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In the commune of Bel Younech, which constitutes the eastern part of the Site of Biological and Ecological Interest (SBEI) of Jbel Moussa (Tangier, Tetouan, Al Hoceima, NW Morocco), 13 geosites have been selected along a 14-stop georoad. These sites are characterized by relevant geological diversity representing structural geology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, petrology, geomorphology, hydrogeology and hydrology. Some of these geosites also have a very interesting geoculture. The geodiversity sites have been evaluated using a numerical methodology based on recent literature that aimed to reduce the subjectivity related to any evaluation process. The evaluation concerned the scientific value (SV), the potential for educational use (PEU), the potential for tourist use (PTU) and the risk of degradation (DR), which was quantified using various criteria by assigning scores ranging from 0 to 4. The results of the quantitative assessment show that 8 sites with a scientific value greater than or equal to 3.5; this value allows them to be considered as geosites. The average values of the PUE and PUT were very high (3.7 and 3.5) while the risk of degradation was moderate (2.03). The values obtained justify the need of valorization and conservation of Bel Younech commune geosites by integrating the fundamental concepts of sustainable development. In fact, all the geosites are located on a 14-stop georoad; this could serve the geotourism as well as promote the activity and economic development of this commune. This work could be used for scientific, educational (within the framework of earth sciences) and touristic purposes.
The article refers to the ongoing discussion around the idea of geological heritage protection. In this context, the genesis, course and results of the activities of the Commission for Nature Conservation of the Polish Geological Institute, operating in 1926–1934, have been recalled. This commission, acting on the initiative of S. Małkowski, contributed to the recognition, implementation and dissemination of the idea of protection of geological features. It also made a significant contribution to the theoretical and practical achievements in this area. Due to many publications, the results of commission's activity were disseminated in the country and abroad. In 1928, the “Zabytki Przyrody Nieożywionej Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej” (Eng. “Monuments of Geological Features of the Republic of Poland”, Fr. “Monuments de la Nature Inanimée de la République Polonaise”) was the only journal in the world that specialized exclusively on the geological features.
The paper describes the achievements of the Earth Museum Society, referring mostly to the activities of S. Matkowski (1889-1962), especially in the interwar period. The importance and significance of his efforts to popularize geological sciences, including organizing the central geological museum (The Earth Museum), protection of geological collections, field work, and publishing activities are presented. The establishment of the Earth Museum Society in 1932 was to enable S. Matkowski to achieve these goals better and faster.
Geopark Świętokrzyski to pierwszy Światowy Geopark UNESCO funkcjonujący w całości na terytorium Polski. Geopark położony jest w południowo-zachodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich, na obszarze charakteryzującym się zróżnicowaną budową geologiczną, która odzwierciedla się także w specyfice rzeźby terenu. Ewolucja morfologiczna tego obszaru uwarunkowana została głównie zróżnicowaną budową litologiczną i strukturalną podłoża podczwartorzędowego oraz oddziaływaniem różnych procesów morfogenetycznych wynikających ze zmian klimatycznych zachodzących w kenozoiku. Obecne ukształtowanie terenu Geoparku stanowi wypadkową wszystkich tych uwarunkowań oraz antropopresji związanej z dawną i współczesną eksploatacją surowców mineralnych. W granicach Geoparku Świętokrzyskiego modelowym obszarem, na którym można obserwować te zależności jest Chęcińsko-Kielecki Park Krajobrazowy. Dziedzictwo geomorfologiczne rozumiane jako część dziedzictwa geologicznego związanego z formami ukształtowania terenu, decyduje o wysokim potencjale geoturystycznym tego obszaru. Praktyczne wykorzystanie tego potencjału dla zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego obszaru objętego granicami Geoparku jest przedmiotem działań realizowanych przez samorządy lokalne we współpracy z instytucjami naukowymi, organizacjami pozarządowymi oraz organami administracji publicznej.
