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A new stand, formed by some fifty individuals of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., an invasive plant of alien origin, was discovered at the Katowice railway station (southern Poland), in 2011. Two years later, the stand (increased to more than 160 individuals in the meantime) was re-visited, phytosociological survey was made, and four soil cores (5 cm deep and 80 cm2 surface area, each) were taken for seed bank studies. The phytosociological sampling revealed 28 co-occurring vascular species, most of them representing hemicryptophyte and geophyte life forms. According to Ellenberg's values, the species pool indicated sunny (L7 and L8 species dominating) and semi-dry (mainly F4 species) habitat for the common ragweed population, whereas Zarzycki's soil granulometric data reflected coarse-grained soil. Albedo of the soil was lower than that of the vegetation thus sparsely vegetated sites were considered as heat accumulating microhabitats that might support establishment of the thermophilic A. artemisiifolia. During soil seed bank analysis a high number of naturally opened fruits (dehiscent achenes) were found (718.75 per m2) most probably indicating frequent germination in previous years. Greenhouse germination tests proved successful germination of 125 individuals per m2, which was considered enough to maintain the A. artemisiifolia stand at the station. The results call attention to a newly discovered, established population with increasing demography of A. artemisiifolia, a highly allergenic introduced weed of Poland.
Content available remote Post-fire changes of soil seed banks in the Elary succesionsl stage of pine forest
Our research was conducted on abandoned fields which had been undergoing spontaneous succession for 40–50 years and then were partly burnt. The main objective of the study was to examine if spontaneous fire in the early successional stage of pine forest causes a decrease in the number of species, diversity and density of seed banks, and an increase in the share of species forming long term persistent seed banks. Standing vegetation and soil seed banks were studied on 20 permanent plots on adjacent burnt and unburnt sites one and twelve years after spontaneous fire. One year after the fire the number of species in the seed banks of both areas was similar (11 and 12 species). In the burnt area the Shannon index and the floristical similarity between the seed bank and standing vegetation were lower, and seed density five times higher than in the unburnt area (15 691.5 m-2 vs.3426.5 m-2). This was mainly the effect of the high number of seedlings of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull and Spergula morisonii Boreau germinating from the burnt plots. Twelve years after the fire the number of species in both seed banks had increased little, but seed density in the burnt area (1742.5 m-2) had decreased 16 times, while that of the unburnt area had changed only slightly (2875.5 m-2). At the same time the Shannon index for the burnt area increased considerably, whereas for the unburnt one it did not change. Our study shows that the long-term persistent soil seed bank plays a fundamental role at the beginning of the post-fire regeneration of temperate coniferous forest vegetation. Germination of Calluna seedlings from the burnt soil seed banks in several times higher numbers than from unburnt soil seed banks may suggest that heat from the fire promotes a loss of dormancy in the heather seeds.
Celem niniejszej pracy było udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy miedze w krajobrazie rolniczym Wołynia Zachodniego oraz przylegające do nich marginesy pól mogą stanowić istotne refugia gatunków murawowych oraz nawapiennych chwastów o przyśródziemnomorskim typie zasięgu. Przeanalizowane zostały dane o pokrywie roślinnej 4 równoległych miedz o różnej szerokości, wieku i poziomie stabilizacji (ich łączna długość wynosi ok. 1000 m) oraz zasoby banku nasion w glebie pobranej wzdłuż najstarszej z miedz. Wzdłuż miedz stwierdzono obecność 67 gatunków roślin, w tym 9 murawowych oraz 16 nawapiennych chwastów. Na różnorodność biologiczną pokrywy roślinnej miedzy w największym stopniu wpływa wiek miedzy, z czym wiąże się jej szerokość i stopień stabilizacji. Gatunki murawowe koncentrują się w tych częściach miedz, które przylegają do murawy kserotermicznej, natomiast chwasty nawapienne są rozmieszczone równomiernie, na całej długości liniowych struktur. W glebowym banku dominują diaspory jednorocznych chwastów, a gatunki murawowe mają stosunkowo niewielki udział.
