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The conducted review presents the possibility of using artificial neural networks in sectors related to environmental protection, agriculture, forestry, land uses, groundwater and bathymetric. Today there is a lot of research in these areas with different research methodologies. The result is the improvement of decision-making processes, design, and prediction of certain events that, with appropriate intervention, can prevent severe consequences for society. The review shows the capabilities to optimize and automate the processes of modeling urban and land dynamics. It examines the forecasts of assessment of the damage caused by natural phenomena. Detection of environmental changes via the analysis of certain time intervals and classification of objects on the basis of different images is presented. The practical aspects of this work include the ability to choose the correct artificial neural network model depending on the complexity of the problem. This factor is a novel element since previously reviewed articles did not encounter a study of the correlation between the chosen model or algorithm, depending on the use case or area of the problem. This article seeks to outline the reason for the interest in artificial intelligence. Its purpose is to find answers to the following questions: How can artificial neural networks be used for spatial analysis? What does the implementation of detailed algorithms depend on? It is proved that an artificial intelligence approach can be an effective and powerful tool in various domains where spatial aspects are important.
W materiałach I Kongresu Nauki Polskiej (Referat Sekcji Nauk o Ziemi, 1951) przedmiot badań nauk o Ziemi został sprecyzowany następująco: "Nauki o Ziemi badają środowisko geograficzne i poszczególne jego elementy oraz odkrywają prawa przyrody kształtujące to środowisko. Dostarczają one wiadomości o warunkach naturalnych i środkach produkcji oraz o możliwościach ich opanowania, użytkowania i przeobrażania dla dobra społeczeństwa". W systemie nauk o Ziemi główne miejsce przypada geografii. Geografia I połowy XX w. podlegała powolnym przemianom, zachowując długo dwa podstawowe kierunki - fizyczny i ekonomiczny (dawniej antropogeograficzny). Wobec istnienia kilku kierunków badawczych w dawnej geografii fizycznej i usamodzielnienia się tych kierunków w odrębne dziedziny geografia fizyczna stała się już dziś zbiorem nauk fizykogeograficznych. Tak powstały dziedziny, a obecnie już samodzielne nauki: geomorfologia, klimatologia, hydrologia, biogeografia, geografia gleb, kompleksowa geografia fizyczna (dziś zwana geoekologią). Podobnie w geografii ekonomicznej, stanowiącej dziś raczej zespół nauk ekonomicznogeograficznych, powstały nowe dziedziny tej geografii, a to: ludności, rolnictwa, transportu, przemysłu, turyzmu. Odrębną dziedziną stała się już wcześniej geografia regionalna; takimi są też dydaktyka geografii, geografia historyczna i historia geografii. Odrębnie rozwija się geologia, która w II połowie XX w. stanowiła już zespół nauk geologicznych, a w niej: geologia podstawowa - historyczna, dynamiczna i regionalna; mineralogia i petrografia, geochemia, hydrogeologia, geologia inżynierska o wyraźnie utylitarnym charakterze, coraz bardziej związana z geofizyką. Geofizyka pojawiła się w końcu XIX w. Dopiero jednak utworzenie w 1919 r. Międzynarodowej Unii Geodezji i Geofizyki dało możliwość rozwinięcia w jej ramach unii specjalistycznych. Geofizyka, jako początkowo stosowany dział fizyki, miała swe źródło w naukach fizycznych i częściowo geografii fizycznej, a także w geologii. Jako przykład można podać meteorologię - wespół z szeroko pojętą klimatologią. Takim przykładem jest też hydrologia (początkowo jako hydrografia). Inaczej rozwijała się nauka o morzu - oceanografia/oceanologia. Pozostałe nauki o Ziemi: geodezja, kartografia, a szczególnie gospodarka wodna, mają charakter bardziej utylitarny i są potraktowane pobieżniej, choć ich rola wyraźnie wzrasta. W jakim kierunku pójdzie rozwój nauk o Ziemi? O tym dyskutowano 9-10 XI 2004 r. na konferencji Wydziału VII PAN (Nauk o Ziemi i Nauk Górniczych) w związku z 25-leciem powstania Wydzialu. Sprawozdanie z konferencji, pod redakcją prof. Bogdana Ney'a, ukazało się drukiem w 2007 r. nakładem Wydzialu VII PAN oraz w "Przeglądzie Geofizycznym" (2009, nr 1-2).
