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It is likely that the beginnings of geological museology in Poland should be associated with the collecting movement of all kinds of souvenirs and wonders of nature, often referred to as curiosities or antiquity. In 1775, Michal Mniszech proposed the creation of a national museum (Museum Polonicum). The article mentions all significant collectors of geological exhibits, including Anna Jabłonowska as one of the main figures in the beginnings of museology in Poland. The so-called public and academic and some school collections are described. The article also pays attention to social initiatives regarding financing of natural museums, including geological ones.
The Owadów-Brzezinki Geopark, located in the western margin of the Holy Cross Mountains in Slawno community (Łódź Voivodeship), was established in June 2019 in close vicinity of the Owadów-Brzezinki quarry. The geopark consists of palaeontological museum, educational trail and panoramic viewing platform, located along the quarry edge. The palaeontological museum exhibits unique fossils of marine and terrestrial organisms that were excavated in the quarry during the last six years. Among the most important fossils, which can be seen there are: horseshoe crabs, crustaceans, ammonites, insects, actinopterygian fish, turtles, ichthyosaurs, crocodylomorphs and pterosaurs. In addition to the original fossils, the museum presents life-size reconstructions of animals that inhabited the local seas and islands in the Late Jurassic, and plates illustating palaeogeographical and paleoenvironmental history of this site. Thanks to many important palaeontological and palaeobiological discoveries, this geopark has great geotourist and educational potential. The geopark’s design was drawn upon similar palaeontological museums such as the Jura Museum Eichstätt in the Solnhofen region and the Hauff Museum in the Holzmaden in Germany.
Content available The Owadów-Brzezinki geoeducation area at Sławno
The geoeducation area (called also “Owadów-Brzezinki Geopark”) located in the north-western margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (Tomaszów Syncline) at Sławno community (Łódź Voivodeship), was established in June 2019, in close vicinity of the Owadów- ‑Brzezinki quarry. This locality is one of the most important palaeontological sites described recently in Poland. The area consists of the exhibition pavilion, educational routs and panoramic viewing platform, which is located along the edge of the quarry. The palaeontological exhibition shows the unique Late Jurassic fossils of marine and terrestrial organisms, many of them new to science, that have been excavated in the quarry during the last eight years. Among the most important fossils are: ammonites, lobster-like decapod crustaceans, horseshoe crabs, actinopterygian fish, a cryptodiran turtle, ichthyosaurs, as well as a small terrestrial crocodyliform, pterosaurs and insects. In addition to the original fossils, the exhibition presents life-size reconstructions of animals, that inhabited the local seas and islands during the Late Jurassic. The palaeontological sites of Owadów-Brzezinki is referred to as a new “taphonomic window” of the Late Jurassic, providing insights about the evolution of life on Earth in the palaeogeographical and palaeoenvironmental context.
Geoedukacyjny ośrodek (zwany też „Geoparkiem Owadów-Brzezinki”) znajdujący się na północno-zachodnim obrzeżeniu Gór Świętokrzyskich (synklina tomaszowska) w gminie Sławno (województwo łódzkie) został utworzony w czerwcu 2019 roku w bliskim sąsiedztwie kamieniołomu Owadów-Brzezinki. Stanowisko to jest jednym z ważniejszych odkryć paleontologicznych ostatnich lat z terenu Polski. Ośrodek obejmuje pawilon wystawowy, ścieżki edukacyjne oraz platformę widokową umiejscowioną w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie kamieniołomu. W powstałym pawilonie paleontologicznym wyeksponowano unikatowe skamieniałości późnojurajskich zwierząt morskich i lądowych, w tym gatunki dotychczas nieznane, które zostały odkryte w kamieniołomie podczas ośmiu minionych lat. Do najważniejszych skamieniałości należą amonity, homaropodobne skorupiaki, skrzypłocze, ryby kostnoszkieletowe, żółwie skrytoszyjne, ichtiozaury, a także małe lądowe krokodylomorfy, pterozaury i owady. Oprócz oryginalnych skamieniałości w muzeum wyeksponowane są naturalnych rozmiarów rekonstrukcje zwierząt, które zamieszkiwały lokalne morza i wyspy w późnej jurze. Stanowisko paleontologiczne Owadów-Brzezinki jest określane jako nowe „okno tafonomiczne” późnej jury, ukazujące zapis ewolucji życia na Ziemi w kontekście paleogeograficznym i paleośrodowiskowym.
