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The world is undergoing a radical transition to a low-carbon economy and natural gas is considered an important bridge in the transition of energy in the world. The potential for natural gas, especially unconventional gas, is very large, which will significantly affect the future energy structure in all regions of the world. However, the conditions for developing these resources are different between regions and countries. The development of unconventional gas is now facing many challenges, even opposition because the problem of extracting unconventional gas is very complex and the total impact is unknown. Therefore, at present, the expansion of unconventional gas remains a question for countries that possess and desire to exploit these resources. This article will analyze the opportunity and challenges of unconventional gas relying on the development of shale gas in recently.
The paper identifies unconventional techniques and technologies of exploitation of natural gas contained in shale rocks, i.e. drilling directional wells and hydraulic fracturing, against the background of the importance of natural gas for the world economy. The crucial importance of the innovative methods of extracting shale gas has been shown through the example of the impact of exploitation of unconventional gas deposits on halting the process of pushing the energy intensive industries out of the United States. The paper also highlights the importance of the dynamic increase in financial expenditure incurred by many countries on all continents on recognising and analysing gas deposits contained in rocks, hydrates or aquifers. As a result of geological exploration, the volume of global proven geological resources of unconventional gas is by 66% greater than the global resources of conventional natural gas deposits recognised over a period of many decades. The paper characterises the consequences of utilising the innovative methods of natural gas exploitation for raising the level of the sustainability and balance of the world economy development and also for the radical reduction of the cost of gas transport in the global scale.
In spite of great progress in energy efficiency and in the development of renewable energy the world is likely to need significant amounts of fossil fuel throughout this century and beyond (the share of fossil fuels in the world mix has remained at about 86% of primary energy from 1990 to today). Gas, being the by far cleanest fossil fuel is the ideal bridging fuel to a world with predominantly renewable supplies. Thanks to the recent perfection of unconventional technologies there is no shortage of gas for this bridging function for at least the next 100-200 years. EASAC and several other European Institutions, notably the German Academy of Technical Sciences (acatech) have in the last few years carried out expert studies to assess the alleged environmental risks of unconventional hydrocarbon exploration and production. All these studies have, in agreement with other competent studies worldwide, come to the conclusion that there exists no scientific reason for a ban on hydraulic fracturing. With good practices, clear standards and adequate control the method causes no enhanced risks to the environment or the health of humans. Special attention has to be paid to the surface handling of drilling and fracking fluids. In Europe alone many thousand frac jobs have been carried out by the industry in the last 60 years without any severe accidents. The mishaps in North America have largely been the cause of unprofessional operations and human error. Especially in places with high air pollution, like many megacities of Asia, natural gas has to be seen as a unique chance to achieve a rapid improvement of the air quality and a significant reduction of CO2 emissions. This is also true for Europe where especially the use of domestic natural gas brings important benefits to the environment. The alternative to gas is in many regions of the world an increased consumption of coal, with all negative consequences.
In Germany there is no agreement among politicians and local government officials regarding the safety and economic sense of the exploration and production of shale gas. However Germany does not reject completely the need to invest in the development of this sector. The political parties speak cautiously about the hydraulic fracturing, because they do not want to lose their voters. However, in a country which is in 70% dependent on the import of natural resources, the industry interest in the search for alternatives to Russian gas and oil energy sources increases. It is no secret that after the withdrawal from nuclear power, the German economy has to change its energy profile. Currently, Germany increases the use of coal, but could it have economic sense? Because of green certificates and European trend to reduce the emission of CO2, the Germans do not depart from the investment in shale gas. It is confirmed by the publication of a draft of amending the acts in November 2014. However some part of German society expected much more strict rules, including a total ban on hydraulic fracturing. The German law should, mobilize the Polish Parliament (Sejm) to develop a comprehensive law regulating the mining and geological activity that is in line with EU law.
Przedsięwzięcie związane z poszukiwaniem i przemysłową eksploatacją gazu z formacji łupkowych jest przedsięwzięciem bardzo ambitnym, obarczonym ryzykiem i wymagającym specjalistycznej wiedzy. Unikalne cechy złóż, w których znajduje się gaz łupkowy, sprawiają że ich udostępnianie jest dosyć trudne. W artykule przedstawiono kolejne etapy poszukiwania i przygotowania do wydobycia gazu łupkowego, zwrócono uwagę na najważniejsze aspekty logistyczne występujące w poszczególnych etapach.
The project related to the exploration and exploitation of industrial gas from shale formations is a very ambitious project, a risk-bearing and requires expertise. Unique features of the deposits, which is shale gas, that make them available is quite difficult. The article presents the successive stages of exploration and preparation for shale gas, drew attention to the most important aspects of logistics occurring in different stages.