The Świętokrzyski Geopark is the first UNESCO Global Geopark in operation situated entirely on the territory of Poland. The location of the geopark in the south-western part of the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains makes it an area of exceptional geodiversity, which is also reflected in the specificity of the relief. The morphological evolution of this area was conditioned mainly by the diverse lithological and structural features of the Quaternary substrate and the impact of various morphogenetic processes resulting from climatic changes taking place in the Cenozoic. The current topography of the Geopark is the resultant of all these conditions and anthropopressure related to the past and present exploitation of mineral resources. Within the Świętokrzyski Geopark, a model area where these relationships can be observed is the Chęciny-Kielce Landscape Park. The geomorphological heritage, understood as part of the geological heritage related to the land relief, determines the high geotouristic potential of this area. The practical use of this potential for the sustainable socio-economic development of the area covered by the Geopark is the subject of activities carried out by local authorities in cooperation with scientific institutions, non-governmental organizations and public administration bodies.
Geological heritage can contribute to our understanding of the long-term evolution of important sectors of our planet. Cretaceous–Neogene rocks (chiefly carbonates) crop out in the Nowdan anticline of the Zagros orogen. Field investigations have permitted the establishment of 10 key localities (stratigraphical reference sections) that represent these rocks within this anticline, which is a single large geosite. The formations are related to the main phases in the evolution of the northeastern sector of the African–Arabian continental margin. For instance, carbonate rocks of the Asmari Formation mark changes in the affinity of the study area, from the African–Arabian plate to only the Arabian plate, separated in conjunction with Red Sea rifting during the Oligocene. Information on the palaeogeographical changes is really precious to geoscientists and geotourists alike, and contributes to the great value of the Nowdan anticline geosite. Evidence from the latter, as well as from a few other places (i.e., the Mountainous Adygeya geodiversity hotspot in Russia, the North Coast of São Paulo in Brazil and the possible Gondwanan geopark in Namibia) illustrates the necessity of distinguishing a palaeomapping subtype in palaeogeographical characterisation of geological heritage.
Content available Rola kamienia w przestrzeni miejskiej Pruszkowa
The geological heritage of Pruszków is absent in the inhabitants’ consciousness, even though it is within their reach. In addition to the short characteristics of geodiversity of the area, the paper also presents eight large boulders and other stone elements in the town. They have a great potential in playing cognitive, educational, cultural-historical, geo-conservative and aesthetic roles. These functions can be used in the development of urban geotourism and in shaping the town’s image in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
The current growth in geotourism requires an urgent development of classifications of geological features on the basis of criteria that are relevant to tourist perceptions. It appears that structure-related patterns are especially attractive for geotourists. Consideration of the main criteria by which tourists judge beauty and observations made in the geodiversity hotspot of the Western Caucasus allow us to propose a tentative aesthetics-based classification of geological structures in outcrops, with two classes and four subclasses. It is possible to distinguish between regular and quasi-regular patterns (i.e., striped and lined and contorted patterns) and irregular and complex patterns (paysage and sculptured patterns). Typical examples of each case are found both in the study area and on a global scale. The application of the proposed classification permits to emphasise features of interest to a broad range of tourists. Aesthetics-based (i.e., non-geological) classifications are necessary to take into account visions and attitudes of visitors.
Content available Muzea geologiczne dla edukacji i nauki
The paper presents the main problems related to the functioning of geological museums in the world and Poland in the education and science domains. The main target of a geological museum is hoarding and conservation of different geological objects that are geological heritage and should be protected at present and in the future. The museum's approach must be attractive for both young and adult people. Mobile and interactive elements must be ensuredfixed in the exhibitions and presented in an attractive manner. The most important, however, must be the real geological object. Museums have to offer geological heritage objects from different geological and mining sites which no longer exist. Geological museums are constantly created around geological sites, for example dinosaur tracks are presented as geological objects in the place where these tracks were found. The potential of Polish geological museums is very high, but only as regards their organization, science and education areas. The main problem of these museums is the lack of funding, because the role of geological museums in the education of society is unappreciated among administrators of these museums, for example of the Polish Academy of Science, Polish Geological Institute or universities, etc. The most important role of the geological museums is conservation of geological heritage and the best communication with society.
The major attraction of the Drawa National Park is its main river, the Drawa. However, the park includes also other georesources that have a large natural potential to become geovalues, received by tourists as its geoproducts. This may lead to develop geotourism, which is a tool of sustainable socio-economic development of the region. The article presents the erratic boulders, which are primarily the objects of geological heritage. Erratic material is also present in the cultural heritage of the region, e.g. in the churches, cobbled roads, hydraulic engineering constructions or as stone monuments, signposts, and forest departmental posts.