Although the sedimentation and diagenesis of the Polish Zechstein Limestone strata (Ca1, Permian) already have been investigated, relatively little has been done to resolve their petrophysical potential. Therefore, the gap between sedimentological and petrophysical studies was bridged through an integrated analysis of geological and geophysical data. The results of core description, polarized-light microscopy, well log interpretations and laboratory measurements on core samples were combined with previously published nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and X-ray microtomography (μCT) data, especially helpful in the recognition of pore geometry. The Ca1 strata of the Brońsko-1 and Brońsko-2 wells, located on the Zechstein Brońsko Reef (West Poland), were studied to determine the influence of fossils on porosity and permeability. It was concluded that greater diversification of the original biota led to an increase in porosity and variation in pore geometry. While encrusting organisms such as foraminifers promoted the development of channel and fracture porosity, the dissolution of the primarily aragonitic bivalve and gastropod shells and the shells of terebratulid brachiopods often gave rise to the formation of cavernous and mouldic porosity. The channels appear to be most common in the bryozoan-foraminifer biofacies, representing a shallowing of the depositional environment. Caverns, in turn, corresponded to the organisms of the brachiopod-bryozoan and the lightly karstified bivalve-gastropod biofacies, both of which probably experienced the influence of sabkha conditions, leading to a general decrease in porosity. The bryozoan zoecia tended to enhance both primary intraparticle voids, and after their dissolution, secondary intraparticle pores, which showed limited connectivity in the high-energy Acanthocladia biofacies, where considerable fragmentation of fossils took place, hence decreasing the permeability. Anhydrite cementation was found to be the most pronounced factor controlling porosity destruction, while dolomitization enhanced it significantly, especially for the stromatolitic biofacies, where small, unconnected vugs were formed owing to this process. The permeability is typically below 100 mD, and this is caused by the rich diagenetic history of the reef, that recorded marine, sabkha-related and burial cementation, now represented by the different fabrics of anhydrite, calcite, and dolomite.
Palaeontological geotourism could be one of many forms of propagating geological values of a country. It can meet the expectations of many tourists. For this broad category of people, paleontological tourism can instill curiosity about the extinct world, offering them places where they can feel like explorers, visiting these sites with a hammer and a chisel. Many of them will cherish the memories of adventures made during the search in the future, and some will find a new passion. Similar practices are used in Germany, for example, in Solnhofen or Holzmaden, where fossil exploration is available for a small fee. In most regions of Poland, you can find numerous places with fossils that anyone can search for. The greatest number of such sites can be found in the south of Poland, in the uplands and mountains, but also at the seaside, where the practice of palaeontological geotourism is possible. In the Holy Cross Mountains, the Sudetes, or in the Silesian-Cracow region, there are places where one finds fossils of plants or animals, including trace fossils. The only effort required in addition to the search for fossils is to develop guidelines and prepare guides for amateurs that quest for the lost world.
Geoturystyka paleontologiczna może być jedną z form propagowania walorów geologicznych kraju. Może spełnić oczekiwania wielu turystów. Chodzi o szeroką grupę ludzi, których można zainteresować wymarłym światem, umożliwiając im zwiedzanie miejsc, gdzie mogą poczuć się jak odkrywcy, odwiedzając je z młotkiem i dłutem. Wielu z nich będzie w przyszłości pielęgnować wspomnienia o przygodach w trakcie poszukiwań, a część z nich znajdzie swoją pasję. Podobne praktyki stosuje się np. w Niemczech – w Solnhofen czy Holzmaden, gdzie za drobną opłatą można poszukiwać skamieniałości. W większości regionów Polski można znaleźć liczne miejsca ze skamieniałościami, których poszukiwać może każdy. Najwięcej takich stanowisk spotkamy na południu Polski, w strefach wyżyn i gór, ale i nad morzem uprawianie paleontologicznej geoturystyki jest możliwe. W Górach Świętokrzyskich, Sudetach czy rejonie śląsko-krakowskim są miejsca, w których znajdziemy skamieniałości roślin lub zwierząt, a także same skamieniałości śladowe. Wymaga to jedynie wysiłku opracowania wskazówek i przewodników dla amatorów poszukiwań zaginionego świata.
Fossils and exotics from the Albian-Cenomanian deposits of the Western Polish Carpathians are discussed in relation with changes in depositional environments. Environmental conditions were controlled by geotectonic activity, sea-level changes and also anoxic and biotic events. During the Albian-the Early Cenomanian, and in the Turonian the fall in sea level led to increased supply of coarse-grained material rich in siliceous and sometimes calcareous bioclasts and exotics. This cyclic process has contributed to changes in the marine biota. In the Albian monogenic foraminiferal assemblages with the surficial epifauna corresponding to the organic influx and oxygen deficiency (OAE 1b) were evolved into more variable associations including deep infauna, which indicated more aerobic conditions. Under these conditions also preserved planktonic and calcareous benthic fossils, which indicated the supply of terrigenous material from shallow-water environments and land. During the Albian-Turonian transition intensive subsidence and volcanic activity associated with eustatic sea-level rise led to intensive production of phytoplankton. The sea-surface productivity and enhanced upwelling resulted in expanded short-term oxygen minima at the end of the Albian (OAE 1d) and the Cenomanian (OAE 2). In the latter interval benthic forms almost extinct while siliceous and calcareous plankton survived. In the Turonian changes in sea-level and sedimentary regime led to recolonization of the basin bottom.
