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Purpose: The subject of the study is the issue of mobility related to the harmonization of higher education systems within the framework of the bologna process. As a theoretical and cognitive goal, the author has adopted the presentation of the characteristics of the bologna process and its deisiderations with regard to academic mobility. The analysis is in line with the conference theme on knowledge management at the higher education level, in which learning institutions are among the learning organizations, playing a rudimentary role in the generation and implementation of scientific knowledge. They foster the development of a knowledge-based economy, in which access to high technology is essential, so considerable attention is paid to knowledge management combining concepts and ideas from many parts of Europe resulting in higher education institutions increasing innovation and competitiveness in the market of educational services. An opportunity for higher education institutions is provided by socio-educational projects such as the Bologna Process, which has been successfully harmonizing academic management systems since 1999. Design/methodology/approach: The article adopts methodological elements specific to the field of social sciences, including the monographic method. It is implemented in this work as a way of researching specific, individual cases and focuses on the overall recognition of one relevant problem, in this case the Bologna process and mobility. What is important here is the verification of each element of a given phenomenon, which is implemented by focusing on the mobility desideratum as a component of the issue addressed based on qualitative-descriptive elements. The work uses the declarations of representatives of the member states of the Bologna process, communiqués of European ministers of higher education and continuous prints, including the European Journal of Higher Education, International Higher Education, The European Journal of Social Science Research, Zarządzanie Publiczne, Podstawy Edukacji. Język w edukacji – edukacja językowa, Lubelski rocznik pedagogiczny, Kultura– Społeczeństwo– Edukacja, Kultura i Edukacja oraz Zoon Politikon. Findings: The research problem is framed by the questions: what are the characteristics of the Bologna Process as a socio-educational project, and what is the role of academic mobility as a Bologna Decider in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)? It is also problematically important to establish the characteristics of academic mobility in the early period of the Bologna process on the basis of the Sorbonne Declaration, the Bologna Declaration and the communiqués of the higher education ministers of Prague, Berlin, Bergen, London and Leuven, and thus until the full EHEA was announced. Practical implications: The practical-implementation goal was defined in the form of comments on the needs for changes in the course of the Bologna process in relation to the mobility deisderate. Originality/value: The study consists of three rudimentary parts and a summary, including a characterization of the Bologna process and its de-statements with regard to academic mobility, the role of academic mobility as a Bologna de-statement. The warp of the work also includes an analysis of the implementation of academic mobility in the early stages of the Bologna process on the basis of the Sorbonne Declaration, the Bologna Declaration and the communiqués of the ministers of higher education from Prague, Berlin, Bergen, London and Leuven. This characterization fits into the thematic area of education management understood as a potential of the European region. The author of this article takes up the issue of higher education management as a factor in the development of the European region, and in doing so aims to analyze the most current de-siderations for harmonizing higher education systems in Europe, especially those raised at the periodically held conferences of ministers of higher education of the member states of the Bologna process.
W referacie omówiono stan prac grupy roboczej European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (EFNDT) mającej na celu stworzenie jednolitych wymagań dla podmiotów wykonujących lub zlecających badania nieniszczące w sektorze utrzymania ruchu kolei. Obecny stan prawny i normatywny powoduje różny poziom i organizację na poziomie państw i poszczególnych warsztatów. W związku z tym powstała inicjatywa stworzenia zaleceń firmowanych przez EFNDT. Omówiono wymagania w zakresie zarządzania (nadzoru), niezbędnych dokumentów (instrukcji i raportów), aparatury badawczej oraz personelu. W referacie przedstawiono obecny stan prac oraz problemy zgłaszane przez poszczególnych członków grupy roboczej.
The paper discusses the status of the work of the European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (EFNDT) working group, which aims to create uniform requirements for entities performing or ordering non-destructive testing in the railway maintenance sector. The current legal and standard status causes different quality levels and organization at the level of countries and individual workshops. In this regard an initiative was emerged to create recommendations endorsed by EFNDT. The paper discusses the requirements in the scope of management (supervision), necessary documents (instructions and reports), testing equipment and personnel. The paper presents the current status of work and problems reported by individual members of the working group.
