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Trace elements are essential for the maintenance of the homeostasis of the body, and condition the proper functioning of the human organism. Micronutrients influence a number of metabolic processes in the dermis and epidermis. An excess or deficiency of trace elements may represent a potential threat to human health with implications for skin condition. This study reviews the literature on the effects of copper, zinc and selenium on skin condition.
Pierwiastki śladowe są niezbędne dla zachowania homeostazy ustroju, warunkują prawidłowe funkcjonowanie organizmu człowieka. Mikroelementy wpływają na szereg procesów metabolicznych zachodzących w skórze właściwej i naskórku. Nadmiar lub niedobór pierwiastków śladowych może stanowić potencjalne zagrożenie dla zdrowia człowieka, a tym samym wpływać na kondycją skóry. W pracy dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa obejmującego zagadnienia wpływu miedzi, cynku i selenu na stan skóry.
Podstawową przyczyną wypadków komunikacyjnych jest fizjologiczne i psychologiczne niedostosowanie organizmów do poruszania się z prędkościami i energiami większymi niż naturalne. Poprawę bezpieczeństwa można osiągnąć skłaniając kierujących do poruszania się z niższymi prędkościami wykorzystując w projektowaniu dróg psychologię.
Deponowanie wyników badań naukowych - zarówno opracowanych, jak też tzw. surowych danych - odbywa się pod wieloma postaciami, poprzez zamieszczanie w repozytoriach danych badawczych, umieszczanie wyników w publikacjach, które są następnie indeksowane na platformach czasopism, w bazach bibliograficzno-abstraktowych Niektóre czasopisma funkcjonujące w obiegu międzynarodowym wymagają od autorów dołączania do artykułów także zbiorów z danymi, bądź zdeponowania ich w jednym z ogólnodostępnych repozytoriów danych badawczych. W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane bazy danych, dostarczających informacji o wynikach badań m.in. z zakresu biomechaniki, fizjologu, psychologii.
Depositing scientific research results - both research and raw data - takes place in many forms, by depositing research data: in repositories, as results in publications, which are then indexed on publisher's platforms, and in bibliographic and abstract databases and informing about obtained results research. Some international journals require authors to attach data collections to their articles, or to deposit them in one of the publicly available research data repositories. The following publication is a presentation of selected databases providing information on research results, including in the field of biomechanics, physiology, psychology.
The theories, which help to understand a connection between neuroscience and architecture, are the theory of mirror neurons and the Theory of Mind (ToM). They attempt to explain how, the built environment influences human emotions, behavioural and physiological reactions, and also social relations. It helps to understand the origins of empathy and emotions with both social and anthropomorphic environment.
Teorie, które pomagają zrozumieć związek pomiędzy neurobiologią a architekturą, to teorie neuronów lustrzanych i teoria umysłu (ToM). Próbują wytłumaczyć, jak zbudowane środowisko wpływa na ludzkie emocje, reakcje behawioralne i fizjologiczne, a także na stosunki społeczne. Definiują podstawę empatii i emocji oraz relacje z otoczeniem.
Salvinia natans L. is a known bioaccumulator of metal ions from the aquatic environment. Exposure of plants to prolonged impact of toxins along with a large dose of the metal affects the physiological condition of the plants. The changes occurring in the plants in the phytoremediation process in contaminated medium culture of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg Cu/dm3 show two basic physiological parameters: the assimilation pigment content (chlorophyll a and b) responsible for the production of energy in the process of photosynthesis, and the total protein level as the main constituent of the plant. Conducted studies confirmed a negative effect of high concentrations of copper(II) on Salvinia natans L. plants which in these conditions are capable to bioaccumulate metal from each contaminated culture medium.
Heterocyclic compounds could remain in the environment as hazardous and resistant pollutants. The aim of this study was to determine the physiological features of Methylobacterium sp. GPE1 strain being able to degrade heterocyclic compounds. Ten various substrates (sugars, alcohols and acids) were used in this assay, for metabolic purposes and eight ones were used as a sole source of carbon and energy. The comparison of the results with data taken from the literature indicated that GPE1 could be a new species of Methylobacterium sp.