Badania prowadzone na terenie kamieniołomu Owadów-Brzezin ki wykazały obecność bogatego zespołu bardzo dobrze zachowanych skamieniałości. Rozpoznano liczne okazy ryb, rzadkie amonity oraz owady, a także skrzypłocze. Te przełomowe odkrycie zapewne nie miałoby miejsca, gdyby nie dobra współpraca lokalnych władz, firmy Nordkalk oraz środowiska naukowego.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaproponowanie wycieczki po wybranych krakowskich obiektach, w których zastosowano kamień naturalny pochodzący z Włoch i Niemiec. Autor pragnie przede wszystkim zapoznać turystę z głównymi rodzajami zastosowanych skał, nazwami handlowymi, miejscem pozyskania surowca, wiekiem i ich walorami dekoracyjnymi. Dodatkowo autor prześledził z jakich regionów Włoch i Niemiec najczęściej importowany jest do Polski kamień naturalny. Do najbardziej znanych włoskich kamieni dekoracyjnych należą marmury karraryjskie i wapienie "ammonitico rosso", eksploatowane odpowiednio w okolicach Carrary i Werony. Na uwagę zasługują również: porfiry okolic Trydentu, wapienie z Brescii, trawertyny z Tivoli oraz kamieniołomy granitów i wapieni trawertynowych z Sardynii. W Niemczech duże złoża wapieni górnej jury zlokalizowane są w północnej Bawarii (Frankonia).
The aim of the following paper is to propose a trip to selected sites in Kraków where decorative stones imported from Italy and Germany were used. The main types of stones are presented together with their commercial names, quarries, age and decorative values. Additionally, the author identified the regions in Italy and Germany from which stones were supplied. The most popular Italian decorative stones are the Carrara marbles quarried in the vicinity of Carrara and the "Ammonitico rosso" limestones extracted in the neighbourhood of Verona. Interesting are also porphyries from Trident, limestones from Brescia, travertines from Tivoli and granites and travertines quarried in Sardynia. In Germany large deposits of Upper Jurassic limestones are located in northern Bavaria (Franconia).
Artykuł prezentuje główne walory geoparku " Skamieniały Las na Lesbos ", ze szczególnym podkreśleniem unikatowości tego obszaru. Zaprezentowano także działalność Muzeum Historii Naturalnej Skamieniałego Lasu na Lesbos. Zwrócono uwagę na ogromny wpływ geoparku na zrównoważony rozwój terenów wiejskich na wyspie. W końcowej części przedstawiono dostępność komunikacyjną geoparku i dokonano ogólnego podsumowania.
This paper presents major values of the geopark "Petrified Forest of Lesvos", particularly the unique beauty of this site. The activity of the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest is also presented. The tremendous impact is emphasized on sustainable development of rural areas on the island. The closing part of the paper includes the current tourist accessibility of geopark on and short summarize.
Stable light isotope ratios (13C/12C and 18O/16O) in fossilteeth provide key archives for understanding ecology of past faunal communities and the evolution of environments during the Plio-Pleistocene. Given the inevitable processes of diagenesis during fossilisation, the integrity of isotopic in formation and the degree of detailed in formation that can be extracted, remain important issues in all fossil studies. The most appropriate tests are those in trinsic to isotopic abundances in ecosystems. They are easier to develop for 13C/12C in savanna environments where large 13C/12C differences exist between C4 tropical grasses and C3 trees and shrubs. Validating 18O/16O ratios in fossil carbonate or phosphate is more difficult, but patterned variability, mainly tracking water-related behaviour, within modern faunal communities has been replicated in several fossil as semblages. The identification of seasonal variation in 13C/12C and 18O/16O along the growth axis of a tooth crown, also applicable in areas composed solely of C3 plants, fills a dual role as a test and for providing data on seasonal amplitude. The results of studies from low- and mid-latitude African sites suggest that isotopic variation in rain fall on short timescales and ecological differences amongst animals, dominate over smaller differences in 18O16O composition due to temperature.
Mollusc shells are commonly noted from loesses and loess-like deposits. The typical feature of loessial malaconecrocoenozes is their abundance with relatively low number of species. The strength of specimens, which are different by their nature themselves, has allocated many low-level taxons within particular species. In many cases, the bases for such allocation are metric features of shells. The author has tried to decide the taxonomic question of the most important and the most frequent species which occur in loess deposits i.e., Succinea oblonga, Pupilla muscorum, Pupilla loessica, Trichia hispida, and Arianta arbustorum.
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