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Precise determination of the location of underground utility networks is crucial in the field of civil engineering for: the planning and management of space with densely urbanized areas, infrastructure modernization, during construction and building renovations. In this way, damage to underground utilities can be avoided, damage risks to neighbouring buildings can be minimized, and human and material losses can be prevented. It is important to determine not only the location but also the type of underground utility network. Information about location and network types improves the process of land use design and supports the sustainable development of urban areas, especially in the context of construction works in build-up areas and areas planned for development. The authors were inspired to conduct research on this subject by the development of a methodology for classifying network types based on images obtained in a non-invasive way using a Leica DS2000 ground penetrating radar. The authors have proposed a new classification algorithm based on the geometrical properties of hyperboles that represent underground utility networks. Another aim of the research was to automate the classification process, which may support the user in selecting the type of network in images that are sometimes highly noise-laden. The developed algorithm shortens the time required for image interpretation and the selection of underground objects, which is particularly important for inexperienced operators. The classification results revealed that the average effectiveness of the classification of network types ranged from 42% to 70%, depending on the type of infrastructure.
Precyzyjne określenie położenia podziemnych sieci uzbrojenia terenu jest kluczowe w dziedzinie inżynierii lądowej w zakresie prac modernizacyjnych infrastruktury, podczas budowy i remontów obiektów oraz przy planowaniu i zarządzaniu przestrzenią o gęstej urbanizacji. Wiele zadań administracji publicznej takich jak: pozyskiwanie gruntów, zarządzanie własnością i planowanie zależy od wiarygodności lokalizacji uzbrojenia podziemnego. Pozwala to uniknąć zniszczeń uzbrojenia podziemnego, zminimalizować ryzyko uszkodzeń sąsiednich budynków oraz zapobiec stratom ludzkim i materialnym. Ważne jest, aby określić nie tylko lokalizację, ale również rodzaj sieci uzbrojenia podziemnego. Informacja o lokalizacji i rodzajach sieci usprawnia proces projektowania zagospodarowania terenu i wspiera zrównoważony rozwój obszarów miejskich, zwłaszcza w kontekście prac budowlanych na terenach zabudowanych i planowanych do zabudowy w dziedzinie inżynierii lądowej. Motywacją autorów do podjęcia tematu badawczego było opracowanie metodyki klasyfikacji typów sieci na podstawie bezinwazyjnie pozyskanych obrazów georadarem Leica DS2000. Autorzy zaproponowali nowy algorytm klasyfikacji bazujący na cechach geometrycznych hiperbol reprezentujących sieci podziemne. Celem pracy była również automatyzacja procesu klasyfikacji, który może wspomóc użytkownika w wyborze typu sieci na czasami bardzo zaszumionych obrazach. Echogramy pozyskano w kilkunastu różnych lokalizacjach w Otwocku i na obszarze Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej w Warszawie. Opracowany algorytm pozwala na skrócenie czasu interpretacji obrazów i selekcji obiektów podziemnych, co jest szczególnie istotne dla niedoświadczonych operatorów. Wyniki klasyfikacji wykazały, że średnia skuteczność klasyfikacji typów sieci waha się w graniach od 42% do 70% w zależności od rodzaju infrastruktury podziemnej.
The electrical resistivity, i.e. electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and direct current-resistivity sounding (DC-ERS), and ground penetrating radar (GPR) methods were deployed to assess a gully erosion site in Bacoco area of Calabar, Nigeria. The study aims to assess the mechanism and dynamics of the gully erosion conditions in the area based on shallow lithostrati-graphic evaluations. The results revealed good contrast in the operative properties (i.e. electrical resistivity and dielectric permittivity) between competent and weak zones along the profiles close to the gully head. The joint interpretations provided reliable shallow subsurface models and lithologies that consist predominantly of lateritic top cover and sands. However, the ERT model delineates the contrast between lithologies and demarcates the weak zones from the relatively competent zones, in contrast to the responses generated by the GPR technique. This joint interpretation approach minimizes the uncertainty due to the non-uniqueness problems common to the geophysical technique. Also, the geophysical interpretations were constrained using lithologic information from the gully walls and one-dimensional (1-D) DC-ERS inverted model to provide additional validity. Our findings suggest the influence of structural control on gully formation and demonstrate its contribution to the complex interactions with other drivers, such as seepages through porous media and high-energy runoff due to intense rainfall. The rapid, non-invasive and environmentally friendly characteristics of ERT and GPR techniques favour their applicability in assessing shallow subsurface environmental problems.
