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w słowach kluczowych:  favorable reservoir identification
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Influenced by tectonic activities such as the Tan-Lu Fault and mantle uplift, frequent volcanic activity in the Eastern Sag of the Liaohe Basin has resulted in the widespread development of volcanic rocks, such as basalt and trachyte, in the third member of the Shahejie Formation. Exploration and development have confirmed the presence of large oil and gas displays in trachyte reservoirs. However, previous studies have focused on the whole Eastern Sag or the volcanic rocks in the north, middle, and south sections of the Eastern Sag, while the J34 block has rarely been examined. There are challenges associated with the exploration and development of the J34 block, such as difficulties with trachyte lithology identification, reservoir space identification, quantitative logging identification, and prediction of horizontal and vertical distribution of lithologic characteristics. Therefore, this study presents an investigation and analysis of the characteristics of trachyte reservoirs, and the identification and prediction of favorable reservoirs based on core data, core sampling analysis, well logging, seismic data, and development dynamic data. The results showed that the volcanic rocks in the study area mainly include three types of lithology: trachytic breccia, trachytic lava, and basaltic lava, with trachytic breccia being the most important and favorable reservoir lithology. The trachyte reservoir space is mainly fractured and vuggy, and the secondary reservoir space is often superimposed onto the primary reservoir space, which significantly increases reservoir performance. Using the logging response characteristics of different lithologies and optimizing sensitivity curves, the quantitative identification criteria of different types of volcanic rocks were established. At the same time, the distribution characteristics of favorable reservoirs were determined by reconstructed wave impedance inversion with sensitive parameters, which showed that favorable reservoirs are mainly distributed along faults. Further analysis of the controlling factors of trachyte reservoirs can effectively guide the oil and gas development in this block and provide a reference for the exploration and development of similar blocks.
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