którego dnie znajdują się podatne na upłynnienie namuły. W stratygrafii wyróżniono także obecność znacznej miąższości, nierównomiernie zalegającej warstwy organicznej o dużej ściśliwości i małej nośności, stanowiącej materię wybitnie niebudowlaną. Na mechanikę budowli mają wpływ zróżnicowane pod względem stateczności utwory, ale także obecność sztywnych, historycznych obiektów fundamentowych. Istnienie tego typu czynników uzewnętrzniło się w postaci pęknięć murów w rejonie budowli klasztoru, a także zaburzenia poziomu podłóg szczególnie widoczne w piwnicach kapelanii. Obserwowane rozluźnienie struktury podłoża, o zasięgu większym niż teren klasztoru SS. Bernardynek, związane jest prawdopodobnie z szeregiem odwodnień głębokich wykopów wykonywanych w związku z wieloma realizowanymi inwestycjami w gęsto zabudowanej, zabytkowej części Starego Krakowa. Rozwój nowoczesnego miasta w sieci nawarstwień historycznych wymaga stałego monitorowania warunków wodnogruntowych podłoża. Zarówno nadmierny drenaż, jaki i zbytnia retencja wód zaburza stateczność zabytkowych budowli i grozi katastrofą budowlaną.
The collapsing of the south-east wing of Kapelania at the Św. Józef Church of the Bernardine Convent started in 2010, causing fracturing of the walls around the garden, and especially the cellar rooms under the buildings near the Church. The aim of research is to determine the properties and stratigraphy of the earth in the subsoil of the endangered object, as well as of its immediate neighbourhood. Archaeological sources and their interdisciplinary interpretation in the context of the geological profiles conducted, based on the auger holes and narrow open pits, attest to a complex set of historical layers and their potential effect on the buildings. Apart from auger holes and ground-researching investigations, there were GPR and electrical resistance tests of the matter below the cellars level as well as geochemical tests of the earth samples. The established level of undisturbed subsoil clearly shows that the endangered buildings are situated within the 30% slope of the original terrain, in which bottom level there are muds which easily change texture into fluid. In the stratigraphy, there was also established an organic layer of substantial thickness, which is completely unsuitable for construction. The mechanics of the building is affected by deposits of varied stability and also by the presence of rigid objects connected with historical foundations. The existence of these factors manifested itself in the form of wall fractures in the area of convent, especially visible in kapelania, causing also disturbance of the floor level in the kapelania cellars. The observed loosening of the subsoil structure, possibly with a range greater than the area of the Bernardine Convent, is connected with a series of drainage works of deep excavations, in connection with a number of realized investments in the densely populated, historic part of Old Krakow. The development of the modern town within the net of historical layers demands constant monitoring of water and earth conditions of the subsoil. Both excessive drainage and water retention damage the stability of historical buildings and bring the threat of construction disaster.
The paper presents a cross-section of archaeological and geochemical issues of underground Cracow, extending the knowledge of the Cracow cultural heritage. The data were acquired, among others, within the framework of the recently completed project: .Research and assessment of the composition of bottom sediments from sewerage systems, as a factor of environmental pollution and functioning of municipal sewerage-system of the Cracow City Agglomeration.. At present, further study within the area of functioning levels is assured by financial recommendation for the project titled: .Identification of historic layers and underground infrastructure of Cracow and Kazimierz Cities and their suburbs. in reference to the renovation of relics of the past, and to the 750 anniversary of Cracow City foundation. Investigations, within the area of Old Town, are mainly conducted during building renovations and modernisation of sewerage-system installations. The identification of historical layers and underground infrastructure is based on historical and archaeological characteristics of sampling area as well as materials, organic and inorganic relics deposited at various archaeological layers, culture objects excavated in the area of Okół settlement, in the Old Town Cracow founded in 1257, and Kazimierz. On specially important sites, respecting the origin of sequential layers, a dozen or so research drillings (of core- and small diameter) are planned, to the maximal depth of 6 m below surface level. Those drillings, together with available expositions and drillings to the Tertiary layers, will enable the elaboration of engineering-geology cross-sections, and consequently, to get characteristics of grounds underlying the area under investigation. The geomorphological and paleogeomorphological analyses of the studied area are based on field observations conducted both on the surface and in the building and archaeological excavations as well as on the studies of drilling and geophysical profiles. This research covers structural and textural investigations of sediments in excavations, absolute age determination of detritus and organic sediments, and palinological study of organic sediments coming from fragments of fill soil/made ground. On the basis of the results, maps, geomorphological profiles and geological cross-sections are to be made. Physical-chemical properties, grain-size and chemical composition of sediments/soils/grounds are determined to evaluate their geochemical changes, speciation of occurring admixtures and contaminants and to analyze organic matter and consequently, to assess their threat to the surface water of Old Town Cracow. The phase and mineral composition analysis of the grounds comprises fragments of construction elements of buildings within underground infrastructure and is conducted with the aim to estimate the extent, intensity and reasons of corrosion and damages of foundations. For the sampling sites and their nearest surrounding, the conditions of functioning of water-sewerage systems will be defined by subordination of a certain locality to appropriate, so called, sewage critical basin,. Additionally, some forecasts of possible flood events concerning cellars or buildings as well as conditions to be fulfilled to prevent or to limit the damages will be presented. The functioning of block sewers in the past will be assessed, with determination of their course, and identification of ground water supply to the sewers and sewerage system elements as well as infiltration of untreated sludge to the ground. Also, evaluation of technical conditions of sewers, and e ground conditions of the sinkbasin of those sewers will be done, taking onto account the adjustment of sewer installation technology to the water-ground conditions occurring in the area of building investments or connected with city renovation. The above mentioned data, supplemented with investigation and evaluation of the leaching process of various constituents from both natural and fill soils/made grounds, will enable the authors to analyze the possibility of ground-water pollution by contaminated anthropogenic layers, and to assess tendency to the further changes of chemical composition of underground-waters within Old Town Cracow. The aggressive character of underground-waters should be treated as a factor effecting damages of building.
Historic gardens are highly interesting as documents of the development in society right up to the present day. It is very difficult to adequately assess the value of their elements. The acceptance of historic gardens depends also on individual or social perception and is a central aspect of successful strategies. Blueherpark in Dresden can be taken as an example for the need to join academic, professional and political work when analysing, conserving and developing a park. Landscape architects are involved professionally as academic researchers, planners, administrators and mediators of the process.
Historyczne ogrody o wielu warstwach swoich dziejów są wysoce interesujące jako dokumenty rozwoju społeczeństwa aż do dnia dzisiejszego. Jednakże jest rzeczą niezmiernie trudną, aby odpowiednio ocenić wartość ich elementów. Akceptacja ogrodów historycznych zależy również od indywidualnej lub społecznej percepcji i stanowi centralny aspekt uwieńczonych powodzeniem strategii. Drezdeński Blueherpark można ująć jako przykład potrzeby jednoczenia działań akademickich, profesjonalnych i politycznych podczas analizowania, konserwacji i rozwoju dziedzictwa w parku, który służy jednocześnie jako obiekt rekreacji. W procesie tym biorą udział ze względów zawodowych architekci krajobrazu, występując w nim jako badacze naukowi, planiści, administratorzy i mediatorzy.
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