The article characterises 12 most precious erratic boulders ofWielkopolska in the aspects of their scientific, cultural, historical, educational and aesthetic values. They play an important role in the complex perception of geodiversity of the natural environment of the region. It is shown here that erratic boulders carry a geotouristic potential. The paper indicates how it can be utilised best.
A new petrographic garden was established in 2012 in Moryń, north-western Poland. Thirty five erratics, derived from adjacent till moraines, witness local geological heritage and form a new geotouristic attraction. Together with other geovalues of this region, the petrographic garden is a cornerstone of the Polish-German geopark “Glacial Land over the Odra River” (Ger. Geopark Eiszeitland am Oderrand).
In this paper, Liassic and Triassic sandstone quarries of the Kunów surroundings were described as future geotourist attractions within the planned Kamienna Valley Geopark. The history of sandstone excavation from medieval ages to the contemporary period and their usage in regional/local, sacral, monumental, defense as well as industrial architecture were included. Representative, geological, geomorphological and tourist attractions of the quarries and their surroundings were described, marked out and connected in order to create valuable educational and landscape geotourist trail. After implementation of the proper tourist infrastructure, especially accommodation, as well as undertaking marketing efforts in order to promote the centuries-old quarrying centre, Kunów has a chance to become another, besides Jura Park Bałtów and Krzemionki flint mine, very important geoeducational and recreational centre within the north-eastern margin of the Holy Cross Mts.
Content available Transgraniczny Geopark Łuk Mużakowa
The Muskau Arch lies in southern part of Lubuskie voivoship and border zone of Saxony and Brandenburg. It forms glaciotectonical structure well visible in terrain morphology. Inside it, there are disturbed Neogene deposits with brown coal seams. Among the abundant fold and slice structures the numerous brown coal and accompanying glass sands and ceramic clays deposits has been investigated. Underground and opencast mining of brown coal was conducted from the middle of XIX century up to the second part of XX century. Nowadays, many post-mining evidences like antropogenic reservoir and artificial landforms are exposed in the Muskau Arch area. The natural processes of post-mining areas transformation both with the post-industrial cultural heritage and geological phenomenon are protected values as a Geopark. In the year 2006, the Muskau Arch has obtained certificate of the seventh German National Geopark and in the year 2009, of the first Polish National Geopark (National Muskau Arch Geopark). The aims are preservation of geological heritage as well as scientific and teaching purposes. Current efforts are made for establishing the transborder Muskau Arch Geopark, of the European Geopark rank with the UNESCO support.
Artykuł omawia problematykę zagospodarowania terenów eksploatacyjnych surowców skalnych regionu chęcińsko-kieleckiego, które są obszarami chronionymi. Zmiany w rzeźbie powierzchni terenu i pozostałych komponentach przyrodniczych wywołane wydobyciem surowców są zwykłe traktowane w kategoriach wysokiego zagrożenia i utożsamiane z dewastacją krajobrazową. Autorzy poruszają kwestie potrzeby ochrony nie tylko środowiska geograficznego, ale także krajobrazu, szczególnie w terenach, gdzie formy pogórnicze nie zagrażają kondycji środowiska przyrodniczego. Artykuł ukazuje walory geologiczne i potrzebę ich ochrony w celu wzmocnienia wartości krajobrazowych obszaru oraz na potrzeby dydaktyki geologicznej i turystyki specjalistycznej.
The article discusses the matters of management of post-exploitation areas of the Chęciny-Kielce region. Changes in surface features and other elements of the natural environment, caused by mineral exploitation of resources, are usually recognized in terms of high threat and associated with landscape devastation. The author deal with the issues of necessary protection not only of the geographical environment, but also of the landscape, especially in areas where post-mining forms do not threaten the condition of the natural environment. It presents geological values and the need to protect them in order to increase the scenic values and for the purposes of geological didactics and specialist tourism.
