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This study investigates soil heavy metal contamination behind the green belts along National Highway 107 in China. Soil samples were collected from both sides of the highway to determine the concentrations of heavy metals such as copper, cadmium, chromium, lead, and zinc. The distribution patterns, ecological risks, and health hazards associated with these heavy metals were analysed. In order to provide more sample examples and data support for soil heavy metal pollution control. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was employed to detect the concentrations and speciation of these five heavy metals in the soil samples. The Geo-Accumulation Index method, the Nemerow pollution index method, and a health risk assessment model were used to evaluate the ecological and health risks of heavy metal pollution adjacent to the highway. Results indicated that: (1) The concentrations of Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Zn in the soil decreased with the increasing number of protective forest layers, highlighting the significant role of protective belts in impeding the migration of heavy metals from the highway. (2) In terms of pollution assessment, the Geo-accumulation index method revealed prominent Cd contamination, the Geo-accumulation index of Cd peaked at 1.95 indicating a moderate to mild pollution level overall. Conversely, the Nemerow index method suggested a medium to extremely high risk of soil heavy metal Cd contamination. Specifically, the peak value of Cd single-factor pollution index in the study area reached 5.78, and the mean value of its Nemerow index (P) was 4.67. (3) In health risk assessment, it was found that children are more susceptible to heavy metal threats. The non-carcinogenic risk indices of all five heavy metals were less than 1, implying minimal risk. However, the total carcinogenic risk index for Cr ranged between 10–6 and 10–4, posing a certain level of carcinogenic risk to humans.
Deep groove ball bearings are widely used in rotary machinery. Accurate for bearing faults diagnosis is essential for equipment maintenance. For common depth learning methods, the feature extraction of inverse time domain signal direction and the attention to key features are usually ignored. Based on the long short term memory(LSTM) network, this study proposes an attention-based highway bidirectional long short term memory (AHBi-LSTM) network for fault diagnosis based on the raw vibration signal. By increasing the Attention mechanism and Highway, the ability of the network to extract features is increased. The bidirectional LSTM network simultaneously extracts the raw vibration signal in positive and inverse time-domains to better extract the fault features. Six deep groove ball bearings with different health conditions were used to validate the AHBi-LSTM method in an experiment. The results showed that the accuracy of the proposed method for bearing fault diagnosis was over 98%, which was 8.66% higher than that of the LSTM model. The AHBi-LSTM model is also better than other relevant models for bearing fault diagnosis.
Ze względu na bezpieczeństwo robót zarówno obowiązujące przepisy i normy, jak i doświadczenia inżynierskie opisywane w literaturze wskazują na korzyści z prowadzenia monitoringu i obserwacji zachowania podłoża gruntowego. Jest to szczególnie ważne, gdy rozpoznano w głębszych warstwach słabe podłoże gruntowe, a obciążenie w trakcie realizacji robót jest zmienne. W niniejszym artykule opisano sposób realizacji monitoringu osiadań oraz przemieszczeń poziomych nasypu przeciążającego zlokalizowanego w pobliżu gazociągu wysokiego ciśnienia, realizowanego podczas budowy drogi ekspresowej. Opisano elementy systemu geomonitoringu, sposób jego montażu, a także zalety i ograniczenia.
Due to the safety of works, both the applicable regulations and standards as well as engineering experience described in the literature show the benefits of monitoring and observation of the behavior of the subsoil. It is especially important when weak subsoil is identified in the deeper layers and the load is variable during the execution of works. This article describes the method of monitoring subsidence and horizontal displacements of the overload embankment located in the vicinity of the high-pressure gas pipeline, during the construction of the expressway. The elements of the geomonitoring system, the method of its assembly, as well as advantages and limitations are described.
Protective forest plantations along highways are an integral element and one of the important factors of road safety. The main units of such plantings are tree and shrub species, which in turn form a stand capable of performing useful protective functions. The protective forest stands along highways in Southern Russia were studied on the example of the objects that grow along the M-4 Don highway 30 km from Rostov-on-Don. The forest taxation indices of 18 species of tree and shrub species that form linear plantings were studied. The main tree species in the plantings are: Robinia false acacia, lanceolate ash, small-leaved elm, holly maple, three-pronged gledichia. The main shrubs are: svidina blood red and sumac leather. When designing roadside forest stands, great importance should be given to the initial variant of mixing tree and shrub species. It is not allowed to mix the tree species with different life periods in plantings, as this leads to difficulties in carrying out subsequent forestry care. Thus, the participation of black poplar or pyramidal poplar in plantings with the participation of sharp-leaved maple is unacceptable. The life span of woody plants should be in the same period. The conducted research allowed recommending the optimal mixing schemes for the creation of new protective forest plantations along the highways of Southern Russia.
