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Celem artykułu jest ukazanie, w ujęciu geograficzno-historycznym, związków Wincentego Pola (1807-1872) z kolejami żelaznymi. Jako świadek ich rozwoju w Europie Środkowej, a jednocześnie geograf – profesor Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, dostrzegał zalety nowego środka transportu dla gospodarki, społeczeństwa i krajoznawstwa. W opracowaniu przeanalizowano epizody z biografii W. Pola w odniesieniu do etapów procesu przestrzennej dyfuzji kolei na świecie. Dokonano próby wskazania miejsc i okoliczności jego bezpośredniej styczności z drogami żelaznymi, w szczególności podczas odbywanych podróży. Wskazano też elementy jego dorobku naukowego związane z geografią transportu kolejowego. W badaniach opierano się na pismach, w tym korespondencji W. Pola oraz innych źródłach o charakterze tekstowym, ikonograficznym i kartograficznym. Najważniejszym wynikiem przeprowadzonych analiz jest przestrzenna rekonstrukcja przebiegu tras, które W. Pol mógł pokonać pociągiem między 1845 a 1872 r.
The aim of the article is to show, in geographic and historical terms, the links between the life of Wincenty Pol (1807–1872) and the railways. As a witness of their development in Central Europe, and at the same time a geographer – professor at the Jagiellonian University, he saw the advantages of the new mode of transport for the economy, society and sightseeing. The paper analyses episodes from W. Pol’s biography with a reference to the stages of the process of spatial diffusion of railways in the world. An attempt was made to indicate the places and circumstances of his direct contact with railways, especially during his travels. Elements of his scientific output related to the geography of rail transport were also indicated. The research was based on his writings, including the mail, and other literature, iconographic and cartographic sources. The most important result of the analyses is a spatial reconstruction of the routes that W. Pol could have travelled by train between 1845 and 1872.
The author’s aim is to reflect on the cartographic modelling of historical borders based on the example of the series “Historical Atlas of Poland. Detailed maps of the 16th century” (HAP). HAP presents secular (state, palatinate, district) and religious borders (dioceses, archdeaconry, deanery, parish). The belonging of historic settlements to administrative units is determined on the basis of written sources. During work on the current volumes of HAP, the borders were reconstructed through their manual interpolation (the so-called linear model). Digital tools enable the automatic generation of administrative units based on settlements in point geometry (Thiessen polygons) or the use of modern divisions (precincts [obręby ewidencyjne]) as a reference to them (semi-automatic method). The article compares and assesses the three mentioned methods of determining historical borders and the possibilities of harmonizing them in relation to contemporary administrative divisions. The source material consisted of 18,357 settlements from the volumes of HAP published so far and 235 parishes for detailed analyses. Precincts were adopted as reference areas due to the possibilities of data harmonization.
Przekształcanie danych analogowych w cyfrowe, w przypadku średniowiecznych rękopisów najczęściej nie jest możliwe w sposób automatyczny. Z kolei tradycyjne, stosowane dotąd powszechnie metody są czasochłonne i kończą się zwykle jedynie publikacją samych wyników prac, bez materiałów źródłowych będących ich podstawą. W ramach prac prowadzonych w Instytucie Historii PAN, powstały metody i narzędzia usprawniające prowadzenie prac nad historycznymi rękopisami (nie tylko mapami), wykorzystujące technologie GIS i działające zgodnie ze standardami OGC. Co istotne, rola narzędzi GIS, przestrzennych baz danych i odpowiednich standardów nie ogranicza się jedynie do zwykłej lokalizacji obiektów przestrzennych na mapie. Ich zastosowanie wykracza poza typowe przypadki użycia, wykorzystywane są one bowiem również do obsługi danych niegeograficznych, choć w pewnym sensie przestrzennych, czyli treści rękopisów. Dzięki temu prace postępują szybciej, są mniej kosztowne, a także łatwiej jest uzyskać efekt synergii międzyprojektowej wykorzystując wielokrotnie te same dane, lub wzbogacając je w kolejne warstwy informacyjne. Co ważne te same narzędzia wykorzystywane są również do publikacji rezultatów prac. W połączeniu z budowaną do tego celu odpowiednią ontologią otrzymujemy w wyniku jednorodne i jednocześnie wszechstronne narzędzia do rejestrowania, analizowania i publikowania zmian w osadnictwie, zachodzących w czasie i przestrzeni, przez setki lat historii terenów dawnej i obecnej Polski.
Converting analogue data into digital ones usually is not possible in the case of medieval manuscripts. In turn traditional methods used so far are time-consuming and usually result in the publication containing only effects without the source materials as a foundation. As part of the work carried out at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, tools were developed to improve the work on historical manuscripts (not only maps), using GIS technologies and operating in accordance with OGC standards. Importantly, the role of GIS tools, spatial databases and appropriate standards is not limited to the location of settlements on the map. Their use goes beyond the typical use cases, because they are also used to handle non-geographic data, i.e. the content of manuscripts. As a result, works are progressing faster, are less costly, and it is easier to achieve the synergy effect between projects using repeatedly the same base data, or enriching them adding subsequent information layers. The same tools are also used to publish the results of the work. In connection with the appropriate ontology built for this purpose, as a result we obtain homogeneous and at the same time comprehensive tools for recording, analyzing and publishing changes in settlement occurring in time and space, over hundreds of years of history covering the territories of former and present Poland.
