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In the epidemic-related texts printed by Gdańsk publishing houses in the 16th and 17th centuries, we can also find prescriptions. Over time, they gave way to short tax notes on anti-epidemic drugs attached to official forms. Ten publications from 1564-1663 were analyzed, and by comparing their contents, a list of 47 prescriptions and 144 drug names was compiled. The significant difference in the number of prescriptions and drugs was linked to the specificity of the Gdańsk pharmacy market in that period. On the example of works by Bartholomaeus Wagner, Jacob Schadius, Valerius Fidler, Johann Mathesius and prints signed by official city physicians, the evolution of anti-epidemic publications in Gdańsk was characterized and compared with the Gdańsk taxes then in force. The publications by Bartholomaeus Calckreuter and Gerbrand Hajo were cited as a context.
Already in the 19th century, researchers of the history of medicine tried to reinterpret the old pathogenesis and diagnostics by framing the descriptions of past epidemics within the framework of their own scientific discourse. However, this practice has sometimes led astray both then and now due to the incompatibility of modern medical language with historical sources, often of a narrative character. In addition, researchers in the field of historical science are often not qualified enough to correctly interpret the descriptions of the symptoms and course of the epidemic. On the other hand, representatives of medical sciences dealing with the past often misinterpret sources, cutting single pieces of information out of context and building a picture that is consistent with the current state of knowledge but inconsistent with the past. Given the persistence of this problem, which has been observable in the historiography of epidemics for many decades, it is worth investigating such cases in order to identify points that are particularly vulnerable to the risk of error.
Content available Historyczne szpitale – zapomniane dziedzictwo
Duża część szpitali w Polsce posiada zabytkowe wartości. Na Dolnym Śląsku stanowią one 30% wszystkich działających szpitali. Niemodernizowana przez lata infrastruktura obiektów ochrony zdrowia wymaga wielu inwestycji. W ostatnich latach finansowe wsparcie środkami Unii Europejskiej, środkami samorządów oraz finansami państwowymi przyśpieszyło ten proces modernizacji. Autor na podstawie prowadzonych badań nad architekturą szpitali omówił specyfikę zabytków ochrony zdrowia, prezentując najważniejsze zmiany, jakie zachodziły w budownictwie szpitalnym od końca XVIII wieku do czasów współczesnych. Opisuje najważniejsze modele przestrzenne, kształtowane pod wpływem rozwoju wiedzy medycznej i technicznej. Wskazuje podstawowe kryteria konieczne do uwzględnienia przy ocenie historycznych szpitali wymagających modernizacji. Przedstawione kryteria pozwalają na przygotowanie założeń do modernizacji szpitali z zachowaniem ich zabytkowych wartości.
A large part of hospitals in Poland have historic value. In Lower Silesia, they account for 30% of all operating hospitals. The infrastructure of healthcare facilities, which has not been modernized over the years, requires considerable investment. In recent years, financial support from European Union funds, local government funds and state finances has accelerated this modernization process. On the basis of research on the architecture of hospitals, the author discusses the specificity of historical healthcare facilities, presenting the most important changes that have occurred in hospital construction from the end of the eighteenth century to the present day. This paper describes the most important spatial models, influenced by the development of medical and technical knowledge. It indicates the basic criteria that must be considered when assessing historical hospitals in need of refurbishment. The presented criteria allow for the formulation of assumptions for the modernization of hospitals while maintaining their historical value.
Using the sources written by Johannes Baptista Montanus (1489-1551), by his students, and the existing historiography, the article aims to determine what role this Italian physician played in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, to what extent he is rightly considered the creator of clinical medicine, who were his mentors, and what were the methods of diagnosis and treatment he employed. Montanus was a professor at the University of Padua, and he has earned an ineffaceable place in the history of this university, where medicine was taught at a high level. At the same time, he worked as the head of St. Francis hospital. He was known for combining theoretical and practical knowledge in teaching at university. This method has become a permanent element of the teaching of medicine in Europe. He discussed the patient’s symptoms, then made a diagnosis, and recommended appropriate therapy directly at the patient’s bed, where the so-called consilia were held. This scheme of diagnostic and therapeutic procedure was named after him the ‘Collegium Montani’ and found many supporters among students who made notes while standing by the patient’s bed. The Consilia were later printed, and thus the treatments recommended and used by Montanus can be analyzed. Walenty Sierpiński of Lublin (also known as Valentinus Lublinus, b. 2nd half of the 16th century- d. before 1600) was among a large group of Montanus’s students. His merits include collecting, organizing and then publishing his master’s lectures. Considered to be Montanus’s most important work, Consultationum medicinalium Centuria prima, was published by Walenty of Lublin in Venice in 1554 (ex offi cina Erasmiana), and it contains one hundred pieces of medical advice given to one hundred patients. A few years later, a continuation of this work (Consultationum medicinalium Centuria secunda, ed. by Johannes Crato, Venice 1559) was published, containing further one hundred recommendations. Montanus was a promoter of physical examination as a method of obtaining knowledge about the patients’ health. He was regarded as a follower of Galen, Rhazes, and Avicenna and published critical studies on their treatment methods.