International road transport is a specific service within the frame of services provided in the European Union. It is because the conditions of being active on the market are influenced by the states where businessmen operate, but services can be provided throughout the whole year in other member states of the European Union. The aim of the contribution is to highlight the existing problems in international road freight transport sector. These problems persist despite the fact that market access was exempted from the national law of individual member states and regulated directly by EU regulations. Despite the unification of market access, tax and social harmonization is not ensured in international road freight transport. An unequal tax burden on carriers and different requirements of wage regulations create a discriminatory environment among entrepreneurs. The contribution identifies the factors that deform the equal operating conditions in single market. The aim of the contribution is also to provide the readers with the answers to the questions: Is it possible under current EU conditions to harmonize tax and social conditions? What impact would this harmonization have on business environment?
The main purpose of this work is to test the process of harmonization of the national data schema of natural protected areas in the Natura2000 system in accordance with the European Protected Sites data framework developed under the INSPIRE directive. The analysis of the harmonization process was carried out using the open source Humboldt Alignment Editor (HALA) software and the open source QGIS application. As a result of the analysis, these elements of the Natura2000 data schema have been identifi ed which need to be supplemented as part of the shared data sets by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection. The final stage of the work was to formulate relevent conclusions and summarize the work.
Podstawowym celem niniejszej pracy jest przeprowadzenie testu procesu harmonizacji krajowego schematu danych o terenach chronionych przyrodniczo w systemie Natura2000, zgodnie z europejskim schematem danych Protected Sites opracowanym w ramach dyrektywy INSPARE. Analizę procesu harmonizacji wykonano przy pomocy otwartego oprogramowania Humboldt Alignment Editor (HALE) oraz otwartej aplikacji QGIS. W wyniku wykonanej analizy zidentyfikowano te elementy krajowego schematu danych systemu Natura2000, które wymagają uzupełnienia w ramach udostępnionych zbiorów danych przez Generalną Dyrekcję Ochrony Środowiska. Ostatnim etapem pracy było sformułowanie odpowiednich wniosków i podsumowanie wyników.
The paper outlines problems of employment and social issues of transport policy in the EU. The aim of the contribution is to highlight the existing problems regarding of driver remuneration in the road freight transport sector. It identifies differences in the social field of drivers by hypothesis testing and points to the fact that in the western part of the EU, the driver profession is significantly higher in the wage than the middle and eastern parts of the EU. Individual states are putting pressure on wage increases in international road transport by national regulations to reduce the competitive pressure of lower prices for carriers located in the central and eastern parts of the European Union. These problems occurring on the road freight market are mainly due to the inconsistent payroll burden and the different levels of average wages across EU Member States.
W artykule autor próbował przybliżyć znaczenie podstawowych pojęć: integracja, harmonizacja, interoperacyjność, ich wpływ na możliwość wykorzystania IIP w praktyce na bazie konkretnych przykładów zaczerpniętych z międzynarodowych norm i rozporządzeń.
In the article the author tried to introduce the meaning of the fundamental concepts: interoperability, harmonization and integration and their influence on the possibility of using SDIs in practice on the basis of concrete examples taken from international standards and regulations.
Content available Metrology in Ukraine
The structure of Ukrainian metrology service, tasks of everyone its unit, basic stages of development and transformation of national legislation are considered on metrology tasks and harmonization of basic concepts and organizational structure of nowadays national metrology service in Ukraine.
W artykule są rozpatrywane pod względem zadań metrologicznych oraz harmonizacji podstawowych pojęć i struktur organizacyjnych w nowoczesnych dziejach państwowej służby metrologicznej w Ukrainie: struktura ukraińskiej służby metrologicznej, zadania jej każdej odrębnej jednostki, podstawowe etapy rozwoju i transformacji ustawodawstwa krajowego.
Content available A new concept for creating the basic map
A lot of changes have been made to the legislative regulations associated with geodesy during the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Poland (amongst others, the structure of databases). There have also been great changes concerning the basic map and the method of its creation and updating. A new concept for creating the basic map is presented in this article.
Dokonaliśmy wielu zmian w prawnych regulacjach dotyczących geodezji w trakcie implementacji Dyrektywy INSPIRE w Polsce ( struktury baz danych). Bardzo duże zmiany objęły mapę zasadniczą i procedury jej tworzenia i uaktualniania. W artykule jest zaprezentowana nowa koncepcja tworzenia mapy zasadniczej.
