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w słowach kluczowych:  historic preservation
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The article concerns research on the history of the conservation of architectural monuments in Poland in the interwar period. A comparison of the first postindependence resolutions covering the protection of Polish monuments shows that the content of the provisions is based on the findings and assumptions developed while the partitions were still in progress. Undoubtedly, the work of societies and conservationist groups, for the purpose of popularizing knowledge about historical objects and making the public aware of the need to undertake conservation activities, became the foundation for the organization of future conservation services. The article presents an analysis of the process of forming Polish conservation structures in the independent state and presents the methods of work of district conservators adopted at that time. This paper pays attention to the attitude of the clergy, scientific circles and the general public to the formed concept of conservation. It should be emphasized that many of the organizational assumptions and legal regulations of the time have influenced the practice and methods of contemporary conservators today.
The subject of the article is the adaptation of the historic Steam Locomotive Works in Skierniewice for the purposes of a "living" technical museum. The author, using his own thirty years of experience, presented the problem of reconciling the possibility of showing the old technologies of railroad work with the introduction of new functions to historic buildings. The article describes reaching a compromise between the need to preserve historic equipment and infrastructure, as well as the visual qualities of individual objects, with the requirements of current regulations and the desire to show the gathered collection in a way that is interesting and safe for visitors. The example presented in the paper concerns the territorially and cubically largest complex of historic railroad buildings in Poland, where the scale of adaptation works is the largest. The complex is also the oldest surviving relic of the technical facilities of the first Polish railroad line – the Warsaw–Vienna Iron Road. It was built in 1845 and went through several phases of expansion. At present, it preserves buildings from 1859–1943 and technical structures related to the operation of steam locomotives. In 1992, with the end of operation by the railway, the complex was loaned, and in 2002 it was transferred to a non-governmental organization for museum purposes. It is listed in the register of historical monuments under No. 964A. The Skierniewice Locomotive Deport is an example of the success of many years of renovation and adaptation work conducted by an investor that is a non-governmental organization with a modest budget and bases its activities solely on the unpaid work of volunteers.
Tematem artykułu jest adaptacja na cele „żywego” muzeum technicznego zabytkowej parowozowni w Skierniewicach. Autor, korzystając z własnych, trzydziestoletnich doświadczeń, przedstawił problematykę godzenia możliwości pokazywania dawnych technologii pracy kolei z wprowadzaniem do zabytkowych obiektów nowych funkcji. W artykule opisano dochodzenie do kompromisu między koniecznością zachowania zabytkowych urządzeń i infrastruktury oraz wizualnych walorów poszczególnych obiektów z wymogami obecnych przepisów i dążenia do pokazywania zgromadzonej kolekcji w sposób ciekawy i bezpieczny dla zwiedzających. Przedstawiony w pracy przykład dotyczy największego terytorialnie i kubaturowo zespołu zabytkowych obiektów kolejowych w Polsce, w którym skala prac przystosowawczych jest największa. Zespół ten jest również najstarszym zachowanym reliktem zaplecza technicznego pierwszej polskiej linii kolejowej – Drogi Żelaznej Warszawsko-Wiedeńskiej. Powstał w 1845 r. i przeszedł kilka faz rozbudowy. Obecnie zachowane są w nim obiekty z lat 1859–1943 oraz budowle techniczne związane z obsługą lokomotyw parowych. W roku 1992, z chwilą zakończenia eksploatacji przez kolej zespół został użyczony, a w roku 2002 przekazany na własność organizacji pozarządowej na cele muzealne. Jest wpisany do rejestru zabytków pod nr 964A. Kompleks skierniewickiej parowozowni jest przykładem sukcesu prowadzenia wieloletnich prac remontowo-adaptacyjnych przez inwestora będącego organizacją pozarządową, posiadającą skromny budżet i opierającą działalność wyłącznie na nieodpłatnej pracy wolontariuszy.
New additions in a historical context can take many forms, such as additions to existing buildings and new subsidiary additions like garages, sheds, and outbuildings. There are two main reasons for introducing new additions to historic buildings. These are the loss of original functions, the resultant need for new spaces to serve the given secondary function, and the need to integrate the physically damaged parts of historic buildings with new designs. Therefore, in this study, a model proposal based on a rating system developed with international standards as the main guiding principle is proposed to analyze and evaluate the compatibility of new additions with historic buildings. It was then tested in nine historic baths, where different facilities were added, in Turkey. The study provides an important contribution to determining the suitability of new additions to existing buildings before and during the design phase and can serve as a guiding model for the supervisory authority responsible for the necessary permits.