Artykuł stanowi przegląd najważniejszych kwestii związanych ze wszystkimi aspektami zrównoważonego rozwoju (środowiskowego, ekonomicznego i społecznego) podczas produkcji gazu łupkowego. Duża część artykułu poświęcona jest kwestii bezpieczeństwa prowadzonego procesu na środowisko i zdrowie ludzkie. W pracy przedstawiono porównanie emisji gazów cieplarnianych na wszystkich etapach produkcji gazu łupkowego z emisjami generowanymi podczas konwencjonalnego wydobycia gazu ziemnego i węgla kamiennego. Dodatkowo szczególną uwagę poświęcono ocenie ekonomicznej technologii w odniesieniu do kosztów generowanych podczas tradycyjnego wydobycia surowców.
This paper presents an overview of key issues related to all aspects of sustainable development (environmental, economic and social) during shale gas production. A large part of the paper is focused on safety of the process in respect of ecology and human health. The paper presents also a comparison of greenhouse gas emissions at all stages of the production of shale gas with emissions generated during conventional natural gas and coal production. In addition, special attention was paid to the economic assessment of the technology in relation to costs generated during traditional extraction of raw materials.
Content available Key factors in shale gas modeling and simulation
Multi-stage hydraulic fracturing is the method for unlocking shale gas resources and maximizing horizontal well performance. Modeling the effects of stimulation and fluid flow in a medium with extremely low permeability is significantly different from modeling conventional deposits. Due to the complexity of the subject, a significant number of parameters can affect the production performance. For a better understanding of the specifics of unconventional resources it is necessary to determine the effect of various parameters on the gas production process and identification of parameters of major importance. As a result, it may help in designing more effective way to provide gas resources from shale rocks. Within the framework of this study a sensitivity analysis of the numerical model of shale gas reservoir, built based on the latest solutions used in industrial reservoir simulators, was performed. The impact of different reservoir and hydraulic fractures parameters on a horizontal shale gas well production performance was assessed and key factors were determined.
W celu udostępnienia zasobów gazu ziemnego ze złóż łupkowych i maksymalizacji wydajności horyzontalnych odwiertów eksploatacyjnych stosowane jest wielostopniowe szczelinowanie hydrauliczne. Modelowanie efektów stymulacji oraz przepływu płynów w ośrodku o ekstremalnie niskiej przepuszczalności jakim jest skała łupkowa różni się znacznie od modelowania złóż konwencjonalnych. W związku ze złożonością zagadnienia występuje znaczna ilość parametrów mających wpływ na przebieg wydobycia. Dla lepszego zrozumienia specyfiki złóż niekonwencjonalnych konieczne jest określenie wpływu poszczególnych parametrów na całość procesu wydobycia gazu oraz identyfikacja tych o największym znaczeniu. W efekcie może się to przełożyć na projektowanie bardziej efektywnego sposobu udostępnienia zasobów gazu ze złóż łupkowych. W ramach niniejszego opracowania przeprowadzono analizę wrażliwości numerycznego modelu symulacyjnego złoża gazu z łupków zbudowanego w oparciu o najnowsze rozwiązania stosowane w prze mysłowych symulatorach złożowych. W wyniku tej analizy określono parametry o kluczowym wpływie na przebieg eksploatacji i maksymalizację wydobycia gazu ze złoża.
Natural gas from shales (NGS) and from tight rocks are one of the most important fossil energy resource in this and next decade. Significant increase in gas consumption, in all world regions, will be marked in the energy sector. The exploration of unconventional natural gas & oil reservoirs has been discussed recently in many conferences. This paper describes the complex phenomena related to the impact of adsorption and capillary condensation of gas-condensate systems in nanopores. New two phase saturation model and new algorithm for search capillary condensation area is discussed. The algorithm is based on the Modified Tangent Plane Criterion for Capillary Condensation (MTPCCC) is presented. The examples of shift of phase envelopes are presented for selected composition of gas-condensate systems.
Gaz ziemny z łupków (NGS) oraz z ze złóż niskoprzepuszczalnych (typu ‘tight’) staje się jednym z najważniejszych zasobów paliw kopalnych, w tym i następnym dziesięcioleciu. Znaczący wzrost zużycia gazu we wszystkich regionach świata zaznacza się głównie w sektorze energetycznym. Rozpoznawanie niekonwencjonalnych złóż gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej w ostatnim czasie jest omawiane w wielu konferencjach. Niniejszy artykuł opisuje złożone zjawiska związane z wpływem adsorpcji i kapilarnej kondensacji w nanoporach w złożach gazowo-kondensatowych. Pokazano nowy dwufazowy model równowagowy dwufazowy i nowy algorytm wyznaczania krzywej nasycenia w obszarze kondensacji kapilarnej. Algorytm bazuje na kryterium zmodyfikowanym płaszczyzny stycznej dla kapilarnej kondensacji (MTPCCC). Przykłady zmiany krzywych nasycenia są przedstawiane w wybranym składzie systemów gazowo- kondensatowych.