Dyrektywa INSPIRE ustanawiająca ramowe podstawy w zakresie infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej (SDI) definiuje założenia funkcjonowania polityki wspólnotowej w tym zakresie, odnośnie publicznego dostępu do danych. Ponadto Dyrektywa wprowadza podział zbiorów danych przestrzennych oraz ich klasyfikację zgodnie z tematami załącznika I. W zależności od przynależności do tematu, zaawansowania zasobu oraz dostępności danych, zbiory danych przestrzennych różnicują się w zakresie interoperacyjności. Opracowana Mapa Podziału Hydrograficznego Polski w skali 1:10 000 wpisuje się w założenia i wytyczne Dyrektywy realizując zobowiązania Polski w ramach tematu Hydrografia. Artykuł opisuje uwarunkowania realizacyjne projektu w kontekście zgodności i spójności danych przestrzennych z Dyrektywą INSPIRE. Poddano analizie modele danych MPHP10 oraz INSPIRE, wskazując główne różnice. Następnie opisano główne etapy procesu, poczynając od budowy modeli mapujących obie struktury, a kończąc na migracji danych.
The INSPIRE Directive establishes a framework for spatial information infrastructure (SDI) in the European Union and defines the main policy goals across the EU, among others in terms of public access to data. The Hydrographic Map of Poland at the 1:10 000 scale fits the guidelines and framework of the Directive, fulfilling Polish obligations under the theme Hydrography. This paper describes conditions for execution of the MPHP10 project in the context of consistency and compatibility of spatial data with the INSPIRE Directive. The data models of MPHP10 and INSPIRE have been analyzed, indicating major differences. The paper then describes the main stages of the process, starting from construction of models mapping both data structures and ending with data migration.
Techniki geoinformacyjne oraz informacja przestrzenna są nieodłącznym narzędziem pracy instytucji zarządzających takimi obszarami jak parki narodowe, obszary Natura 2000, parki krajobrazowe czy rezerwaty przyrody. W parkach narodowych - najcenniej szych ostojach rodzimej przyrody - rola tych narzędzi jest kluczowa w podejmowaniu trafnych decyzji dotyczących przestrzeni, zarówno w odniesieniu do środowiska przyrodniczego i działań na rzecz ochrony przyrody, jak i zadań związanych z interesem społecznym np. udostępnianiem parku. Dane przestrzenne są zatem jednym z najważniejszych narzędzi pracy w strategicznym planowaniu ochrony przyrody oraz zarządzaniu przestrzenią obszaru chronionego, udostępnianego dla nauki i społeczeństwa. Harmonizacja zasobów informacyjnych, a szczególnie danych przestrzennych, będących w posiadaniu instytucji zarządzających transgranicznym obszarem chronionym jakim są Karkonosze, stanowi swoisty obszar testowy dla metod implementacji postanowień ustawy o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej (Ustawa, 2010) oraz dyrektywy INSPIRE (Dyrektywa, 2007). Harmonizacja danych przestrzennych jest jednym z naj istotniej szych działań podjętych w ramach projektu Karkonosze w INSPIRE - wspólny GIS dla ochrony przyrody, realizowanego przez oba karkonoskie parki narodowe: Karkonoski Park Narodowy w Polsce i Krkonosski Narodni Park w Republice Czeskiej. Projekt realizowany jest w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Współpracy Transgranicznej Republika Czeska-Rzeczpospolita Polska 20072013 i współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej. Działania podejmowane w ramach projektu mają na celu usprawnienie zarządzania Parkiem zarówno po stronie polskiej, jak i czeskiej, wsparcie współpracy specjalistów badających środowisko przyrodnicze Karkonoszy oraz współużytkowanie posiadanych zasobów z innymi interesariuszami. W artykule przedstawiono kluczowe wyzwania jakie stoją przed zespołem realizującym projekt oraz założenia prac, mających na celu utworzenie spójnej bazy danych przestrzennych dla obszaru Karkonoszy.
