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Content available Monitoring fuel quality in the transport industry
Purpose: The aim of the article is to check whether there are indications that light waves can be used to monitor fuel quality. Design/methodology/approach: Tests of deposits released in fuels during long-term storage were carried out. The research involved observing with the unaided eye illuminated samples of fuels stored in glass vials. The research was qualitative in nature. Samples of diesel oil, gasoline were tested. The phenomena occurring in materials under the influence of aging processes were determined and the relationships between the tested material, its quality and the impact of light rays on the sample were explained using physic-chemical phenomena. Findings: The novelty of the article is to show that fuels after the storage process can significantly differ in quality from the starting material and that it is possible to monitor fuel quality using spectroscopic methods. Research limitations/implications: The research conducted is qualitative and not quantitative. Practical implications: It is suggested to use methods of continuous monitoring of stored fuels using light spectroscopy methods. Originality/value: It is to show that fuels from one manufacturer and stored in the same tank age at different times. Fuels have different properties and significantly differ in quality compared to the input material. Therefore, there is a real need for continuous monitoring of fuel quality.
W artykule opisano powody koniecznej dywersyfikacji zespołów napędowych i stosowanych do nich nośników energii wynikające z transformacji energetycznej transportu. Prowadzone na bieżąco badania i analizy dowodzą, że zasadne jest, aby w okresie przejściowym, do czasu całkowitej elektryfikacji transportu, tłokowe silniki spalinowe nadal stanowiły główną siłą napędową w transporcie, szczególnie komercyjnym. Wiąże się to z promowaniem dekarbonizacji paliw, aby przeciwdziałać zmianom klimatu. W związku z tym paliwa o zerowej/zmniejszonej emisji ditlenku węgla, takie jak metan, wodór, etanol, metanol, a nawet amoniak, odgrywają coraz większą rolę. Powyżej wskazane kierunki zmian w zakresie zespołów napędowych i paliw mają bezpośredni wpływ na modyfikację formulacji środków smarowych stosowanych w przemyśle motoryzacyjnym. W konsekwencji przemysł środków smarowych musi dywersyfikować się w kierunku środków smarowych dostosowanych do wymagań różnorodnych zespołów napędowych, mając na uwadze konieczność zwiększania ich sprawności, osiągów i trwałości przy równoczesnym zmniejszeniu szkodliwych emisji i optymalizacji kosztów produkcji. Wymaga to pokonania wielu barier związanych ze sprzecznymi oczekiwaniami stawianymi olejom smarowym np. przez silniki spalinowe, takimi jak m.in.: udział w tworzeniu emisji pierwotnej, bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność funkcjonowania układów oczyszczania spalin, a także współdziałanie z paliwami o różnym składzie. W artykule opisano wymagania stawiane przede wszystkim smarowym olejom silnikowym w zależności od typu zespołu napędowego i stosowanego do niego paliwa. Zwrócono szczególną uwagę na charakterystyczne dla określonego paliwa wyzwania, jakim musi sprostać w silniku współpracujący z nim smarowy olej silnikowy. W przypadku tłokowych silników spalinowych podkreślono konieczność rozwiązania problemu coraz większego udziału spalanego oleju smarowego w całkowitej emisji cząstek stałych. Wskazano też w tym aspekcie na zalety i perspektywy stosowania paliw syntetycznych. Omówiono do tej pory bardzo mało znane problemy, jakim musi przeciwdziałać silnikowy olej smarowy w przypadku napędów hybrydowych. Wskazano na konsekwencje i szczególne wymagania stawiane smarowym olejom silnikowym w przypadku stosowania obecnie mało spopularyzowanych, ale zdecydowanie perspektywicznych paliw, jak wodór i amoniak. W ostatniej części artykułu opisano w dużej części odmienne wymagania, jakie stawia się olejom smarowym do elektrycznych zespołów napędowych. W tym przypadku olej smarowy stosowany w skrzyniach biegów coraz częściej pełni równocześnie funkcję płynu do chłodzenia silników elektrycznych z chłodzeniem bezpośrednim. Bezpośredni kontakt oleju smarowego z elementami zespołów elektrycznych sprawia, że bardzo ważne są jego właściwości elektroizolacyjne. Generalnie olej smarowy powinien poprawić sprawność mechaniczną i zmniejszyć straty hydrauliczne przekładni w celu zmniejszenia zużycia energii elektrycznej i emisji CO2 pojazdu elektrycznego powstającej podczas produkcji energii elektrycznej. Dodatkowa trudność przy opracowywaniu środków smarowych do napędów elektrycznych polega na tym, że do tej pory nie ma sprecyzowanych wymagań technicznych dla płynów eksploatacyjnych przeznaczonych do pojazdów elektrycznych. Brak jest też wielu znormalizowanych metod badawczych i określenia zakresu niezbędnych badań przedmiotowych płynów.