It is predominantly accepted in the historiography of European medicine that, apart from the differences in education, there was a division of competences between physicians educated at universities and barber-surgeons trained in the guild system in terms of their theoretical background. Regardless of the former stereotypes - dating back to the 19th century - relating to the Church-imposed restrictions in teaching surgery at universities, it is believed that the actual differences in terms of competences must have infl uenced the scope of the undertaken therapeutic activities. A different education model and the predominance of either theoretical or practical knowledge among representatives of these groups resulted in different treatment methods and a different perception of the causes of the disease. Physicians with mainly theoretical knowledge are often put in opposition to practising barber-surgeons. While it seems that the reluctance to bloody operations (sometimes articulated by the surgeons themselves) was a reason for the limited involvement of physicians in the barber-surgeon practice, it is diffi cult to clearly indicate the factors that would prevent surgeons from dealing with “non-operational” treatment. The article attempts to answer the question to what extent the then-existing differences in education and legal restrictions infl uenced the actual division of therapeutic tasks and the functioning of various medical professions as viewed from the patient’s perspective.
As the main tasks of the 18th-century Russian medicine were the support of the army and navy, and the protection of the empire from massive diseases, the regular research of local medical phenomena and resources was not clearly distinguished. The present paper attempts to reveal the ways in which medical knowledge was produced and communicated on the example of crude oil exploration by a Prussian physician in Russian service, Johann Jacob Lerche (1708-1780). Despite the fact that both his wide-ranging medical activities in different areas of the Russian empire and his extensive written heritage drew only fragmentary attention from scholars, they reflect the physician’s expertise in the research of naturalia which he manifested while performing his professional duties. Crude oil was one of the most remarkable mineral wonders of the Pre-Caspian region which Lerche visited twice (1732-1735, 1745-1747). On the basis of his three published accounts, which contain information on petroleum qualities and its practical application, the author investigates how the Baku crude oil, a natural object, was reinvented as a medical resource by an 18th-century state physician in the Russian empire. It is done through the consideration of the processes of world discoveries in the Age of Enlightenment, and the indigenous practices of the oil use. Finally, the significance of the author’s professional position as a state physician appears to have influenced the argumentation of curative qualities of petroleum and the advantages of its location.
Od obiektu naturalnego do zasobu medycznego: Johanna Jacoba Lerchego produkcja wiedzy o ropie naftowej Ponieważ głównymi zadaniami medycyny rosyjskiej XVIII wieku były wsparcie armii i floty wojennej oraz ochrona imperium przed epidemiami, regularne badania lokalnych zjawisk i zasobów medycznych nie są wyraźnie rozróżnione. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę przedstawienia sposobów produkcji i komunikacji wiedzy medycznej na przykładzie poszukiwania ropy naftowej przez pruskiego lekarza w służbie rosyjskiej Johanna Jacoba Lerchego (1708-1780). Chociaż również jego rozległa działalność medyczna w różnych obszarach Imperium Rosyjskiego i rozległa spuścizna piśmiennicza przyciągnęły tylko fragmentaryczną uwagę uczonych, odzwierciedlają one ogromne doświadczenie lekarza w badaniach nad naturą podczas wykonywania jego obowiązków zawodowych. Ropa naftowa była jednym z najbardziej niezwykłych cudów mineralnych w regionie nadkaspijskim, odwiedzanym przez Lerchego dwukrotnie (1732-1735, 1745-1747). Rozważając procesy odkrywania świata w oświeceniu oraz miejscowe praktyki używania ropy, autorka artykułu na podstawie trzech opublikowanych relacji Lerchego, zawierających informacje o jakości ropy naftowej i jej praktycznym przeznaczeniu, bada, w jaki sposób ropa naftowa z Baku jako obiekt naturalny została odkryta jako zasób medyczny przez lekarza państwowego w XVIII-wiecznym Imperium Rosyjskim. Ponadto znaczenie pozycji zawodowej autora jako lekarza państwowego wydaje się mieć wpływ na uzasadnienie leczniczych właściwości ropy naftowej, a ponadto na zalety jej umiejscowienia.
