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The year 2022 marks half a century since the establishment of HYDRO Bank. It is one of the most important components of the data processing system used by Polish Geological Institute which performs the duties of the state geological and hydrogeological survey. Since its conception in 1972, HYDRO Bank has been using information technology systems. Over the following years, teams of employees repeatedly modernized, expanded and updated the hydrogeological database. The information contained in the database is the basic source of data used for domestic studies in the fields of hydrogeology, cartography, environmental protection and government administration. There is another modernization planned for the upcoming years, along with continuous updates and increase in number of the collected data.
The Polish hydrogeology had started its development at the end of the 19th century, before Poland was liberated. The needs for country restoration after the world war and for ensuring water supply for communities and industry required construction of many water intakes and water reservoirs. On the other hand, the development of ore deposits, e.g. hard coal seams, needed dewatering of mines and quarries. The Polish pioneer hydrogeologist was R. Rosłoński (1880-1956). He organized the Hydrology Department at the Polish Geological Institute (PGI) in 1919. After World War II, the Hydrogeology and Engineering Department was established at the Geological Institute in Warsaw. Dozent F. Rutkowski was the head of the unit for more than 10 years. Professors C. Kolago, J. Malinowski, A. Różkowski and B. Paczyński introduced in practice a number of hydrogeological studies, including hydrogeological cartography, groundwater resource balances, recognition of groundwater resources of well fields and hydrogeological units of Poland, mining hydrogeology, and the principles of groundwater protection in Poland. Hydrogeological data banks were also first introduced at the PGI. The last 20 years of hydrogeology at the PGI were strongly connected with Poland's accession to the European Union and with the implementation of European directives to the water management system in practice. For this reason, the state hydrogeological survey has been established at the PGI.
An important task of the Polish Geological Institute acting as the state geological and hydrogeological surveys is to collect geological data and information for the entire country. One of the most important components of the Institute's data processing system is the HYDRO Bank, whose information resources include attribute and spatial information on groundwater intakes. Since its establishment in the early 1970s, the HYDRO Bank has been using IT high technologies. Currently, the database resources are being updated and made available exploiting the web application SPD PSH enabling users to access information in a controlled way using a web browser. The information from the database is the basis for the majority of national studies in the field of hydrogeology, cartography, environmental protection, and regional development, carried out by geological enterprises, research institutes, universities, and government administration.
The history of the hydrogeological investigations in Gdańsk reaches the second half of the XIX century. The pre-war research of German hydrogeologists constitutes a very valuable comparative material currently. In the after-war history, beginning from 40. XX century, Prof. Z. Pazdro carried out research on hydrogeology of the Gdańsk region in the Gdańsk University of Technology. Helaid the foundations of modern hydrogeology not only in Gdańsk, but also in the whole Poland. After Professor’s Z. Pazdro relocation to Warsaw, his investigations were continued by Prof. B. Kozerski and other outstanding researchers of the region.
W artykule przedstawiono zwięzłą historię hydrogeologii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim na przestrzeni ostatniego sześćdziesięciolecia oraz sylwetki najwybitniejszych uczonych ze świata hydrogeologii, związanych z Wydziałem Geologii UW. Zestawiono tytuły prac doktorskich, które odzwierciedlają różnorodność problematyki hydrogeologicznej. Przedstawiono zespoły badawcze, ich liderów oraz spektrum badań. Zamieszczono również biogramy profesorów, którzy odeszli.
The paper shows a brief history of hydrogeology at the University of Warsaw over the past six decades. The profiles of leading scholars in the field of hydrogeology, associated with the Faculty of Geology, are presented. The titles for doctoral dissertations are summarized, which reflect the diversity of hydrogeological sciences. The paper presents research teams, their leaders, and the spectrum of research. It also provides biographies of professors who have passed away.
Content available Evolution of Polish hydrogeology
In Poland, hydrogeology as a separate scientific discipline came into being at the end of the 19th century. The first geologists were interested in springs, saline, mineralised waters of therapeutic use and dewatering of mines. Until World War I, in the early stages of hydrogeological developments, a different attitude towards groundwater problems was clearly notable in all three annexed Polish territories. The next stage of the development of Polish hydrogeology is dated to the years 1918-1939. In those times, the major focus of hydrogeological investigations was on building structures to extract artesian groundwater; mineral groundwater in the Polish spas; building municipal water intakes; and on Quaternary aquifers, widespread in Poland. Early hydrogeological handbooks were published at those times. The contemporary stage of Polish hydrogeology started in 1945, after World War II. In the early 1950s, the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology was established at the Central Board of Geology (CUG in Polish), which belonged to the Polish government as a separate ministry up to 1970. Hydrogeological companies with technology and development sections were founded in big cities. Nowadays, academic centres exist in Warsaw, Cracow, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Sosnowiec, Poznań, Kielce and Toruń. About 1400 persons with academic diplomas, 160 doctors and 22 professors of hydrogeology are active at present in the field of hydrogeology. The principal fields of Polish hydrogeology comprise the following: mine dewatering, recognition of groundwater resources and their protection, construction and exploitation of water intakes, hydrogeological cartography, mineral and thermal water resources, regional hydrogeology for physical planning, groundwater modelling and groundwater pollution, migration of pollutants and forecasting of groundwater changes. Up to the late eighties, political censorship was the main difficulty for the development of Polish hydrogeology, especially in publications related to sensitive information of groundwater occurrence and resources.
