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Maritime transport contributes to stimulating the development of civilisation. According to the European Environment Agency, around 1/4 of the total CO2 emissions in the EU in 2019 came from the transport sector, of which 71.7% were from road transport. The share of CO2 emissions from maritime transport is estimated to be about 3% of the world's. In terms of energy demand for moving a specific load over a specific distance, it is currently the cheapest form of transport. The International Maritime Organization's activities aim to reduce the environmental impact of this form of transport. The article discusses the expected effects of the regulations introduced until 2023. Regulations have a significant impact on the increase in transport costs. There may be far-reaching changes in the shipping market that have an indirect (rather unintended) effect due to the introduced regulations. "Side effects" can be very severe, especially for shipowners with a small number of ships. The article attempts to draw attention to such threats.
Na konferencji w Kioto w 1997 r. został wynegocjowany traktat dotyczący międzynarodowego porozumienia w sprawie zapobiegania globalnemu ociepleniu. Zobowiązuje on państwa uczestniczące w negocjacjach do ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Kraje te miały ograniczyć emisje o 5% w stosunku do 1990 r. W myśl protokołu, za gazy cieplarniane uważa się: dwutlenek węgla (CO2), metan (CH4), podtlenek azotu (N2O), perfluorowęglowodory (HFCs, PFCs) heksafluorek siarki (SF6). W sytuacji, gdy któreś z państw ma nadmiar lub niedobór jednostek emisyjnych jest zobowiązane do uczestnictwa w systemie handlu uprawnieniami do emisji, w którym, na zasadach rynkowych, może sprzedać lub nabyć odpowiednią liczbę pozwoleń, w zależności od potrzeb. Traktat z Kioto zobowiązuje kraje rozwinięte do wspierania technologicznego krajów słabiej rozwiniętych, do badań i studiów na temat klimatu, jak również rozwijania ekologicznych technologii pozyskiwania energii (słonecznej, wiatrowej, geotermalnej, pływów morksich i nuklearnej). Inwestycje w technologie ekologiczne krajów rozwiniętych w państwach uboższych są podstawą do otrzymania dodatkowych przydziałów pozwoleń emisyjnych.
Diverse forms of environmental pollution arise with the introduction of materials or energy that exert adverse effects on human health, climate patterns, ecosystems, and beyond. Rigorous emission regulations for gases resulting from fuel combustion are being enforced by the European Union and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), directed at maritime sectors to mitigate emissions of SOx, NOx, and CO2. The IMO envisions the realisation of its 2050 targets through a suite of strategies encompassing deliberate reductions in vessel speed, enhanced ship operations, improved propulsion systems, and a transition towards low and zero-emission fuels such as LNG, methanol, hydrogen, and ammonia. While the majority of vessels currently depend on heavy fuel or low-sulphur fuel oil, novel designs integrating alternative fuels are gaining prominence. Technologies like exhaust gas purification systems, LNG, and methanol are being embraced to achieve minimised emissions. This study introduces the concept of a high-power combined ship system, composed of a primary main engine, a diesel engine, and a steam turbine system, harnessing the energy contained within the flue gases of the main combustion engine. Assumptions, constraints for calculations, and a thermodynamic evaluation of the combined cycle are outlined. Additionally, the study scrutinises the utilisation of alternative fuels for ship propulsion and their potential to curtail exhaust emissions, with a specific focus on reducing CO2 output.
Content available remote The possibility of greenhouse gas emissions reduction from the dairy cattle farms
Dairy cattle have a significant share in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, due to the growing demand for milk and milk products, it is worth looking for solutions to effectively reduce the environmental impact of dairy farming. The article reviews the literature on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from dairy farms through dietary interventions. Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from dairy farms can be achieved by optimizing dairy cattle and the use of various feed additives. Silvo-pastoralism systems are also important for their ecosystem services, including climate change mitigation.