Złoże kopaliny skaleniowej "Karpniki" ma duże znaczenie gospodarcze. Eksploatowane odkrywkowo, nie oddziałuje zbyt negatywnie na środowisko naturalne, a zwłaszcza na przyrodą Rudawskiego Parku Krajobrazowego. Nieuzasadnione sprzeciwy społeczności lokalnej powodują od lat kłopoty właścicieli kopalni z prowadzeniem eksploatacji w ramach uzyskanej koncesji. Rodzi to pytania o skuteczność rozwiązań prawnych w zakresie ochrony złóż oraz warunków prowadzenia koncesjonowanej działalności wydobywczej. Użytkownik złoża, rozumiejąc znaczenie ochrony dziedzictwa geologicznego Rudaw Janowickich, chce udostępnić kopalnię turystom i pokazać, że górnictwo odkrywkowe może wspomagać ochronę środowiska. Po zakończeniu eksploatacji wyrobisko odkrywkowe wraz z otoczeniem będzie zrekultywowane w kierunku przyrodniczym i ma służyć rekreacji, wypoczynkowi oraz edukacji geologiczno-górniczej.
The "Karpniki" feldspar-bearing rock deposit is of great commercial importance. The open pit mine does not constitute a very negative influence on the environment, especially on the nature of the Rudawy Landscape Park. The unfounded protests of the local community have been problematic for the mine owners for many years, yet the mine has been in operation under legal licence. As such, the question must be asked: how to successfully protect the resources, and what are the conditions of undertaking licenced mining activity. The user of this deposit, understanding the importance of geological heritage protection of the Rudawy Janowickie Mts, would like to open the mine to the public and show that opencast mining can assist in the protection of the environment. After utilization of the mine, the open pit and its surroundings will be recultivated in the direction of nature and is to provide recreation, relaxation and geological-mining education.
Protected areas of the Sahara Desert were compiled in this paper. A special emphasis was put on abiotic components of these areas and on the others representative inanimate nature examples that should be geologically documented and preserved for the future as geosites. Nature conservation level is diversified due to different geopolitical status and living standard in the 11 Saharan countries.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie ochrony abiotycznych elementów przyrody. Problem ten w świetle postępującej degradacji środowiska przyrodniczego wydaje się równie wysokiej rangi jak ochrona zróżnicowanych zbiorowisk biotycznych (roślinnych, leśnych) oraz ginących lub zagrożonych wyginięciem populacji zwierząt. Zaprezentowano pokrótce dzieje ochrony przyrody nieożywionej w ubiegłym stuleciu, jak również prac i działań podejmowanych przez geologów europejskich oraz polskich przez założenie Stowarzyszenia ProGEO. Przedstawiono formy prawnej ochrony georóżnorodności - ochrona in situ - na tle ustawodawstwa polskiego oraz nieformalnej ochrony elementów abiotycznych - ochrona ex situ we wszelkiego rodzaju ekspozycjach muzealnych, głównie w muzeach przyrodniczych i regionalnych. Projektowanie i zakładanie ścieżek dydaktycznych/ przyrodniczych wspomaganych folderami tematycznymi służy szeroko pojętej edukacji społeczeństwa w zakresie nauk o Ziemi. W ten sposób przyczyniają się one pośrednio do zachowania różnorodności flory i fauny, która jest nierozerwalnie związana z podłożem geologicznym naszej planety.
The focus of this paper is geological heritage conservation. Although perhaps less known, this kind of conservation is as important as preservation of diversified biotic communities and habitats (plant, forest) and protection of endangered and threatened animals' populations. The paper presents a brief history of abiotic nature conservation i.e. geoconservation efforts and works during the last century that have been carried out by European and Polish geologists; among other it discusses the establishment of ProGEO, the European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage. Different types of formal and non-formal conservation of geodiversity are talked about - in situ protection according to the Polish legislation and - ex situ preservation in different kinds of museum expositions, particularly of natural history ones. The paper also concerns the arrangement of didactic/natural trails together with booklets that make the spread of the Earth science knowledge. The trails, under the question, are additionally useful in public education. In this way, they indirectly serve biodiversity conservation aims and that is in accordance to the holistic idea of the Earth environment development.
W artykule przedstawiono najciekawsze referaty o tematyce geoturystycznej i związanej z popularyzacją geologii, które zostały wygłoszone podczas międzynarodowego kongresu "5th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems" odbywającego się w Barcelonie między 13 a 16 czerwca 2006 roku. Celem kongresu jest podtrzymywanie dialogu i wymiany doświadczeń pomiędzy naukowcami z Europy, a od tego roku również z innych kontynentów, którzy badają cechy krajobrazu, znajdują rozwiązania problemów środowiskowych lub skupiają się na dostosowaniu specjalistycznej wiedzy geologicznej do typowych dla swego kraju lub regionu uwarunkowań. Wysiłki te coraz bardziej uzależniane są od sprawnego posługiwania się systemami informacyjnymi w celu zarządzania danymi i szczegółowego opracowywania map geotematycznych.