Dobudowy mogą przybierać różne formy w historycznym kontekście, przykładowo jako rozbudowy istniejących budynków oraz dobudówek, takich jak garaże, szopy czy oficyny. Istnieją dwa główne powody dobudowywania nowych części do obiektów historycznych. Są to utrata funkcji pierwotnej i wynikająca z niej potrzeba nowej przestrzeni do korzystania z nowej funkcji oraz konieczności integrowania fizycznie uszkodzonych części budynków zabytkowych z nowymi. Proponowany model oparty na systemie ocen, stworzony na podstawie międzynarodowych standardów jako głównej zasady, może zostać użyty do analizowania i oceny kompatybilności dobudów do budynków historycznych. Model przetestowano na dziewięciu zabytkowych łaźniach w Turcji, do których dobudowano różne lokale. Badanie to stanowi ważny przyczynek do ustalania poprawności dobudów do budynków istniejących zarówno przed, jak i w trakcie fazy projektowej, i może być wzornikiem dla urzędów.
The stem of contemporary culture in the Baltics arose from the countryside and folklore. Among the traditions of the Baltic cultures, there is talka – a term derived from work in the field, which historically was the act of communal work of the village residents to help each family in their agricultural work, such as haymaking, rye harvesting, manuring, threshing, flax pulling, and breaking. Known in other countries as “bee”, the term “talka“ in the Baltics refers to voluntary community work. As the communities have been moving to cities, talka has followed them naturally. Currently, cooperative work efforts include maintenance of sites and buildings, and it is a frequent and widespread act. The paper reviews examples of combined efforts of small communities to improve the appearance, performance, and security of public spaces. The application of joint work has allowed for low-cost gentrification and urban upgrade of several neighborhoods in Latvia.
Współczesna kultura krajów bałtyckich wywodzi się ze wsi i folkloru. Jedną z tradycji kultur bałtyckich jest talka – zjawisko, które historycznie było aktem zbiorowej pracy mieszkańców wsi i pomocy każdej rodzinie w pracach na roli. Podczas migracji mieszkańców wsi do miast talka podążała za nimi w naturalny sposób. Obecnie wspólne działania obejmujące utrzymanie osiedli i drobne naprawy budynków to zjawisko powszechne oraz regularne, a termin talka oznacza dobrowolną pracę na rzecz społeczności. W artykule omówiono przykłady wspólnej pracy małych społeczności lokalnych, mającej na celu poprawę estetyki, funkcjonowania i bezpieczeństwa przestrzeni publicznych. Zaangażowanie społeczności pozwoliło na niskobudżetową gentryfikację oraz modernizację kilku dzielnic Łotwy.
In Poland there are 70 facilities recognised as monuments of history, 14 of which are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. From the point of view of the effects in terms of national recognition for the historical monument, it has a prestigious meaning. Given the distinction of cultural monuments as a separately governed issue by article. 7 of the Polish Act on Antiques’ Protection and Care, a question is raised debating the ratio legis of this institution. The possibility to apply for entry onto the UNESCO list is the only result of this legal regulation. However, what is the most problematic – the entry of such historic monument onto this exclusive List also does not constitute a change in terms of the legal status of such an object. The aim of this paper is to analyse the issue of the real and effective judicial protection of, both historic monuments as well as the facilities included in the list of World Heritage.
The article deals with the main aspects and contemporary methods in 3D modelling of historical memorial structures in order to preserve objects of cultural heritage. Results of experiments using various combinations of software and technology have been presented: geographic information systems, ground laser scanning and computer graphics programs for rendering. On the basis of comparison between these methods and technologies, conclusions have been drawn, and recommendations for their application in the field of heritage preservation have been given.
Content available Wawel w polskim systemie służb konserwatorskich
The article describes the system of historic preservation care provided to the architectural complex of outstanding historical value located on the Wawel Hill. The historic preservation supervision is organised in a very particular way, i.e. responsibilities of the Regional Historic Preservation Officer are delegated to the Head of the Wawel Royal Castle acting as Historic Preservation Officer of the Wawel Hill. His area of competence covers the entire Wawel Hill within the boundaries set forth in the register of historic monuments and sites (A-7), i.e. not only the museum premises and the land on which it is located (owned by the State Treasury) but also church facilities (including Wawel Cathedral) and hill slopes for which Cracow Municipality is responsible. It seems that there are sound reasons behind the scope of historic preservation supervision covering both movable (exhibit items) and immovable (architecture) properties. With regard to Wawel, it is also particularly important to keep this ensemble of great historical significance under joint historic preservation supervision. It is therefore not recommended for three separate bodies, i.e. the museum, the church, and the municipality, to be responsible for this group of historic monuments. This results from the fact that a standardised and uniform concept needs to be defined for this ensemble and a great number of problems pertaining to technical and conservation issues need to be solved comprehensively. Furthermore, this article details duties carried out by Historic Preservation Officer of the Wawel Hill and explores matters for which Regional Conservation Officer is responsible. The author is of the opinion that the organisation of the discussed historic preservation supervision may be a role model for other residences of great historical value and other protected ensembles used as museums.