Based on the test and observation of the desert hinterland wind field, combined with the numerical simulation of Fluent wind-sand two-phase flow, the sand resistance performances of comprehensive protection in the desert hinterland under strong wind environment are researched. The transient wind speed and wind direction around the comprehensive protection facility are measured by two 3D ultrasonic anemometers on the highway in the desert hinterland, and the initial wind speed of the sand flow is provided for the numerical simulation boundary. The sedimentary sand particles around the comprehensive protection facility are collected for particle size analysis, and the particle size distributions of sedimentary sand particles at different locations are obtained. Numerical models of high vertical sand barriers, grass checkered sand barriers and roadbeds are established by Fluent, the wind-sand flow structures around the comprehensive protection facilities and desert hinterland highway under the strong wind environment are obtained, and the influence laws of the comprehensive protection facilities on the movement of wind-sand flow and sand deposition characteristics are obtained. The study found that the comprehensive protection facilities disturbed the wind and sand flow, and there are significant airflow partitions around the comprehensive protection facilities. The wind speed decreases rapidly after the wind-sand flows through the high vertical sand barrier; the wind-sand flow rises at the end of the high vertical sand barrier. When the wind-sand flow moves around the grass checkered sand barrier, the wind speed has dropped to the range of 0-3 m/s, and the wind speed near the ground by the grass checkered sand barrier is further reduced. Due to the existence of the concave surface of the grass grid, there are small vortices inside the grass grid sand barrier. Large sand particles are mainly deposited on the windward side and inside of high vertical sand barriers. The grass checkered sand barrier forms a stable concave surface to generate backflow, which can ensure that the sand surface does not sand itself in a strong wind environment, and can also make a small amount of sand carried in the airflow accumulate around the groove of the grass checkered sand barrier. The numerical simulation results are consistent with the measured results, and the comprehensive protection measures have achieved good sand control effects.
Content available Los Angeles: miasto ruchomych obrazów
Dla Europejczyka fascynacja Ameryką ma charakter zauroczenia dziwacznością. Przejawia się ona w rzeczywistości stanowiącej ponowoczesną mieszaninę fragmentarycznych doznań, które manifestują się w obrazie zarówno wielkich miast amerykańskich jak i architekturze przydrożnej. Autorka poddaje analizie horyzontalnie rozciągnięte Los Angeles jako żywiołowe widowisko ruchu ulicznego. Pomimo powstających wciąż nowych ikonicznych dzieł architektury, bezkształtność, amorficzność i rozproszenie formacji przestrzennych tego miasta nie pozwalają na prawidłowe odczytanie jego struktur. Z badań autorki wysuwa się wniosek, iż nie budynki czy historyczne miejsca, lecz właśnie ruch uliczny i system autostradowy stanowią głównie o charakterze tego miasta, którego wizerunek utrwaliło wielkie kino.
To Europeans, fascination with America is like being charmed by oddity. It manifests itself in a reality that is a postmodern mixture of fragmentary experiences that manifest themselves in the image of both large American cities and roadside architecture. I analyse the horizontally stretched Los Angeles as a lively spectacle of street traffic. Despite newer and newer iconic works of architecture, shapelessness, amorphousness and scattering of this city’s spatial formations does not allow for a proper reading of its structures. My study concludes that it is not buildings or historical sites but street traffic and the highway system that define the character of this city, whose image was enhanced by world-class cinema.
Głównym celem pracy było przeprowadzanie badań dotychczasowego procesu inwestycyjnego, oddziaływania budowy dróg na strukturę przestrzenną obszarów wiejskich wraz z wyodrębnieniem i analizą kosztów inwestycyjnych. Analiza kosztów w trakcie przygotowania i realizacji inwestycji drogowej polegającej na budowie drogi ekspresowej S17 na odcinku Kurów–Lublin–Piaski, miała na celu wyłonienie tych kosztów, które są ponoszone zbędnie w tradycyjnym procesie inwestycyjnym lub ich ciężar ekonomiczny może zostać zastąpiony innymi działaniami, albo poniesienie tych kosztów może zostać przeniesione w czasie. Dodatkowo przestawiono prognozę koniecznych do poniesienia kosztów utrzymania zbędnej infrastruktury drogowej w perspektywie 25-letniej. Wyliczenia oparto na symulacji nowej linii rozgraniczającej inwestycję, której przebieg został określony w oparciu o posiadaną wiedzę naukową i ekspercką, popartą wieloletnim doświadczeniem w obszarze drogowych inwestycji liniowych.
