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Template protection using cancelable biometrics prevents data loss and hack-ing stored templates, by providing considerable privacy and security. Hashingand salting techniques are used to build resilient systems. Salted password method is employed to protect passwords against different types of attacksnamely brute-force attack, dictionary attack, rainbow table attacks. Saltingclaims that random data can be added to input of hash function to ensureunique output. Hashing are speed bumps in an attacker’s road to breach user’sdata. Research proposes a contemporary two factor authenticator called Bio-hashing. Biohashing procedure is implemented by recapitualted inner productover a pseudo random number generator key, as well as fingerprint featuresthat are a network of minutiae. Cancelable template authentication used infingerprint-based sales counter accelerates payment process. Fingerhash is codeproduced after applying biohashing on fingerprint. Fingerhash is a binary stringprocured by choosing individual bit of sign depending on a preset threshold.Experiment is carried using benchmark FVC 2002 DB1 dataset. Authentica-tion accuracy is found to be nearly 97%. Results compared with state-of-artapproaches finds promising.
The article presents the results of experimental research related to the optimization of the placement of BLE transmitters (beacons) inside rooms in order to locate the user. The experiments were carried out to check how far BLE transmitters can be moved away from each other so that the average localization error was at a level acceptable to the user. The value of the localization error was assumed based on the literature (less than 1 m). As a result of the conducted experiments, a mathematical formula was defined to calculate the required number of BLE transmitters for the exact location inside the rooms. The experiments used BLE transmitters, rooms inside the building of Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities and a mobile application with a database. In the study of the optimization of the placement of beacons, the fingerprint technique was used.
A simple, accurate and sensitive method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)with diode array detector was established to identify Xinfeng capsules and systematically evaluated its quality, based on chromatographic fingerprint integrated with the similarity analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and the quantitative analysis of multi-components by single marker (QAMS). In this study, 18 peaks were selected as the common peaks to evaluate the similarities among different batches (S1–S10) of Xinfeng capsules samples, which were manufactured in the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine with a three-year span. Compared to control fingerprint, the similarities values for 10 batches of samples were more than 0.90. Moreover, by analyzing the reference of astragalus, the chromatogram of astragalus was developed, and 10 common peaks of astragalus were identified. More importantly, simultaneous quantification of three markers in Xinfeng capsule, including Calycosin-7-glucoside, calycosin and Formononetinaldehyde was performed, the three constituents showed good regression (R > 0.999) within linear ranges, and their recoveries were within the range of 97.6–101.5%. The validation results showed that the developed method was specific, accurate, precise and robust. This study demonstrated that the developed method offers an efficient, reliable and practical approach for systematic quality evaluation of Xinfeng capsule.
Content available remote Quality assessment of Moringa seed shells based on fingerprinting using HPLC-DAD
A fingerprint analysis method was established for the quality control of Moringa seed shells by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC–DAD). The HPLC–DAD separation was performed on a Thermo Hypersil Gold C18 (4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5 μm) column by gradient elution with acetonitrile–water as mobile phase. The fingerprint of Moringa seed shells was established with good precision, reproducibility, and stability obtaining within 60 min, and 13 common peaks in the fingerprint were designed. Similarity analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) were carried out to analyze the obtained fingerprints. The similarity among 11 batches of samples in addition to No. 5 and 6 was no less than 0.92. Eleven samples could be classified into 2 clusters. The HPLC fingerprint technology and application of chemical pattern recognition can provide a more comprehensive reference for the quality control of medicinal plants.
W artykule opisano możliwe sposoby ekstrakcji parametrów z próbek danych biometrycznych, takich jak odcisk palca czy nagranie głosu. Zweryfikowano wpływ konkretnych sposobów obróbki na skuteczność algorytmów obróbki próbek biometrycznych oraz ich porównania. Wykonano badania polegające na przetworzeniu dużej liczby próbek z użyciem wybranych algorytmów. W przypadku odcisku palca wykorzystano normalizację obrazu, filtr Gabora i porównanie z użyciem deskryptorów. Dla autoryzacji głosowej analizowano algorytmy LPC i MFCC. W przypadku obu rodzajów autoryzacji uzyskano zadowalającą skuteczność rzędu 60-80%.
