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W artykule omówiono modele wspomagające projektowanie i symulacje procesów azotowania gazowego. Podano przykłady wykorzystania modeli: heurystycznych – umożliwiających wyznaczanie parametrów atmosfery wlotowej na pods tawie zakładanego przebiegu temperatury i potencjału azotowego w czasie trwania procesu; analitycznych – umożliwiających prognozowanie grubości warstwy azotowanej na podstawie kinetycznych współczynników wzrostu uzyskanych w badaniach grawimetrycznych; neu ronowych przeznaczonych do prognozowania właściwości warstwy azotowanej zdefiniowanej grubością efektywną i grubością warstwy azotków żelaza na podstawie wartości parametrów procesu azotowania. Wykazano, że zastosowane sieci neuronowe o właściwościach apr oksymujących pozwoliły na budowę modeli dobrze dopasowanych do danych eksperymentalnych, w których uwzględnione są zależności nieliniowe.
The article discusses the various models used in the design and simulation of gas nitriding processes. Examples for the use o f models are presented, including: heuristic models, enabling the determination of the inlet atmospheric para meters on the basis of the estimated temperature changes and nitrogen levels during the nitriding process; analytical models, enabling the prediction of the thickness of the nitrided layer on the basis of growth kinetic coefficients derived from gravimetri c studies; neural models, enabling the forecasting of properties of the nitrided layer, defined by its effective thickness and the thickness of the iron nitride layer, on the basis of a nitriding process parameters. It has been demonstrated that the applie d neural networks with their approximating proper ties allow for the construction of models which are well suited to the experimental data which include non linear dependence.
Geodynamical investigation in the Pieniny Mountain (south of Poland) were carried out since the 1960s. They contained levelling, gravimetric measurements and distance observations in horizontal network. The results reveled vertical and horizontal movements of the crust and periodic changes in gravity. In 1994-1995 horizontal network was adapted to perform GPS observations and they were carried out with leveling, gravimetric and EDM observations. In 1990s, the Dunajec river dam and the water resorvoirs in Czorsztyn and Sromowce Wyżne have been built. This has a new aspect in investigations releted to the effect of tectonic movements on the dam. Taking that into account, the study was revived, after six year break, in 2001. The investigations, which contain GPS, gravimetric and leveling observations, have been carried out every year. In this paper the result of horizontal displacement obtained from GPS measurement as well as gravity changes in 1994-2010 period are presented and yields linear trend in north-east direction less than 1 mm/year.
After strong earthquakes the Earth oscillates with spheroidal and toroidal modes. The former cause gravity changes which can be detected with sensitive instruments. For this purpose we used continuous gravity measurements with LaCoste&Romberg Earth Tide spring gravimeter from Józefosław Observatory. Spectral analyses of records show significant peaks in normal mode frequencies. This peaks are above noise level and their eigenfrequencies are in good agreement with seismic theories. We show here some examples of free oscillations registration after particular earthquakes and stacking method as well. Some remarks concerning noise level in gravity measurements and data treatment are also given.
Tidal gravimetric observations in Astro-Geodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw started in 1993 using LaCoste&Romberg model G gravimeter. Since 2001 Observatory has been equipped with the ET-26 model dedicated to the stationary gravimetric measurements. Tidal research program also encompasses environmental studies to make the results more reliable. This elaboration presents the analyses of the data collected until 2009.
Gravimetric investigations of the long-standing, not tidal variations of the absolute gravity using ballistic FG - 5 No. 230 gravity meter, bought by Warsaw University of Technology at 2005, were performed on four stations outside the Teisseyre - Tornquist Zone (T - T Zone) as well as at Józefoslaw Astro - Geodetic Observatory of the Warsaw University of Technology, located near Warsaw, near the northern edge of T - T zone on Precambrian Platform. Raw results of observations were corrected by Earth's tide influences, loading effects of the Earth's crust and ocean, by polar motion influence to the gravity as well as from the reason of gravitational and deformation influences of the atmosphere. Monitoring of the gravity on Józefosław station, during three years once a month, pointed out quasi-periodic non-tidal variations. Absolute gravity determinations in previous campaigns (1992 - 2001) on Polish territory were performed using various ballistic gravity meters, many types and quality, as well as there were spread in time. In epochs since 2006 to 2008 with our instrument FG - 5 No. 230 there were obtained the gravity values minor on all investigated stations. It was about 17 žGal on Satellite Lamkówko station, near Olsztyn, and 12 žGal in Borowiec Astro Geodynamical Observatory of the Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences with comparison to the results from 8 - 10 y earlier obtained using Polish absolute gravity meter ZZG, Italian IMGC and two FG-5 instruments from Austria and USA. The variation since 1996 to 2006 on Giby (station of the gravity national fundamental net) was appeared as only 7.5 žGal. On very stable station Ojców (Seismic Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences) located on Świętokrzyskie Mts. craton, the decrease of gravity equal to 9 žGal has been noticed after 9 years. Recovered variations of gravity on Poland territory might have the sources in gravity global or regional variations in the hydrological influences in the vicinity of stations as well as in incorrect earlier determinations of the gravimetric corrections, mainly in vertical gradient of gravity above absolute stations.