The main purpose of the work is a review of the existing investment process, the impact of road investments on the spatial structure of rural areas, and identification and analysis of the cost of investment. The analysis of costs during the preparation and execution of an investment project consisting of construction of the S17 expressway at the Kurów–Lublin–Piaski section, aimed to identify costs in the conventional investment process that are redundant and the economic burden of which can be replaced with other activities or costs that can be deferred in time. In addition, the work presents a forecast of the costs of maintaining redundant road infrastructure in a 25-year perspective. The calculations were based on the simulation of a new line separating the investment areas with a course determined according to available scientific know-how supported by long-term experience in road infrastructure investments.
Underground hard coal mining causes surface deformations. When the mining operations are conducted beneath linear objects, such as motorways, there is a risk of deformations of the axis of the road and its horizontal and vertical alignment (additional bends and vertical curvatures, longitudinal inclinations, deformations of cross-sections). In the areas subjected to mining operations, mining plants conduct geodetic monitoring. Due to their labour intensity and costs, geodetic measurements are usually made only a few times a year. The article discusses the possibility of applying Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to monitor the subsidence of the vertical alignment of motorways caused by mining operations and its advantages and disadvantages compared to the currently used methods of geodetic measurements. The tests were conducted in two sections of motorways within the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland) in the areas of intensive hard coal mining operations. Radar imaging of the surface made by the European Space Agency's (ESA) satellite Sentinel-1 equipped with the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) was used.
The aim of the article is indicating the advantages of utilizing the synergy obtained by introducing two management methods: Lean Construction and Agile Management using the example of the process of deliveries of concrete mix in road construction. Despite the seemingly contradictory assumptions (Lean Management aims at limiting wastefulness and maximizing the value for the customer and agile management serves for creating the possibility for fast, effective response to non-expected changes thanks to the adopted strategy of flexibility, which usually requires engaging additional resources), both management methods deliver the effect of increasing the effectiveness of the machine laying the pavement. Using a “spaghetti diagram” (one of the tools of Lean Management) led to limiting the time losses during loading and unloading the concrete mix destined for constructing highway pavement. On the other hand, the tactic of technological flexibility in the form of a modification of the concrete mix allowed for broadening the time frame for the delivery of concrete to the construction site to as much as two hours. Moreover, applying the real time delivery management system (in accordance with the assumptions of Construction 4.0) created the possibilities for ensuring quick reacting to the changing conditions of delivery and laying the concrete mix in the pavement and ensuring the appropriate functioning of the machine laying the pavement. The presented examples indicated the advantages of the suggested concept in reference to the traditional solution.
Artykuł poświęcony jest metodzie RMCD4.0, która służy zapewnieniu rytmicznych dostaw mieszanki betonowej w oparciu o model quasi-deterministyczny. Opiera się ona na osiągnięciu synergii dwóch metod zarządzania: Lean Construction (której zadaniem jest zapewnienie ograniczenia marnotrawstwa np. czasu podczas załadunku mieszanki betonowej ) i Agile/Flexible Management (zapewnia możliwość dostosowania do zmian ). Istotne znaczenie ma także zastosowanie idei Construction 4.0 - zapewnienie współpracy dzięki komunikacji bezprzewodowej i możliwości lokalizacji urządzeń transportowych w czasie rzeczywistym. Koordynator procesu produkcji, transportu i wbudowania betonu towarowego bazując na modelu symulacyjnym dostaw steruje środkami transportu w sposób zapewniający rytmiczne dostawy mieszanki betonowej w celu osiągnięcia maksymalnej wydajności maszyny wiodącej - zestawu z układarką nawierzchni betonowej.