This article describes possible ways to extract parameters from biometric data samples, such as fingerprint or voice recording. Influence of particular approaches to biometric sample preparation and comparision algorithms accuracy was verified. Experiment involving processing big ammount of samples with usage of particular algorithms was performed. In fingerprint detection case the image normalization, Gabor filtering and comparision method based on descriptors were used. For voice authorization LPC and MFCC alghoritms were used. In both cases satisfying accuracy (60-80%) was the result of the surveys.
Systemy multibiometryczne stosowane w obiektach transportowych w przeciwieństwie do „zwykłych” systemów biometrycznych wykorzystują kilka technik rozpoznania, np. odcisku palca, tęczówki, głosu lub twarzy. Urządzenia biometryczne niekiedy stanowią część składową elektronicznych systemów bezpieczeństwa. Systemy te są obecnie instalowane w wielu obiektach transportowych – stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych gdzie występuje duże natężenie ruchu osobowego. Urządzenia te stosuje się dla terenów najczęściej rozległych obszarowo, port lotniczy, baza logistyczna lub dworzec kolejowy. W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące stanowiska diagnostycznego dla systemu biometrycznego który w swojej strukturze posiada klika prostych technik identyfikacyjnych.
Multibiometric systems used in transport objects, in contradistinction to "ordinary" biometric systems, use several recognition techniques, e.g. fingerprint, iris, voice or face. Biometric devices are sometimes part of electronic security systems. These systems are currently installed in many transport facilities - stationary and non-stationary where there is a lot of personal traffic. These devices are most often used in extensive areas, airports, logistics bases or railway stations. The article presents issues concerning the diagnostic position for a biometric system which has in its structure several simple identification techniques.
Choć wyniki uzyskane w wyniku zastosowania techniki odcisku palca mają jedynie charakter jakościowy, to poprzez porównanie wyglądu chromatogramów można uzyskać cenne informacje na temat źródła pochodzenia i wskazać na sprawcę zanieczyszczenia.
Content available remote Biometrics as an authentication method in a public key infrastructure
This paper presents proposed authentication method for PKI based on fingerprint transformations discussed in "Secure fingerprint hashes using subsets of local structures". The authentication method uses Shamir secret sharing and blind signatures techniques. Biometrics data are stored as a one share. The latter approach helps to improve the security of biometric templates and allows to use them within PKI.
Niniejszy dokument prezentuje koncepcyjna˛ metode˛ uwierzytelniania biometrycznego w ramach infrastruktury klucza publicznego, bazuja˛ca˛ na przekształceniach obrazu odcisku palca opisanych w "Secure fingerprint hashes using subsets of local structures". Mechanizm uwierzytelniania został zbudowany w oparciu o schemat dzielenia sekretu Shamira oraz technik˛e ´slepych podpisów cyfrowych, co pozwala na transformacj˛e danych biometrycznych do postaci pojedynczego udziału. Takie podej´scie zapewnia akceptowalny poziom bezpiecze´nstwa oraz współdziałanie systemu z PKI.
All electric powered machines offer the possibility of extracting information and calculating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the electric current signal. Depending on the time window, sampling frequency and type of analysis, different indicators from the micro to macro level can be calculated for such aspects as maintenance, production, energy consumption etc. On the micro-level, the indicators are generally used for condition monitoring and diagnostics and are normally based on a short time window and a high sampling frequency. The macro indicators are normally based on a longer time window with a slower sampling frequency and are used as indicators for overall performance, cost or consumption. The indicators can be calculated directly from the current signal but can also be based on a combination of information from the current signal and operational data like rpm, position etc. One or several of those indicators can be used for prediction and prognostics of a machine’s future behavior. This paper uses this technique to calculate indicators for maintenance and energy optimization in electric powered machines and fleets of machines, especially machine tools.