The article explores the rationale behind the necessary diversification of powertrains and the energy carriers used in the energy transformation of transport. Ongoing research and analyses indicate that it practical for piston internal combustion engines to remain the primary propulsion system used in transport, commercial transport in particular, during the transitional phase leading to complete electrification of transport. The promotion of fuel decarbonization is a critical step in combating climate change. As a result, zero or low carbon fuels such as methane, hydrogen, ethanol, methanol and even ammonia are becoming increasingly significant. These developments in powertrains and fuels direct influence the necessary changes in lubricants used in the automotive industry. Therefore, the lubricant industry must diversify into lubricants designed to meet the requirements of a wide variety of powertrains. This diversification should aim to enhance efficiency, performance and durability, simultaneously reducing harmful emissions and optimizing production costs. This requires overcoming a number of barriers related to the conflicting requirements placed on lubricating oils by, e.g., internal combustion engines. These requirements include contributing to the reduction of primary emissions, safe and reliable operation of exhaust aftertreatment systems, and the interaction with fuels of different compositions. The article specifically details the requirements for engine oils, depending on the powertrains and fuels used. Particular attention was paid to the associated with the compatibility of engine oils with specific fuels. In the case of reciprocating internal combustion engines, the need to address the increasing contribution of burnt engine oils to total particulate emissions was highlighted. The advantages and future prospects for the use of synthetic fuels are discussed in this context. Additionally, the article delves into the lesser-known problems that engine oils must counteract in hybrid drive systems. The implications and specific requirements for engine oils when using currently underutilized but definitely promising fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia are discussed as well. The final section of the article extensively describes the various requirements placed on lubricating oils for electric powertrains. In electric power units, the lubricating oil used in transmissions increasingly commonly serve also the purpose of a cooling fluid for direct-cooling electric motors. The direct contact of lubricating oil with the components of electrical assemblies elevates the importance of its electrical insulating properties. In general, lubricating oils should improve mechanical efficiency and reduce hydraulic losses of a transmission in order to reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emissions of an electric vehicle generated during the generation of electricity. An added challenge in the development of lubricants for electric drive systems is the absence of specified technical requirements for fluids in electric vehicles to date. Additionally, there is a lack of standardization of test methods and definition of the scope of the necessary tests for these fluids.
At the end of COP26, Vietnam has developed many institutions and policies to fulfill its commitment to bring net emissions to “zero” by 2050 and reduce methane (CH4) to at least 30% below the 2020 levels by 2030. In order to gradually achieve the above goal, an inventory of facilities with greenhouse gas emissions plays a very important role. This study was conducted to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions at a seafood export processing factory. The study was carried out based on the method of collecting data from different emission sources and calculating emissions based on the activity data and emission factors from reliable sources. The research results show that, during the study period from March 2022 to March 2023, the total emissions at the facility were 19,144.14 tons of CO2eq, of which the indirect emissions from waste and electricity accounted for the high rate of about 60.37% and 36.55% of the total CO2eq, respectively. Research results also show that CO2 is the most emitted gas into the environment and is present in most of the waste sources, in which electricity consumption and CO2 emissions are the most significant, indirectly emitting 7,102.85 tons of CO2/year (accounting for 98.51% of total waste sources). For daily waste, landfilling indirectly releases into the atmosphere an amount of methane (CH4) approximately 410 tons/year, accounting for more than 95% of the total emissions. In addition, in the process of using fuel (gasoline and DO) at the facility, a large amount of N2O gas enters the atmosphere (nearly 70% of emissions from DO and 30% from gasoline). Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at the facility could be achieved by saving water, reducing wastewater and using clean energy.