The durability of roads is dependent on the proper screening of the variations in subsurface geological characteristics and conditions through geo-engineering investigations and good construction practices. In this study, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique was used to investigate the subsurface defects and potential failures along the substrate of Etioro-Akoko highway, Ondo State, southwestern Nigeria. Results of the inverse model resistivity sections generated for the two investigated traverses showed four distinct subsurface layers. The shallow clayey topsoil, weathered layer, and partially weathered/fractured bedrock have resistivity values ranging from 4–150 ohm-m, 10–325 ohm-m, and 205–800 ohm-m, with thickness values of 0–2 m, 0.5–12.5 m, and less than few meters to > 24 m, respectively. The fresh bedrock is characterised by resistivity generally in excess of 1000 ohm-m. The bedrock mirrored gently to rapidly oscillating bedrock troughs and relatively inclined deep penetrating multiple fractures: F1–F'1, F2–F'2 and F3–F'3, with floater in-between the first two fractures. These delineated subsurface characteristic features were envisaged as potential threats to the pavement of the highway. Pavement failures in the area could be attributed to the incompetent clayey sub-base/substrate materials and the imposed stresses on the low load-bearing fractured bedrock and deep weathered troughs by heavy traffics. Anticipatory construction designs that included the use of competent sub-base materials and bridges for the failed segments and fractured zones along the highway, respectively, were recommended.
The aim of this article is to analyze the pace of expansion of the network of highways and expressways over the past 15 years of membership in the European Union. Joining the European Union by such post-socialist countries as: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia (2004), Bulgaria, Romania (2007) and Croatia (2013) as well as the funds received for the development of transport infrastructure significantly contributed to the boom in the pace of road investments in these countries. The existing networks of highways and expressways in the 11 analyzed countries are at the stage of creating major national and international connections. The most advanced expansion of the national highway system is taking place in Poland and Hungary. Stable development, with a slight annual growth of the length of new highways, is taking place in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Stagnation in the development of roads of this type is occurring in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Toll roads are operated in 8 out of 11 analyzed countries. The vignette system for highways is used in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Hungary. Toll is paid at tollbooths in Croatia and Poland. Most of the highways in Central Europe are concentrated around the capital agglomerations, e.g. Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sofia and Bucharest, with the exception of Warsaw, which is slowly rebuilding its central position in the network of expressways (A-2, S-7, S-8, S-17) in Poland. The first sections of highways in the discussed countries, except for Poland, were located around the capital cities. The layout of the highway network is often determined by the orography of the terrain, especially the course of mountain ranges, great rivers and coasts. Due to the varied topography, costs are rising, and the construction time of engineering structures such as tunnels, overpasses and bridges is longer, with countries such as Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, and recently also the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania being forced to build them.
Olbrzymie natężenie ruchu drogowego na autostradzie A4 na Dolnym Śląsku generuje ryzyko zdarzeń i wypadków. Często dochodzi do kolizji, w wyniku których nawierzchnia, w tym betonowa, ulega uszkodzeniu. W związku z tym, niezbędne są szybkie zabiegi remontowe, które przywracają nawierzchnie drogowe do stanu pozwalającego na bezpieczną eksploatację. Dodatkowo nie powodują one długotrwałych utrudnień w ruchu pojazdów. Artykuł przedstawia opis technologii szybkiej naprawy nawierzchni z betonu cementowego za pomocą polimerobetonu, po pożarze samochodu osobowego na jezdni autostrady A4.
Huge traffic generates the risk of incidents and accidents on the A4 motorway in Lower Silesia. Collisions often occur, as a result of which the surface is damaged. Therefore, quick repairs were necessary, which restore road surfaces to a condition that allows safe operation. Additionally, they do not cause long-term difficulties in the movement of vehicles. The article presents a description of the quick repair of cement concrete surface using polymer concrete after a car accident, that included fire, on the A4 motorway.
Docelowo sieć autostrad i dróg ekspresowych w Polsce ma mieć łączną długość ok. 7650 m. Na znaczeniu zyskuje więc właściwe zaprojektowanie terenów zieleni przydrożnej.
Z roku na rok przybywa w Polsce dróg ekspresowych. Pojawiają się jednak głosy, że zieleń przydrożna, szczególnie niska, jest wyjątkowo monotonna i w żaden sposób niepowiązana z otoczeniem, co wzmacnia fragmentację krajobrazu. Powstaje pytanie, czy tak musi być?
The efficiency of maintaining road pavements in good condition in Poland, and, in particular, maintaining their good technical condition, depends mainly on the availability of financial resources and conducting ongoing works related to road operation and maintenance. Selected European countries, including Poland, reactivated the concept of reconstruction and use of highway landing strips. Based on the analysis of the technical parameters of a newly built highway landing strip, this publication presents, using the finite element method (FEM), the verification of the technical parameter values potentially resulting from the maximum load caused by a C-130 Hercules aircraft.