The effect of cadmium on physiological and biochemical activity of spring wheat cv. Alba was studied within the concentrations of 0.025-5 mM. The content of chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids, the intensity of assimilation of CO 2 and transpiration as well as the activity of catalase, Peroxydase, superoxide dismutase in the phase of two cotyledones and in the phase of shooting in wheat were determined. The applied doses of cadmium significantly decreased the content of determined assimilation dyes, reduced the intensity of assimilation of CO2 and transpiration and caused an increase in the index of use of water in the photosynthesis in all the studied growth phases of spring wheat. A clear stimulating influence of the applied doses of cadmium on the activity of catalase, peroksydase and superoxide dismutase in spring wheat was noticed.
Badania w Okręgowej Stacji Ratownictwa Górniczego stały się dla autorów okazją do próby określenia na podstawie ich analizy wpływu niektórych czynników na poziom bezpieczeństwa termicznego ratowników górniczych pracujących w środowiskach gorących. Pokazano zakres badań i omówiono uzyskane wyniki. W pracy zamieszczono wykresy zmian parametrów fizjologicznych badanych w trakcie rutynowych ćwiczeń ratowników górniczych. Analiza uzyskanych wyników pozwoliła na sformułowanie wniosków mogących mieć znaczenie przy doborze pracowników zatrudnionych w trudnych warunkach mikroklimatu.
Studies in the Regional Mine Rescue Work Station were an opportunity for the Authors to attempt determination of some factors (basing on analysis of them) of influence on the thermal safety level of mine rescue-men working in a hot environment. The range of studies is ahown and obtained results discussed. Diagrams of physiological parameters changes studied during routine exercises of mine rescue-men are included. Analysis of obtained results allowed to formulate conclusions which can be of importance at workers selection for the work under difficult microclimate conditions.
Dwuletnie doświadczenie dotyczące wpływu nawadniania kroplowego oraz nawożenia mineralnego na plonowanie truskawki przeprowadzono na glebie lekkiej. Uzyskane wyniki obserwacji i badań wykazały zmiany w budowie morfologicznej i anatomicznej oraz aktywności niektórych procesów fotosyntezy w truskawce korzystnie wpływające na jej plonowanie. Pod wpływem nawadniania uzyskano zwiększenie plonu o 18%, nawożenia mineralnego o 8%, a oba zabiegi łącznie spowodowały zwiększenie plonów o 28%.
A 2-year field experiment on the influence of drip irrigation and mineral fertilization on strawberry was conducted in sandy soil. The results have shown a positive impact of these measures on the anatomy and morphology of strawberry, its physiological processes which have led to a higher crop. The strawberry yield increased by 18 % as a result of irrigation, by 8 % as a result of fertilization, and by 28 % as the effect of both measures combined.
Jedną z właściwości narządu słuchu człowieka jest zróżnicowanie odbieranych wrażeń akustycznych. Zróżnicowanie to występuje między innymi w zależności od wartości częstotliwości emitowanego dźwięku. Do ustalenia wartości najmniejszej spostrzegalnej różnicy częstotliwości może być wykorzystywana jedna z trzech istniejących już metod badawczych. Poniżej została zaproponowana pewna modyfikacja jednej z nich. Czy i na ile jest przydatna, można ocenić z otrzy­manych wyników badań skonfrontowanych z krzywymi literaturowymi. Badania weryfikacyjne zostały przeprowadzone dla osób w przedziale wiekowym 20-24 lat, w warunkach pola swobodnego. Praca zawiera także konkretne informacje dotyczące wartości tego progu różnicowego.
