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Content available remote Complementing ERA5 and E-OBS with high-resolution river discharge over Europe
The 0.5° resolution of many global observational or quasi-observational datasets is not sufficient for the evaluation of current state-of-the-art regional climate models or the forcing of ocean model simulations over Europe. While higher resolved products are available for meteorological data, e.g. ERA5 reanalysis and the E-OBS vs 22 (EOBS22) datasets, they lack crucial information at the land-ocean boundary. ERA5 is frequently used to force regional climate models (RCMs) or ocean models and both datasets are commonly used as reference datasets for the evaluation of RCMs. Therefore, we extended both datasets with high-resolution river discharge for the period 1979–2018. On the one hand, our discharge data close the water cycle at the land-ocean interface so that the discharges can be used as lateral freshwater input for ocean models applied in the European region. On the other hand, the data can be used to identify trends in discharge that are induced by recent climate change as ERA5 and EOBS22 are rather independent datasets. The experimental setup to generate the discharges was chosen in a way that it could be easily adapted in a climate or Earth system modelling framework. Consequently, the recently developed 5 Min. horizontal resolution version of the hydrological discharge (HD) model was used to simulate discharge. It has already been applied in multiple climate modelling studies and is coupled within several global and regional Earth system models. As the HD model currently does not regard direct human impacts of the river runoff, it is well suited to investigate climate change-related discharge trends. In order to calculate the necessary gridded input fields for the HD model from ERA5 and EOBS22 data, we used the HydroPy global hydrological model. For both experiments, we found that the general behavior of discharge is captured well for many European rivers, which is consistent to earlier results. For the EOBS22 based discharges, a widespread low bias in simulated discharge occurs, which is likely caused by the missing undercatch correction in the underlying precipitation data. The analysis of trends over Southeastern Europe was hampered by missing data in EOBS22 after 2004. Using both experiments, we identified consistent trend patterns in various discharge statistics, with increases in low flow characteristics over Northern Europe and general drying trends over Central and Southern Europe. In summary, we introduced an experimental setup that is useful to generate high-resolution river runoff data consistent with the meteorological forcing for historical periods and future scenarios from any climate model data instead of having to rely on observed time series.
Content available remote Decymetry dla każdego
Adjustable-width pulse signals are widely used in systems such as test equipment for hold time, response time and radar testing. In this study, we proposed a pulse generation method based on virtual sampling with ultra-high pulse width resolution. In the proposed method, the sampling rate of a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) was adjusted to considerably improve pulse width resolution. First, the sampling rate was matched with the target pulse width resolution to digitally sample the ideal signal and generate digital waveform sampling points. Next, the signal bandwidth of the DAC was matched using a low-pass digital filter. Finally, the waveform sampling points were downsampled using an integer factor and output after digital-to-analogue conversion. The waveform pulse width information generated by high-frequency digital sampling was passed step by step and retained in the final output analogue signal. A DAC with a sampling rate of 1.25 GSa/s was used, and the pulse width resolution of the pulse signal was 0.1 ns. Theoretically, a sampling rate of 10 GSa/s is required to achieve 0.1 ns resolution. This method is simple, has a low cost, and exhibits excellent performance.
While big discoveries and major new developments deservedly grab the headlines, mature fields are the backbone of gas production. Revitalizing these fields extends their productive lives and offers significant opportunity to expand worldwide reserves. Regardless of the definition, mature fields are a huge resource. With reserves categorized as proved or probable, attempts to expand reserve levels come at a relatively low risk. Revitalizing a mature field means taking measures that increase the value extracted from the field beyond original expectation. Using specialized software brings new opportunities in reservoir simulation of mature gas reservoirs. Combining these simulations with high resolution geophysical investigations, will offer a other perspective about mature gas reservoirs as well as the identification of potentially gas bearing layers which in the first place were not been identified through logging, and in addition to a eventual growth of gas resources but also gas reserves that could be exploited. Identifying the thinest gas saturated layers, determine the modification of gas resources and reserves values. The increase of volumes is a result of larger production surfaces, larger net thicknesses and also larger porosity attributed to this zones. For mature gas reservoirs this kind of approach offers new perspectives.