Content available remote Polish medicine in the Russian Empire in the first third of the 19th century
An official’s complaint about a Polish private doctor who treated his children for scarlet fever in 1827 gave rise to a unique document - a description of the treatment process and of the doctor’s interaction with patients, pharmacists, and Russian authorities. Such evidence is rarely found in the Russian archives. Since private doctors did not report to the officials, their testimonies, as a rule, are not preserved in the state archives. A text found in the archives of the Vilna Medical Board stimulated the authors of the present article to investigate the state of medical care and medical culture of the Polish population that became part of the Russian Empire after the Third Partition of Poland. Vishlenkova and Zatravkin have found that, unlike the rest of the Empire, a rather dense network of private medical care existed in Vilna province until the 1830s, and the level of scientific medical culture of the patients allowed them to establish control over treatment.
Skarga urzędnika na polskiego prywatnego lekarza, który leczył jego dzieci na szkarlatynę w 1827 r., zaowocowała powstaniem niepowtarzalnego dokumentu - opisu procesu leczenia oraz kontaktów lekarza z pacjentami, farmaceutami i władzami rosyjskimi. W rosyjskich archiwach rzadko można natrafić na takie świadectwo. Ponieważ prywatni lekarze nie odpowiadali przed urzędnikami, ich świadectwa, co do zasady, nie są przechowywane w państwowych archiwach. Tekst odnaleziony w archiwum Wileńskiej Rady Lekarskiej zachęcił autorów niniejszego artykułu do zbadania stanu opieki i kultury medycznej wśród Polaków, którzy znaleźli się w Cesarstwie Rosyjskim po trzecim rozbiorze Rzeczypospolitej. Wiszlenkowa i Zatrawkin ustalili, że - inaczej niż w pozostałej części Cesarstwa - dość gęsta sieć prywatnej opieki medycznej istniała w guberni wileńskiej do lat trzydziestych XIX w., a poziom naukowej kultury medycznej wśród pacjentów umożliwiał im kontrolowanie przebiegu leczenia.
Content available remote Early Soviet medicine: statistical and narrative utopias
Having found confl icting versions of the past in publications on the history of Soviet medicine, the authors of the article problematized the evidence with which historians work. This led to the study of the production and interaction of statistical and narrative statements of the health care authorities of the 1930s, that is, their reporting and futuristic pipe dreams. The comparison of the medical statistics published in the official directories and the current reporting of medical institutions revealed discrepancies between the published and collected information. Criticism of the official figures by contemporaries gave researchers the opportunity to reveal material and construction technologies of a utopian reality, from the power of which even modern researchers find it hard to free themselves.
Napotkawszy sprzeczne wersje przeszłości w publikacjach poświęconych dziejom radzieckiej medycyny, autorzy artykułu podeszli do problemu świadectw, z którymi pracują historycy. Doprowadziło to do przebadania tworzenia i wzajemnego oddziaływania twierdzeń statystycznych i opisowych, tworzonych przez władze służby zdrowia w latach trzydziestych XX w. - czyli ich sprawozdań i snów o potędze. Porównanie statystyk medycznych publikowanych w oficjalnych dokumentach i bieżących raportów instytucji medycznych ujawniło rozbieżności między zebranymi a ogłoszonymi informacjami. Ówczesna krytyka oficjalnych danych dała badaczom możliwość ujawnienia materiałów i technik konstrukcji utopijnej rzeczywistości, od której jest trudno uwolnić się nawet współczesnym badaczom.
In the second part of the 17th century and the first part of the 18th, Gdańsk was at the centre among places on the map of collectors in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, especially regarding to natural history. It was the place of activities of Naturalien-Cabinets of such natural scientists as Christoph and Johann Christoph Gottwalds, Jacob and Johann Philipp Breynes, Jacob Theodor Klein, or Daniel Gralath, where rare objects belonging to three regni naturali from all parts of the globe were presented. One od the oldest Gdańsk collections was the Musaeum Gottwladianum. Its heiers sold part of its items to Petersburg Kunstkammera of tsar Peter I. The article introduces profiles of the creators of the mentioned collection - Ch. and J. Ch. Gottwalds and the most important sources presenting its character and scope. Also, selected elements of collections of interest were discussed.