This study aimed to investigate the potential of plastic waste, specifically bubble wrap and packaging plastic, as a fuel source through pyrolysis process. The samples were analyzed using FTIR and GC-MS. The results showed that both samples contained alkanes and alkenes, with hydrocarbon fractions like those found in gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel. The pyrolysis process resulted in hydrocarbon fractions ranging from light to heavy fractions. The bubble wrap sample showed the highest percentage of hydrocarbon fraction in the kerosene range (C10–C13), with an area of 19.23%. In contrast, the packaging plastic sample showed the highest percentage of hydrocarbon fraction in the diesel range (C14–C20), with an area percentage of 19.67%. The calorific value of the pyrolysis products was also determined, with the bubble wrap sample having a higher value than that of gasoline, while the packaging plastic sample had a value close to that of kerosene. The results of this study suggest that plastic waste has the potential to be converted into fuel, which can contribute to sustainable development by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing plastic waste. However, further refinement of the pyrolysis products is needed to meet commercial fuel standards.
Celem artykułu jest dokonanie analizy rynku wybranych paliw płynnych od stycznia 2019 r. do połowy września 2022 r. Badanymi paliwami były: benzyna silnikowa, olej napędowy oraz skroplony gaz petrochemiczny LPG. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano analizę raportów i baz danych zawierających dane dotyczące badanych surowców, paliw kopalnych i kursu USD/PLN. Największymi podmiotami paliwowymi działającymi na terenie Polski są: PKN Orlen, BP, Shell oraz grupa prywatnych stacji. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że na cenę paliw w Polsce w badanym okresie istotny wpływ miały: zmiany ceny ropy naftowej WTI i gazu ziemnego, cykl koniunkturalny (recesja w trakcie pandemii COVID-19), wydarzenia geopolityczne (rozpoczęcie wojny w Ukrainie), kurs walutowy USD/PLN, zmiana wysokości podatku VAT na paliwa, akcyza, opłata paliwowa i emisyjna oraz marże koncernów paliwowych. Na wzrost cen paliw w Polsce pod koniec badanego okresu wpłynęły deprecjacja złotówki i wzrost marży koncernów paliwowych. Ceny paliw w Polsce zdecydowanie szybciej reagują na wzrost cen ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego niż na spadki cen tych surowców.
The aim of the article is to analyze the market of selected liquid fuels from January 2019 to mid-September 2022. The tested fuels were: motor gasoline, diesel oil and liquefied petrochemical gas. The analysis of reports and databases containing data on the analyzed commodities, fossil fuels and the USD/PLN exchange rate was used as the research method. The largest fuel entities operating in Poland are: PKN Orlen, BP, Shell and a group of private stations. The conclusion of the article is the fact that the price of fuels in Poland in the analyzed period was significantly influenced by: changes in WTI crude oil and natural gas prices, business cycle (recession during the COVID-19 pandemic), geopolitical events (start of war between Russia and Ukraine), USD/PLN exchange rate, change in value-added tax on fuels, excise duty, fuel and emission fee and margins of fuel companies. The appreciation of fuel prices in Poland at the end of the analyzed period was influenced by the depreciation of the Polish zloty and the increase in the margins of fuel companies. Fuel prices in Poland respond much faster to increases in crude oil and natural gas prices than to decreases in the prices of these raw materials.
Restaurants and food processors that frequently utilize frying oils can provide waste vegetable oil for free or for a small price. To compare the use of OAME to fossil diesel on the performance of the 67 kW Kubota tractor diesel engine, the methyl ester of oleic acid methyl ester (OAME) biodiesel was created from used vegetable oil using the transesterification process. The OAME gasoline was used straight up. The engine’s performance parameters and key indications, such as the indicated torque, brake torque, indicated power, fuel consumption of the braking force brake (BSFC), and exhaust gas emissions, were determined. The choice of a certain biofuel made from a specific source is primarily based on its economic viability and availability where it is utilized.
This article discusses the possibilities of powering a commonly used diesel engine with renewable fuels. It analyses scientific studies that clearly indicate that the use of hydrogen is a potentially future-proof option due to its potential to reduce specific fuel consumption and improve performance and increase thermal efficiency. The research was carried out on a laboratory bench designed to test a diesel engine fueled by different fuels. A proprietary hydrogen injection system with dedicated control software was used. Hydrogen injection pressures of 0.15, 0.18, 0.20 MPa and hydrogen injector opening times of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 ms, respectively, were set as control parameters. The rapidly varying engine operating parameters were recorded and the parameters calculated from them were analysed.