Content available remote Geneza i rozwój polskiej hydrogeologii
Polska hydrogeologia powstała jako samodzielna dziedzina nauki w końcu XIX w. Wcześniej geolodzy zajmowali się: źródłami, słonymi, zmineralizowanymi wodami o leczniczych właściwościach i odwodnieniem kopalń. Pierwszy etap w rozwoju hydrogeologii, do I wojny światowej, przebiegał odrębnie w trzech zaborach. Następny etap polskiej hydrogeologii wiązał się z okresem 1918-1944. Prowadzono wtedy badania nad strukturami o warunkach artezyjskich, zajmowano się wodami mineralnymi w polskich uzdrowiskach, ujęciami wody do zaopatrzenia rozwijających się miast i czwartorzędowymi poziomami wodonośnymi, szeroko rozprzestrzenionymi w Polsce. Opublikowane zostały pierwsze podręczniki poświęcone wodom podziemnym. Współczesny etap hydrogeologii datuje się od 1945 r. po II wojnie światowej. Przy Centralnym Urzędzie Geologii, który pełnił funkcję resortu, powołano w 1951 r. Departament Hydrogeologii i Geologii Inżynierskiej. Zorganizowano wtedy przedsiębiorstwa hydrogeologiczne w wielkich miastach oraz szkolnictwo akademickie. Ośrodki hydrogeologiczne istnieją do dzisiaj w: Warszawie, Krakowie, Wrocławiu, Gdańsku, Sosnowcu, Poznaniu i Toruniu. Około 1000 osób ma dyplomy hydrogeologii, 60 doktoraty i około 20 jest profesorami hydrogeologii. Głównymi obszarami zainteresowań polskiej hydrogeologii są: odwodnienia kopalń, rozpoznanie i ochrona zasobów wód podziemnych, projektowanie i eksploatacja ujęć wód podziemnych, kartografia, zasoby wód mineralnych i termalnych, warunki występowania wód podziemnych dla potrzeb planowania przestrzennego, modelowanie przepływu wód i migracji zanieczyszczeń oraz prognozy zmian zasobów wód podziemnych. Poważnym utrudnieniem rozwoju polskiej hydrogeologii aż do późnych lat osiemdziesiątych była cenzura, utrudniająca publikowanie wyników badań. Przyszłość polskiej hydrogeologii jest ściśle związana z hydrologią powierzchniową, budownictwem, inżynierią sanitarną i szeroko rozumianą ochroną środowiska. Obserwuje się duże zainteresowanie zastosowaniem metod komputerowych, zwłaszcza w zakresie grafiki komputerowej i tworzeniem elektronicznych baz danych. Są uprawiane w Państwowym Instytucie Geologicznym i wykorzystywane w realizacji Mapy hydrogeologicznej Polski w skali 1:50 000 w systemie G[S/INTERGRAPH. Pokryto tą mapą obecnie 50%kraju. Przewiduje się silniejsze angażowanie polskich hydrogeologów w zagadnienia prawne, zarządzanie i gospodarowanie oraz ochronę zasobów wodnych.
Polish hydrogeology, as a separate scientific discipline has become at the end of XIX century. Earlier geologists were interested in springs, saline, mineralised waters of therapeutic purposes and mines dewatering. Until I world war, in the first stage of hydrogeology development, attitude towards the groundwater problems was different in three annexed Polish territories. The next stage of Polish hydrogeology was noted between 1918-1944. The investigations were carried on the groundwater of artesian structures, mineral water in the Polish spas, on the municipal water intakes and on the Quaternary aquifers widespread in Poland. The first handbooks devoted to groundwater were published at that time. The contemporary stage has started in 1945 yr. after the II world war. Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology was established at the Central Board of Geology (CUG) that belonged to Polish government as a separate ministry. Hydrogeological companies with the sections of technology and development were founded in big cities. Nowadays, the academic centres exist in: Warsaw, Cracov, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Sosnowiec, Poznań and Toruń. About 1000 persons with academic diplomas, 60 doctors and 20 professors of hydrogeology are active at present in the field of hydrogeology. The principal fields of Polish hydrogeology comprises: mine dewatering, recognition of groundwater resources and their protection, water intakes construction and exploitation, cartography, mineral and thermal water resources, regional hydrogeology for physical planning, groundwater modelling and groundwater pollution, migration of pollutants and forecasts of groundwater changes. Up to the late eighties the censorship was the main threshold of development of Polish hydrogeology related especially to publications, due to the secret information of groundwater occurrence and resources. The future of Polish hydrogeology is strongly connected with hydrology, civil engineering and environment protection. One be observe the strong interest in computer method applied to calculations and visualisation of investigation results. The databases are constructed and developed especially in the Polish Geological Institute. These are used for Hydrogeological Map of Poland, 1:50 000 project elaboration. The stronger connections of Polish hydrogeologists with economics, management and legislation problems can be predicted in the nearest future.
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