In the materials from the I Congress of Polish Science the subject of the research in Earth sciences was made precise as follows: "Earth sciences study the geographical environment and its individual elements; they also discover the laws of nature which form this environment. They supply information on natural conditions and means of production and on the possibilities of their mastering, utilizing, and transforming for society's welfare". In the system of Earth sciences geography holds the main place. In the first half of the 20th century, geography was slowly changing, with two basic directions: physical and economic. Since the main branches of physical geography gradually became independent sciences, physical geography itself soon evolved into a complex of physicogeographical sciences. In this way, disciplines - nowadays independent sciences - such as geomorphology, climatology, hydrology, biogeography, soil geography, geoecology, had been formed. Analogously, new branches of economic geography - nowadays independent economicogeographic sciences - such as geography of population, of agriculture, transport, industry, tourism had been created. Regional geography became a separate discipline even earlier, as did educational geography, historical geography, and history of geography. Geology has developed separately; in the second half of the 20th century it was already a complex of geological sciences, including: basic geology (historical, dynamical and regional), mineralogy and petrography, hydrogeology, engineering geology (of a utilitarian character and closer related to geophysics). Geophysics appeared at the end of the 19th century. But only the founding in 1919 of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics made it possible to develop this science within specialist unions. Geophysics, being originally an applied branch of physics, had its origin not only in physical sciences, but also in physical geography and in geology. An example of this is meteorology, together with climatology in the wide sense of this term. Another example is provided by hydrology (originally hydrography). The science of the sea, oceanography/oceanology, had a different development. The remaining earth sciences - geodesy, cartography, and in particular water management - are of more utilitarian character and are discussed less thoroughly, although their role is clearly increasing. What will be the direction of the development of Earth sciences in the future? This was the topic of the conference of the 7th Department (Earth and Mining Sciences) of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which took place on November 9-10, 2004 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Department. The Conference Proceedings, edited by Prof. Bogdan Ney, were published in 2007, by the 7th Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and in "Geophysics Review" (2009, no. 1-2).
Content available remote Problemy badawcze georóżnorodności w geoturystyce
Bogactwo i zróżnicowanie fizycznych cech przyrody określane mianem georóżnorodności jest nowym zagadnieniem badawczym w naukach o Ziemi. Coraz częściej analizowane jest pod kątem przydatności w badaniach stanu środowiska przyrodniczego i wpływu budowy geologicznej i geomorfologii na bioróżnorodność. Definicja oraz metodyka badań georóżnorodności jest niejednoznaczna i ciągle podlega dyskusji. W artykule zebrano dotychczasową wiedzę w tym zakresie i przedstawiono zastosowanie oceny georóżnorodności w geoturystyce eksponując problemy badawcze z tym związane.
The richness and diversity of physical features of nature known as geodiversity is a new issue of research in geosciences. Increasingly, it is analyzed in terms of usefulness in the study of the natural environment and impact of geology and geomorphology on biodiversity. The definition and methodology of geodiversity is ambiguous and still subject to discussion. The article summarized current knowledge in this field and presents the application of the assessment of geodiversity in geotourism emphasizing research problems associated with it.