Bydło mleczne ma znaczący udział w emisji gazów cieplarnianych (GHG). Dlatego też, w związku z rosnącym popytem na mleko i jego przetwory, warto poszukiwać rozwiązań pozwalających na skuteczne ograniczenie wpływu hodowli bydła mlecznego na środowisko. W artykule dokonano przeglądu literatury dotyczącej możliwości redukcji emisji gazów cieplarnianych z gospodarstw mlecznych. Znaczne zmniejszenie emisji gazów cieplarnianych z gospodarstw utrzymujących bydło mleczne można osiągnąć poprzez optymalizację żywienia i stosowanie różnych dodatków paszowych. Systemy sylvo- pastoralne są również ważne ze względu na ich usługi ekosystemowe, w tym łagodzenie zmian klimatu.
The paper discusses the current prognoses of aquaculture development worldwide putting an emphasis on its effect on the environment and the issue of the protection of water reservoirs in different countries. Water consumption in diversified aquaculture systems is presented herein as well as the characteristics of the mechanical and biological water treatment methods in fish farms, with particular attention paid to the recirculating water systems. New aquaculture technologies using post-production waters are presented. The paper provides a discussion on the contribution of aquaculture to the global greenhouse gas emissions and the means of limiting this emission. The effect of climate change on aquatic ecosystems is presented in the context of the changes of the aquaculture production profile. The paper includes a brief presentation of the methods of mitigating the changes with respect to contamination of aquatic ecosystems as well as climate change. Reducing the water footprint can be achieved through selective breeding, species diversification and implementation of more technologically advanced aquaculture systems such as: integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, aquaponics and recirculation systems in aquaculture. The need for certification of fish farms with water recirculation systems is justified in the paper. The issues addressed herein are summarised and the main areas for extending the research promoting preservation of aquatic ecosystems in aquaculture are presented.
This study analyses the role of the circular economy (CE) and renewable energy sources (RES) in bringing human activity to a climate-neutral state. At the same time, it was pointed out that achieving this neutrality allows to achieve a net-zero level of CO2 emissions, as well as significantly reduces the emission of other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. In order to more fully illustrate the issue of climate change inhibition adopted for analysis in this article, the basic concepts, characteristics of the essence of circular economy and individual types of RES were defined, and it was also shown that the use of these methods in broadly understood human activity is necessary to achieve zero net CO2 emissions, which creates opportunities to stop "extreme climate madness". The purpose of this article is to present the role of circular economy and renewable energy sources in achieving climate neutrality of human activity, as well as the influence of Putin's imperial policy on the course of this process.
This article analyzes the basic factors influencing climate warming, as well as features characterizing the current picture of this phenomenon and presents possible directions of its development in the years 2022-2100. At the same time, it indicates that there is a possibility to stop the current trend of unfavorable changes and transform the climate into a more friendly phenomenon for people and their planet. First of all, anthropogenic CO2 emissions should be brought below net zero, and emissions of other greenhouse gases should be reduced as much as possible. This requires focusing on the development of a low-emission economy as well as circular economy and RES, as well as continuous improvement of the natural environment and a rational end to the war between Russia and Ukraine and the creation of sensible conditions for common security in the "global village".
The JSW Capital Group, as one of the few in Poland, has been conducting an integrated estimation of the carbon footprint of the organization and its two main products - coal and coke - since 2017. Carbon footprint determination is performed based on the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard and Product Standard. As of 2018, the JSW Group reports the value of the organization's carbon footprint and the measures taken to reduce it in its activity reports and integrated report. In 2021, the organization's carbon footprint of the entire JSW Group was 7.92 million Mg CO2e. Methane emissions account for 74% of the JSW Group's carbon footprint. Investments are therefore being made to reduce its emissions. Disclosure leads to an understanding of climate change risks, better risk management and more informed strategic planning. It can also contribute to a lower cost of capital and a diversified investor base. Balancing emission sources makes it possible to determine at which stage of production and what greenhouse gas emissions are predominant, and to decide what measures to implement to reduce them. Optimization allows for real savings, and responsibility for one's footprint increases JSW's value in the eyes of contractors and customers.