Content available remote Działalność naukowa i społeczna Leona Konitza (1822-1895)
Leon Konitz was one of the most outstanding Polish obstetricians and gynaecologists of the 19th century. He did pioneering work in asepsis and antisepsis in obstetrics, propagated modern approach in medicine in Poland, and was an indisputable medical authority. He was not affiliated with any medical institution but took part in setting the standards in Polish obstetrics and gynaecology. Together with Ludwik Darweski and Ludwik Neugebauer he was the first in Poland to apply uterine injection according to Kiwisch method in order to induce premature delivery. For the first time in Poland Konitz announced that there was a possibility of intrauterine death of foetus because of placental insufficiency. He participated in establishing methods of therapeutic use of ergot preparations in obstetrics and gynaecology, contributed to the invalidation of opinion that children of women suffering from eclampsia were always born dead, and that incontinent vomiting of pregnant women was an indication for abortion. Konitz also denied another opinion established in contemporary medicine: that uterus was the most important organ in women determining her sex gland, as well as her character. In his opinion, ovary was such an organ and changes inside ovaries, i.e. maturation of Graafian follicles, were ascribed to menstrual bleeding and fertility. He stressed the necessity to educate obstetricians not only in surgical delivery but first of all in the field of studies and overseeing physiological labour. He delivered a description of physical principles governing labour and defined techniques of practice in case of face presentation. He worked out his own method of bringing out the foetus in breech presentation, which because of a high risk of complications did not survive among the principles of obstetrics. He also noticed that fibroids never turn into cancer but could coexist with it. Konitz found out that uterine prolapse not always coexist with hypertrophy or cervix elongation. He thought that preventive treatment of uterine prolapse with the use of pessaries could be beneficial, on condition that there was no inflammation and other dangerous pathologies of generative organs. Leon Konitz was also a devoted social activist and advocate for the assimilation of Jews into the Polish population.
Introduction and aim: Rare diseases constitute an issue requiring special attention in radiology. The aim of the study was to determine a frequency of topics of rare diseases (RDs) on European Congresses of Radiology (ECR) of European Society of Radiology (ESR) in Vienna. Material and methods: The study was based on two congresses of ESR in 2003 and 2013. The numbers of abstracts about RDs were counted as divided in a few sets: postgraduate educational programmes, scientific sessions and scientific exhibits. There was also a review of topics connected with RDs conducted. Results: Percentages of abstracts about RDs were as follows: postgraduate educational programme 4% in 2003 and 6% in 2013, scientific sessions 3,3% in 2003 and 3,6% in 2013 and scientific exhibits 5% in 2003. There were also some samples of RDs-connected topics. These reports concerned various diagnostic methods. Conclusion: RDs were present in many topics on ECR, but they were not of high frequency.
Wstęp i cele: Choroby rzadkie stanowią zagadnienie wymagające szczególnej uwagi w radiologii. Celem badania była ocena częstości tematyki chorób rzadkich w pracach przedstawianych na Europejskich Kongresach Radiologii Europejskiego Towarzystwa Radiologii w Wiedniu. Materiał i metody: Przedmiotem badania były dwa kongresy ESR w 2003 i 2013 roku. Liczby streszczeń na temat chorób rzadkich pogrupowano w kilka zbiorów: podyplomowe programy edukacyjne, sesje naukowe i wystawy naukowe. Dokonano również przeglądu prac pod kątem tematyki związanej z chorobami rzadkimi. Wyniki: Odsetek streszczeń na temat chorób rzadkich był następujący: podyplomowe programy edukacyjne 4% w 2003 i 6% w 2013, sesje naukowe 3,3% w 2003 i 3,6% w 2013 oraz wystawy naukowe 5% w 2003. Stwierdzono również obecność prac o tematyce związanej z chorobami rzadkimi. Analizowane prace dotyczyły różnych metod diagnostycznych. Wnioski: Tematyka chorób rzadkich była obecna w wystąpieniach na Europejskich Kongresach Radiologii lecz stanowiły one niewielki odsetek wszystkich prac.
