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w słowach kluczowych:  fault-tolerant control system
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The article discusses the universal current sensor fault detection and compensation mechanism, which can be applied in three-phase power electronics (PE) symmetrical system. The mechanism is based on the assumption that a symmetrical system can be described using different components in the stationary reference frame. The solution given in article as a Cri-base detector was tested in electrical drives with induction motors (IMs) and permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). This study also proves that the same algorithm can work stable in active rectifier systems. Such an application of this detector has not been previously reported in the literature. The article describes the detection of various types of faults in different phases. The fault-tolerant voltage-oriented control (FTVOC) of an active rectifier is compared with previously described solutions for IMs and PMSMs. By analysing in various types of systems, the work proves the universality of the detector based on Cri markers.
W artykule przedstawiono ogólny przegląd aktualnej wiedzy w dziedzinie systemów sterowania tolerujących uszkodzenia (FTC). Jest to młoda, interdyscyplinarna dziedzina, działająca na styku diagnostyki, sterowania i systemów nadzoru. Omówione zostały cele wdrażania systemów FTC, oraz pokazano ich ogólny schemat działania. Poprzez odniesienie do literatury zaprezentowano najnowsze osiągnięcia w dziedzinie, opublikowane po roku 2003.
In this paper, we present a general review of the actual state of the art in the subject of fault tolerant control systems (FTCS). The subject is a relatively new, interdisciplinary area of knowledge, incorporating diagnosis, control and supervision. We consider the scope and motivation of implementing FTCS, as well as a general FTCS structure. About 30 references to cuircnt work (post - 2003) are listed to provide an outline of recent development in the Field.
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