This article explores the relations between the provisions of the Act on the Protection and Guardianship of Monuments and Sites and the Construction Law from the perspective of modern historic preservation. Particular emphasis is placed on the forms of direct historic preservation in the context of the record of historic monuments and sites, which, in spite of being mentioned in the said Act, is not referred to as a form of ‘preservation’. What is also highlighted in this article is the necessity to make amendments to legal acts pertaining to classification and categorisation of historic monuments and sites. The author of this article is of the opinion that this can be achieved only by standardizing administrative regulations and deleting contradictory regulations from legal acts.
„Record cards of immovable properties” may be used for holding information about specific assets. This tool is of utmost importance for protecting and preserving architectural heritage assets built after the second World War in the second half of the 20th century. It allows for recognising a property in advance, defining the scope of protection (whether the entire property should be protected or only its particular elements), and specifying types of works which can be carried out to the property in question. This tool turns out to be particularly important in the event of changing ownership, carrying out renovation works or any other works pertaining to redevelopment, development, adaptation, etc. Additionally, it may be used for developing historic preservation guidelines for architectural designs and the areas they affect and, at the same time, preserving their initial form. Moreover, the tool in question allows historic preservation services to carry out such works to historic monuments and sites that will not only respect their cultural values but also „give them a new lease of life.” Furthermore, it may be used not only in scientific or academic works but also in works aimed at general public. In the current body of law, there are two types of „record cards of immovable properties.” The first one contains information on assets listed in the national register of historic monuments and sites. The second one provides data on assets not listed in this register - in this case, specific merit-related and graphical information is required. Its broader use by historic preservation service may result in increased effectiveness in preserving architectural heritage of the second half of the 20th century.
This article discusses practices of classification of historic monuments and sites which have been adopted in Poland so far. The author of this article presents criteria pertaining to categorising and making inventory of historic monuments and sites developed in the first half of the twentieth century by Jan Zachwatowicz, Zdzisław Bieniecki, and Michał Witwicki. Furthermore, what is also presented is classification of materials that are relevant by their use or invention, classification of modernism monuments, and classification of historic monuments and sites which was carried out in the years 19590–1962, at the time when classes 0 and 1–4 were introduced. In future, historic monuments and sites should be classified by members of different expert teams cooperating with each other on different levels (regional and supralocal). The lists must be verified by academic authorities from various communities (art and architecture historians, conservators, etc.) and all works must be carried out in compliance with currently binding regulations. The criteria should be developed in accordance with the regulations set forth in the Polish Act on Protection and Guardianship of Monuments and Sites of 23 July 2003, unless major amendments are made to it. The author of this article suggests the following criteria, compliant with the legal regulations in force: – artistic merit (art. 3.1): the form of a property or a group of properties (quality and scope of their influence – European, supraregional, and local) – scientific and academic merit (art. 3.1): authenticity of the idea, material, function as well as construction, material, and innovation on local and supraregional scale. – historical merit (art. 3.1): the value and significance of the site, people and events - European, supraregional, and local scale It is necessary to define the significance and value of historic monuments and sites of European (supranational), regional, and local importance. Classification of both single historic monuments and sites and their groups should be clear, simple, and include the smallest possible number of valuing criteria. Furthermore, it should be compliant with Polish laws in force. When applied, the classification should result in factual selection of properties and sites - not on creating new groups of properties and sites of great historical importance and new categories of values being difficult to define. It is not possible to have standardised cirtieria matching all requirements and assigning high rank to each historic monument and site.
Artykuł wykazuje aktualność sformułowanych przez Witruwiusza kategorii, którym odpowiada architektura, W konserwacji zabytków, działającej poprzez adaptację na styku "starego" i "nowego", rola triady jest potrójna i podlegają jej oba porządki oraz całość kompozycji. Pod tym kątem rozpatruje się witruwiańskie pojęcie piękna. Analiza przykładów pozwala na wniosek, ze jego zasady, choć zinterpretowane, nadal wyznaczają sposób określania przestrzeni w architekturze.
The article shows that the Vitruvian qualities of architecture are valid. In the process of preservation of monuments, where historic forms meet modern ones, the triad has a triple meaning and refers to both orders and the whole composition. Considering the Vitruvian idea of beauty we may notice, that its interpreted meaning still decribes the space defined by the architecture.
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