Reefs represent a special type of carbonate trap that plays a key role in the migration, accumulation, and formation of a reservoir. They have commonly been the targets of exploration and development. However, reefs have complex interior structures and easily grow as thin, interbedded geological frames with reef microfacies that include the cap, core, and base of the reef. Because of the inherent drawbacks of seismic signals, including their low frequencies and narrow bandwidths, it is difficult to accurately identify reef reservoirs. Fortunately, the seismic frequency, phase, energy, waveform and other dynamic and geometrical properties can be used to compensate for the energy, expand the frequency bandwidth, and decompose and reconstruct the wavelet to obtain high-resolution seismic data. These data can highlight certain seismic responses of reefs, including boundary reflections, dome-shaped reflections from the reef outline, strong reflections from the reef cap, reflections from the reef bottom, and onlap reflections from the reef flanks. Some impedance response regularities, such as the lower impedance of the reef cap relative to the reef core and biodetritus beach and the fluctuating impedance of the reef-flat complex, are observed by combining log data with geological and high-resolution seismic data for a reef reservoir inversion. These methods were applied to the Changxing Formation in the Yuanba Gas Field. Good prediction results were obtained with a high consistency between the log and seismic data in a comparative analysis with the original seismic data and well logs.
Content available remote Rozdzielczość ma znaczenie
Assessment of food quality and authenticity has been of great importance for years to provide safe food and in compliance with regulations. This includes control of food processing and preparation, sources and treatment of food and raw materials. From chemical point of view food and raw materials used for it production are very complex in compounds playing important role in human health and food formulation. Additionally, nutritional aspects of food components suddenly are recognized, even further complicate analytical approach. Today's approach to analyze and quantify compounds of interest present in complex food matrix requires utilization of efficient isolation, separation and identification techniques. Due to very efficient separation by HPLC this method is very often used, mainly because it is possible to analyze non-volatile components usually without prior derivatization. GC has very limited application, even when offering better separation, because components to be analyzed have to be volatile enough or need to be derivatized to volatilize them. These separation techniques are usually hyphenated with specific and highly sensitive detectors including mass spectrometer (MS) which provides information about chemical structure of the molecules.
Ocena jakości i autentyczności żywności ma duże znaczenie dla dostarczania żywności bezpiecznej, odpowiadającej przepisom. Ocena ta obejmuje kontrolę procesów produkcji i przygotowania żywności oraz surowców do jej wytwarzania. Z chemicznego punktu widzenia żywność i surowce stosowane do jej produkcji są bardzo złożoną mieszaniną związków chemicznych mających duże znaczenie dla zdrowia człowieka i składu produktu żywnościowego. Dodatkowo, aspekty odżywcze składników żywności są poznawane komplikując analizę. Współczesne podejście do jakościowej i ilościowej analizy interesujących związków chemicznych w złożonej matrycy żywności wymaga stosowania dobrych metod ich izolacji, rozdzielania i identyfikacji. Ze względu na bardzo dobrą rozdzielczość HPLC jest ona bardzo często stosowana. Umożliwia ona analizę związków nielotnych, zwykle bez konieczności derywatyzacji. GC ma bardzo ograniczone zastosowanie, chociaż umożliwia lepsze rozdzielanie, ponieważ analizowane składniki muszą być odpowiednio lotne lub wymagają przekształcenia w związki lotne. Te techniki rozdzielania są zwykle łączone ze specyficznymi i zapewniającymi wysoką wykrywalność detektorami, w tym spektrometrami mas, które pozwalają otrzymywać informacje o strukturze chemicznej cząsteczek.
We report on SAR-OSL dating of closely-spaced samples from the loess-palaeosol sequence near Mostiştea lake (Danube Plain, SE Romania). We used sand-sized quartz and a SAR protocol that involved a preheat of 10s at 220°C and a test dose cutheat to 180°C. It is shown that these thermal pretreatments isolate a quartz OSL signal that is dominated by the fast component. The behavior of this signal in the SAR protocol is then documented. The ratio of the measured to given dose tends to lie slightly but systematically above unity (~5% on average) and the recycling ratio below unity (~6% on average); for all samples, the recuperated signal is negligible. Within analytical uncertainty, the nineteen optical ages are internally consistent and agree with the predictions from a palaeomagnetic age-depth model. Although it may be possible to optimize the SAR measurement procedure, the optical ages already confirm the chronostratigraphic position of the uppermost welldeveloped palaeosol in that it formed during MIS 5.The established chronology allows correlating the sequence near Mostiştea lake with that near Mircea Vodă that we investigated earlier.