Content available remote Przegląd aktualnie stosowanych technologii uzdatniania biogazu w Europie
Within a period of the increasing demand on natural gas as the raw material of the energy large meaning gather technologies the capacitation and the preparation other gases in which the composition is found the methane being with the component of network gas. Among these unconventional gases the large meaning has gas obtained in biogas industry works and on refuse dumps (called in the further part with the biogas). In the composition of this gas they appear: the methane, the carbon dioxide, the sulphur hydrogen, water, nitrogen and trace quantities of other components. So that so obtained gas be able to be intended to the utilization as natural gas must become suitably cleaned. On spatial of last time one developed many technologies of the cleaning of this gas. In the paper one reviewed existing in Europe of modern technologies of the preparation of the biogas so, so that the final product be characterized with the high concentration of the methane, at an angle of possibilities of the use some of them in Poland. Presented technologies can underlie to the elaboration of the modification or new technologies so far not applied. Were discussed technologies applied in following countries: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Holland, Sweden. The article is finished by conclusions containing suggestions of specific uses of the technology of the capacitation of the biogas to parameters of network gas as one of manners of the diversification of deliveries of gas, and the indication of the possibility import restrictions natural gas.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę bieżącej sytuacji na rynku gazu w Polsce oraz wykorzystania podziemnych magazynów gazu. Opracowano również prognozy przyszłego zapotrzebowania na pojemności czynne magazynów w zależności od różnych scenariuszy rozwoju rynku gazowego. Zużycie gazu ziemnego w Polsce w ostatnich dwóch dekadach wykazuje trend wzrostowy, choć na tle innych państw europejskich można je uznać za stosunkowo niewielkie. Podziemne magazyny gazu wykorzystywane są obecnie do wypełniania podstawowych funkcji tzn. regulacji wahań sezonowych, wydobycia i przesyłu. Zwiększenie zużycia gazu ziemnego i rozwój rynku spowodują wzrost zapotrzebowania na pojemności magazynów gazu. Jego skala będzie zależeć od wielu zmiennych, w tym: wielkości konsumpcji, jej struktury i zmienności; stopnia rozwoju rynku gazowego. W przypadku, gdy rynek gazowy będzie się rozwijał zgodnie z optymistycznymi prognozami, a także dojdzie do uruchomienia komercyjnej produkcji gazu niekonwencjonalnego w Polsce, w niedalekiej przyszłości pojawi się pilna potrzeba intensywnej rozbudowy magazynów gazu, nieporównywalnej w skali do obecnie prowadzonych inwestycji.
The article gives an analysis of the current situation on the gas market in Poland and use of underground gas storage. Author also developed forecast of the future demand for storage capacities depending on different scenarios for the development of the gas market. Natural gas consumption in Poland in the past two decades has been showing a rising trend, although compared with other European countries it can be considered to be relatively small. Underground gas storages are used now to carry out basic functions, ie.: regulation of seasonal fluctuations, the extraction and transmission. The growth of natural gas consumption and the development of the gas market will increase demand for gas storage capacity. Its scale will depend on many variables, including: consumption, its structure and variability; the degree of development of the market. In the case where the gas market will be developing according to the best estimates, and also the commercial production of unconventional gas in our country will have started there will be an urgent need for intensive development of gas storage facilities, incomparable in the scale to ongoing investments.
Developing intensively since the beginning of XXI century industry related to unconventional hydrocarbon deposits (shale gas, tight gas, shale oil) requires a comprehensive look on environmental issues arising from the commonly used technology. Because of the hydrauling fracturing process the groundwater management issues are the most important. The analysis requires both aspects of the project water needs, water circulation system in the process, define the sources of water, as well as issues related to the protection of surface and groundwater in the vicinity of the works. In light of the current currently at the European debate about the safe use of unconventional hydrocarbons need for integrated water management is particularly important.