Celem pierwszych nieinwazyjnych badań – pomiarówgeofizycznych i skanowań laserowych w techniceLIDAR – przeprowadzonych wewnątrz kościoła wileńskiegobyło wstępne rozpoznanie struktury podziemii ich powiązanie z częścią nadziemną. Wykonanieponad 200 profilowań w obrębie kilku poligonów pomiarowycho zróżnicowanych rozmiarach i lokalizacjipotwierdziło obecność dwukondygnacyjnych podziemi.Na całej przebadanej powierzchni, tuż poniżejposadzki, widoczne są liczne punktowe strefy wzmocnieniasygnału, które należy wiązać z posadowieniempłytek ceramicznej podłogi. Na poziomie około 0,5 mponiżej poziomu gruntu, w centralnej części kościołana uzyskanych obrazach GPR widoczny jest podział napoprzecznie rozdzielone segmenty, które odpowiadająprzejściu fali EM przez sklepienia centralnego pomieszczeniawspartego na filarach, które zadokumentowanoskaningiem laserowym w formie modelu 3D.
The objective of the first non-invasive research—ageophysical survey and laser scan using LIDAR technology—performed in the church in Vilnius was toinitially explore the underground structures and mapthem to the overground part of the building. Over200 profiles obtained in a few measuring polygons ofvarious sizes and locations confirmed the presenceof two-levelled crypts. On the entire surveyed surface,just below the floor surface, there are numerouspoints of signal amplification zones, which shouldbe associated with the fixing of ceramic floor tiles. Atapprox. 0.50 m below the ground level, in the centralpart of the church, the GPR images show a divisioninto transversely separated segments which correlatewith the passage of the EM wave through the vaultsof the central room supported by columns. It wasdocumented by laser scanning in the form of a 3Dmodel.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań georadarowych (GPR) przeprowadzonych w gdańskim Żurawiu. Badania wykonano na posadzce najniższej kondygnacji baszt południowej i północnej. Celem eksperymentu jest ocena możliwości wykrycia anomalii znajdujących się pod posadzką. Badania przeprowadzono metodami nieniszczącymi, wykorzystując georadar z antenami o częstotliwości2 GHz oraz 400/900 MHz. W artykule porównano mapy tomograficzne oraz echogramy (B-skany)uzyskane z obu pomiarów. W związku z obecnie trwającymi pracami remontowymi tego obiektu zabytkowego o dużej randze historycznej możliwe było skonfrontowanie otrzymanych wyników z elementami odkrytymi podczas prowadzenia wykopów. W pracy udowodniono efektywność wykorzystania metody GPR do wykrycia w ziemi takich elementów jak belki drewniane, rury, podbudowa kamienna czy właz. Wskazano również wyższość anteny o częstotliwości 2 GHz w przypadku odnalezienia elementów głębiej położonych.
This paper presents the results of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey carried out at the Crane in Gdańsk. The measurements were conducted on the floor of the southern and northern towers. The aim of the experiment is to assess the possibility of detecting anomalies beneath the floor. The surveys were carried out in a non-destructive manner, using a georadar unit with 2 GHz and 400/900 MHz antennas. This paper compares the tomographic maps and echograms (B-scans) obtained from both measurements. In view of the on going renovation of this monument of great historical importance, it was possible to compare the results obtained with the elements uncovered during the excavation. The paper proves the effectiveness of using the GPR method to detect elements such as wooden beams, pipes, stone substructures or manholes in the ground. The superiority of the 2 GHz antenna was also demonstrated for the detection of deeper elements.