Presently there are two laboratories in Poland investigating field of gravity. The Geodynamic Laboratory of Space Research Centre in Ksiaz is placed in the south-western part of Poland in horizontal galleries built in slope of the valley. In 1974 in the laboratory the measurements carried out with help of two quartz-horizontal pendulums equipped with photographic system of registration were begun. In 2002 in the laboratory the long water-tube tiltmeter was built. It is consisted of two perpendicular tubes 65- and 83-meter long, partially filled with water. In 2007 in the laboratory the relative gravimeter LaCoste&Romberg G-648 was installed. The Gravimetric Laboratory of Astro-Geodetic Observatory in Józefosław is placed in central part of Poland. It has been investigated tidal gravity changes since 1993 using first LC&R model G gravimeter, then D-model. Since 2001 laboratory is equipped with LC&R ET-26 meter. In 2005 the laboratory was equipped with FG5-230 gravimeter for monitoring of the absolute gravity variations. The paper presents current state-of-art of the researches aimed at investigation on field of gravity carried out by Polish scientific institutions.
W pracy poruszono zagadnienie dotyczące absolutnych pomiarów przyspieszenia siły ciężkości na obszarze Krakowa. W ramach projektu KBN nr 5T12E03730 Jednolity system grawimetrycznego odniesienia polskich stacji permanentnych GNSS i poligonów geodynamicznych ustalone zostały na obszarze Krakowa dwa nowe punkty, przeznaczone do pomiarów absolutnych. Z dotychczasowego punktu pomiarów absolutnych nie korzysta się od kilkunastu już lat ze względu na niestabilne warunki pomiarowe. Pomiary przyspieszenia ciężkości ziemskiej były realizowane w odległym o kilkanaście kilometrów Ojcowie, w Obserwatorium Sejsmicznym PAN. Nowe krakowskie punkty znajdują się w budynku Obserwatorium Astronomicznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Forcie „Skała” oraz w Geodezyjnym Laboratorium Metrologicznym na Wydziale Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej. Punkt na terenie AGH położony jest w sąsiedztwie stacji permanentnej GPS KRAW, wchodzącej w skład sieci EPN. W pracy opisano przebieg stabilizacji obu punktów oraz sposób wyznaczenia ich położenia. Podano wartości współrzędnych i wysokości obu punktów. W maju 2007 r. na obu punktach została wykonana pierwsza seria dobowych pomiarów natężenia siły ciężkości.
The problem of absolute gravity surveys on the whole area of the Krakow is discussed in the paper. There were two benchmarks grounded on the area of Krakow used for absolute surveys in the frame of KBN No. 5T12E03730 project “Uniform Gravimetric Reference Frame for Polish GNSS Stations and Geodynamic Test Fields”. The already existing point has not been involved in the discussed surveys because of the ground instability. The gravimetric surveys were conducted dozen km away in Seismic Observatory in Ojcow. New points in Krakow are located in the building of Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University in the Skala Fort and in Metrological Geodetic Laboratory of the Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering AGH University of Science and Technology. The point on the area of AGH is located nearby permanent GPS Kraw station which is involved to EPN network. The proceeding of the both points grounding and the method of determination their location is discussed in the paper. There are co-ordinate values presented in the paper as well. The first campaign of one day gravity determinations was carried on the both points in May 2007.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów niwelacyjnych, których celem było wyznaczenie wysokości normalnej punktu KRAW - stacji permanentnej GPS, zlokalizowanej na budynku C4 AGH. Podano także wyniki pomiaru przyspieszenia siły ciężkości oraz jego pionowego gradientu zrealizowane na zewnątrz i wewnątrz budynku, na którym znajduje się stacja. Obliczono wartości anomalii grawimetrycznych i odstępu quasi-geoidy od elipsoidy w tym rejonie. Wyznaczone wielkości uzupełniają dotychczasową geodezyjną charakterystykę punktu KRAW.
The results of leveling measurements carried for the determination of normal height of the KRAW point - permanent station, located on C4 AGH apartment are presented. The results of gravity measurements and its vertical gradient carried outside and inside the building are presented as well. The values of gravimetric anomalies and distance between quasi-geoid and ellipsoid on that area were calculated. Determined values complete existing geodetic characteristic of the KRAW point.
Content available remote Tatrzańska grawimetryczna baza kalibracyjna
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac geodezyjno-grawimetrycznych mających na celu powiązanie fundamentalnego punktu absolutnego podstawowej osnowy grawimetrycznej kraju z 8 punktami grawimetrycznymi znajdującymi się na terenie Obserwatorium w Borowej Górze. W przyszłości punkty te będą służyły do wykonywania na nich jednoczesnych porównawczych wyznaczeń absolutnych kilkoma grawimetrami balistycznymi. Wyznaczenia takie mają na celu stałą kontrolę standardów grawimetrów balistycznych stanowiących wzorzec dla systemu IGSN 71.
Fundamental point o f basic gravimetric control network in Poland is located at the Observatory in Borowa Góra. Within last twenty years this point was used several times for determining absolute acceleration o f gravity, utilising various ballistic instruments. Besides fundamental point there are eight gravimetric points with permanent stabilisation within the area o f the Observatory; they can be also used for making absolute measurements. Such an arrangement o f gravimetric points within the Observatory allows for simultaneous, comparative absolute determinations, using several ballistic gravimeters. These determinations are part o f the activity o f the MAG Gravimetric Commission; they serve for permanent check o f gravimetric standards at the IGSN 71 system. In order to perform such works at the Observatory in Borowa Gora, it was necessary to make relative gravimetric measurements between gravimetric points and to determine their heights above sea level, a well as X, Y plane coordinates. Results o f the measurements will be used for making reductions to the absolute determinations, conducted simultaneously with several ballistic gravimeters, so they could be comparable.
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