W pracy przedstawiono krótki rys historyczny rozwoju dróg na obszarze Polski w różnych okresach dziejów. Omawiając rozwój infrastruktury drogowej XXI wieku w Polsce, zaprezentowano priorytetowe dla kraju inwestycje, których wykonanie poprawi komunikację oraz płynność i bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego, ułatwi dojazd i transport do terenów inwestycyjnych i stref ekonomicznych. Szczegółowo opisano jedną z wielu ważnych inwestycji drogowych na terenie Częstochowy, która w ostatnim czasie poprawiła komunikację między dzielnicami. Inwestycja ta jest jednym z etapów niezakończonego nadal łącznika, który w niedalekiej przyszłości znacząco wpłynie na rozwój i ułatwi komunikację między dzielnicami Częstochowy i okolicznymi miejscowościami. Na całościowy kształt infrastruktury drogowej Polski oprócz ogromnych budów typu autostrady czy drogi szybkiego ruchu wpływ mają nawet małe inwestycje w skali poszczególnych gmin, powiatów i miast.
A short historical outline of road development in Poland in various periods of history is presented at the paper. Discussing the development of the 21st century road infrastructure in Poland, the country's priority investments is described, the implementation of which will improve communication, traffic flow and safety, facilitate access to and transport to investment areas and economic zones. One of many important road investments in Czestochowa has been presented in details, which has recently improved communication between the districts. This investment is one of the stages of the still unconnected link, which in the near future will significantly affect the development and facilitate communication between the districts of Czestochowa and surrounding towns. The overall shape of Poland's road infrastructure, in addition to huge motorway type constructions or highways, is even affected by small investments in the scale of individual municipalities, districts and cities.
W artykule przedstawiono kierunki rozwoju sieci autostrad i dróg ekspresowych w Polsce w latach 1990-2018. Sieć dróg szybkiego ruchu w kraju jest intensywnie rozbudowywana. Płatne dla pojazdów samochodowych autostrady są uzupełniane siecią bezpłatnych dróg ekspresowych, głównie dwujezdniowych. Program budowy dróg ekspresowych na lata 2014-2023 jest konsekwentnie realizowany. Zbudowano główne autostrady kraju A-1, A-2 i A-4. W trakcie rozbudowy są drogi ekspresowe S-3, S-5, S-6, S-7, S-8, S17, S-19 i S-61. Aktualne inwestycje drogowe koncentrują się na budowie brakujących odcinków dróg ekspresowych i obwodnic miast. Opracowanie podejmuje również próbę racjonalizacji kolejności podejmowanych inwestycji i modyfikacji ich rozkładu przestrzennego.
The article presents directions for the development of the motorway and expressway network in Poland in the years 1990-2018. The network of express roads in the country is intensively developed. Motorways payable for motor vehicles are supplemented with a network of free express roads, mainly dual carriageways. The program of construction of expressways for the years 2014-2023 is consistently implemented. The main motorways of the A-1, A-2 and A-4 were built. During the expansion there are expressways S-3, S-5, S-6, S-7, S-8, S17, S-19 and S-61. Current road investments are focused on the construction of missing sections of express roads and city bypasses. The study also attempts to rationalize the order of undertaken investments and modify their spatial distribution.
Content available remote Więcej pieniędzy na Program Budowy Dróg Krajowych
Do 2025 r., kosztem 135 mld zł, w Polsce ma powstać ponad 3250 km. Z tego autostrady będą stanowić nieco ponad 250 km, a drogi ekspresowe – powyżej 2600 km. Wybudowanych zostanie też 35 obwodnic o łącznej długości 370 km.
The impact of land use and a distance from the highway on heavy metal concentration in soils along the highway has been investigated. 28 soil samples were collected in August 2014 from the roadside soils of the Hemmat highway of Tehran, Iran. The results showed that the mean concentrations of Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn and Cd were 144, 17.20, 18.91, 86.84, 3.86 mg/kg–1, respectively. With exception for Cd, the concentrations of the heavy metals decreased upon increasing distance from the highway that shows the background amount of cadmium in the soil area was high. The values of the enrichment factor (EF) showed that Ni, Zn and Cr have a natural source (EF < 10) and Pb and Cd have an anthropogenic source (EF > 10). The anthropogenic sources are emphasized for these heavy metals, thus indicating the strong human influence. The mean values of geoaccumulation index (Igeo) for Pb, Zn, Cd were high at residential, under-construction and green space land uses. The ecological risk index (RI) for roadside soils was higher than 300, indicating that sampling sites had a considerable ecological risk. The potential ecological risk index for single metal decreases in the following sequence: Cd > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cr.
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