Geoinformation techniques and spatial information are indispensable tools for institutions in charge of management of protected areas such as national parks, Natura 2000 sites, or nature reserves. In the national parks - being the most precious sanctuaries of our homeland s nature - these tools play a key role in making sound decisions about space, with respect to both the natural environment and the needs and benefits for the society. Spatial data are therefore important in strategic planning of nature conservation and in management of space within a protected area that needs to be made accessible to scientists and general public. In particular, the tasks associated with effective nature protection, including conservation of biological and landscape diversity and management of particularly precious areas, require suitable geoinformation infrastructure and spatial data of appropriate resolution. In the case of transboundary protected areas, a true challenge for institutions in charge of their management is how to uniformly "describe" nature and its resources by maintaining spatial databases in the way that ensures coherency of decisions made for the sake of nature on both sides of the border. The project implemented jointly by the Polish and Czech Karkonosze national parks addressed this challenge in two dimensions: 1) development of geoinformation infrastructure in both parks; 2) ensuring access to up-to-date data and information on the whole Karkonosze mountains, related to the following themes: current state of natural resources and functioning of respective components of the environment, such as geology, geomorphology, soils, forest and non-forest ecosystems, peatbogs, water bodies and other; threats to this environment, in the form of e.g. tourist pressure, pressure associated with investments and spatial development of cities in proximity of protected areas, occurrence of natural disasters, pest infestations, etc. The key objective of the project entitled Karkonosze in INSPIRE - common GIS for nature protection is harmonisation of spatial data in accordance with the provisions of the INSPIRE Directive, as well as providing geoinformation services enabling the use of these data resources in both parks. Data harmonisation entails, in this particular case, two main aspects related to (1) geoinformation, and (2) thematic subject matter. The geoinformation aspect concerns the structure of spatial databases, their alignment with the standards, exchangeable formats and coordinate systems, uniformity of geometry and topology of data, creation of metadata. The second aspect concerns data harmonisation according to the thematic criteria, which requires involvement of both Polish and Czech experts in various disciplines. The main task will be to conduct analyses of the conformity of systems functioning on both sides of the border, as well as the methodology of creating thematic maps in both countries. The presentation will describe the above-mentioned activities aimed at creation of a uniform spatial database for the Karkonosze area.
One of the most significant road structures completed in 2010 was the construction of southern part of the Bypass around Prague (BPAP), where technological equipment was designed and installed and Road Line Traffic Control system implemented. In the Czech Republic is this system is absolutely innovative and brings new organizational and regulation elements into operation. The system is primarily intended for traffic flow harmonization. It is based on usage of variable message signs to affect the traffic flow so the fluency, security and communication permeability is increased. Thank to automatic speed reduction by defined traffic data is traffic flow is more fluent, distances between vehicles are smaller and throughput of communication increases. RLTC system can identify traffic excesses on communication thanks to vehicle queue detection. All algorithms were designed and tested under project of science and research of Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, project INEP, n. CG944-033-120 ( In current time testing operation on BPAP and on a part of D1 Highway is proceeded. System is monitored and all functionalities are evaluated for further debugging and adaptation of system for local conditions.
W artykule skoncentrowano się na omówieniu koncepcji budowy modelu nowej instrukcji technicznej w znaczeniu o wiele szerszym, opartym o model pojęciowy procesu inwentaryzacji zapisany w języku UML, zgodnie z zaleceniami Open Geospatial Consortium. Zaproponowano stosowanie naziemnego skanowania laserowego, jako nowoczesnej technologii rejestrującej obiekty (w tym budowlane) w otaczającej ludzi georeferencyjnej przestrzeni informacyjnej.
The paper is the continuation of the discussion presented on the PTFiT conference in Międzyzdroje in 2008, and on the AGH conference in May 2009. Development of technology entails an urgent need for new approach to creation of standards for various types of surveys. One of the areas rapidly changing recently is a very broad inventory of buildings. In their study, the authors attempt to demonstrate that the existing technical guidelines for measuring the performance of work are outdated and should be changed. The paper presents the results of experiments in the field of measurement of buildings with the usage of laser scanner. Based on their experience the authors point to the need for a complex approach to define standards for performance of measurements works, to abandon suggesting specific technologies in these standards, to be replaced by a formal description of the procedures and the required accuracy. Technical guidelines issued by the Surveyor General of Poland in 1980s are not universally applicable legal standards and must be replaced by new standards of work measurement developed in accordance with the principles of spatial data infrastructure creation. The paper discusses the concept of building a new model of technical guidelines based on the conceptual model of the process of inventory in the UML language in accordance with the recommendations of Open Geospatial Consortium technologies for ground-based laser scanning measuring technology as a modern way of registration of all sorts of objects (including buildings), property (including construction) in the surrounding us geo-referenced geo-information space.
In the paper, a concept of a cadastre model is discussed. This concept was developed within the framework of the project .Working out and implementing innovative methods of integration of cadastre data, base map and Topographical Database (TBD) and modernisation of services provided by Geodetic and Cartographic Service.. The project is implemented by the Self-Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in the cooperation with the Surveyor General of Poland and co-financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism. In the paper, a comparative analysis of the abovementioned concept and the concept of the cadastre model prepared by FIG is carried out. Furthermore, some elements of the ISO 19152 preliminary version, which concerns cadaster, is taken into consideration. The results of the integration and harmonization of the cadastre model with the international standards of the ISO 19100 series and data models of other public registers kept by the bodies of geodetic and cartographic administration are evaluated. Harmonization and integration issues are considered from the point of view of currently binding law assuming minimization of possible proposals to amend law.