The article considers the issues of applying ground penetrating radar (GPR) technologies for engineering purposes concerning subsurface research. It describes the field of application of GPR research during road construction and operation and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of engineering survey. It presents comparative data on the accuracy (inaccuracy) of existing GPR control methods applied to determine the thickness of the monolithic pavement layers in Europe, CIS, and the USA. The main provisions of the GPR survey procedure are described, including four main stages: the analysis of initial materials of surveyed section and equipment preparation; GPR survey; geological verification; processing and interpreting of radargrams; and the preparation of a report. Geophysical works were performed using the geo-radar of the OKO series as part of the road measuring complex DVK-05 on the section of the Astana-Petropavlovsk A-1 highway with cement concrete pavement and on the section of the R-12 "Kokshetau - Atbasar" with asphalt pavement. The example of a radargram and the core sample of a cement concrete pavement taken during geological verification of the thickness of a monolithic layer is presented. Graphs of variation in the thickness of pavement layers by radargrams of longitudinal passages in the indicated road sections with the assumptions about the nature of the heterogeneity of the obtained values are given. The obtained results on the thickness of monolithic layers (cement concrete and asphalt concrete) were assessed on the criteria of quantitative deviation from the required standard value. Recommendations were provided to address positive deviations in the thickness of monolithic pavement layers at various stages of the road survey.
The primary function of the river dike system is to safeguard lives and property from flood hazards. However, due to aging infrastructure and various geological or anthropogenic factors, certain vulnerable sections of the dike system can emerge as the water level in the river increases. Flood maps are one tool that presents vital information for authorities and residents in the flood risk mitigation. This study's primary goal is to provide a flood map under the dike break condition using the estimated fracture size parameters from a geo-radar survey and the MIKE FLOOD model. This approach addresses the observed research gap by utilizing a survey database instead of relying on empirical models which are capable to produce the conservative estimates of the dike breach outflow. A case study is conducted on the Hoang Long River dike system in Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam.
Cam Mountain in An Giang Province, Vietnam, is a granite peak that is severely fractured and eroded on its slopes and summit. Trees cover the top of the mountain and around the side of the mountain. The roads are the primary means of transportation for indigenous people and tourists daily. Recently, there has been a phenomenon of large-sized boulders rolling down from the top of the mountain, causing an accident and killing tourists. To investigate the internal causes of landslides on a 2.3 km road stretch, geophysical profiles using GPR and seismic refraction methods were conducted to clarify the current status of geological structures beneath the road surface. The refractive seismic data analysis revealed four distinct layers based on elastic wave propagation velocity. Velocity values range from 1000 to 3000 m/s for the 2 upper layers corresponding to the weathered, broken, and highly fractured rock layers and in the lower 2 layers from 3000 to more than 4500 m/s, respectively corresponding to less fractured rock on the depth of more than 50 m. According to GPR data, the structural cross-section to an average depth of 30 m is a more complex picture. Detected 6 layers with different degrees of fracture cracking and showing different structural zones. In a few places are the drainage creeks from the mountain. These places need to be monitored regularly to have a basis for predicting landslides and rockfalls in the area of Cam Mountain. Landslides occur in geological rocks which are of different ages: claystone, mudstone, siltstone, shale, or marlstone. The rock-falls occur in more compact rocks: metamorphic or igneous rocks.
In Europe, the area of soil degraded by over-compaction is estimated at 33 million hectares. The aim of the research was the potential working resistance of the tool in the soil medium based on the analysis of the GPR echogram. The scope of the research included strain gauge measurement of the tool working resistance force in the TUZ. The experiment included several ranges of tool operating depth, the limit of which was tractor drive wheel slippage exceeding 50%. The measurement of compactness was carried out in the trace of the tractor drive wheels at intervals resulting from subsoil variability; the depth of soil penetration was 0.8m. GPR scanning using the reflexive profiling method was carried out in the tractor wheel track, which was at the same time the footprint of the measurement of the working resistance force. Comparison of the obtained characteristics, i.e. working resistance force and echogram gave satisfactory results, however, it should be noted that their use is limited to a homogenous soil environment. In case of changes in the soil environment, the measuring system should be calibrated each time, so that the GPR echogram is adequate to the generated resistance force of the tool or soil compactness determined with the penetrometer. It was observed that: a) the number of passes less than four influenced only the compaction of topsoil up to the level of 0.2m, whereas with a greater number of passes this influence was also transferred to lower layers of the soil profile, b) each of the methods showed on average over 2 times increase in compactness between the profile of non-compacted soil and that of soil after eight passes by the tractor wheels.