Introduction and aim: History of healthcare in the range of rare diseases is not well described. The aim of the analysis of reports of a few Danish hospitals and sanatoria from the first half of the 1920s is to characterize medical care on people suffering from rare diseases. Material and methods: The analysis of activity of Samfundet og Hjemmet for Vanføre in Copenhagen, Diakonissehuset Sankt Lukas Stiftelsens Hospital in Hellerup, Kolonien Filadelfia in Dianalund, sanatorium of Dansk Røde Kors in Bækkelund and Silkeborg Bad in Silkeborg was undertaken using reports (primary sources) attached to Ugeskrift for Læger, the journal of the Danish Medical Association (Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening). Results: Among patients of described hospitals and sanatoria there were persons with rare diseases, e.g. osteogenesis imperfecta and rare neoplasms as gliomatosis cerebri, vaginal cancer and retroperitoneal sarcoma. Conclusion: Medical care given by hospitals and sanatoria included treatment of rare diseases.
Wstęp i cele: Historia opieki medycznej w zakresie chorób rzadkich nie jest dokładnie opisana. Celem analizy raportów kilku duńskich szpitali i sanatoriów z pierwszej połowy lat 20. XX wieku jest charakterystyka opieki nad chorymi na choroby rzadkie. Materiał i metody: Analiza działalności Samfundet og Hjemmet for Vanføre w Kopenhadze, Diakonissehuset Sankt Lukas Stiftelsens Hospital w Hellerup, Kolonien Filadelfia w Dianalund, sanatorium Duńskiego Czerwonego Krzyża (Dansk Røde Kors) w Bækkelund i Silkeborg Bad w Silkeborg była przeprowadzona z wykorzystaniem raportów (źródła pierwotne) załączonych do Ugeskrift for Læger, czasopisma Duńskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego (Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening). Wyniki: Wśród pacjentów i kuracjuszy opisanych szpitali i sanatoriów były osoby chorujące na choroby rzadkie, np. osteogenesis imperfecta i rzadkie nowotwory jak glejakowatość mózgu, rak pochwy i mięsak przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej. Wnioski: Opieka medyczna w duńskich szpitalach i sanatoriach w pierwszej połowie lat 20. XX wieku obejmowała leczenie chorych na choroby rzadkie.
Wstęp i cele: Zasługą Profesora Rudolfa Virchowa w zakresie medycyny jest przede wszystkim dorobek naukowy w dziedzinie patologii, epidemiologii i higieny. W celu zebrania informacji na temat aktywności dydaktycznej i popularyzatorskiej Virchowa dokonano przeglądu literatury dokumentującej w jaki sposób wywarł on wpływ na światową medycynę XIX i XX wieku. Materiał i metody: Przegląd źródeł pisanych o charakterze dydaktycznym i popularyzatorskim autorstwa Rudolfa Virchowa dokonano w oparciu o dostępną bibliografię oraz uzupełniono opisami wystąpień Profesora w czasie konferencji medycznych. Źródła pierwotne porównano z pracami poglądowymi przedstawiającymi dorobek Virchowa w sposób syntetyczny skupiony na charakterystyce prac anatomopatologicznych i bibliografią uwzględniającą dorobek jego uczniów. Wyniki: Praca dydaktyczna Virchowa była realizowana za pomocą dostępnych XIX-wiecznej medycynie form i środków dydaktycznych – poprzez prowadzenie wykładów, pisanie książek i artykułów naukowych a także uczestnictwo w konferencjach, założenie czasopisma i muzeum. Wnioski: Aktywność Virchowa na polu krzewienia wiedzy w dziedzinie patologii umożliwiła jej rozpowszechnianie wśród studentów i lekarzy II połowy XIX oraz XX wieku oraz dalsze prowadzenie badań nad istotą i obrazami chorób.
Introduction and aim: The merit of Professor Rudolf Virchow in medicine is mainly scientific achievements in the field of pathology, epidemiology and hygiene. In order to gather information about Virchow’s teaching and popularizing activities, the overview of textual historical evidence documenting how he influenced on the world medicine in nineteenth and twentieth centuries was undertaken. Material and methods: The overview of written educational and popularizing sources by Rudolf Virchow was based on the available bibliography and supplemented with descriptions of instances of Virchow’s speeches during medical conferences. Primary sources were compared with review papers showing Virchow’s attainments in a concise way and focused on characteristics of anatomopathological works and bibliography including achievements of his students. Results: Rudolf Virchow’s educational work was carried out using teaching forms and materials available for nineteenth-century medicine – by conducting lectures, writing books and scientific articles as well as participation in conferences and founding a scientific journal and museum. Conclusion: Virchow’s activity in the field of promoting knowledge in the field of pathology has allowed its spread among students and physicians in the second half of the nineteenth and twentieth century, and further research on the nature and pictures of diseases.