Negatywne skutki zmian klimatycznych spowodowały, że Unia Europejska postanowiła podążać w kierunku osiągnięcia neutralności klimatycznej do 2050 r., a jako cel średnioterminowy postawiła sobie ograniczenie śladu węglowego o minimum 30% do 2030 r. Miarą śladu węglowego jest ekwiwalent tony dwutlenku węgla, umożliwiający ujęcie emisji wszystkich gazów cieplarnianych najednej skali. Artykuł traktuje o określaniu śladu węglowego w przedsiębiorstwie górniczym.
Oszacowano ślad węglowy w produkcji roślin zbożowych w warunkach stosowania różnych technik nawożenia azotem. Ślad ten oceniono na podstawie nakładów energetycznych (kWh), które są wypadkową czasu pracy i mocy silnika zastosowanego w wybranych zestawach maszyn. Mineralny nawóz azotowy zastosowano w formie stałej i płynnej. Analiza śladu węglowego dla zabiegów nawożenia azotem wykazała, że wybór optymalnej techniki stosowania nawozów mineralnych może skutecznie ograniczać emisję gazów cieplarnianych, a zestawienie zabiegów nawożenia i ochrony roślin pozwoliło na znaczne ograniczenie emisji tych gazów.
The C footprint from grain crop prodn. under applying various N fertilization techniques was estd. from energy input in operation of the engines used in the selected machine sets applied for spreading solid and liq. mineral N fertilizers. Fertilizer application techniques substantially effected the greenhouse gas emissions. Use of low-power tractors with machines of higher performance was recommended.
The pot experiment was conducted to access the soil microorganisms biomass (physiological method - Substrate Induced Respiration) and emissions of N2O, CO2 and CH4 (photoacoustic infrared detection method), and grasses biomass (weight method). The obtained results of analysed gases were converted to CO2 equivalent. There was no effect of the microorganisms biomass on the N2O emissions. The increase in CO2 emissions was accompanied by an increase in the microorganisms biomass (r = 0.48) under the conditions of the I swath and acid soil reaction, as well as the II swath and neutral reaction (r = 0.94). On the other hand, in the case of CH4 emission, such a relationship was noted both swaths under the conditions of neutral reaction (r = 0.51), but a negative correlation (r = –0.71) was noted for the acid reaction only at the II swath. The increase in the grasses biomass with the increase in the microorganisms biomass was recorded only at the II swath in neutral reaction (r = 0.91). In a short period of time, with the neutral soil reaction with the increase in the soil microorganisms biomass, an increase in CO2 sequestration and biomass of cultivated grasses was noted. Information on the determination of the microorganisms groups responsible mainly for the transformation of carbon compounds and CO2 and CH4 emissions from the soils of grasslands would be valuable scientifically.
Each country creates its own scenarios for the development of the energy sector, which aim to identify different directions of development that are feasible and, moreover, support the formulated policy objectives. Therefore, the aim of the article is to analyze the economic, social and environmental effects of three different scenarios for the development of the energy sector in Poland. Each of them assumes basing the sector on a different mix of generation sources - from the dominance of coal-fired power plants, through diversification with the participation of nuclear energy, to the dominance of renewable energy sources (RES). The author reviewed possible options for the development of the Polish energy sector based on the draft Polish energy policy prepared by the government administration. The article estimated the potential for the use of domestic energy carriers until 2050 and compared the impact of each of the three scenarios on the country's energy security and economy based on the strategic document of Poland's Energy Policy. The text is an attempt of a critical assessment of opportunities and threats related to the possible implementation of individual scenarios and the scale of necessary investments. The results can serve as a starting point for understanding Poland's restraint in achieving zero emissions and contribute to the discussion about the direction of development of the Polish energy sector.
