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Investigating the regime of groundwater levels is one of the main stages of hydrogeological research, which allows quantitative characterization of the process of formation and change of hydrogeological conditions in time. To date, there has been a problem in filling the series of groundwater levels (GWLs) that have gaps. During the formation of time series of data, there are usually gaps in connection with the change in the technique of observing the GWL, the untimely filling of data rows, the lack of the ability to conduct such observations, and others like that. However, it is not possible to completely exclude rows with spaces, as this may lead to inaccurate data while developing forecast and constructing predictive maps of groundwater levels. Therefore, the task is to compare the existing methods of filling the data series with spaces in order to choose the optimum for further work, with their practical verification.
W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienia z obszaru sukcesji przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na cztery bariery, które w tym procesie mogą wystąpić, tj. lukę: pokoleniową, wiarygodności, komunikacyjną i emocjonalną. Uzupełnieniem rozważań jest propozycja teoretycznego modelu sukcesji przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych, który zawiera przykładowe metody niwelowania tych zjawisk, celem zapewnienia ciągłości zarządzania w tego typu przedsiębiorstwach.
The paper presents issues concerning succession of family businesses. Particular emphasis has been placed on four barriers which may occur in this process, i.e. the generation gap, the reliability gap, the communication gap and the emotional gap. The reflections are supplemented with a proposal of a theoretical model of family business succession which include sample methods of elimination of those occurrences with the purpose to ensure continuity of management in such enterprises.
The investigations of the impact of disturbance severity on recruitment of clonal plant species were preformed in three Molinietum caeruleae patches dominated by small meadow species (MC), or prevailed by tall grasses (GR) or overgrown by willows (SA). The meadows were located in Vistula valley close to Kraków agglomeration, southern Poland. In above menntionned patches ten permanent experimental plots were randomly arranged. Each plot was divided in four subplots measured 900 cm2 represented undisturbed control, low level of disturbance (the litter and the moss layer removal), intermediate level of disturbance (the litter, moss and above-ground vegetation removal), high level of disturbance (the litter, moss and the plants removal as well as top soil raking). The colonization of gaps was observed in the years 2008–2010. Irrespective of patch character, the greatest species richness and seedling abundance were observed in gaps, which occurred in result of intermediate disturbances. Weaker recruitment rates were recorded in openings left after disturbances of low- and high severity, while in fully compact herb layer no seedlings were found. In MC patch, regardless of treatment in all openings similar spectra of life history traits were observed. In seedling pool of all subplots appeared taxa creating below ground organs of clonal growth. In all subplots dominated species with intermediate values of lateral spread, numerous vegetative descendants, short-lasting stems and no persistent genet integration. In sites GR and SA in openings left after weak disturbances appeared species with below- and aboveground organs of clonal growth. The majority of them characterized by slight lateral spread, low number of vegetative offsprings, long lifespan of shoots and persistent genet integration. The abundance of taxa creating underground clonal growth organs, with considerable vegetative spread, high production of daughter ramets, short lifespan of shoots and not enduring genet integration increased gradually and significantly with disturbance gradient. Although the greatest recruitment rates were found in gaps left after removal of litter, moss and above-ground parts of plants, the most effective way for conservation of Molinietum caeruleae meadows appeared to be creation of different severity disturbances. Such treatment contributes to maintenance of heterogeneity of clonal species composition, especially in patches in advanced successional stages
W ostatnim czasie polskie górnictwo boryka się ze wzrostem zagrożeń naturalnych, do których należy również zagrożenie metanem. Jak podaje Główny Instytut Górnictwa, już ponad 80% węgla wydobywanych jest w Polsce w warunkach zagrożenia metanowego. Ma to związek zarówno ze zwiększaniem głębokości, jak i koncentracją eksploatacji. Profilaktyka metanowa, polegająca na wcześniejszym odgazowaniu pokładu, jest w warunkach niskiej przepuszczalności polskich węgli bardzo trudna. Dodatkowe zagrożenie stanowią zjawiska gazodynamiczne, w wyniku których zalegający pod dużym ciśnieniem metan może zostać wypchnięty do wyrobiska. Migracja gazu z warstw spągowych do pokładów pierwotnie nie zawierających metanu oraz do wyrobisk stanowi poważne zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa. Przedmiotem pracy było wyznaczenie stanu naprężenia w otoczeniu wyrobiska górniczego, z uwzględnieniem oddziaływania ciśnienia metanu oraz procesu migracji metanu poprzez szczeliny do warstw pierwotnie go nie zawierających. Istotą analizy była symulacja zjawisk zachodzących w masywie skalnym podczas eksploatacji węgla kamiennego, w sytuacji, kiedy możliwa jest migracja metanu z niżej zalegającego pokładu. Zagadnienie rozwiązywane było na drodze modelowania numerycznego, metodą elementów skończonych. Do obliczeń wykorzystano pakiet programów MES-Abaqus.