The aim of the study was to check if marginal habitats (baulks and adjacent field margins) in agriculture landscape of Western Wolhynia can play a role of important refuges for grassland species and calciphilous weeds of the submediterranean range. Vegetation data were collected along four parallel baulks (total length was c.a. 1000 m; age, width and the level of stabilisation of each baulk were different); soil seed bank of one of the baulks was also analysed. Sixty seven species were found along the baulks, including 9 xerothermic grassland species and 16 calciphilous weeds. The main factor responsible for vegetation biodiversity was the baulk age, and consequently width and level of stabilisation. Grassland species were concentrated in the stretches of baulks closest to the grassland patch in contrast with calciphilous weeds distributed evenly along the baulks. Soil seed bank was dominated by annual weeds, the share of grassland species was much lower.
In the beginning of its introduction Common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca L. was used in Hungary as ornamental plant. After escaping from cultivation it has become wide spread during last decades of the 20th century. Nowadays, it covers large areas especially on sandy soils, and its further appearance is expected on dry, deforested and degraded areas. Two neglected fields and one abandoned vineyard were selected. For sampling two quadrates of size 4 m[^2] were used at each stand. The stands were characterized by the following variables: density of stems, percentage of reproductive stems, average number of inflorescences, average number of fruits, fruits per all inflorescences on a stem, pods per fruited inflorescences on a stem, average number of seeds per fruit. In the same quadrates the soil seed bank was studied at two depths (0-5 cm and 5-10 cm). The results showed that the density of stand, percentage of reproductive specimens and average number of fruits were significantly higher on the neglected fields than on the abandoned vineyard. In the neglected fields large number of seeds were detected in the upper soil-layer (2.7-18.6 x 10[^3] seeds m[^-2]), but in the lower soil-layer much fewer seeds were found and only in one of the fields. Common milkweed seeds were almost completely missing from both soil layers of the abandoned vineyard. However, the seeds recovered from the soils practically did not germinated, indicating that seeds of earlier years sets have lost viability, i.e. the studied stands of A. syriaca did not form a persistent soil seed bank. Nevertheless, the fresh seed production of the neglected field populations, that can reach 7-10 thousands seeds m[^-2], may cause a very strong propagulum load not only in the site but also on the surrounding areas.
W wyniku fragmentacji i zanikania ekosystemów mokradłowych, spowodowanego nieodpowiednim użytkowaniem, powierzchnia torfowisk w Europie Zachodniej zmniejszyła się w XX wieku o ponad 90%, a w Europie Centralnej i Wschodniej - szacunkowo o 50--90%. Zmeliorowane torfowiska określa się jako obszary zdegradowane przyrodniczo z powodu silnego odwodnienia, dużych wahań poziomu wód gruntowych oraz znacznego stopnia mineralizacji torfu. W celu przywrócenia i ochrony różnorodności biologicznej torfowisk, w wielu krajach są prowadzone projekty ochrony czynnej (nature management) oraz renaturyzacji (restoration) takich ekosystemów. W Polsce eksperymentalne prace renaturyzacyjne metodą usuwania zmurszałej wierzchnicy torfowiska na głębokość 20 i 40 cm są prowadzone na terenie Bagna Całowanie. Celem badań było sprawdzenie, czy w glebie znajdują się zdolne do kiełkowania nasiona roślin torfowiskowych (lub roślin łąk podmokłych), które umożliwiłyby spontaniczne odtworzenie się tej roślinności. Przeprowadzono analizy banku nasion metodą wschodu siewek. Na powierzchni, z której usunięto mursz, znaleziono niewiele zdolnych do kiełkowania nasion. Glebowy bank nasion był zdominowany przez kilka gatunków roślin ruderalnych (60% banku nasion) lub gatunków o szerokiej amplitudzie ekologicznej. Stwierdzono, że na badanym terenie istniejący glebowy bank nasion nie umożliwia spontanicznej regeneracji roślinności torfowiskowej.