W Europie powierzchnię gleb zdegradowanych w wyniku nadmiernego zagęszczenia szacuje się na 33 mln ha. Celem badań był potencjalny opór roboczy narzędzia w ośrodku glebowym na podstawie analizy echogramu GPR. Zakres badań obejmował tensometryczny pomiar siły oporu roboczego narzędzia w TUZ. Eksperyment obejmował kilka zakresów głębokości pracy narzędzia, których granicą był poślizg kół napędowych ciągnika przekraczający 50%. Pomiar zwięzłości przeprowadzono w śladzie kół napędowych ciągnika w odstępach wynikających ze zmienności podłoża; głębokość penetracji gruntu wynosiła 0,8 m. Skanowanie georadarowe metodą profilowania refleksyjnego przeprowadzono w śladzie kół ciągnika, który był jednocześnie śladem pomiaru siły oporu roboczego. Porównanie uzyskanych charakterystyk, tj. siły oporu roboczego i echogramu dało zadowalające wyniki, jednak należy zaznaczyć, że ich zastosowanie jest ograniczone do jednorodnego środowiska gruntowego. W przypadku zmian środowiska gruntowego należy każdorazowo kalibrować układ pomiarowy, tak aby echogram GPR był adekwatny do generowanej siły oporu narzędzia lub zwięzłości gruntu wyznaczonej penetrometrem. Stwierdzono, że: a) liczba przejazdów mniejsza niż cztery wpływała jedynie na zagęszczenie wierzchniej warstwy gleby do poziomu 0,2 m, natomiast przy większej liczbie przejazdów wpływ ten przenosił się również na niższe warstwy profilu glebowego, b) każda z metod wykazała średnio ponad 2-krotny wzrost zagęszczenia pomiędzy profilem gleby niezagęszczonej a profilem gleby po ośmiu przejazdach kół ciągnika.
Artykuł przedstawia zyskujące w ostatnim czasie na popularności i znaczeniu elektromagnetyczne metody nieniszczące badań (skanowania konstrukcji), indukcję elektromagnetyczną zwaną też metodą prądów wirowych (Eddy Current) i metodę georadarową (GPR). Przybliżono ich zasadę działania, możliwości i ograniczenia, a przede wszystkim porównano uzyskane nimi wyniki na podstawie przeprowadzonych przez autora skanowań.
Article presents the recently gaining popularity and importance electromagnetic nondestructive concrete scanning methods, electromagnetic induction (also known as eddy current or Foucault’s currents) and ground penetrating radar (GPR). It discusses their principle of operation, possibilities and limitations, and above all compares the obtained results based on the scans performed by the author.
The results of laboratory experiments that show the capabilities of modern georadars are presented. Analysis of GPR capabilities allowed to propose a new approach to solving the actual problem of detecting subsurface cracks. The proposed method for recording pulse signals and data processing is based on algorithms and software previously developed by the authors. With the help of this method and the experiments carried out, the possibility of agreed solution to the problem of choosing the optimal parameters of the GPR pulsed signals was shown. To confirm the effectiveness of the developed signal processing methods, a series of laboratory experiments were carried out. The new version of the program "GeoVizy-2020" made it possible to increase the efficiency of processing complex impulse signals, as well as to realize the possibility of calculating the quantitative values of the most important parameters of the road pavement layers - the relative permittivity and thickness. Also, to check the adequacy of the results obtained, a method was used, which is based on the procedure for direct measurement of the real layer thickness in laboratory and field conditions and comparison of the data obtained with the results of numerical simulation. As a result, evidence is presented of the advantages of using pulsed signals for assessing layer parameters, searching for subsurface cracks and processing the results of surveys of road surfaces is presented.
Content available remote Location of agate geodes in Permian deposits of Simota gully using the GPR
The article describes the establishment of the location of agate geodes using the GPR method in the area of the Simota gully (Lesser Poland Voivodeship). Agates (a multicolored variety of gemstone of chalcedony group) have multifaceted values that informed their study. Traditional methods of geode location are less reliable, hence the attempt to use the GPR method. Measurements were taken at two study test sites with subsurface geology of weathered melaphyre and pyroclastic deposits using a GPR system (ProEx). A high-frequency antenna (1.6 GHz) was used along with the pre-established profles of lengths of 6-m and 10-cm intervals. Furthermore, simple soil tests using the soil sampler tool were made prior to the GPR measurement. The GPR results show signifcant high attenuation of the electromagnetic energy interpreted to be due to clay components of the regolith. Advanced signal processing procedures (such as the attribute of the signal) were used on the data for better enhancement that aided interpretation. Other anomalies depicted on the radargrams were thought to be the presence of roots, pieces of melaphyres-targeted agates. Furtherance to ascertain the refection coefcients as recorded on the GPR data, in situ samples (root pieces, melaphyres, agates) taken were tested in the laboratory for electric permittivity property. Based on the interpretation results, several agate geodes were dug out from the ground.