There is presented an experimental setup for the measurements of photomodulated reflectivity spectra of low-dimensional semiconductor structures with a micrometer spatial (plane) resolution. The setup has been developed as an extended and improved version of a standard bright configuration, i.e., where the probe beam is provided directly by a broad band light source (e.g., halogen lamp) and then it is dispersed after being reflected off the sample. It gives typically the plane resolution, expressed by the spot size of the beams on the sample surface, on the level of single millimetres. Introducing optics, based on a long working distance and a high numerical aperture microscope objective, has allowed decreasing the spot size by three orders of magnitude into the micrometer range for both the probe and the pump beams. The optimization of microphotoreflectance signal to noise ratio has made it possible to detect the normalized reflectivity coefficient changes (?R/R) from an ultrathin single quantum well formed of the wetting layer in the structure with self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots and from single pillar microresonators of the lateral sizes in the range of single micrometers.
Konfokalno-chromatyczny czujnik przemieszczeń, stosujący halogenowe źródło światła w celu poprawy stabilności, został stworzony głównie z myślą o wytwórcach oraz biurach inżynierskich, które muszą mierzyć lub kontrolować takie powierzchnie, jak wypolerowany metal lub szkło. Nowy produkt firmy Micro-Epsilon działa w oparciu o unikalną 'konfokalno-chromatyczną' metodę i dlatego dokonuje pomiaru niezależnie od odbicia powierzchni. Ponadto może określać położenie konturu powierzchni, grubość przezroczystych obiektów, odległość i głębokość otworu.
Content available remote Wprowadzenie do techniki EEG dużych rozdzielczości
Praca prezentuje możliwości zastosowania techniki EEG dużych rozdzielczości.
The paper presents the possibilities of applying the technique of high resolution EEG.
Komercyjne zobrazowania satelitarne o bardzo dużej rozdzielczości (nazywane w literaturze angielskojęzycznej VHR -Very High Resolution ) coraz powszechniej zastępują zdjęcia powierzchni Ziemi wykonywane tradycyjnymi metodami z pułapu lotniczego. O ile problematyka generowania ortofotomap ze zdjęć lotniczych jest powszechnie znana w środowisku fotogrametrycznym, to możliwości tworzenia tego produktu na bazie VHR wciąż są przedmiotem badań i czekają na odpowiedzi na liczne pytania. Jakie dokładności są możliwe do uzyskania przy tworzeniu ortofotomapy przy zastosowaniu różnorakiej metodyki korekcyjnej, jaki użyć typ oprogramowania, jaki jest wpływ liczby użytych fotopunktów do procesu rektyfikacji, jak jest wpływ samego DTM? Aby uzyskać odpowiedz na te pytania wykonano szereg testów. Do przeprowadzenia eksperymentu wybrano dwa pola testowe: obszar płaski odpowiadający terenowi zabudowanemu – Warszawa i podgórza – Nowy Targ. Zostały użyte obrazy z trzech platform: IKONOS, QuickBird i EROS. Przy pomocy techniki GPS zostały pomierzone współrzędne punktów terenowych, uprzednio wyznaczonych na zobrazowaniach dla każdego pola testowego w liczbie 30-90 (GCP). Do generowania ortofotomap wykorzystywano powszechnie dostępny w kraju DTM (DTED Level 2) jak i przebadano wpływ dokładności DTM. Sam proces ortorektyfikacji był realizowany z pomocą powszechnie dostępnych oprogramowań komercyjnych: PCI Geomatica 9 i ERDAS, przy użyciu dwóch metod: nieparametrycznej RPC (iloraz wielomianowy) i ścisłej, bazującej na warunku kolinearności i znanym modelu kamery. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań uzyskano ocenę dokładności generowania ortofotomap dla różnorakich scenariuszy technologicznych. Otrzymane wyniki zaprezentowane w referacie pozwalają wybrać optymalne warunki tworzenia ortofotomap w zależności od potrzeb użytkownika i wymaganych aplikacji wykorzystujących VHR typu IKONOS, QuickBird i EROS.
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