Każde państwo tworzy własne scenariusze dotyczące rozwoju sektora energetycznego, które mają na celu określenie możliwych do zrealizowania kierunków tego rozwoju, a ponadto wpisują się w określone cele polityki energetycznej. Celem tego artykutu jest przeanalizowanie ekonomicznych, socjalnych i środowiskowych skutków trzech różnych scenariuszy rozwoju sektora energetycznego w Polsce. Każdy z nich zakłada inną strukturę kombinacji źródeł wytwórczych jako podstawy działalności tego sektora - od przewagi elektrowni opalanych węglem, poprzez mix różnych źródeł z udziałem energii jądrowej, a skończywszy na dominacji OZE. Autor dokonuje przeglądu możliwych opcji rozwoju polskiego sektora energetycznego na podstawie projektu krajowej polityki energetycznej opracowanego przez administrację rządową. W artykule oszacowano potencjał użytkowania krajowych nośników energii do roku 2050 oraz dokonano porównania wpływu każdego z w/w trzech scenariuszy na bezpieczeństwo energetyczne i gospodarkę kraju, biorąc za podstawę strategiczny dokument Polityka Energetyczna Polski. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą dokonania zarówno krytycznej oceny możliwości oraz zagrożeń związanych z ewentualnym wdrożeniem poszczególnych scenariuszy, jak i oceny skali niezbędnych do ich przeprowadzenia inwestycji. Wyniki tych rozważań mogą posłużyć jako punkt wyjściowy do zrozumienia powściągliwości Polski w dochodzeniu do bezemisyjności oraz jako przyczynek do dyskusji dotyczącej kierunku rozwoju polskiego sekora energetycznego.
In the years 2016-2020, there has been a significant acceleration in the development of technologies for the hydrogen energy use and their popularization in practice. The value of the global hydrogen market in 2018 was estimated at US $122 billion, predicted that it will increase to US $155 billion by the 2022. The appropriate policy framework has a major impact on the development of new technologies, in particular during research, prototype implementations and the initial phase of their commercialization. Of course, this also fully applies to hydrogen technologies, which was confirmed, i.a., in its study by The Hydrogen Council, a leading global organization in this field. The spearheading countries intensively involved in the development and dissemination of hydrogen technologies are primarily: Japan, China, South Korea, Germany, France, Great Britain, Scandinavian and Benelux countries, as well as Canada and the USA. A dozen more countries making up the leading group, such as: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, India and South Africa are making efforts to join the global hydrogen race and complete the leading group. The scale of the global development of hydrogen technologies is illustrated by the fact that at the end of 2019, vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells and the publicly accessible hydrogen refuelling stations serving them already operated in 18 countries. An effective use of the incurred expenditures undoubtedly requires the interested states to formulate an appropriate policy (strategy) for the hydrogenation of the economy, including, in addition to precisely defined long-term objectives, e.g. elements of support from public administration, assurance of: stable investment conditions and the necessary regulatory conditions. The article attempts to synthetically present the political framework, i.e. the functioning plans and programs as well as national strategies for the development of hydrogen technology and economy in 19 countries.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the state of carbon dioxide emissions generated as a result of wall materials production and the construction industry as a whole. The paper provides a comparative analysis of housing construction in Ukraine and in some CIS countries. Against the background of the indicators of low housing availability and low relative volumes of housing construction, the issue of high energy consumption remains valid. The absolute and relative volumes of greenhouse gas emissions from economic activity of the population of Ukraine are given. The projected consequences for Ukraine from continued CO2 emissions on the same level and temperature rise are estimated. It is deemed that the most suitable wall material for countries with emerging economies is autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC); since it is a structural and thermal insulating material, it can solve the problem of housing construction. The paper shows the key priority of low energy consumption and makes emphasis on lowering the density of the produced aerated concrete, reducing mineral additives and cement production expenses.