There is a very strong link between the behavior of ground penetrating radar (GPR) wave propagation in zinc-contaminated soil and the dielectric properties of soil. This relationship can be of signifcant use in the practices of quick detecting the degree of pollution in zinc-contaminated soil. In this research, measurements were conducted on the zinc-contaminated soil samples with diferent soil index properties (i.e., zinc ion concentration, wet density and moisture content). The radar refection wave data of the common midpoint and common-ofset sounding mode were obtained by using the 600 MHz antenna, and the relative permittivity was measured using the vector network analyzer. The attribute analysis of radar refection wave shows that the wave velocity is afected by wet density and moisture content, but independent of zinc ion concentration. Both the amplitude and the peak frequency decrease with the increase in zinc ion concentration, wet density and moisture content. For the soil dielectric properties, the metal ions can change the conductivity of solution in soil, afecting the imaginary part of relative permittivity, but with little efect on the real part. The positive correlations between the relative permittivity with density and moisture content are caused by the variation of three-phase composition of soil. Besides, the measured soil dielectric properties and the radar refected wave attributes confrm each other, which can well explain the change rules of electromagnetic wave velocity, amplitude and central frequency. The presented results can increase understanding and confdence on GPR for quantitative monitoring and detecting of zinc-contaminated soil.
Tereny dawnej płytkiej eksploatacji górniczej na obszarze Górnego Śląska są szczególnie zagrożone deformacjami nieciągłymi. Staje się to szczególnie istotne na obszarach już zabudowanych oraz takich, gdzie planuje się ich zabudowę. Jednym z obszarów dawnej intensywnej płytkiej eksploatacji węgla są tereny w obrębie miasta Chorzów. Zostały one zabudowane w XIX i XX wieku, często w rejonach położonych nad płytko zalegającymi chodnikami lub innymi wyrobiskami podziemnymi. Stateczność takich wyrobisk oraz nadległych skał stropowych zabezpieczała w przeszłości ich obudowa. Niestety pod wpływem różnych procesów z czasem następuje utrata jej własności nośnych, czego przejawem są lokalne zawały stropu, a następnie deformacje dochodzące do powierzchni terenu. Stateczność takiego podłoża, a także możliwość zabezpieczenia konstrukcji obiektu budowlanego, jest zależna od jego aktualnych cech strukturalnych. Jedną z metod pozwalających na szczegółowe rozpoznanie struktury podłoża na terenach występowania płytko położonych wyrobisk górniczych jest metoda georadarowa. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości i analizę wyników badań wykonanych tą metodą na terenie pogórniczym, gdzie planowana jest budowa nowego obiektu, który to teren w przeszłości był już objęty pracami uzdatniającymi.
The areas of Upper Silesia are threatened by possible deformations caused by old shallow mining. This becomes particularly important in areas already built-up and those that are planned. to be built-up. Chorzów City is one where shallow mining exploitation was very intensive. In the past, the stability of such galleries and a rock mass were protected by housing of these galleries. Under the influence of weathering processes, the housing lose its properties what is the reason of local roof falls occurrence and deformations of the surface. The stability of such a substrate as well as the possibility of securing the structure of a building object depends on its current structural features. The GPR method is one of the methods that allows detailed identification of the structure of the ground with shallow mining pits. The article presents an analysis of the results of research using this method for post-mining area on which the construction of a new facility is planned and which in the past was already covered by treatment works.
W artykule przedstawiono relacje między stopniem zagęszczenia gruntu określonym penetrometrem stożkowym, przewodnością elektryczną gruntu na wybranych głębokościach jego profilu określoną konduktometrem oraz echogramem wykonanym georadarem. Badania przeprowadzono w warunkach rzeczywistych a do zagęszczania gruntu wykorzystano ciągnik rolniczy wyposażony w standardowe opony. Zidentyfikowano istotną zbieżność wyników pomiarów dla wszystkich metod pomiarowych, która pozwala stosować je wymiennie do identyfikacji nadmiernego zagęszczenia gruntu np. śladów przejazdu maszyn a także innych anomalii w zagęszczeniu gruntu pod warunkiem istnienia wyrównanych parametrów wilgotnościowych mierzonego ośrodka.
