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w słowach kluczowych:  heterogeniczność
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The paper investigates the capacity of environmental regulatory policies to effectuate carbon emission reduction (CER) at the enterprise micro-level. It delves into the intrinsic correlation between these policies through theoretical analysis and empirical assessments, scrutinising the varied effects of heterogeneous environmental regulations (ERs) such as sewage charges and environmental protection subsidies. Findings reveal that diverse ERs can bolster CER, with sewage charging ERs manifesting a more conspicuous emission reduction effect. Rigorous robustness tests validate these initial conclusions. Moreover, distinct ERs exhibit temporal lags in their impact on CER; sewage charging ERs display a diminishing trend in emission reduction efficacy, while environmental subsidies ERs exhibit dynamic superposition traits. Importantly, incentives for green innovation and enhancements in total factor productivity emerge as pivotal mechanisms by which diverse ERs propel CER within enterprises.
The fixed fleet heterogeneous open vehicle routing problem (HFFOVRP) is one of the most practical versions of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) defined because the use of rental vehicles reduces the cost of purchasing and routing for shipping companies nowadays. Also, applying a heterogeneous fleet is recommended due to the physical limitations of the streets and efforts to reduce the running costs of these companies. In this paper, a mixed-integer linear programming is proposed for HFFOVRP. Because this problem, like VRP, is related to NP-hard issues, it is not possible to use exact methods to solve real-world problems. Therefore, in this paper, a hybrid algorithm based on the ant colony algorithm called MACO is presented. This algorithm uses only global updating pheromones for a more efficient search of feasible space and considers a minimum value for pheromones on the edges. Also, pheromones of some best solutions obtained so far are updated, based on the quality of the solutions at each iteration, and three local search algorithms are used for the intensification mechanism. This method was tested on several standard instances, and the results were compared with other algorithms. The computational results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than these methods in cost and CPU time. Besides, not only has the algorithm been able to improve the quality of the best-known solutions in nine cases but also the high-quality solutions are obtained for other instances.
Piezoelectric nanostructures are one of the essential components in the design of electromechanical systems and devices at nanoscale. In the present exploration, a size-dependent panel model accommodating the both softening and stiffening features is introduced for nonlinear stability characteristics of functionally graded (FG) piezoelectric cylindrical nanopanels under combinations of axial mechanical load with external electric actuation and temperature change. In accordance with this objective, an efficient numerical strategy based upon the moving Kriging meshfree (MKM) technique is employed within the framework of the nonlocal couple stress (NCS) continuum elasticity. The established NCS-based numerical model has the capability to incorporate the buckling mode transition phenomenon as well as satisfying the function property of Kronecker delta via imposing essential boundary conditions with no use of predefined mesh and directly at the associated nodes. The NCS-based nonlinear equilibrium curves are traced including the modal transition corresponding to various parameter investigations of FG piezoelectric nanopanels. It is deduced that the nonlocal stress tensor leads to increase the difference between the minimum postbuckling loads associated with the first and second buckling modes, while the couple stress tensor causes to reduce it. It is also demonstrated that by changing the sign of electric actuation from negative to positive, the softening character of nonlocality as well as the strengthening character associated with the couple stress size dependency become a bit more significant. Furthermore, the roles of both unconventional stress tensors are more prominent in the value of the second bifurcation point in comparison with the first one.
It has been shown in acoustic emission literature that the distance between a possible cracking event and a receiver is affecting the signal parameters providing a wrong image of the real fracture characteristics. In this study, lab-scale experimental tests on masonry components are performed in order to determine the disturbance of the acoustic emission wave properties and verify the experimental observations via numerical wave propagation analysis. The investigation is extended to different geometries including “couplets,” “triplets” and masonry walls. The simulations allow to understand, verify and predict the acoustic emission signal properties alterations in many different types of masonry experiments as well as the correct characterization of the fracture mode.
Testy identyfikacyjne typu slug test lub Paramex realizowane w piezometrach generują oscylacyjną lub wykładniczą reakcję zwierciadła wody. Zgodnie z założeniami teoretycznymi w ośrodku jednorodnym ruch zwierciadła wody ma w większości przypadków charakter wykładniczy. Jednak podczas badań terenowych rejestrowano także dwuwykładniczy charakter ruchu zwierciadła wody, co może świadczyć o podwójnej przewodności hydraulicznej T utworów, w których zafiltrowano badany piezometr. W artykule zaproponowano dwa modele matematyczne podwójnej przewodności, które wykorzystano do identyfikacji parametrów hydrogeologicznych niejednorodnych utworów wodonośnych. Przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne, algorytmy interpretacyjne oraz przykłady identyfikacji podwójnej przewodności hydraulicznej. Estymacje przewodności wykonano z wykorzystaniem programu Paramex 4 oraz środowiska obliczeniowego MATLAB. Zaprezentowano wyniki estymacji przewodności hydraulicznej dla wybranych piezometrów zafiltrowanych w utworach niejednorodnych na terenie Kopalni Węgla Brunatnego Bełchatów. Przeanalizowano także ograniczenia proponowanych algorytmów interpretacyjnych.