The energy sector worldwide is a significant source of air pollutant emission. In Poland, the vast majority of heat and electricity is generated in coal-fired heat and power plants. There is a common belief that high greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector in Poland are mainly due to the technological processes involving the conversion of energy by burning fossil fuels. However, coal mining also causes a high environmental burden. This paper aimed to determine the carbon footprint of a typical hard coal-fired heating plant in Poland, taking into account mining of hard coal, its transport to the heating plant and useful energy generation in the heating plant. The investigation carried out allowed comparing the process steps and determining which of them is the dominant source of the greenhouse gas emissions. The obtained results show that hard coal mining and hard coal transport account for almost 65% and 5% of total equivalent carbon dioxide emission, respectively. Energy transformations in the heating plant account for 30% of total equivalent carbon dioxide emission, where approx. 29% is due to hard coal burning and 1% due to electricity consumption. The relative shares of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in total equivalent carbon dioxide emission account for approx. 91%, 4% and 5%, respectively.
Content available Two decades of hybrid electric vehicle market
The article presents a cross-sectional view of the development of the HEV car market over the last two decades. Hybrid cars are currently the widest group of cars equipped with alternative to classic drive systems. They are also the most numerous group among electric vehicles. The historical meanders of HEV development were described, as well as the current level of development of this market and the real prospects for the popularization of HEV cars. The level of world production of this category of motor vehicles in the twenty-year period 2001-2020 was also characterized. The article attempts to estimate the real size of the world's HEV fleet. The level of sales of this category of vehicles by individual countries and their changing percentage share in the passenger car market were also presented. Sales of electric hybrids even in the crisis year 2020 increased from 3.2 million to approx. 4 million vehicles, despite a decrease in sales of new passenger cars from 64 to 54 million units. The above fact also proves the market attractiveness of this type of vehicles and the constantly growing interest in them.
W artykule przedstawiono przekrojowy obraz rozwoju rynku samochodów HEV na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch dekad. Samochody hybrydowe to obecnie najszersza grupa samochodów wyposażonych w alternatywne dla klasycznych układów napędowych rozwiązania. Stanowią też najliczniejszą grupę wśród pojazdów elektrycznych. Opisano historyczne meandry rozwoju HEV, obecny poziom rozwoju tego rynku oraz realne perspektywy spopularyzowania samochodów HEV. Scharakteryzowano również poziom światowej produkcji tej kategorii pojazdów samochodowych w dwudziestoleciu 2001-2020. W artykule podjęto próbę oszacowania rzeczywistej wielkości światowej floty HEV. Przedstawiono również poziom sprzedaży tej kategorii pojazdów przez poszczególne kraje oraz zmieniający się ich udział procentowy w rynku samochodów osobowych. Sprzedaż hybryd elektrycznych nawet w kryzysowym roku 2020 wzrosła z 3,2 mln do ok. 4 mln pojazdów, pomimo spadku sprzedaży nowych aut osobowych z 64 do 54 mln sztuk. Powyższy fakt świadczy również o atrakcyjności rynkowej tego typu pojazdów i stale rosnącym zainteresowaniu nimi.
Brytyjski start-up biotechnologiczny Deep Branch przekształca przemysłowe gazy cieplarniane w białko, które później wykorzystywane jest do produkcji paszy dla zwierząt. Firma stosuje proces, który – jak twierdzi – może pomóc w wyżywieniu rosnącej populacji świata, a jednocześnie jest zrównoważony.
The sewage flowing into the wastewater treatment plant through the sewer system, as well as transported by the slurry fleet, are subjected to treatment processes. These processes, carried out under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases. On the basis of available reports and previous research, the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from wastewater was estimated at approx. 4-5% in relation to the global amount of this gas emission from anthropogenic sources. Data obtained from the operation of full-scale WWTPs show a wide range of values of the N2O emission factors from 0.0006 to 0.045 (kgN2O-N/kgN). The article describes possible sources of nitrous oxide emission from wastewater treatment plants and presents the basic principles of its balancing.