Wszystkie urządzenia elektryczne oferują możliwość wydobywania informacji i obliczania Kluczowych Wskaźników Efektywności (ang. Key Performance Indicators, KPI) z sygnału prądu elektrycznego. W zależności od okna czasowego, częstotliwości próbkowania i rodzaju analizy, różne wskaźniki od mikro do makro poziomu, można obliczyć dla takich aspektów jak utrzymanie ruchu, produkcja, zużycie energii itp. Na poziomie mikro wskaźniki są powszechnie stosowane do monitorowania stanu i diagnostyki oraz zazwyczaj są oparte na krótkim oknie czasowym i mają dużą częstotliwość próbkowania. Wskaźniki makro są zwykle oparte na dłuższym oknie czasowym z wolniejszą częstotliwością próbkowania i są używane jako wskaźniki dla ogólnej wydajności, kosztu lub zużycia. Wskaźniki można obliczyć bezpośrednio z sygnału prądu elektrycznego, ale mogą być one również oparte na połączeniu informacji z sygnału prądu elektrycznego i danych operacyjnych, takich jak obroty na minutę (ang. Revolutions Per Minute, RPM), pozycja itp. Jeden lub kilka z tych wskaźników można wykorzystać do przewidywania i prognozowania przyszłego zachowania maszyny. W niniejszym artykule wykorzystano tę technikę do obliczania wskaźników utrzymania ruchu i optymalizacji energii w maszynach elektrycznych i flotach maszyn, zwłaszcza obrabiarek.
Lately, Biometrics has employed the use of fingerprints to identify individuals. Out of the commonly used techniques, fingerprint authentication till date, remains the most reliable. The bulk of research that has focused on fingerprint authentication, has however, neglected the issues that arise with fingerprints resulting to incorrect orientation identification. This is because it is assumed and often times wrongly, that the direction of the fingerprint will align with the stored fingerprint image. This singular issue poses tension in fingerprint matching, which only a negligible number of techniques have considered. As computers and mobile devices adopt fingerprint recognition as a way to authenticate user, this apparent tension gains more popularity, becoming an integral research area which must be addressed.
W artykule opisano założenia metod lokalizacyjnych wykorzystujących RSSI sygnału radiowego sieci w standardzie 802.11. Zaprezentowano również wyniki przeprowadzanych pomiarów oraz działanie autorskiej aplikacji wykorzystującej metodę fingerprint.
The article describes methods of location using the RSSI signal of the radio network 802.11. Also presented the results of measurements carried out and the operation of authors’ application method using fingerprint.
In this paper the basic assumptions of a Radio Signal Strength Indicator - based fingerprint and the influence of human body on the results are presented. The main focus is put on the influence of the obstruction of line-of-sight between access point and transceiver by a human body. This issue must be corrected in order to gain more accurate and reliable results of the positioning. The mathematical model for correction of this issue is proposed along with some examples. The examples are based on the real measurements made by authors. Presented correction formula allows to minimize the influence of the user - access point direction on the results obtained during fingerprint creation and positioning.
W pracy zaprezentowano miarę jakości przetwarzanych obrazów cyfrowych jaką jest Universal Quality Image Index Q. Wskaźnik ten wykorzystano w procesie identyfikacji odcisków palców. Jednocześnie wskazano na możliwość jego zastosowania w procesie dopasowania danych. Ma to istotne znaczenie, gdyż pozyskanie bieżącego odcisku palca w celu identyfikacji, jeżeli nie zostanie zeskanowany w taki sam sposób jak w przypadku pozyskiwania bazy danych, może prowadzić do błędów w procesie identyfikacji. Przedstawione wyniki testów potwierdziły, że zastosowanie wskaźnika Q do znajdowania przesunięcia i kąta obrotu, w celu dopasowania danych daje pozytywne rezultaty.
