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w słowach kluczowych:  fluvial sedimentary environments
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The article presents the results of a collective analysis of 181 radiocarbon and 38 luminescence dating results from the time range 50–11.7 cal kBP for samples originating in fluvial sedimentary environment in Łódź region (central Poland), south of the last glacial maximum (LGM) line. Four sites were selected for a general of fluvial deposits and the obtained dating results Struga Żłobnicka, Parchliny, Warenka, and Swędów regions. Based on the summed probability density function (PDF) curves, the study demonstrates the response of the fluvial sedimentary environment to events of overregional scale. The collective analysis of the radiocarbon age determinations from the Łódź region allows for observing the correlation between local environmental changes and large-scale changes recorded in the NGRIP core. The warming periods Greenland interstadials (GI)-3, GI-4, and GI-5.1, the cooling event GI-1b within the warming GI-1, as well as the transition between GI-1a and Greenland stadials (GS)-1, were most prominently recorded in the PDF curves. The collective analysis of the luminescence age determinations reflects a change in the river valleys, expressed by a strong aggradation during the cold maximum of the studied period.
This study investigates the potential of luminescence to date deposits from different fluvial sedimentary environments; namely point bar deposits, sandy and silty channel fills and floodplain sediments. Samples were taken from Holocene (<5 ka) terraces of the Lech and Danube rivers, for which independent age constraint is available through 14C ages, archaeological data and historical maps. OSL-ages were obtained using small aliquots of coarse grain quartz for the majority of sam-ples. Two further samples were dated by the IRSL-signals of polymineral fine grain extracts, as no sufficient number of coarse grains could be extracted from these sediments. In order to detect and ac-count for incomplete bleaching, we used the decision process suggested by Bailey and Arnold [Statis-tical modelling of single grain quartz De distributions and an assessment of procedures for estimating burial dose. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 2475-2502, 2006]. Although their model was designed for single grains of quartz, our study shows that it is also applicable to multiple grains of quartz, pro-vided that a low number of luminescent grains is present on one aliquot. Luminescence ages of point bar deposits and a sandy channel fill correspond most closely to the independent age control. In the floodplain, sand-striped floodplain channel deposits were incompletely bleached to a moderate de-gree, yielding ages with acceptable overestimations, while fine-grained floodplain deposits were worst bleached. One crevasse splay deposit was so severely incompletely bleached that none of the age models was able to yield accurate ages.
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