The article presents the relationship between the degree of soil compaction determined by a cone penetrometer and soil electrical conductivity at selected depths of its profile determined by a conductometer and a GPR echogram. The tests were carried out in real conditions and an agricultural tractor equipped with standard tires was used for soil compaction. Significant convergence of measurement results was identified for all measurement methods, which allows them to be used interchangeably to identify excessive soil compaction, e.g. machine tracks, as well as other anomalies in soil compaction, provided that the humidity parameters of the measured medium are equal.
This paper presents a suggested approach for forensic investigation of bridge decks in which Ground penetrating radar (GPR) consisting of two antennas is used to assess the current conditions. The methodology was tested on a bridge deck in central Sicily. The acquired data were analyzed for identifying the asphalt overlay thickness, concrete cover depth and deck thickness and location of the rebar reinforcement. In the proposed approach for assessing bridge deck conditions the GPR survey was complemented with (i) a site investigation on layer thicknesses for calibration/verification purposes of the GPR response and (ii) a Terrestrial Laser Scanning system (TLS) to verify the bridge design slab curvature. The study shows that this methodology has significant merits on accurately assessing such bridge deck components when bridge design records are non-existing, and by using non-invasive methods such as laser scanning and GPR. The great advantage provided by the TLS technique is the possibility to obtain a 3D output model of the scanned element with the accuracy of the best topographic instruments in order to complement GPR data surveys for bridge inspection.
Intensified investment processes in construction have resulted in increased interest in the methods of efficient detection, verification and location of underground utility networks. In addition to the well-known pipe and cable locating equipment, which has increased its efficiency and reliability through the development of technologies, GPRs are becoming more and more popular. This publication presents the results of the experimental research carried out with the use of GPRs manufactured by two different companies as well as the results of the verification of underground utilities in real conditions. The GPRs have worked in the mode of the real-time location of their own position using the GNSS system or robotic total stations. The GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) surveys performed on a test field, consisting of 9 pipes with a known position, were aimed at assessing the accuracy of their identification on echograms. The utility line location errors were determined using three different combinations between the GPR and the locating instrument. It allowed the evaluation of the possibility of using these solutions for detection, verification and location of underground utility networks in the light of the Polish legal regulations and the British specification PAS 128. The verification in real conditions was carried out in a typical urban space, characterised by an intense occurrence of underground utilities, that is, sewage systems, gas pipelines and power cables. It was based on the GESUT database captured from the county geodetic and cartographic documentation centre. The results of the visual analysis of the materials captured with the help of two measurement systems were described in detail, however, the verification was carried out only for one set of data. The authors have presented the procedure of processing echograms and detecting the location of pipeline axes based on their vectorisation. The authors of this research paper have performed a numerical analysis of the compliance of the profiles of utility lines with the information from the base map for two variants of the GPR data integration with the coordinates. The authors of this research paper have also presented an alternative concept of capturing the profile of a utility line in the field based on the processing of GPR data in 3D – the so-called C-scan. The conclusions summarise the possible factors affecting the surveying results and the methods of eliminating sources of errors, both for the GPR and geodetic data.
W artykule dokonano analizy wykorzystania georadaru do identyfikacji anomalii zagęszczenia antropogeniczne gruntu w jego profilu do głębokości 1 m. Do badań wykorzystano antenę o częstotliwości 800 MHz, które przeprowadzono metodą profilowania refleksyjnego polegającego na tym, że obie anteny przesuwały się równocześnie wzdłuż ścieżek pomiarowych i prostopadle do analizowanego profilu glebowego. Równolegle do metody georadarowej użyto metody penetrometrycznej, której wyniki stanowiły punkt odniesienia dla otrzymanego w czasie badań georadarowych echogramu. Porównanie wyników badań daje zadowalające wyniki, które uzasadniają przeprowadzenie szczegółowych badań dotyczących parametryzacji metody georadarowej w odniesieniu do metody penetrometrycznej.
