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Kamieniołomy były od dawna bazą do prowadzenia badań geologicznych, doskonałym źródłem pozyskiwania skamieniałości, a obecnie są również ważnymi obiektami służącymi edukacji i popularyzacji wiedzy geologicznej. Niestety nieczynne kamieniołomy często ulegają dewastacji – zarastają roślinnością, stają się składowiskami odpadów, są zalewane przez wody gruntowe lub wyrównane dla potrzeb realizacji inwestycji budowlanych. Istniejące prawo teoretycznie umożliwia ochronę nieczynnych kamieniołomów, jednak w praktyce są one rzadko chronione. Winę za ten stan rzeczy ponosi nieodpowiednia interpretacja niektórych zapisów prawa, problemy z własnością gruntów oraz brak świadomości społeczeństwa o wartości tych obiektów. Ochrona ścian kamieniołomu może być realizowana poprzez zakładanie rezerwatów, jak również tworzenie parków rekreacyjnych z elementami edukacyjnymi. Przykładem jest kamieniołom Sadowa Góra w Jaworznie z powstałą w nim GEOsferą, czy też Lipówka w Rudnikach z przyrodniczymi ścieżkami edukacyjnymi. Spośród ponad stu starych kamieniołomów Wyżyny Częstochowskiej i Wieluńskiej wybrano te o szczególnej wartości, aby na ich przykładach omówić zagadnienia i problemy pojawiające się przy próbach ich zabezpieczania. Inicjatywa autorów na rzecz ochrony tych obiektów w wielu przypadkach zaowocowała zwróceniem uwagi na nie lokalnych władz, a w niektórych – podjęciem konkretnych działań na rzecz ich zabezpieczenia. Na drodze objęcia ich faktyczną, prawną ochroną piętrzą się jednak liczne przeszkody. Wydaje się, że bez zdecydowanego poparcia takich działań ze strony Ministerstwa Środowiska nie mają one realnych szans na sukces.
Old quarries often present the only possible insight in the geological history of the area, being also the important objects of scientific value, and the attractions for the education and geoturism. These statements are especially true for Poland, where, except the high mountains, the bulk of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks is usually hidden below the cover of a younger, mostly Quarternary deposits. The best places where these rocks can be observed are just the quarries. The old quarries often have been the basis for the geological studies, the scientific interpretation of cropping out here rock formations – both of stratigraphical, sedimentological, tectonical and palaeontological nature, and yielded the collections of fossils – often new for the science. The existing law gives several opportunities for protection of the quarries, at least in theory, indicating e.g. the geological outcrops as possible types and places of reserve. Unfortunatelly, both in the formal practice, and in interpretation of the existing law, the old qurries are rarely protected as the monuments or reserves of the inanimate nature. Such situation results from the generally poor knowledge of geology, the wrong interpretation of existing law according to opinion that “old quarries as the product of the human activity are not true objects of the nature”, and a very complicated way to formal recognition of the abandoned quarry as the protected object according to the law. There exists of course another way than the formal one to protect the old abandoned quarries. They can be used as places of recreation – natural parks where the interdisciplinary and interactive education with special attention to geology could be realized, or other possible solutions given, making them places of rest, sport, or other purposes. All of these need, however, the understanding of importance of the abandoned quarries as the objects of the high tourist and recreation attraction, and thus places useful for the local administration, enterprises and population. A special example of well understood position of the old qurry for the educational, ecological, geological purposes presents the newly erected „Geosfera center” at Jaworzno. Here in the abandoned qurry of Middle Triassic limestones and dolomites a multi-directional educational and recreation object has been formed due to activity of the local admistration and the scientists of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (Woźniak, 2011; Woźniak & Krzeczyńska, 2010, 2013). Although some other , good examples may be also cited e.g. the old quarry Lipówka near Częstochowa transformed by its owner “Cemex” Enterprise into educational area – with special path devoted both to geology, and the living nature characteristics (Babelewska et al., 2014; Śliwińska-Wyrzychowska et al., 2014); or the Skarbka quarry at Bałtów where the private investor founded the “line-park” with educational path, such examples are not numerous; the advanteges in adaptation of the old quarries for the promotion and recreation of the area are generally not noticed. Of more than one hundred of the old quarries of the Jurassic rocks in only one region of Poland well known to the authors – the Wieluń Upland, and the adjoining part of the Częstochowa Upland – are presented herein only six the most important of them which are unfortunatelly neither formally protected, nor in any other way saved against the potential destruction. All these quarries show the geologically important rock formations, and/or yielded the fossils of Middle and Upper Jurassic well known in international scale. These are as follows: (1) an old quarry at Wieluń showing the transitional beds between the Middle and Upper Jurassic rich in fossils, and showing special sedimentological features of extermely slow sedimentation in the open marine environment (Giżejewska, 1981; Antczak et al., 2014); (2–3) old quarries at Bobrowniki and Łobodno discussed recently in geological literature as the place of the reference level of the newly redefinded the World’s boundary of the two stages of the Upper Jurassic: Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian (Matyja& Wierzbowski, 2014; Wierzbowski et al, 2016); (4) Złota Góra quarries (“Adam” quarry) at Zawodzie in Częstochowa where the bedded limestones with abundant Upper Jurassic ammonite faunas have been described from XIX century (Różycki, 1953) – these include some forms having here their locus tipicus, and widely cited thereafter in many geological studies in the World – such as the genus Passendorferia (Brochwicz-Lewiński, 1973, 1975); (5) old quarry “Amerykan” at Złoty Potok showing the well preserved debris-flow deposits formed during Late Jurassic on the sea-bottom from the slope of the sponge “reef ” complexes; (6) the “Janina” quarry at Julianka showing the Jurassic coral-reef – the only one cropped out in the whole Kraków-Częstochowa and Wieluń uplands, and preserved karst phenomena of Early Cretaceous age (Różycki, 1937; Matyja & Wierzbowski, 2006). The present authors undertook some activities to protect the mentioned objects – but the general difficulties of many reasons – resulted so far in informal statements only of the local administration authorities – that they will care about them. It is thus the main subject of the whole problem that in opposition to protection of the animate nature which is generally realized well, the protection of the inanimate nature, and especially of the old quarries, is realized in the way that may be summarized as “less than perfect”. It should be mentioned that in the whole area of the Wieluń Upland, and the northern part of the Częstochowa Upland – a very picturesque region owing its landscape of the Upper Jurassic rocks – no one of the old quarries is protected according to the existing law. The main question remains – how this unhappy sitauation can be improved? In opinion of the authors – the formal support in this matter from the Ministry of the Environment seems necessary. There is necessity to organize the meeting to discuss the problem within group of specialists and under auspicies of the Ministry. Possibly a special opinion accepted by the Ministry should be sent to its local exposures. On the other hand, the protection of old quarries of special geological value should be placed within the subjects of activity of the newly rearranged Polish Geological Survey, as well as strictly related Polish Geological Institute.
Content available Transgraniczny Geopark Łuk Mużakowa
The Muskau Arch lies in southern part of Lubuskie voivoship and border zone of Saxony and Brandenburg. It forms glaciotectonical structure well visible in terrain morphology. Inside it, there are disturbed Neogene deposits with brown coal seams. Among the abundant fold and slice structures the numerous brown coal and accompanying glass sands and ceramic clays deposits has been investigated. Underground and opencast mining of brown coal was conducted from the middle of XIX century up to the second part of XX century. Nowadays, many post-mining evidences like antropogenic reservoir and artificial landforms are exposed in the Muskau Arch area. The natural processes of post-mining areas transformation both with the post-industrial cultural heritage and geological phenomenon are protected values as a Geopark. In the year 2006, the Muskau Arch has obtained certificate of the seventh German National Geopark and in the year 2009, of the first Polish National Geopark (National Muskau Arch Geopark). The aims are preservation of geological heritage as well as scientific and teaching purposes. Current efforts are made for establishing the transborder Muskau Arch Geopark, of the European Geopark rank with the UNESCO support.
The article presents the cross-border cooperation of geologists from the Lower Silesian Branch of Polish Geological Institute and the national geological surveys of the Czech Republic and Germany. The current cooperation is discussed on the basis of Geological Map Lausitz–Jizera–Karkonosze as well as on geological research of the Muskau Arch. The Geological Map Lausitz–Jizera–Karkonosze, in 1 : 100,000 scale, with Comments, presents the geology of the north-western part of the Bohemian Massif. A short geotectonic evolution of the area from Neoproterozoic to Cenozoic is presented. The results of Polish-German geological research and inventory of so-called “geotopes” are the basis to establish a cross-border Muskau Arch Geopark.
Content available Programme of geodiversity conservation in Poland
Geodiversity conservation programme aims at working out the foundations of the future convention which should be an equivalent for the Convention of Biodiversity Conservation, and the first international document in the field of geological heritage protection. The programme assumes assessment of geodiversity and evaluation of a current state and possibilities of protecting natural elements of the environment of Poland, related to geology, relief, soils, water and landscape. The changes undergoing in the geosphere induced by human impact lead to impoverishing of the natural diversity and to irreversible damage of the geological environment. The studies planned within the programme framework closely correspond with international proposals, i.a. of sustainable development, with ProGEO/IUGS project in the domain of conservation of more important geosites, with the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy as well as with environmental monitoring.
Realizacja programu ochrony georóżnorodności zmierza do określenia podstawowych zasad przyszłej konwencji, która powinna być równoważnikiem względem Konwencji Ochrony Bioróżnorodności, a zarazem pierwszym tego rodzaju międzynarodowym dokumentem na rzecz ochrony dziedzictwa geologicznego. W założeniach programu jest waloryzacja różnorodności oraz stan i możliwość ochrony elementów środowiska Polski związanych z budową geologiczną, rzeźbą, glebami, wodami i krajobrazem. Dokonujące się zmiany w geosferze pod wpływem działalności człowieka prowadzą do ubożenia różnorodności przyrodniczej i nieodwracalnych skutków zniszczeń środowiska geologicznego. Badania przewidziane w omawianym programie ściśle nawiązują do propozycji międzynarodowych, zrównoważonego rozwoju projektu ProGEO/IUGS w zakresie ochrony ważnych geostanowisk, Paneuropejskiej Strategii Różnorodności Biologicznej i Krajobrazowej oraz prac monitoringu środowiska.
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