In October 2009, a course disseminating achievements of world and Polish science in the field of designing and implementing innovative geoinformation systems, called in brief Wszechnica GIS, will start. The project, implemented under the Operational Program for Human Capital (Priority IV, Higher Education and Science, the action 4.2. "The development of R & D personnel qualifications and increase in awareness of the role of science in economic development "), is aimed at students and doctorate students of geodesy and cartography, geography, as well as employees of research institutes forming a scientific network Geoinformation Systems. The course covers issues of spatial information modeling, conceptual schema and application schema, formal means for data modeling, methods for location determination, metadata, data quality, Internetbased services, harmonization of data sets and legal problems of spatial data access and use. Theoretical and practical aspects of these issues will be discussed. The course consists of two stationary 4-day modules involving a total of 40 hours of lectures and 24 hours laboratory and 4-week online module, which is implemented as an e-learning module. Participants will receive a textbook containing theoretical basis for methods of designing and implementing geoinformation systems and a set of exercises with instructions for individual execution. Lectures and workshops will be conducted by distinguished experts in the field of GIS. Demand for graduates with the knowledge of methodology for modeling geographic information is very strong and it will still increase in order to keep up with INSPIRE. It is assumed that persons trained in the Wszechnica GIS course will make the personnel conducting work necessary for the implementation of INSPIRE.
Autor zaprezentował listę 102 norm mających zastosowanie w budownictwie drogowym i mostowym . Zwrócił uwagę, że brak jest na liście niektórych istotnych norm, które będą wkrótce opublikowane.
The author presented list of 102 standards having application in road and bridge engineering. He paid attention on lack on this list some significant standards which will be published soon.
Content available remote Dostosowanie istniejących w nadleśnictwach map numerycznych do standardu LMN
State Forests constitute more than 80% of all forests in Poland. Digital maps began to be made in the State Forests in mid 1990s. By subsequent regulations No. 23/1998 and No. 74/2001 released by the Director General of the State Forests first a temporary standard and then the final digital forest map standard (LMN) was introduced, defining the system of coordinates, the form, structure and scope of map information for forest districts. In this connection, a need arose to adapt the digital maps existing in the forest districts to the LMN standard. Harmonization of digital maps existing in the forest districts to the DFM standard is a one-time operation, including: 1) conversion of layers of existing maps to the structure determined in the standard, 2) updating of the content of the map. It was envisaged to complete this work in 2004, which would make digital forest maps a valuable instrument supporting management of the State Forests.
Pod wpływem dyrektyw europejskich, np. dyrektywy dotyczącej maszyn lub urządzeń ciśnieniowych, następuje dalsza konsolidacja Europy. Wprowadzaniu tych dyrektyw towarzyszy, z reguły, powstanie szeregu norm zharmonizowanych. Ale jak zapewnić, aby we wszystkich krajach przebiegało ono tak samo i bez zniekształcenia zasad konkurencyjności? Czy w przyszłości świat będzie posiadał dalej tylko dwa systemy certyfikacji personelu badań nieniszczących: normę 473 i normę SNT-TC-1A, czy może powstanie jeszcze jedna alternatywa wg normy ISO 9712, Która umożliwi globalną harmonizację? Jak przedstawiają się inne systemy szkolenia, konkurencyjne do europejskiej metody scentralizowanego certyfikowania personelu badań nienieszczących i jakie zasady uznawania będą funkcjonowały w świecie pomiędzy jednostkami certyfikującymi? Referat jest próbą odpowiedzi, przynajmniej częściowo, na przedstawione pytania oraz wskazuje przewidywane trendy.
The propagation of EU Directives, e.g. the machine or pressure equipment ones, is one of the contributions for the further consolidation of Europe. The introduction of the directives is followed by, as a rule, the development of many harmonized standards. But, how to assure that the introduction of these directives and standards runs in the same way in all countries, without any garbling of competitions rules. Will the world possess in the future still only two systems of non-destructive personnel certification, acc. to EN 473 and SNT-TC-1A, or maybe one more alternative, namely in accordance with ISO 9712 standard, will come into being, what will make possible global harmonization? How do the other training systems, competitive to the European centralized method, look and what rules of acceptation between certification bodies will be in force? The present paper is a trial of answer, at least partly, for asked questions and shows foreseen trends in the nearest future.
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