Piezometric tests such as the slug test or PARAMEX test usually result in observing damped oscillations or exponential movement of the water level. However, during some tests, a bi-exponential response of the water table has been recorded. Bi-exponential movement may indicate the presence of a dual-permeability medium around the piezometer screen. Such medium is composed of two subdomains, each characterized by different hydraulic properties (including transmissivity, T). The paper aims to present two mathematical models – the piecewise exponential model and the bi-exponential model – which were applied in order to interpret the results of slug test conducted in heterogeneous sediments of the Bełchatów Lignite Mine. Theoretical background, interpretation algorithms and examples of dual transmissivity estimation for several chosen piezometers are presented. All necessary calculations were performed using Paramex 4 and MATLAB software. Furthermore, the limitations of the interpretation algorithms are discussed.
Analiza heterogeniczności utworów syluru i ordowiku z rejonu syneklizy bałtyckiej z przykładowego otworu „B” została przeprowadzona na podstawie wyników badań laboratoryjnych: petrofizycznych i geochemicznych. Utwory formacji iłowców z Pasłęka, ogniwa iłowców bitumicznych Jantaru, a także formacji szarozielonych margli z Ornety zostały podzielone na grupy o zbliżonych własnościach fizycznych i chemicznych. Wydzielenia uzyskano na drodze analizy statystycznej heterogeniczności skał (Heterogeneity Rock Analysis Clustering (HRA)), na którą składa się najpierw analiza składowych głównych (Principal Component Analysis), a następnie klastrowa (Cluster Analysis).
Heterogeneity analysis of Silurian and Ordovician deposits from the Baltic Syneclise in the exemplary well „B” was made on the basis of the petrophysical and geochemical results of laboratory measurements. The Pasłek Formation with the Jantar Bituminous Black Claystone Member, as well as the Orneta Grey-Green Marls Formation were divided into groups with similar physical and chemical properties. Clusters were obtained by statistical analysis called Heterogeneity Rock Analysis Clustering (HRA), which firstly consists of the Principal Component Analysis and next – Cluster Analysis.
Artykuł zawiera przegląd zastosowań nowoczesnej technologii informacyjnej w medycynie i diagnostyce oraz wskazuje trudności na drodze postępującej informatyzacji wyżej wymienionych dziedzin . Do najczęściej stosowanych narzędzi informatycznych w służbie zdrowia należą bazy danych, narzędzia bazujące na algorytmach decyzyjnych i metodach przetwarzania danych. Do najważniejszych przeszkód w stosowaniu w/w metod zalicza się heterogeniczność danych medycznych, ich złożoność i konieczność interpretacji opisów słownych.
Стаття містить огляд інформації про застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій у медицині та діагностиці, а також вказуються труднощі на шляху комп'ютеризації в вищезазначених областях. До найчастіше використовуваних інструментів у галузі охорони здоров'я відносяться бази даних, засоби які опираються на алгоритмах прийняття рішень і методах обробки даних. Найважливішими перешкодами під час застосування вищезазначених методів є багатозначність медичних даних, їх неоднорідність і необхідність інтерпретації вербальних описів.
The article presents an overview of common uses of information technology in medicine and medical diagnostics, also pointing out major obstacles in the process of introducing information technology in the fields above. Information technology tools widely used in medicine include but are not limited to databases, decision algorithms and data processing and mining methods. Major obstacles include heterogeneity of medical data, their complexity and free text descriptions of procedures, diagnoses and interpretations of test results.
The REFLEX 2012 campaign was initiated as part of a training course on the organization of an airborne campaign to support advancement of the understanding of land-atmosphere interaction processes. This article describes the campaign, its objectives and observations, remote as well as in situ. The observations took place at the experimental Las Tiesas farm in an agricultural area in the south of Spain. During the period of ten days, measurements were made to capture the main processes controlling the local and regional land-atmosphere exchanges. Apart from multi-temporal, multi-directional and multi-spatial space-borne and airborne observations, measurements of the local meteorology, energy fluxes, soil temperature profiles, soil moisture profiles, surface temperature, canopy structure as well as leaf-level measurements were carried out. Additional thermo-dynamical monitoring took place at selected sites.
