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Aglomeracja łódzka ze względu na położenie w strefie wododziałowej ma bardzo ograniczone możliwości korzystania z zasobów wód powierzchniowych. Powstanie i dynamiczny rozwój zawdzięcza zasobnym strukturom hydrogeologicznym. Ponadto w rejonie niecki mogileńsko-łódzkiej występuje znaczący potencjał geotermalny. W części wynika on z nasycenia głębokiego podłoża strukturami solnymi o zwiększonej przewodności cieplnej. Za najbardziej perspektywiczne uznaje się geotermalne zbiorniki dolnokredowy i dolnojurajski. Występujące tam wody, poza wysokimi temperaturami, cechują się wysoką mineralizacją i wysokimi ciśnieniami złożowymi. Najbardziej zagrożony wydaje się dolnokredowy zbiornik wód zwykłych, gdyż instalacje geotermalne potencjalnie mogą powodować ascenzję wód wysoko zmineralizowanych z utworów triasowych i jurajskich. Zagrożenie to nie istnieje poza granicą oddzielającą wody zwykłe od mineralnych, gdyż w tej strefie poziom dolnokredowy traci znaczenie jako użytkowy poziom wodonośny wód słodkich
The Łódź agglomeration, due to its location in the watershed zone, has very limited possibilities of using surface water resources. Its establishment and dynamic development was determined by the abundant aquifer structures of the Łódź Basin and its Cenozoic overburden. The area of the Mogilno-Łódź Basin shows a considerable geothermal potential. It partly results from the saturation of the deep bedrock of salt structures showing increased heat conductivity. The Lower Cretaceous and Lower Jurassic geothermal reservoirs are considered most promising. Waters occurring there, apart from high temperature, are characterized by high mineralization and high reservoir pressures. The Lower Cretaceous aquifer seems to be most threatened. Geothermal installations generate a potential increase of the risk of ascension of its highly mineralized waters from Triassic and Jurassic sediments. The threat does not exist outside the boundary separating fresh and mineral waters because in this area the aquifer loses its importance as a useful fresh water aquifer.
Natural river-floodplain systems are heterogenous mosaics of lotic and lentic habitats subjected to dynamic temporal changes connected with hydrological regime, which promote high biological diversity. Mollusc assemblages of three habitat types within 10 km section of the lower course of the Liwiec River (East Poland) — the main river channel (MC), the secondary channel (SC) and remnants of the former river channel (FC), were compared to find if they were structured by heterogeneity resulting from hydrological connectivity and disturbance intensity related to it. The influence of selected qualitative environmental variables was also analysed. The investigations were carried out at 19 sites during late spring and late summer in the years 2012–2014, molluscs were sampled from approximately 1 m2 of the bottom with a hand net, and from macrophytes with a frame. Rich aquatic malacofauna (36 species including 22 gastropods and 14 bivalves) was found within the study area including three species of special interest: Anisus vorticulus (Troschel), Unio crassus Phillipsson and Anodonta cygnea (L.). Bivalves Sphaerium corneum (L.) and Pisidium spp dominated within MC, in SC a few common and ubiquitous species (mainly snails) prevailed, pulmonate snails and some small bivalves of the genus Pisidium were the most numerous molluscs within FC. Principal Component Analysis revealed that current velocity, channel width, bottom sediments and macrophyte abundance were important environmental factors structuring mollusc assemblages. Considerable variation in species composition (β diversity), especially between the main river channel and two other habitat types (β2) was found. The highest values of mean species richness, Shannon true diversity and Shannon index found in the secondary channel were in accordance with intermediate disturbance hypothesis.
A new species of a non-marine microconchid (Tentaculita) tubeworm, Microconchus hintonensis, from the Lower Carboniferous (Upper Mississippian, Chesterian) of West Virginia, USA, is described. Non-marine microconchids occur abundantly in the deposits of the Bluefield, lower Hinton, Princeton and Bluestone Formations of the Mauch Chunk Group, where they are either associated with land plant remains and bivalve shells, or are preserved loose in the host sediment. The specimens attached to plant remains and bivalve shells, are poorly preserved, but those occurring loose in the deposits are well-preserved in three dimensions. The interpretation pre sented here, is that the loose specimens of Microconchus hintonensis sp. nov. also originally encrusted plants (land plants, algae) and bivalve shells, but became detached after substrate degradation and dissolution. The association of land plant remains, charophyte gyrogonites, bivalves, ostracodes, conchostracans, and fish teeth and scales, and the concomitant lack of strictly marine fossils indicate that the microconchid-bearing deposits of the lower Hinton, Princeton and Bluestone Formations were deposited in fresh-water environments. Microconchus hintonensis sp. nov. is regarded as a highly fecund, opportunistic species that in large numbers colonized every available substrate in its habitat. Its abundance in the deposits investigated indicates that the species was welladapted to the environments it occupied, even during episodes of higher sedimentation rates and/or competition with other soft-bodied encrusters. During such episodes, microconchids were able to grow vertically by uncoiling and elevating their tubes, in order to escape potential burial and/or overgrowth by other encrusters.