Content available Impact of water content in fuel for smoke opacity
The development of internal combustion engines is focused at solving problems like: fulfilment with increasingly stringent requirements regarding exhaust emissions and elimination of threats to the natural environment. The subject of this thesis is to assess the impact of supplying a compression-ignition engine with hydrocarbon mixtures and to examine the impact of water on external parameters of the engine, such as smoke opacity. The main tests were carried out on a 4-cylinder VW 1.9 TDI internal combustion engine at a constant engine crankshaft speed of 3000 rpm and a variable load of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 Nm. The tests were carried out using an innovative mixture of hydrated fusel oils, ethyl alcohol and ionic and/or non-ionic emulsifiers, from which was made of microemulsions with a water content in diesel oil of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%. The tests carried out showed a beneficial effect of the water content in the diesel oil on the reduction of the average value of smoke opacity, which systematically decreases with the increase in the percentage of water in the diesel oil.
Transport is an energy-intensive sector of the economy and it is important where energy comes from and how it is used - now and in the future. The presented research results seem to encourage further work, despite the fact that the work had the character of basic research. The results were achieved in idealized conditions by the fact that the internal combustion engine was tested in static conditions on the test bench and the fuels contained components with strictly defined parameters. These conditions are different from everyday life. However, the obtained results seem to be valuable as they lead to conclusions regarding biofuels, and these conclusions are not directly formulated and published in the literature on the subject. The general conclusion from the research carried out is that the introduction of the so-called biofuels can contribute not to the reduction of CO2 emissions, but to its faster balancing in the environment. This balancing can be achieved but at the cost of increased fuel consumption. This increase in fuel consumption would probably not occur if the "bio" components in the fuel were synthetic hydrocarbons obtained from biomass. However, proving it requires wider studies, including LCA. Data for this LCA, especially about a fuel consumption, may be coming from long term operation of vehicles.
Presently, we can learn and read more and more about hydrogen in both traditional and social media. The article answers why there is so much interest in hydrogen recently. It has been recognized by European and global decision-makers as a very promising medium necessary to carry out the climate and energy transformation. The advantages of hydrogen as a fuel and as a medium for storing large amounts of energy over a longer period of time is also presented. In addition, an overview of hydrogen technologies presented at the Hydrogen Technology Expo in Bremen in September 2023 is provided. The state of hydrogen technologies currently available on the market is compared to the latest achievements of scientists described in scientific articles. The aim of the article is to review the technologies available on the market for the production, storage and use of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel. Hydrogen technologies presented at the Hydrogen Expo in Bremen were confronted with the latest scientific achievements described in the latest scientific articles. Thanks to such a confrontation, it is possible to make a rational purchasing decision in the area of selected hydrogen technologies.
The aim of the research was to analyse the possibility of using neural networks to determine the parameters of the chemical composition of exhaust gases as a function of engine performance parameters obtained from the on-board diagnostics system such as crankshaft speed and engine load index. The subject of the study was a Fiat Panda car equipped with a 1.3 Multijet diesel engine and powered by pure diesel. The tests used the MAHA MET 6.3 exhaust gas analyser and the on-board diagnostics system OBD II. The obtained values of NOx,O2,CO2 and PM measured behind the DPF were analysed. For the purpose of building a neural network model, preliminary studies were carried out in non-urban traffic (high-speed route). Based on the data obtained, processes of learning neural network structures with approximate properties with backward propagation of errors were carried out. Subsequently, tests were carried out on the operational parameters of the vehicle and the chemical composition of exhaust gases in urban traffic. Analysis of the obtained values of the average parameters obtained during the measurement and obtained on the basis of the prepared neural models allows to determine the relative differences at the level of not more than 10 percent.
