The issue taken in the article concerns vessels using gas turbine engines as part of propulsion systems and is an addition to previously conducted research in the field of vessels impact on the environment. The author's purpose was to determine the impact on the natural environment of the frigate's operation, in the aspect of ecological indicators. As part of research, measurements of harmful compounds concentration in the engine exhaust during frigate's cruise with simultaneous registration of engine operation parameters were carried out. The obtained results from the conducted measurements were the subject of a comparative analysis with the engine load values. The comparison of the obtained data made it possible to assign concentration values of particular harmful exhaust compounds to the appropriate engine load conditions during the cruise. On the basis of the analyzes carried out, emission factors for harmful exhaust emissions were determined. These factors allow determining the mass of harmful compounds emitted to the atmosphere from marine gas turbine engines during the operation of the Oliver Hazard Perry frigate.
Zagadnienie podjęte w artykule dotyczy oceny wpływu jednostek pływających wykorzystujących w układach napędowych turbinowe silniki spalinowe na środowisko. Celem jest określenie oddziaływania na środowisko naturalne człowieka eksploatacji okrętu klasy fregata, w aspekcie wskaźników ekologicznych. W ramach badań przeprowadzono pomiary stężenia związków szkodliwych zawartych w spalinach silników podczas rejsu okrętu z jednoczesną rejestracją parametrów pracy silników. Uzyskane wyniki z przeprowadzonych pomiarów poddano analizie porównawczej z wartościami obciążenia silników. Wspólne zestawienie uzyskanych danych umożliwiło przypisanie wartości stężenia poszczególnych związków szkodliwych spalin odpowiednim stanom obciążenia silnika w trakcie rejsu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz wyznaczono wskaźniki emisji związków szkodliwych spalin. Wskaźniki te umożliwiają wyznaczenie masy emitowanych do atmosfery związków szkodliwych zawartych w spalinach okrętowych silników turbinowych podczas eksploatacji okrętu typu Oliver Hazard Perry.
Pollution emission tests from turbine engines used for the main propulsion of vessels require measurement of the concentration of harmful compounds in the exhaust and assessment of the exhaust gases mass generated by the engine. The concentration of harmful compounds can be determined in a direct way by measuring it in the stream of exhaust gases. However, due to the large output of exhaust gases, the mass of exhaust gases must be determined indirectly. To do this it is necessary to carry out a series of tests and analyzes that will enable parameterization of operating conditions. The obtained parameters and functional relations between them can be used to assess the mass of generated exhaust gases. The article presents analyzes related to the methodology for assessing the mass of exhaust gases generated by the main propulsion turbine engine of the vessel, and the manner of their use in the assessment of emission of harmful exhaust gases.
The research object consists study of simplified turbojet engine known as a Schreckling design. Simplified layout is related to single centrifugal compressor and single axial turbine design (1R-1T). Presented design is favoured in model gasturbines that uses common compressor rotor from automotive turbochargers. Input data for further calculations was obtained from Garret turbo systems compressor performance maps. Total pressure and total to static stage efficiency was assumed from map of contours at maximum stage efficiency. Additional data from database allowed determining outer diameter and rotational speed of the compressor rotor. Collected data was applied to gasturbine thermogasdynamics model. Decision variables: mass flow rate from 0.1-0.8 [kg/s] range, and exhaust gas temperature from 800-1200 [K] range was taken into account. Turbine expansion ratio was calculated with thermo-mechanical coupling conditions for engine continuous operation. Calculated engine thrust and specific fuel consumption was presented in reference to AMT Netherlands microgasturbine range. Presented results allow to rapid identification of design parameters at early stage of design Obtained results allow to omit thermogasdynamics calculations and focus on the design of the individual engine components. Number of computational models is reduced by 20-30% in reference to given assumptions.