W artykule przedstawiono różnorodność wód podziemnych w strefie przygranicznej Polski i Ukrainy. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują szczawy zwykłe i wody kwasowęglowe występujące w pasie przygranicznym zarówno po stronie polskiej, jak i ukraińskiej. Wody te są wykorzystywane głównie w lecznictwie uzdrowiskowym i rozlewnictwie. W artykule przedstawiono możliwości opracowania atlasu hydrogeoróżnorodności strefy przygranicznej na przykładzie opracowanego już „Atlasu hydrogeoróżnorodności województwa małopolskiego”.
The article presents a diversity of groundwater in the border area of Poland and Ukraine. Of special interest are the regular carbonated and carbon dioxide-containing waters occurring in the border zone on both the Polish and Ukrainian sides. These waters are mainly used for medical purposes in spas and for bottling. The article presents the possibility of developing an atlas of hydrogeodiversity of the border zone similarly to the already published “Atlas of Hydrogeodiversity of the Małopolska Province”.
Content available Historia uzdrowisk w Karpatach Wschodnich
W artykule omówiono wykorzystywanie wód leczniczych na obszarze Karpat Wschodnich przed II wojną światową oraz przedstawiono różnorodność wód podziemnych w istniejących wówczas uzdrowiskach. Dzięki istniejącym źródłom mineralnym najbardziej znany był Truskawiec, posiadający dobrze funkcjonujące zakłady przyrodolecznicze. Znaczną popularnością cieszyły się również Burkut, Delatyn i Morszyn.
The article discusses the use of therapeutic mineral waters in the pre-World War II period in the Eastern Carpathians, and presents the diversity of groundwaters in the spas existing at that time. Truskavets was among the most famous. This spa was well-known for its mineral springs and well-functioning centers of natural medicine. Also Burkut, Delatyn, and Morshyn spas enjoyed a considerable popularity.
Content available remote Bioinvasions in fresh waters and the Nero dilemma
Human-mediated invasions of organisms are causing great harm to the environment, indigenous species, national economies, and human health. Notwithstanding Elton's (1958) prophecies, only by the mid 1980s did the negative impact of several introduced species become clear, along with the urgency to reduce the pace of bioinvasions. Often conservation biologists are faced with the Nero dilemma. Should they keep "fiddling" with their elegant experiments while biota are burning, or rather act, even before achieving a "strong verification" of their hypotheses? Indeed, we do need a comprehensive scientific understanding of the biological features, ecological effects, and spread potential of invasive species in order to be able to improve our strategies for mitigating their impacts. Abundant data have been collected during the past two decades on a growing number of case studies. The theories on bioinvasions derived from that wealth of knowledge have indeed revealed their predictive power. We should now strive towards a quick transfer of this knowledge from the laboratories to the real world.
Penguin rookeries are one of the main sources of nutrients for the poor ecosystem of Antarctica. At the current penguin rookeries, and in their vicinity, nitrogen rich ornithogenic soils areformed. Relictornithogenic soils created at the abandoned rookeries hundreds or even thousands years ago are rich in phosphates. In the region of maritime Antarctica, water plays an important role in distribution and redistribution of nutrients (surface flows and percolation). Soil decomposition processes result in cations and nutrient release. In nutrients originating from relict ornithogenic soils of the Antarctic tundra, phosphates are the dominating elements;while in nutrients originating from contemporary ornithogenic soils nitrogen (mainly ammonia) is the main ingredient. Mineral soils free of penguin influence contain minute amounts of nutrients. Low pH of soil solutions (<4) causes increase of dissolving of phosphate complexes. Near penguin rookery, pH was lowest (2.73-3.33) and intermediate (2.92-3.77) in relict soils. The values of pH were the highest in soil solutions from mineral soil (5.43-7.33). High concentration of cations (mainly K) in soil solutions from the ornithogenic soils and relict ornithogenic soils, suggest their organic (animal) origin.
Metody szacunkowe pozwalające określić stan dopływu związków biogennych do zbiornika wodnego wykorzystywane są w wielu krajach (Szwecja, USA i inne) w pracach prognostycznych, przy sporządzaniu planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego zlewni jezior. Metodą szacunkową można wyznaczyć aktualny i prognozowany ładunek fosforu i azotu dopływających do zbiorników wodnych z różnych źródeł. W prognozowanej na 2010 r. wielkości obciążenia związkami biogennymi jeziora Świdwie zwraca uwagę fakt, że dopływ fosforu do jeziora ulegnie zwiększeniu o 33%, a azotu tylko o 9%. Intensyfikacja produkcji zwierzęcej i roślinnej wraz ze zwiększonym dopływem związków biogennych z gospodarstw wiejskich nie mających oczyszczalni ścieków stanowi największe zagrożenie dla zeutrofizowanego jeziora Świdwie.
Estimated methods whihch permit specify the state of inflow nutrient to water reservoir, are used in prospecative works at drawing up of developing spatial purchase of lake in many countries (Sweden, USA and others). With the estimated method we can mark topical and prospective quantity phosphorus and nitrogen coming in water reservoirs from different sources. In prospective on 2010 year, of magnitude of nutrient load of tke lake Świdwie the fact pays attention that inflow of phosphorus to lake will surrender to enlargement about 33% and of nitrogen only about 9%. Intesnsifiication of animal and vegetable production with enlarged inflow of nutrient froms country-farm not possessing sewage treatment is the greatest threat for nutrient rich lake Świdwie.
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