Purpose: The overriding goal of the considerations is to indicate the assumptions and rule for the implementation of the procedure leading to the appointment of an appropriate fuel and energy supplier in large-format enterprises (L-FE), to the extent necessary to improve economic results. The choice will take into account both the size and structure of the resources that are at the disposal of the enterprise and the environmental conditions. The practical goal will be to develop a concept for the implementation of the procedure for the evaluation and selection of a supplier of energy carriers for the needs of a commercial entity. Design/methodology/approach: The research procedure will run through the following stages: 1. Presentation of the theoretical foundations by discussing concepts related to the functioning of the fuel and energy economy as well as indicating the methods and criteria for selecting a supplier. The research method used will be a review of the literature on the subject. 2. Recognition of the L-FE decision situation through the analysis of the subjective, objective and process structure. The research method used will be direct observation with participation. The observation will be carried out in four commercial networks (in total seven enterprises). 3. Setting the assumptions for the implementation of the procedure for the evaluation and selection of the supplier of energy carriers in L-FE. At this stage, the purpose of the procedure, its essence, stages and tasks of implementation as well as the procedure will be indicated. Responsible persons and contractors will be appointed. The evaluation criteria as well as the applicable entry and exit documents will be proposed. The research method used will be the expert method. Findings: The added value of the article is the answer to the question: how is the process of assessing and selecting the supplier of energy carriers in L-FE? The work indicates its goal, stages and tasks of implementation, applicable documents, methods of proceeding and evaluation criteria. The proposed solution contains practical guidelines. Should be noted that the adopted scheme of conduct and the method of its application in a trading enterprise creates the possibility of transferring the developed solutions to other economic systems. Originality/value: In this article, the actions taken have been focused on areas that have and will have an impact on reducing the costs of the company's operation and, consequently, on improving their competitive position on the market.
This study characterizes the distribution chain of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Poland, using the terminal in Świnoujście as the “source of LNG”. The focus is primarily on the possibility of LNG distribution for road transport, taking into account the effective use of its energy potential. During the transport and storage of LNG it was found that the evaporation of LNG, the so-called boil-off gas (BOG), is a significant problem that leads to an increased pressure in the tank. Therefore, the possibility of using BOG in individual links of the LNG supply chain is indicated. One prospect is its compression to high pressure, which produces compressed natural gas (CNG) fuels. Thus, this paper specifies the influence of the initial BOG gas pressure on the unit compression work and analyses the change in the compression unit work, which depends on the final CNG fuel pressure, with a specific assumption for the BOG pressure.
The paper analyses the reasons for the interest in natural gas as a potential marine fuel to replace the existing fuels derived from crude oil. The increase in environmental awareness and the effects of human activity caused the process of searching for more environmentally friendly fuels. Naturally, interest has been shifted to a well-known energy source commonly found on Earth in quantities much more considerable than crude oil. This fuel, in the form of liquefied natural gas, seems to be an attractive substitute for the currently dominant types of marine fuels. The technologies of its extraction, liquefaction, storage and transport were mastered, and marine engines were adopted for its combustion as dual-fuel engines. The regulations introduced by the International Maritime Organization and the European Parliament, forcing the reduction of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from the combustion of marine fuels, require taking action to meet them. The proposals for individual next 30 years are given. Due to the introduction of regulations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, it is necessary to switch to fuels with a lower or zero carbon content or biofuels recognised as more environmentally friendly. Due to only 25% lower carbon content in methane with its higher lower heating value, it is possible to reduce the direct emission from this gas by about 30%. However, methane leaks occur in the processes from natural gas extraction to the energy effect in engines as a fuel, significantly worsening its image as an ecological fuel. Researches indicate that with current technologies, natural gas should not be recognised as an ecological fuel until gas leaks are significantly reduced. The article justifies why LNG should be considered a transient marine fuel, with the need to switch to other synthetic fuels, ammonia, and hydrogen.