One of the natural dangers in coal mining in Poland is methane migration between rock layers. The following paper discusses that issue. The main aim of the paper was to obtain stress distribution around mining excavation area, considering the influence of methane pressure and the process of methane migration through gaps into layers previously without it. In particular, the paper presents a simulation of processes occurring in rock mass during coal exploitation when the migration of methane from lower layers is possible. The issue was solved by numerical modelling, using the Finite Element Method. MES-Abaqus code was used for calculations.
Inteligentne cechy mikrołożysk o średnicach wału około 1 milimetra oraz o wysokościach szczeliny często mniejszych od jednego mikrometra osiągamy poprzez nacięcia rowków o średniej głębokości około 100 nm o różnym kształcie i rozmaitym usytuowaniu po kierunku kąta opasania, a także w kierunku wzdłużnym na współpracujących powierzchniach warstw wierzchnich czopa i panewki o różnych kształtach. Takie rowki zmieniają wysokości supercienkiej szczeliny mikrołożyska o różnej geometrii czopa. Zarówno kształty rowków, jak też kształty czopów walcowych, stożkowych, parabolicznych, hiperbolicznych wpływają istotnie na rozkłady wartości ciśnień hydrodynamicznych oraz na wartości sił tarcia. W niniejszej pracy ograniczymy się do czopów walcowych. Dla umożliwienia obliczeń numerycznych rozkładów ciśnienia hydrodynamicznego, sił nośnych, sił tarcia w mikrołożyskach niniejsza praca przy wykorzystaniu jednostkowych funkcji Heaviside'a oraz rozwinięć funkcji w szeregi Fouriera, przedstawia formuły analityczne opisu różnych kształtów rowków i żeberek na powierzchniach czopa i panewki. Żeberkowane oraz rowkowane czopy mają zastosowanie w mikrołożyskach dla HDD.
In micro-bearings, where journal diameter has values up to 1 millimetre and the height of the micro-bearing gap has the largest value 1 micrometer, the intelligent features are attained by the groove and ridges on the sleeve and journal surfaces. The average groove depth and ridge height has a value of about 100 nm. The grooves have various geometrical shapes and are lying on the superficial layer of the sleeve and on the journal and are situated in circumferential and longitudinal directions of the cooperating bearing surfaces. The journals have additionally various geometrical shapes; however, in this paper, we are restricted to the cylindrical bearings only. Such grooves and ridges change in real form the height of the super thin, micro-bearing gap where the journal has various shapes. The geometrical shapes of the grooves and the cylindrical, conical, parabolic, hyperbolical geometry of the bearing journal has substantial influence on the hydrodynamic pressure distribution values and friction forces. Using the unit Heaviside'a function and Fourier series expansions, the present paper shows the various formulae for an analytical description of the various shapes of grooves, which enables one to perform the numerical calculations of the hydrodynamic pressure, carrying capacities, and friction forces. The grooved and ridged gaps have applications in Computer Hard Discs Drivers (HDD) microbearings.
Content available remote Faster Algorithms for Computing Maximal Multirepeats in Multiple Sequences
A repeat in a string is a substring that occurs more than once. A repeat is extendible if every occurrence of the repeat has an identical letter either on the left or on the right; otherwise, it is maximal. A multirepeat is a repeat that occurs at least mmin times (mmin
In many real problems we have to face up to information gaps. The paper presents the method of decreasing granulation of elementary events, which finds an average distribution of probability density, which represents infinite number of distributions. If we know the range of the unknown value and have qualitative knowledge about the general character of its distribution, then we can use this knowledge to surmount the information gap in a better way than the way proposed by the principle of indifference. According to the authors' knowledge the concept of the safe distribution is new and unknown in the literature. It is of fundamental importance for probability theory.
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