Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest scharakteryzowanie systemu wirtualnych walut oraz zagrożeń wynikających z ich obrotu i konwersji. Przedstawiono, ponadto, system organów nadzoru finansowego oraz przeciwdziałania praniu pieniędzy a także finansowaniu terroryzmu. Praca ma charakter badawczo-analityczny i może stanowić przyczynek do dalszych badań.
In this article the author takes up the subcject of functioning virtual currecies, entities participating in turnovers of this financial instrument. He indicates a state authority system holding the issuance and supervision of money supply and demand, supervision of financial market or counteracting money laundering, terrorism financing and analyzing their tasks in the context of threats related to virtual currency transactions. Furthermore, he undertakes the attempt of creating a model of regulation this phenomenon in Poland.
Usually a financial transaction is being considered with a single valuation function, but sometimes, and depending on the economic context, it is necessary to use one function to value the set of incoming payments and another to assess the set of outgoing payments. This paper, therefore, sets out to demonstrate that those financial transactions which use two valuation (capitalization or discount) functions can be treated in the same way as those valued with a single valuation function in which some incoming or outgoing payments are random. Our methodology is applied to determine the periodic amounts necessary to reach a target capital at a certain point in the future time in two situations, namely when the withdrawal of the capital depends on the investor’s survival, and when the receipt of the capital (by the investor or his/her beneficiaries) is assured.
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