The knowledge of the properties and a surface structure of catalysts and adsorbents is of great importance in the selection of these materials to the relevant objectives. Interesting structural information can be obtained in many ways, for example: with the use of spectroscopic or microscopic techniques or in direct examination of the adsorption isotherms. This article focuses on these last-mentioned methods, which can be a source of information on energy heterogeneity of the catalyst or adsorbent surface. Heterogeneity is usually determined by measuring adsorption isotherms of a selected adsorbate on the examined adsorbent, which is dependent of adsorbate coverage on the adsorbent relative to the equilibrium pressure under isothermal conditions. Among the many mathematical models describing this relationship particularly interesting is the adsorption isotherm model described by generalized integral Fredholm equation. The solution of this equation is density function with the assumed local isotherm model. There are different ways to solve the Fredholm equation, depending on measurement methods of obtained adsorption isotherms. For example, an application of static techniques (gravimetric or volumetric) needs to use advanced, sophisticated numerical methods for directly solving integral equations, other techniques (e.g. such as calorimetric or chromatographic) provide specific values that simplify these calculations. The resulting energy density function allows to observe active centers as peaks or inflections of the curve on the energy spectrum graph.
W prezentowanych badaniach nowe modele klasy LBET zostały wykorzystane do identyfikacji doświadczalnych izoterm adsorpcji benzenu na sicie molekularnym MSC 5A. Zastosowane modele klasy LBET bazują na uogólnionej teorii BET nazwanej teorią uniBET, prezentowanej szerzej we wcześniejszych pracach zespołu autora. Otrzymane wyniki pokazują, że modele klasy LBET dają dobry wgląd w  proces adsorpcji i strukturę mikroporów oraz mogą być dopasowane do różnych danych adsorpcyjnych w szerokim zakresie ciśnień względnych. W szczególności modele klasy LBET dostarczają półilościowych informacji o strukturze porów, mechanizmie klasteryzacji cząsteczek adsorbatu i rozkładzie energii adsorpcji. Zaproponowane wielowariantowe dopasowywanie formuł LBET i analiza najlepiej dopasowanych izoterm dostarczają wiarygodnych informacji o głównych właściwościach układów adsorpcyjnych i uzupełniających informacji o mechanizmie adsorpcji, umożliwiając dzięki temu bardziej niezawodową ocenę struktury poru. Ponadto modele te są łatwe do wykorzystania w badaniu typowych izoterm adsorpcji.
In the presented research the new LBET class models have been employed to identify empirical adsorption isotherms of benzene on molecular sieve MSC 5A. The used LBET class models are based on the generalized BET theory called uniBET, presented wider in the earlier papers of the author’s team. The obtained results show that the LBET class models give good insight into the adsorption process and structure of micropores and may be well fitted to different adsorption data in a wide relative pressure range. In particularly the LBET class models provide semiquantitative information on pore structure, adsorbate clusterisation mechanisms and surface energy distribution. The proposed multivariant fitting of the LBET formulas and analysis of a number of the best fitted variants provides reliable information on the main energetic properties of adsorption systems and complementary information on adsorption mechanisms, thus enabling for more reliable evaluation of a pore structure and they are easily applicable to examination of typical adsorption isotherms. The presented approach to examination of adsorbents of random porous structure may be viewed as an alternative to classical techniques and to more complicated methods of porous structure description.
The reported research concerns numerical properties of new original models for heterogeneous adsorption on microporous carbonaceous materials. The models are aimed at drawing information on pore structure and capacity on the basis of adsorption isotherms of small molecule adsorbates. One of the problems was an assessment of identification quality of geometrical and energetic parameters of adsorption system on the basis of adsorption process measurements. The key question is how far the models are able to detect effects of the geometry-induced energetic heterogeneity on the adsorption isotherm.
W pracy przedstawiono badania numeryczne właściwości nowych modeli opisu heterogenicznej adsorpcji na mikroporowatych materiałach węglowych. Modele te dostarczają informacji o strukturze porów i ich pojemności na podstawie izoterm adsorpcji substancji małocząsteczkowych. Jednym z analizowanych problemów jest oszacowanie jakości identyfikacji geometrycznych i energetycznych parametrów układu adsorpcyjnego na podstawie danych pomiarowych procesu adsorpcji. Kluczowym pytaniem jest, w jakim stopniu badane modele są zdolne wykryć wpływ geometrii na energetyczną niejednorodność układu adsorpcyjnego.
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