In this paper was presented measure of quality of the processed digital images which is a Universal Image Quality Index Q. This indicator is used in the process of fingerprint identification. It also indicated the possibility of its use in the process of matching data. This is important, because the acquisition of the finger-print for identification, if it is scanned in the same manner as in the case of obtaining the database can lead to errors in the identification process. The test results confirmed that the use of the indicator Q for finding offset and angle of rotation, in order to fit the data gives positive results.
Content available remote Mixture of Metrics Optimization for Machine Learning Problems
The selection of data representation and metric for a given data set is one of the most crucial problems in machine learning since it affects the results of classification and clustering methods. In this paper we investigate how to combine a various data representations and metrics into a single function which better reflects the relationships between data set elements than a single representation-metric pair. Our approach relies on optimizing a linear combination of selected distance measures with use of least square approximation. The application of our method for classification and clustering of chemical compounds seems to increase the accuracy of these methods.
W artykule autorzy przedstawili dwupoziomowy system zabezpieczenia dostępu do bazy danych. System opiera swoje działanie na analizie odcisku palca za pomocą popularnej miary służącej do porównania obrazów cyfrowych jaką jest MSE.
In this paper the authors present a two-level security system to access the database. The system is based on an analysis of their effects fingerprint using a popular measure for comparing digital images which is the MSE.
In this paper the combination of fingerprint verification methods with watermarking technology to provide copyright protection and authentication of digital images is proposed. The goal of this study is to investigate how watermarking processing affects the quality of biometric watermarks. Performed experiments showed that extracted fingerprint images have roughly equal verification performance even if some watermarked images undergo additional degradation. Proposed methodology will be improved using more sophisticated fingerprint verification methods and subsequently incorporated into multimodal watermarking schemes.
In this paper authors present data management solutions for new fingerprint recognition based on minutes groups. They compared existing fingerprint recognition data store methods and their own solutions. Authors proposed a new algorithm based on distribution minutiae' groups using selective attention algorithms.
W pracy przedstawiono istniejące rozwiązania z zakresu rozpoznawania odcisków palców, a także wykazano ich nieskuteczność w przypadku występowania zmian struktury linii papilarnych w wyniku fizycznych uszkodzeń. Zaproponowano nowy algorytm bazujący na rozkładzie grup minucji, który w analizie odcisku uwzględnia częste uszkodzenia odcisku. Proponowany algorytm może mieć zastosowanie w systemach inteligentnych bramek ograniczających nieuprawniony dostęp do wrażliwych danych bądź innych zasobów przedsiębiorstwa.
In this paper authors present existing solutions for fingerprint recognition, and demonstrated their ineffectiveness in the event of changes in the fingerprint structure as a physical damage result. They propose a new algorithm based on distribution groups minutiae, fingerprint analysis, which takes account of frequent damage to the imprint. The proposed algorithm can be applied in systems of intelligent gateways restrict unauthorized access to sensitive data or other enterprise resources.
This study presents a new method for finding a reference point in fingerprint images. The proposed method is based on the IPAN99 algorithm, which detects high curvature points on a contour of a graphical object. This algorithm was adjusted in the study to detect high curvature points on friction ridges. It allows locating a reference point on a fingerprint image. Since the IPAN99 algorithm requires that the thickness of an analysed contour should be of one pixel, each fingerprint image was adequately prepared before submitting to the analysis with the IPAN99 algorithm. Evaluation of the efficiency of the method consisted in comparing the distances between coordinates of reference points determined with the use of the proposed method and indicated by an expert. The developed method was compared with other algorithms used for determining a reference point.
Kontrola dostępu jest dziedziną przeżywającą dynamiczny rozwój. Do niedawna wykorzystywane byty głównie zamki szyfrowe i karty z paskiem magnetycznym, ale teraz ich rolę przejęły karty zbliżeniowe. Coraz wyraźniej widać rozwój technologii umożliwiających identyfikację osób na podstawie zachowania oraz indywidualnych cech ludzkiego ciała.
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