Content available remote Historia medycyny według Tadeusza Bilikiewicza
Tadeusz Bilikiewicz (1901-1980) was one of the outstanding Polish psychiatrists. He specialized in the treatment of psychosis and psychoneurosis, as well as in the search for natural and philosophical foundations of higher nervous activity. He became closely interested in philosophy during his studies. Interest in philosophy ignited his research on the history of culture and, dear to him as a doctor, reflections on the subject of the history of medicine. He was privileged to work with Heinrich (Henry) Sigeristem (1891-1957) and Osweim Temkin (1902-2002) one of the greatest scholars studying the past of medicine of those days. For several years, he also worked as an assistant of Władysław Szumowski (1875-1954), a professor of history and philosophy of medicine at the Jagiellonian University. After World War II, he bound his fate with the Medical University of Gdansk, where he was appointed a professor degree. This article is an attempt to analyze the changes taking place in the views of Tadeusz Bilikiewicz as to the substance of the subject of history of medicine and its actual research and cognitive abilities. Initially, in accordance with the principles proclaimed by the so-called Leipzig school and by the majority of Polish historians of medicine, including Władysław Szumowski, he believed that the medical history may be philosophically encompassed by an effective tool of critical attention and may fulfil an important role in university didactics. He was of the opinion of philosophical approach to historical problems and close contact of medical history with contemporary theoretical problems of medicine and with medical practice. Over time, delving into certain epistemological problems, Bilikiewicz began to question the above way of understanding and of practicing the history of medicine. This was due to his own reflections supported by reading works of Karl Joël (1864-1934) and Heinrich Wölfflin (1864-1945), and above all, the works of Ludwig Fleck (1896-1961), with whom Bilikiewicz entered into polemics. Bilikiewicz, by stressing the fragmentation of our knowledge and the imperfections inherent in the nature of the knowing mind, he introduced the concept of the cognitive orientation. We gain it through the transformation of reality made by our mind, which looks for repeatable phenomena and multiple elements of a given structure, trying to present them in the form of hypotheses, theorems and definitions. The cognitive orientation, however, is doomed to imperfect and often deceptive methods of analogy and intuition. As a result, we may only dispose of certain perspective that allows us to merely understand the main features of the studied reality, resulting in gaining of certain general knowledge, but invariably incomplete one. This situation Bilikiewicz describes as perspectivism of research, which is similar to the theory propounded by Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955). Thus, the history of medicine, although it searches for knowing the truth, which Bilikiewicz recognized as objectively existing, will not be able to perceive it, and may only come close to it. It is impossible, therefore, in absolute and constant terms, to talk about the history of medicine as a field of science. Only the analysis of the sources and the facts bear, according to Bilikiewicz, hallmarks of scientific inquiry. When we begin to hypothesise or proceed with research reconstruction, the scientific designation will be difficult to maintain. Epistemological scepticism of Bilikiewicz clearly stood out from among contemporary historians of medicine, among who, the views professed by him were neither understood nor met in a broader debate.
Content available remote (Nie) znana radiologia
Radiologiczna diagnostyka obrazowa jest podstawą współczesnej medycyny. Badania fizykalne przeprowadzane przez lekarzy na przestrzeni dziejów nie mają już takiego znaczenia jak dawniej. Dzięki nowoczesnym metodom diagnostycznym nie ma chorób niewykrywalnych, choć radiologia nie rozwiązała problemu uleczalności tych schorzeń. Polska jest krajem, w którym radiologia intensywnie się rozwija, ale wciąż usiłuje dogonić sąsiadów, którzy ten etap rozwoju mają już dawno za sobą.
Content available remote Historia medycyny w ujęciu Władysława Szumowskiego
Władysław Szumowski is said to be one of the most eminent Polish historians ol medicine. The present text is an attempt of describing Szumowski's ideas of the essence of the history of medicine, its place among sciences and a role it should play in education of future doctors. The paper presents both the definition and the methodology, which in Szumowski's opinion should result from the philosophy, and particularly from the logic. Szumowski is referring to these research inspirations, scientists and conceptions that had a significant influence on him. At the same time the author of the article is willing to extract an original thought of Szumowski and divide it from adopted ideas of other people's conceptions.
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