The article analyzes the use of the georadar to identify anomalies of anthropogenic soil density in its profile on a depth of 1 m. An 800 MHz receiver was used for the research. The study was carried out by reflective profiling. It consists in the fact that both receivers move simultaneously along the measuring paths and perpendicular to the analyzed soil profile. Parallel to the georadar method, the penetrometric method was used. The results of this second method were a reference point for the echogram obtained during the georadar studies. The comparison of the test results gave satisfactory results that justify the detailed research on the parameterization of the georadar method with respect to the penetrometric method.
Analysis of the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) numerical simulation of ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurement for locating burial sites is described in this paper. Effective, efficient, and reliability interpretation of GPR field data obtained from clandestine sites is very crucial in forensic investigations. The main goal of the study is the prediction of the change in the interaction of the electromagnetic incident on changes in buried bodies with time. In order to achieve this, the research involves the modeling of the GPR electromagnetic pulse energy responses to simulated changes in buried body with time with a view to understand what the results of real field measurement will give. The field measurements were conducted with GPR system manufactured by Mala Geoscience with antennae frequency of 500 MHz, 250 MHz, and 100 MHz. Responses from both synthetic and field radargrams depict the target was intercepted at same time (approximately 25 ns). The results have demonstrated that FDTD modeling is an important tool for enhancing the reliability of GPR data interpretation particularly for forensic study.
Utrzymanie podtorza w stanie umożliwiającym prawidłową eksploatację i ciągłość ruchu kolejowego wymaga wydajnego i efektywnego systemu odwodnienia. Sprawne odprowadzanie wody wzdłuż torowisk, oprócz zasadniczego znaczenia dla trwałości i stateczności podtorza, wpływa na prawidłowe działanie rozjazdów, urządzeń SRK i innych urządzeń zasilanych prądem elektrycznym. Nieodpowiednia konstrukcja drenażu lub brak właściwego utrzymania i konserwacji może prowadzić do awarii, wpływając na bezpieczeństwo ruchu i wzrost kosztów utrzymania. Artykuł przedstawia możliwości wykorzystania do oceny stanu odwodnienia struktury torowiska nieniszczących metod pomiarowych, takich jak skanowanie laserowe 3D oraz georadar.
Maintaining of the railway subgrade in a condition enabling proper operation and continuity of traffic flow requires an efficient and effective dehydration system. The efficient drainage along the tracks, in addition to the essential importance for the durability and stability of the subgrade, affects the correct operation of turnouts, SRK devices and other devices powered by electricity. Inadequate drainage design or lack of proper maintenance can lead to failure and affecting the safety of journeys and increase in maintenance costs. The article presents the possibilities of using for non-destructive measurement methods, such as 3D laser scanning and georadar, to assess the drainage state of the track structure.
Content available remote The application of non-standard GPR techniques for the examination of river dikes
A standard measurement procedure currently applied in the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method is shortoffset reflection profiling. As this procedure delivers data that is suited only for qualitative interpretation, its application should be limited exclusively to reconnaissance surveys. There are various other techniques used in GPR surveying that may be regarded as non-standard, such as multi-offset and adaptable-polarisation surveying and tomography. Because these techniques deliver information that allows for quantitative interpretation, they could be applied for the detailed examination of geological media and investigations of various buried anthropogenic targets. This paper focuses on the application of non-standard GPR techniques for the detection of high-porosity zones in river dikes. Results from both field surveys and numerical modelling are presented.
Standardową techniką pomiarową stosowaną obecnie w metodzie georadarowej (GPR) jest krótkooffsetowe profilowanie refleksyjne. Technika ta dostarcza jedynie informacji do interpretacji jakościowej, więc powinna być stosowania tylko w badaniach rekonesansowych. W metodzie GPR jest kilka technik pomiarowych, które można uznać obecnie za niestandardowe, tzn. badania zmienno-offsetowe i zmiennopolaryzacyjne oraz tomografia otwór–otwór i otwór–powierzchnia. Techniki niestandardowe dostarczają informacji do interpretacji ilościowej więc powinny być stosowane w szczegółowych badaniach ośrodka geologicznego i obiektów antropogenicznych. W artykule skupiono się na zastosowaniu niestandardowych technik pomiarowych do wykrywania stref podwyższonej porowatości w wałach przeciwpowodziowych. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów terenowych oraz modelowań numerycznych.
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