One of the features of our hearing apparatus is a differentiation of the audible signals. The differentation exists among others in relationship with the sound frequency. One of three existing testing methods may be used to determine the lowest identifiable difference in frequency. Certain modification of one of these methods is presented below. Its usefulness may be ascertained by comparing the results with curves found in literature. Verifying test was conducted with persons in age from 20 to 24, in a free field condition. The paper contains the specific Information regarding value of differentiation threshold.
Content available remote Dynamic characteristics of intraperitoneal perfusion
Perfusion, i.e. the forced flow of a fluid through internal organs of a human body, is an interesting therapeutical method. It still has an experimental character. The paper is devoted to the laboratory investigations of hydromcchanical aspects of a physical model of a human peritoneum combined with a hydraulic system, which forces the flow of a liquid through the peritoneal cavity. Main goals of the research were formulated on general and detailed levels. The first one was oriented towards the technical possibility and practical sense of physical modelling of medical procedures, whereas on the second level main hydraulic parameters of the process were investigated. The results of the research presented in the paper give the positive answers to both groups of problems. The method of physical modelling of the considered kind of processes seems to be quite reasonable. It allows us to establish the location of the inlets and outlets from the peritoneum during perfusion.
Content available remote Modelling of heat transfer in biomechanics - a review. P. 1. Soft tissues
The aim of this paper is to review available results that pertain to various heat transfer problems of biomechanics. The present part covers the issues connected with modelling of the heat exchange in perfused tissues. The results are important for the design of hyperthermic treatment protocols, thermal injury assessment, heat Ioss rate in adverse environments, constructing whole-body or whole-Iimb models of heat transfer, etc. The division into two classes of models is proposed: continuum models and vascular models (cf. also [3]). The shortcomings of the most popular bioheat transfer equations are discussed. The effects of cryogenic temperatures on living tissues are described in the third part of the paper. The effects of cryogenic temperatures on living tissues arę described in the third part of the paper.
Content available remote Measurement of tissue pressure with symptoms of compartment syndrome
The increase in the tissue pressure (TP) in the compartment can be due to the internal pressure (contusion, swelling, inflammation), or due to the external pressure (tight bandage, pneumatic splint). Injury and a deep thrombosis of a blood vessel lead to the stasis and subsequently to the lowering of arterial-venous gradient just the same as this associated with lowering of arterial medium pressure due to the shock with the excessive positioning of the extremity. Our aim was to establish the value of TP and thus to prevent the symptoms of the compartment syndrome. Tte above-mentioned problem can be solved by measuring the tissue pressure in a real time, where the approximation of an invasive and a non-invasive pressure is proved by a comparative measurement.
The purpose of this study was to develop a model for an integrated estimation of the functional state of the human organism (FSHO) and an integral estimation of physical factors (PF) for hygienic rating. Tests were performed twice with 3 men in 0.7-clo clothing during 4-hr mental work with 9 combinations of 4 PF: wideband noise (55–83 dB(A)), whole-body vibration (6 Hz, az =0.2–1.8 ms−2), air temperature (18–30 C), and illumination (1, 3, 5 lx). Thermoregulatory, cardiovascular, and psychophysiological reactions and temporary threshold of hearing (TTS2) shifts were studied. For the integral estimation of PF influence on FSHO the model F(y1, y2, ... ym) = f(x1, x2, ... xn) was used, relating both FSHO and PF sets. The most important physiological parameters in creating FSHO are defined and the contribution of individual parameters of FSHO and PF is found.
The aim of this study was to design a prescriptive exercise program for people of various age and fitness basing on the popular in Japan Radio Physical Fitness Exercise, a program based on an experimental approach. The evaluation indices used in the experiment were heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption, and electrical activity of the rectus femoris, latissimus dorsi, and trapezius muscles, which measured during various motion elements of the program performed at various rate. The results of this study enable to calculate equations for predicting HR during exercise from relative metabolic rate (RMR). The data on HR, RMR, and myoelectric potential presented in this study may be a basis for designing individual exercise programs for elderly people.
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