Due to fragmentation and disappearance of wetland ecosystems after their transformation into productive agricultural land, the surface of peatlands in Western Europe in the 20th century declined by over 90% and in Central and Eastern Europe by 50 to 90%. Severely drained peatlands suffer form desiccation, large fluctuations of groundwater levels and advanced peat mineralization. Still, some of those areas preserved natural values and fen ecosystems or semi-natural fen meadows of high biodiversity could be restored there. In many western countries, nature management or nature restoration actions are carried out in order to conserve and improve the biodiversity of peatland areas. In Poland such actions are applied in Całowanie Fen, where the top soil removal method is tested (removal of 20 and 40 cm of top soil). This technique allows local improvement of moisture conditions, nutrient impoverishment and removal of the ruderal and nitrophilous vegetation together with its seed bank. The objective of this study was to check if any viable seeds of the typical plant species of fens or fen meadows are still present in the soil seed bank. If present, the soil seed bank would contribute to the re-establishment of target vegetation on the restoration plots. Lack of persistent seed bank and limited natural dispersal of the target plant species have been identified as main limitations of meadow restoration in Western Europe. The soil seed bank analyses were done with the seed germination method. In the process of degradation, the target species seed bank has been depleted. In order to assess the extent of this depletion, the soil seed bank of the degraded fen (Całowanie Fen) and well-preserved fen (fen near village Lipsk) were compared. On restored plots after top soil removal few viable seeds have been found and the soil seed bank was dominated by a few ruderal (60%) or common species that tolerate wide range of environmental conditions (e.g. Juncus articulatus). We concluded that in the studied site, the restoration of fen meadow community can not rely on spontaneous recovery of vegetation from the soil seed bank.
In pot experiments (1996 - 1998) the ability of weed seeds to resume growth in soil samples were studied. In general 4674 weeds/m2 emerged: 28% in 0-10 cm , 44% in 10-20 cm and 28% in 20-30 cm soil layer. Among the seedlings were summer annuals and summer or winter annuals. During the experiments 13 simulated tillages (rotary cultivator, plow) and 2 fallowings were made. After 148 days of experiments (3 tillages) emerged 51% total amonut of weeds, the next 349 days (fallowing - 171 +4 tillages - 178 days) resulted in 34% seedlings and during the last 412 days (fallowing 166 + 6 tillages - 246 days) were received 15% resumption of growth of seeds. In 776 days all viable seeds of Echcg emerged and after 909 days other 20 plants of Galpa/m2 and 22plants of Thlar/m2 (0,6% and 0,5% of the total amount of weeds resumed growth). Species: Echcg, Thlar and Galpa showed periodicity of resumption of growth of seeds.
W doświadczeniach laboratoryjnych (1996-1998) badano wschody chwastów z nasion znajdujących się w próbkach glebowych. Ogółem wzeszło 4674 sztuk chwastów /m2, w tym 28% w 0-10 cm, 44% w 10-20 cm i 28% w 20-30 cm warstwie gleb. W czasie badań wykonano 13 symulacji uprawowych (bronowanie, orka) i 2 ugorowania. Łącznie z trzech warstw (0-30 cm) po 148 dniach badań (3 uprawy) wzeszło 51% chwastów, po dalszych 349 dniach 34% a po ostatnich 412 dniach wschody zwiększyły się o 15%. Po 776 dniach wyeliminowano z glebowego banku całkowity zapas żywotnych nasion Echcg (48 sztuk/m2), natomiast po 909 dniach badań zanotowano jeszcze wschody Galpa i Thlar w liczbie odpowiednio: 29 i 22 szt/m2. Gatunki: Echinochloa crus-galli, Thlaspi arvense i Galinsoga parviflora wykazały periodyczność wznawiania wzrostu z nasion.
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