Fuel supply systems used in microgasturbines are designed in experimental way. In literature they exist as geometrically prescribed that is proper in general. In commercial aeroengines injection system is the most vulnerable part which failure generates high thermal loads and causes overheating of whole "hot section " or part of it. Microgasturbines are subjected to overheating due to relative short combustion section and uneven fuel distribution in injection points. Presented article contains preliminary research of fuel injector ring designed for microgasturbine turbojet. Tested fuel collector is supplied from the single source and feeds five vaporizers. Investigations are focused on mass flow measurement from each supply point. Research methodology is similar to supervisory tests carried out on commercial aeroengines. Injector was tested with two types of microfuelpumps: JetCAT A60I405 and FlightWorks 200C. As a working liquid the JET A l kerosene was used For each probe constant volume of liquid was pumped through the system. Pumps were tested infull operational range of voltage. Electric power characteristics were obtained for fuel pump and whole fuel system. The strong influence of throttling on stability of microfuelpumps was affirmed. As a conclusion there is a modernization proposal that aims on quality and quantity of fuel distribution.
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Presented paper consists detailed analysis of the airflow in micro gasturbine. Calculations was made for axial turbine with given mass flow rate m=0,15 [kg/s] and total inlet temperature T3* = 950 [K]. Presented analysis is useful for gasturbines with mass flow rate smaller than 0.5 [kg/s]. As a major conclusions for designers of microgasturbines there is a considerations that require to be very careful and forewarn that typical correlations for commercial gasturbines couldn’t be take it as granted.
Prezentowana praca zawiera szczegółową analizę przepływu przez stopień osiowy turbiny mikroturbinowego silnika odrzutowego. Obliczenia wykonano dla osiowej turbiny o masowym natężeniu przepływu m=0,15 [kg/s] i temperaturze spalin przed turbiną 3*T = 950 [K]. Analiza jest przydatna dla silników o masowym natężeniu przepływu powietrza w kanale silnika mniejszym niż 0.5 [kg/s]. W wyniku przeprowadzonych obliczeń stwierdzono że w przypadku mikromaszyn przepływowych obliczenia należy wykonywać ze szczególną starannością gdyż przyjęcie założeń oraz uogólnień typowych dla całej rodziny maszyn przepływowych uniemożliwia uzyskanie poprawnego rozwiązania.
Presented paper consists detailed analysis of the turbine to micro gasturbine. Calculatios was made for axial turbine with given mass flow rate m=0.15 [kg/s] and total inlet temperature T3*=950 [K]. The results of Design-Point, Off-Design Meanline Performance analysis and CFD computation are presented. The differences between typical size gasturbine turbines and turbines to micro-gasturbines are highlighted and some guidelines for designers of microgasturbines are given. As a major conclusions for designers of microgasturbines there is a considerations that require to be very carefull and forewarn that typical corelations for commercial gas turbines could't be take it as granted. In particular, compression ratio — solution possibility, micro gasturbine rotor speed,turbine expansion ratio Pi T as a function of compressor and turbine efficiency, efficiency of turbine as a function of reynolds number for constant specific speed coefficient and constant specific diameter coefficient,turbine to micro gasturbine performance map for different normalized rotational speed, 2D and 3D contour plots of entropy, relative Mach number at middle cut of the blade, static pressure at middle cut of the blade are presented in the paper.
The paper deals with problem influence of changes variable stator vanes axial compressor settings of gas turbine engine on work parameters of compressor and engine. Incorrect operation of change setting system of variable vanes could make unstable work of compressor and engine. This paper presents theoretical analysis of situation described above and presents results of own researches done on real engine. The next there are presented results of mathematical modelling of changes of gas turbine engine parameters during change of angle setting of axial compressor variable stator vanes but in the most wide angle range than in real researches.
Nieprawidłowe funkcjonowanie systemu zmiany ustawienia regulowanych łopatek sprężarki osiowej silnika turbinowego może powodować niestabilną pracę sprężarki przenoszoną na konstrukcję silnika. W artykule zaprezentowana została analiza teoretyczna powyższego zjawiska oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na rzeczywistym obiekcie. Następnie na bazie przeprowadzonych badań określone zostały równania matematyczne opisujące zależności pomiędzy wartościami rozpatrywanych parametrów pracy silnika a kątem ustawienia regulowanych łopatek. Równania te posłużyły do zasymulowania zmian wartości parametrów dla zakresu zmian kąta regulowanych łopatek nieosiągalnego podczas badań na obiekcie rzeczywistym.
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