Kolejny rok zazwyczaj traktuje się jako nowe otwarcie i zawsze niesie to ze sobą mnóstwo pytań, nadziei i wątpliwości. Każda branża, każde przedsiębiorstwo i każdy z nas zastanawia się, podsumowuje miniony rok i zadaje sobie pytanie, czy będzie lepiej. Ostatnie dwa lata były dla przemysłu sporym wyzwaniem, co głównie wynikało z sytuacji epidemiologicznej na całym świecie. Wirus Covid-19 wprowadził sporo zamieszania na światowym rynku i przyczynił się do zachwiania gospodarki. Mimo to, wszystkie gałęzie przemysłu mocno walczyły o przetrwanie tego trudnego okresu. Jednym udało się to z większym sukcesem, a innym już nieco gorzej. Jednak wysiłki ponoszone przez poszczególne branże przyniosły jakiś efekt. Jak podaje Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza (KIG), biorąc pod uwagę wskaźniki makroekonomiczne widać, że mimo trudnej sytuacji rok 2021 okazał się lepszy niż pierwszy rok pandemii, czyli 2020. Dane o produkcji, eksporcie czy sprzedaży za ostatni okres są dość pomyślne, a PKB w 2021 r. – według szacunków KIG – wzrósł o 5,7%. Czy to oznacza sukces i radość przedsiębiorców? Niestety, nie do końca. Owszem, taka informacja jest pozytywna, należy jednak zachować racjonalne myślenie, bo pandemia nadal trwa, a wirus Covid-19 nie powiedział jeszcze ostatniego słowa. Przedsiębiorcy doskonale zdają sobie z tego sprawę.
Od dłuższego już czasu właściwie wszystkie gałęzie przemysłu, a także konsumenci zmagają się z trudną sytuacją w kraju, wysokimi cenami produktów i usług. Media „zalewają” nas kolejnymi informacjami na temat niespotykanego od 20 lat poziomu inflacji, wysokich cen energii i gazu. W dodatku nic nie wskazuje na to, aby sytuacja miała się szybko ustabilizować. Nie pozostaje to bez wpływu na branżę celulozowo-papierniczą oraz tektury i opakowań. Sytuacja na rynku papierniczym jest bardzo napięta. Branżę boleśnie dotykają coraz wyższe ceny energii, paliw, gazu i podstawowych surowców, takich jak drewno i masa celulozowa, które są niezbędne w procesie produkcji. Przekłada się to następnie na znaczący wzrost cen gotowych produktów, czyli papieru, począwszy od biurowego, przez gazetowy, opakowania i tekturę, a skończywszy na ręcznikach papierowych czy papierze toaletowym. Taki stan rzeczy coraz mocniej odbija się na konsumentach. Oprócz wzrostu cen, w ostatnim czasie zauważają oni w sklepach mocno ograniczoną ilość produktów papierniczych, takich jak np. chusteczki czy papier toaletowy, a niekiedy nawet zupełny ich brak na półkach. Przyczyn tak trudnej sytuacji na rynku jest kilka.
Content available Wodór - paliwo przyszłości. Moda czy szansa?
Udzielenie odpowiedzi na powyższe pytanie skłania do podjęcia nawet pobieżnej analizy precyzującej zainteresowanie wodorem, jako paliwem przyszłości. Oczywiście można by stwierdzić, że wodór (H2) to naturalny gaz, występujący powszechnie w przyrodzie w ogromnych ilościach i wykorzystywany już komercyjnie. Co więcej, według wstępnych szacunków „światowy rynek wodoru w 2020 r. osiągnął wartość 9,8 mld dolarów, przy notowanym od 2015 r. wzroście wynoszącym 3,45% rocznie.
Wodór potrzebuje kompleksowej regulacji na miarę, jednak ważne, aby działania legislacyjne skupiały się również na zmianach w aktualnie obowiązujących przepisach i tych obszarach gospodarki, gdzie odnawialny wodór może stanowić innowacyjne rozwiązanie bieżących problemów.
OMC Envag Sp. z o.o. od 30 lat dostarcza aparaturę analityczną najwyższej klasy dla przemysłu i monitoringu środowiska. Nowe technologie OZE, w tym wodorowe, wymagają kontroli jakości wodoru z limitami detekcji na poziomie ppb. Oferujemy analizatory zanieczyszczeń wodoru ProCeas® w technologii OFCEAS (ang. Optical feedback cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy), wynalezionej w Grenoble w trakcie badań nad detekcją śladowych składników atmosfery. Pozwala ona badać jakość wodoru, zapewniając prawidłowe funkcjonowanie wrażliwych elementów ogniw paliwowych.
Content available Ocena śladu węglowego istotna dla wizerunku firmy
Budowa biznesu odpowiedzialnego społecznie to jeden ze sposobów na osiągnięcie neutralności klimatycznej całego świata. W tym celu należy nie tylko zbadać ślad węglowy przedsiębiorstwa. Warto także przygotować i wdrożyć strategię dekarbonizacji, a także poddać się transparentnej ocenie przez niezależne jednostki, jak CDP.
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