The main objective of the paper was to show the relationship of greenhouse gas emissions by agriculture with economic development and agricultural production parameters in the European Union. All EU Member States were selected for research purposefully. The research period concerned the years 2004-2017. The sources of materials were EUROSTAT data, literature on the subject. For the analysis and presentation of materials, descriptive, tabular, graphic methods, dynamics based on a constant basis, Gini concentration coefficient, concentration analysis using the Lorenz curve, Pearson's linear correlation coefficients were used. Agriculture is one of the major economic sectors responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. In 2004-2017, emissions from this section slightly decreased in the EU. There was a wide variation between countries. Economically developing countries increased emissions, while developed countries maintained them at a similar level. Greenhouse gas emissions were highly concentrated in several EU countries. These were the countries with the most developed agriculture. In the years 2004-2017, there were no changes in the level of emission concentration. The level of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture depended on the economic and agricultural situation in the country. The regularities were in many cases straightforward, as for the relationship of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture with the value of animal production, cattle population, and the use of mineral fertilizers and manure production. This close relationship resulted from the fact that livestock production was the part of agriculture that generated the most greenhouse gases.
Celem głównym pracy było ukazanie zależności emisji gazów cieplarnianych przez rolnictwo z rozwojem gospodarczym i parametrami produkcji rolniczej w krajach Unii Europejskiej. W sposób celowy wybrano do badań wszystkie kraje członkowskie Unii Europejskiej. Okres badań dotyczył lat 2004-2017. Źródłami materiałów były dane EUROSTAT, literatura przedmiotu. Do analizy i prezentacji materiałów zastosowano metody opisową, tabelaryczną, graficzną, wskaźniki dynamiki o podstawie stałej, współczynnik koncentracji Giniego, analiza koncentracji za pomocą krzywej Lorenza, współczynniki korelacji liniowej Pearsona. Rolnictwo jest jednym z ważniejszych działów gospodarki odpowiedzialnych za emisję gazów cieplarnianych. W latach 2004-2017 emisja wynikająca z tego działu nieznacznie zmniejszyła się w UE. Występowało duże zróżnicowanie pomiędzy krajami. Państwa rozwijające się gospodarczo zwiększały emisję, zaś rozwinięte utrzymywały ją na podobnym poziomie. Emisja gazów cieplarnianych była mocno skoncentrowana w kilku państwach UE. Były to państwa z najbardziej rozwiniętym rolnictwem. W latach 2004-2017 nie zaszły żadne zmiany w poziomie koncentracji emisji. Poziom emisji gazów cieplarnianych z rolnictwa był uzależniony od sytuacji gospodarczej i w zakresie rolnictwa w kraju. Prawidłowości były w wielu przypadkach prostoliniowe, jak dla relacji emisji gazów cieplarnianych z rolnictwa z wartością produkcji zwierzęcej, pogłowiem bydła, czy zużyciem nawozów mineralnych i produkcją obornika. Ten ścisły związek wynikał z faktu, że produkcja zwierzęca była tą częścią rolnictwa, która generowała najwięcej gazów cieplarnianych.
Content available Methane – fuel gas. Opportunities and threats
Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been an intensive restructuring of hard coal sector in Poland. In this process, successive mines are being decommissioned, most of which are characterized by considerable methane content. The vast majority of hard coal mines in Poland, including all the mines belonging to Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. are highly methane mines. This means that the air flowing out of the mine shafts contains a certain concentration of methane, the size of which depends on the amount of air and the amount of methane-filled air, which is emitted into the mine excavations. In 2019 alone, nearly 807 million m3 of methane was released from the rock mass affected by mining, out of which only 195.6 million m3 were used economically. This publication presents and characterizes projects involving the extraction and economic use of methane from both active and decommissioned mines. The paper also points out the legal and administrative conditions in which projects related to methane extraction and utilization can be implemented. The paper presents measurable benefits from demethylation not only in terms of improving the safety of coal extraction, but mainly economic and ecological aspects. Above all, attention was paid to the fact that the vast majority of methane was irreversibly emitted to the atmosphere to the detriment of the natural environment.
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