This paper presents the most interesting speeches from two sessions entitled "Geotourism and Heritage" and "Geopopulariastion of geology" that have been presented during the 5th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems held on June 13-16, 2006 in Barcelona (Spain). The aim of the congress was to continue the dialogue and exchange of experiences among the numerous scientists coming from all over Europe and even from Northern Africa, North America and Asia. The congress should bring together those who study land characteristics, propose the solutions of environmental problems or focus on the application of geological know how in their respective regional and national reality. These efforts increasingly rely on the use of information systems for the management of environmental data and the elaboration of geothematic maps.
The communes in which mining ceases to exist may use the post-mining areas for scientific and teaching purposes, particularly in protection of geological heritage and in environmental education. A geological education route proposed in the Trzebinia commune confines two natural outcrops of interesting rock formations (Permian Myślachowice conglomerate and Triassic dolomites) and three sites associated with former mining activities. The latter include: an abandoned quarry in Trzebinia (currently the Balaton pond), an area of mining subsidence over the former "Siersza" coal mine, and a reclaimed pit after sand exploitation. The route is thought to serve the secondary schools pupils, natural sciences students, teachers of environment-related subjects, and persons interested in geology. Each stop-point of the route has been explained in a leaflet and provided with an information board. They are supplemented by a booklet "A guide to the geological education route" (Paulo, Głogowska, 2003), containing questions and tasks for pupils for each stop-point of the route, together with extensive answers for teachers. The geological education route has been laid out in the manner securing easy accessibility to all stop-points, which, at the same time, reveal geological variability of the area.
Zanik górnictwa stwarza nowe wyzwania dla gmin, w których żywe są tradycje górnicze, a jednocześnie ujawniają się skutki eksploatacji oraz potrzeba nowego zagospodarowania terenu i ochrony formacji geologicznych, jako stanowisk dokumentacyjnych lub przyrodniczo-krajobrazowych. Można z nich uczynić atrakcję turystyczną i przedmiot edukacji. Geologiczna ścieżka dydaktyczna, zaprojektowana w gminie Trzebinia, obejmuje dwa naturalne odsłonięcia interesujących formacji skalnych (zlepieńce myślachowickie i dolomity triasu) oraz trzy miejsca związane z eksploatacją górniczą. Są to: dawny kamieniołom miejski w Trzebini (dzisiaj zalew Balaton), obszar zapadlisk nad byłą kopalnią węgla kamiennego (KWK) "Siersza' oraz zrekultywowany teren po eksploatacji piasku. Ścieżka jest przeznaczona dla uczniów gimnazjów i liceów, studentów kierunków przyrodniczych, nauczycieli przedmiotów związanych ze środowiskiem oraz osób interesujących się geologią. Do każdego punktu ścieżki został przygotowany folder i tablice objaśniające. Uzupełnieniem tych materiałów jest "Przewodnik po geologicznej ścieżce dydaktycznej" (Paulo, Głogowska, 2003). Przewodnik ten zawiera pytania i zadania dla uczniów, opracowane dla każdego punktu ścieżki, wraz z szeroko uzasadnionymi odpowiedziami dla nauczycieli. Trasa geologicznej ścieżki dydaktycznej jest wytyczona w ten sposób, aby poszczególne punkty były łatwo dostępne, a zarazem ukazywały georóżnorodność gminy.
Wielowiekowa działalność górnicza na terenie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego pozostawiła po sobie szereg obiektów techniki, zlokalizowanych na powierzchni i pod ziemią. Jednak przemijający czas i wszechobecna komercjalizacja wpływają niekorzystnie na zachowanie tych najcenniejszych zabytków natury i górniczego rzemiosła. Dlatego też bardzo istotne są wszelkie działania zmierzające do ochrony i udostępniania najcenniejszych śladów) dawnego górnictwa.
Several hundred years long mining in the area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin has left behind many historic sites, visualizing advances in mining technique. The passage of time and widespread commercialization impart negative effects on these valuable relics of the nature and the mining craft, both on the surface and underground. All kinds of activities directed at protecting valuable sites of old mining and making them available to the public are of considerable significance.
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