The aim of the author is to present the methodology of reconstruction of the Old-Polish transport network as exemplified by the historic Lublin Voivodship. The author discusses the research method and procedure of reconstructing the road routes and locations of transport facilities on the basis of text sources and old maps of varied content and geometric accuracy. The adopted methodology uses GIS tools to analyse and verify data from both cartographic and descriptive sources. The analysis is based on the retrogressive approach, as most of the cartographically reliable sources come from the early 19th century. The presented research procedure consists of three stages: preparation and processing of source material, registration of source information, and finally, its harmonization. The research procedure consists of two main steps: 1) identification (initial identification of the object and verification of its existence); 2) geometrisation (determination of geometrical parameters of the object, followed by their verification, and confirmation of the object’s course or location in the spatial database).
The presented research concerning the landscape evolution of the area of the Kazimierski Landscape Park assumed the analysis of landscape changes that took place in the western part of the Nałęczów Plateau in eastern Poland as a result of increased anthropopressure. To achieve this goal, the diverse data was employed: archives of the “Archeological Survey of Poland” obtained from the National Heritage Board of Poland , the registry data from the 16th century made available as part of the “Atlas Fontium” project elaborated by the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, old map of the Western Galicia from 1808, a tactical map of the Military Geographical Institute in Warsaw from 1937, and the “Topographic Objects Database” (BDOT10k) obtained from the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography. Based on the analysed data, maps presenting the development of the settlement network from the moment of permanent settlement of the area up to the present state and maps showing the changes in land use in the Kazimierski Landscape Park over the last centuries have been designed. The results of historical and geographical analyses carried out as part of the research were compared with the results of geomorphological research conducted in the studied area. Verification of the obtained results allowed to determine the scope in which man influenced the evolution of the landscape of the analysed area, including its diversification depending on the historical period and the type of the economy. The process of georeferencing the map of Western Galicia elaborated by colonel A.M. von Heldensfeld from 1808 and the tactical map 1:100,000 of Military Geographical Institute from 1937 covering the research area (14,974 ha) was carried out in the ArcGIS Desktop software. The calibration process was evaluated in the Map Analyst program which makes it possible to analyze the distortions of old maps. Then, vectorization of selected terrain coverage classes and visualization of spatial data were conducted. This way, the land use maps were analyzed in terms of environmental changes that occurred over the past centuries by identifying the areas with the largest development changes. The obtained results were compared with the database of historical objects created for the purposes of this research, based on data provided by the National Heritage Board of Poland and the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences in order to determine the development trends of the settlement network in the region. The additional statistical analysis made it possible to determine the trend of changes and to interpret the distribution of areas threatened by the occurrence of mass movements with the analyzed anthropogenic determinants.
The subject of the article is reconstructing the routes of postal roads within the borders of the Lublin Voivodeship in the second half of the 18th century. The author has attempted to reconstruct the routes of postal roads, using the retrogression method and a cartographic research method with the use of GIS tools. For this purpose, manuscript cartographic and descriptive sources from the late 18th and 19th centuries were used. Cartographic material from the end of the 18th century in connection with descriptive sources constituted the basis for determining the existence of a postal connection. However, maps from the beginning of the 19th century constituted the basis for the reconstruction of the routes of postal roads. The obtained results allowed for the determination of the role of the Lublin Voivodeship in the old Polish communication system. The research has made us aware of the need for further in-depth work on communication in the pre-partition era (before 1795).
Krajobrazem kulturowym w nauce historycznej zajmuje się geografia historyczna w ramach nauk pomocniczych historii. Jest on definiowany jako krajobraz, który powstał w wyniku działalności człowieka zmierzającej do zagospodarowania nowo zasiedlanych obszarów. To zagospodarowanie związane jest z osadnictwem pierwotnym i jego stopniowym rozprzestrzenianiem się, wynikającym z rozwoju stosunków społecznych i gospodarczych. Klasyczny model badań uzupełniany jest od lat 70‐tych XX w. o prace, w których krajobraz kulturowy rozpatrywany jest przez szeroki pryzmat społeczny. Istotną rolę w tym nurcie zajmują badania nad przestrzenią oraz granicami. Te dwa elementy krajobrazu kulturowego oraz wytwory człowieka integralnie z nim związane, analizowane są w kontekście uwarunkowań wzorców kultury, urządzeń społecznych, mentalności zbiorowej i jednostkowej. Taki typ badań prowadzi do wniosków o wytwarzaniu przez człowieka dawnych epok wartości niematerialnych związanych z krajobrazem kulturowym. Dotyczą one między innymi waloryzowania całości oraz fragmentów przestrzeni i granic oraz ich fabularyzacji.