Unconventional reservoirs play an enormous role in hydrocarbon production in the United States. Marcellus Shale, a Devonian black shale found in the Appalachian Basin, has shown notable promise in the past few years. Shale is a complicated, naturally fractured reservoir with ultra-low matrix permeability. The gas is stored in the limited pore space of these rocks and a sizeable fraction of the gas in place may be adsorbed on the organic material. Shale gas reservoirs differ from conventional reservoirs in that massive stimulation treatments are requiredto achieve economic production. Horizontal wells are the most effective in providing access to the formation to perform multi-stage hydraulic fracturing treatments. The limited field experience with multiple hydraulic fractures in horizontal wells completed in Marcellus Shale indicates that significant increase in initial production can be achieved as the number of hydraulic fractures is increased. However, the production performance, particularly over longer time periods, is not well established. The objective of this study was to investigate the long term production performance of multiply fractured horizontal wells completed in Marcellus Shale. Historical production data and stimulation treatment information have been collected and analyzed for a number of horizontal wells both in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. A commercial reservoir simulator which accounts both for dual porosity behavior and the adsorbed gas was utilized to history match the production performance. Based on the results of the history matching, the long term production performances of the multiply fractured horizontal wells were predicted. The results were then utilized to investigate the production decline behavior of Marcellus Shale horizontal wells. A number of conventional as well as shale specific production decline models were considered in these investigations. The results indicated the presence of different flow periods. The hydraulic fractures appear to dominate the early production performance which is characterized by linear flow. Gas desorption appears to impact on production decline behavior during the intermediate period. The late production is influenced by the reservoir boundaries and is controlled by natural fracture properties. A single decline model often cannot predict the entire production behavior and conventional decline analysis based on the early production data can lead to significant over-prediction of the future production rates or reserves. The results of this study can be utilized as guideline to investigate the feasibility horizontal wells with multiple hydraulic fractures and optimize the production from the shale formation.
Unconventional gas by definition is economically less profitable and more difficult to extract then conventional gas. However, gradual depletion of conventional gas fields as well as large resources of unconventional gas make the latter an attractive target. Coalbed methane (CBM), tight gas and shale gas have been successfully developed in the US over the past two decades. Shale gas production has grown at the fastest pace in recent years and reached over 2 tcf in 2008, which is 6-fold increase since 1998. Key to success of unconventional gas development was Noncoventional Fuels Tax Credit introduced by the US government in 1980. This initial production growth of unconventional gas and shale gas in particular, was later sustained by the development of horizontal drilling and fracture stimulation technologies, economy of scale and increasing gas prices. Economics of producing shale gas is marked by bigger resource potential and, at the same time, lower production rates and higher drilling costs as compared to conventional gas, which entails adopting cautious investment strategies. Shale gas exploration strategies are also different from those of conventional gas and, initially, require an extensive source rock analysis and a big land position to identify "sweet spots". Shale gas exploration in Poland is in its infancy, being focused on the Silurian-Ordovician shale formation which is poorly explored and thus poses a significant exploration risk. Therefore, exploration companies have used a cautious approach which is reflected in planning of the concession activities divided in a few phases, with each successive phase contingent on the positive results of the preceding one. These phases include: existing data analysis, seismic, drilling an exploratory well with extensive core analyses prior to a pilot testing program using horizontal wells. On a technical level of shale gas exploration, the integration of many disciplines is required for commercial success. Potential barriers to shale gas exploration in Poland have been identified such as: regulations which are in favor of the domestic service companies impeding competition, changeable and unclear environmental protection regulations, as well as insufficient liberalization of the domestic gas market.
Autor prezentuje w opracowaniu stan koncesji i użytkowań górniczych dla rozpoznania i udokumentowania zasobów niekonwencjonalnych złóż gazu ziemnego w Polsce (tzw. gaz z łupków – „shale gas” i „tight gas”) na podstawie koncesji udzielonych dotychczas przez Ministerstwo Środowiska. Omówiono zakres udzielonych koncesji, tak co do aspektu rzeczowego, jak i ich warunków (czy też obowiązków i uprawnień) oraz użytkowań górniczych, a więc z punktu widzenia dwóch podstawowych instytucji prawa geologicznego kształtujących prawa i obowiązki przedsiębiorców – koncesjonariuszy tak na płaszczyźnie prawa publicznego (koncesja jako akt administracyjny, forma reglamentacji działalności, publicznoprawne uprawnienie podmiotowe), jak i ze względu na materię prawa prywatnego (umowa użytkowania górniczego, majątkowe prawo podmiotowe). Odrębnie zasygnalizowano również zagadnienia legislacji co do niektórych aspektów nowego prawa geologicznego i górniczego według Sprawozdania Komisji Nadzwyczajnej Druk Sejmowy nr 1696 z dnia 28 kwietnia 2010 r.
In the paper the author presents status of mining concessions and mining usufruct for recognize and documentation of unconventional natural gas deposits in Poland on the basis of concessions previously granted by the Ministry of Environment. The Author discusses the range of granted concessions, both in the material aspect and conditions of concessions (or the duties and rights) and operated mining usufructs, so from the perspective of two fundamental institutions of geological law, regulating rights and obligations of entrepreneurs – the party performing geological works, as both in the public law area (concession as an administrative act, a form of activity regulation, public law), and for the sake of the matter of private law (an agreement concerning mining usufruct, a personal right to property). Separately also indicate issues of legislation on certain aspects of the new geological and mining law according to the reports of the Special Committee, Publication of The Sejm of The Republic of Poland, 1696 of 28 April 2010.
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