Content available remote DEM, stereogramy i anaglify
Po wprowadzeniu do geologii numerycznego modelu terenu (DEM) poprawia się jakość map i zostaje przywrócone duże znaczenie analizy rzeźby terenu w powierzchniowych badaniach geologicznych. Cieniowanie podkreślające elementy rzeźby terenu i całe ich zespoły, jak i izolinie hipsometryczne i barwy spowodowały powodują zwiększenie czytelności, lub w ogóle ujawniają związki morfologii terenu z geologią. W geomorfologii są przydatne rzuty perspektywiczne terenu, a starannie dobrane parametry prezentacji DEM są elementem inspiracji badawczej przez ujawnianie, niespodziewanych w danym obszarze, lub nieznanych dotąd przestrzennych asocjacji form terenu. Wszystkie obrazy DEM w niniejszym tekście zostały wygenerowane na podstawie uprzejmie udostępnionego przez Zarząd Geografii Wojskowej DEM opracowanego na podstawie DTED poziomu 2.
DEM (Digital Elevation Model) applied in geology upgrades quality of geological maps and revaluates geomorphology as important research tool in geological mapping. Shadowing exposes various terrain form and their complexes, hypsometric contourlines and colors emphasize the relationships between terrain sculpture and morphology. In geomorphology a perspective projections play important role, and carefully chosen DEM presentation parameters are inspiring the scientific exploration of terrain history and modifications. All DEM illustrations in the text were generated from the kindly offered DEM by the Board of Military Geography derived from DTED level 2.
Ignacy Domeyko was born on July 31, 1802 in Niedźwiadka, Novogrodek district. After attending the Piarist College in Szczuczyn he studied at the Vilna University and got the M. Sc. degree in 1822. As member of the illegal Philomat Society was interned till 1829. In 1831 as participant of anti-Russian insurrection had to escape to Prussia, from where moved to Saxony and France. In the years 1832-1838 Domeyko was studying exact and geosciences at Sorbonne and École des Mines. Invited by the Government of Chile was teaching physico-chemical and geo-sciences in the Coquimbo College in La Serena in the years 1838-1846, carrying out large-scale geological and ethnographic field studies as well as chemical-mineralogical investigations. In the years 1846-1884 Domeyko was very active as academic teacher and in the period 1867-1883 as rector of the Chile University in Santiago, continuing research works and reforming local education system. His many-sided activity contributed significantly to economic and educational progress of Chile. In the final stage of his life (1884-1888) Domeyko, as already world-wide known scientist, could visit his homeland and other European countries, as well as Holy Land, but on the way back felt ill and on January 23, 1889 died in Santiago admired and venerated by Chileans as their apostle of science and education. The present paper deals with essential Domeyko's achievements in geosciences. Already during his stay in Paris the results of his observations on sinking of the area of East Prussia in historic times were published and Domeyko has prepared the geographic atlas of the territory of the native Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth but only its part could be printed. In Chile, apart from didactic activity, accented by edition of handbooks on mineralogy and assaying, Domeyko was carrying out large-scale geological, mining and mineralogical investigations of Andes showing predilection to chemical analyses of collected materials. As follows from the inspection of archival materials, he is the author of at least 160 analyses of various, often chemically very complicated, minerals (including meteorites) and about 60 analyses of waters. This resulted in the discovery of several new minerals which were announced in renowned European periodicals. One of them - copper arsenide - was named by W. Haidinger domeykite. Besides, several Andean fossils sent by Domeyko to France were by A. d'Orbigny and other French palaeontolo- gists named after their discoverer. Following several minor papers on regional geology, including detailed studies of volcanic phenomena, he published in 1878 in Polish a monograph on Chilean Cordilleras and ore deposits, comparing some their fragments with similar horizons in the Polish Carpathians. These and other problems treated by Domeyko in numerous publications are discussed in the present paper. Domeyko's achievements were highly appreciated by several European and American scientific societies and universities by conferring him memberships and honorary doctorates. Moreover, due to his exceptional personality and spirituality, expressed in deeply Christian virtues realized in private and social life, Domeyko is a candidate for beatification. Geoscientists of Poland, Lithuania, Chile, Belorussia, France and other countries are celebrating 200th anniversary of his birth, paying homage to this eminent citizen of the world.
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