In the science of history the cultural landscape is one of landscape types investigated by historical geography as part of the auxiliary sciences of history. It is defined as a landscape formed as a result of human activities aimed at managing newly settled areas. This management is associated with primeval settlement and its gradual expansion resulting from the development of human and economic relations. The classical model of research has been supplemented since 1970s with the studies, in which the cultural landscape is examined through the broad social prism. A significant role in this trend is played by investigations of landscape space and boundaries. The two elements of the cultural landscape as well as human products integrally associated with it are analyzed in the context of determinants of cultural patterns, social facilities, and the collective mind. This type of investigations leads to the conclusion that people of the past era produced immaterial values associated with the cultural landscape. These concern inter alia the evaluation of the whole or parts of space and boundaries and their fictionalization.
W artykule poświęcamy uwagę rozprzestrzenieniu się form i znaczeń znaków granicznych w środkowym regionie Karpat na Słowacji. Rozwój tych ziem przypada na czasy średniowiecza oraz nowożytności za panowania Królestwa Węgierskiego. W tamtym wielokulturowym środowisku funkcja granic była jedynie formalna. Podział administracyjny i własnościowy ziem, powodował ich niezmienność. O abstrakcyjnych granicach mówią źródła, kiedy opisują kierunek wyznaczania granic. Posługują się wtedy pojęciami: granica „postępuje” w górę lub „idzie” na drzewo. W percepcji niematerialnych własności możemy znaleźć analogiczną funkcję granic w rytuałach religijnych. Sakralizacja granic krzyżami miała bardzo silne znaczenie symboliczne. Innym aspektem granic w sferze duchowej był objazd granic, który tkwił w tradycji Europy Środkowej od średniowiecza do nowożytności.
In the study we focus on forms and meaning of border signs in the central region of Carpathian Mountains in Slovakia. Development of the area stretches back to Middle Ages as well as to modern Hungarian Kingdom. Function of borders was mostly formal in this multicultural environment. Administrative and ownership division of the area caused paradoxically that it remained unchanged. Sources, which describe the direction of borders delimitation with phrases such as: the border „rises up” a hill or it „goes up” a tree, reflect abstract borders. In perception of intangible characteristics we can find analogical functions of borders in religious rites. Sacralization of borders with crosses had very strong symbolical meaning. Borders perambulations (walkabouts) on horses, which were traditional for central Europe since the Middle Ages until the Modern period, presented another aspect of borders in spiritual sphere.
Content available remote Lodomeria. Podzielony i zapomniany centralny region Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
Niniejsze opracowanie to studium z geografii historycznej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej a ściśle tej jej fragmentu, który obejmuje obszar górnej i środkowej części dorzecza Bugu, stanowiący obecnie pogranicze polsko-ukraińskie i polsko-białoruskie. Jeszcze w XIII wieku istniało tu księstwo włodzimierskie, scalające cały ten nadbużański region. Księstwo włodzimierskie wraz z księstwem halickim w dorzeczu Dniestru i ziemią przemyską w dorzeczu Sanu zaliczane jest do historycznej Rusi Czerwonej.
This study presents the basie question of the regional historical geography of Mid-Central Europę. This subcontinental part of Europę was in 16th Century integrated into one state - The Repuhlic ofBoth Nations, i.e. the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Duchy of Lithuania - beeing a federation of self-governed voivodships, whieh emerged of forrner mediaeval pnncipalities or other administrative units. In the centre of that regional pattem was a gap in the basin of Bug River. Yet in the beginning of 14th Century those territory formed a regional unit: the Vladimirian Principality; its Latin name was Lodomeria. Before the dynastical Polish-Lithuanian union (1385), both countries fought for possesion of different parts of Lodomeria, which in effect, was divided into five pieces, each of them incorporated into another voivodship. In the last part of this study is discussed a possibility of reintegration of this historical Lodomeria now, in the European Union, in form of the Euroregion Bug.
Content available remote Geoprzestrzeń wydarzeń biblijnych
The events presented in the Holy Bible, both in the New and Old Testament, are located in the geographical space covering huge territory from the old Mesopotamia on the East to the present Rome on the West, and from present Turkey on the North to Egypt on the South. Palestine, which constitutes the centre point of this territory, is located on the boundary of three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe, thus creating a bridge between these territories. The Bible events taking place in particular periods, occurred in various places of this territory. The territory of Palestine is characterised by several geographic and climatic zones. Over the long period of Bible events, both climate and geopolitical conditions changed several times, hence influencing these events. In the paper geological and geomorphological conditions as well as climatic and geopolitical conditions related to the Palestine territory are presented and their relations with the Bible events are indicated. Knowledge of Biblical geospace is necessary for proper recognition and understanding of the salvation history described in the Bible. Appropriate description of his geospace is one of basic tasks implemented within the framework of the research project concerning the time-space information system about Biblical events realized in the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University and the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University.
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