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The Knurów hard coal deposit is characterized by rich fold and fault tectonics and diverse morphology of the overburden. The deposit contains a fold zone called Knurów anticline and four complex of faults with the total amplitudes reaching up to several dozen meters. While making a 3D model of the deposit, a range of complications related to the correct interpretation of the running and development of the aforementioned tectonic structures were encountered. Additional data were begun to be introduced during the detailed analysis of the 3D model being made in stages, thereby forcing the software to perform the modeling according to preset assumptions. This process covered such areas of the deposit that were poorly explored or documented to an extent requiring an intervention from a geologist.
The characteristic of ore mineralization in the immediate vicinity of fault zones in the Lower Zechstein deposits is shown. All presented outcomes are on the basis of rock material taken from mining profiles in the Radwanice-Gaworzyce deposit area. During conducted studies ore minerals and oxide minerals were identified under optical microscope in reflected light and photographic documentation of the examined samples was undertaken. In addition, microprobe examination was carried out for selected samples from the studied profiles along with calculations of the chemical composition of individual ore minerals. In all analyzed profiles, Rote Fäule oxidized zone (enriched with hematite) was found, which occurs at various levels of the Kupferschiefer series and the reduced zone (enriched with ore minerals) over the oxidized series. The redox front cuts across the boundaries oflithostratigraphic units, moving from the Weis- liegend to the higher parts of the Zechstein Limestone. The primary ore mineralization in the examined profiles is the chalcocite-digenite association with subordinate bornite and covelitte recorded in the reduced series. Furthermore, the secondary sulphide mineralization in the direct vicinity of tectonic deformation and faults superimposed on primary ore mineralization and hematite enrichments is observed and it is represented by chalcopyrite, bornite, tennantite, tetrahedrite and pyrite, both within reduced and oxidized zones.
Presentation of the of seismic image analysis results obtained by reprocessing two seismic profiles is the main aim of the presented work. The profiles are located in the marginal part of the Outer Carpathians. The mentioned profiles were reprocessed in the Seismic Department of the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute in Krakow, Poland. Proper selection of both the processing sequence and parameters, as well as verification of each stage of processing by simultaneous geological interpretation, resulted in a partly different mapping of the geological structures in comparison with the previous stage. Structural interpretation based on the obtained seismic imagery provides new information that could be used for more thorough interpretation of the Outer Carpathians tectonic units, as well as detailed reconstruction of the fault zones in the analysed area.
Głównym celem prezentowanego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników analizy obrazu sejsmicznego, uzyskanego na podstawie reprocessingu dwóch profili sejsmicznych, zlokalizowanych w brzeżnej części Karpat zewnętrznych. Opracowana w Zakładzie Sejsmiki Instytutu Nafty i Gazu – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego sekwencja przetwarzania, wraz z zastosowanymi parametrami, pozwoliła na uzyskanie lepszego odzwierciedlenia budowy geologicznej Karpat zewnętrznych i ich autochtonicznego podłoża. Uzyskany w wyniku zastosowanego niekonwencjonalnego podejścia do procesu przetwarzania zapis sejsmiczny cechuje się wyraźnie lepszą jakością, biorąc pod uwagę ciągłość refleksów oraz stosunek sygnału do szumu. Na przetwarzanym profilu 1, położonym w przybliżeniu prostopadle do kierunków przebiegu głównych elementów strukturalnych, uzyskano zdecydowanie lepsze efekty w postaci bardziej wiarygodnego i przejrzystego obrazu sejsmicznego dla utworów poszczególnych pięter strukturalnych. Finalna wersja profilu 2, zlokalizowanego równolegle lub skośnie do głównych elementów strukturalnych, nie odbiega znacząco od dostępnej wersji archiwalnej, a największe różnice związane są z ciągłością i kierunkami upadów poszczególnych pakietów refleksów. Uzyskany obecnie obraz sejsmiczny ukazuje więcej szczegółów budowy geologicznej tego trudnego do interpretacji rejonu. Na jego podstawie możliwe było bardziej szczegółowe prześledzenie budowy wewnętrznej utworów fliszowych, jak również uszczegółowienie interpretacji płaszczyzn dyslokacji, przecinających utwory poszczególnych kompleksów skalnych. W wyniku przeprowadzonej interpretacji uzyskano bardziej klarowny obraz podłoża zapadliska przedkarpackiego, stopniowo obniżającego się w kierunku zachodnim i południowo-zachodnim, poprzez system uskoków normalnych o charakterze zrzutowym lub zrzutowoprzesuwczym.
Głównym celem prezentowanej pracy jest wstępna interpretacja strukturalna wykonana na bazie przetwarzania archiwalnego profilu sejsmicznego 2D z brzeżnej strefy nasunięcia karpackiego. Przetwarzanie to zrealizowano w Zakładzie Sejsmiki Instytutu Nafty i Gazu – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego w Krakowie. Odpowiedni dobór zarówno sekwencji przetwarzania, jak i parametrów aplikowanych do poszczególnych procedur, a także weryfikacja każdego etapu przetwarzania poprzez prowadzoną na bieżąco interpretację geologiczną, przyniosły w efekcie nieco inne odwzorowanie niektórych cech budowy geologicznej rejonu. Wstępna interpretacja strukturalna obecnej wersji przekroju sejsmicznego dostarcza nowych informacji, które mogą być wykorzystane do odtworzenia poszczególnych etapów rozwoju tektonicznego analizowanego obszaru.
The main aim of the presented work is a preliminary structural interpretation, based on the 2D reprocessing of seismic profile from the marginal zone of the Outer Carpathians. Reprocessing was done in the Seismic Department of Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute in Krakow, Poland. Proper selection of both the processing sequence and applied parameters to specific procedures, as well as verification of each stage of processing by simultaneous geological interpretation, resulted in a partly different mapping of the geological structures. Preliminary structural interpretation of the current version of the seismic section, provides new information that could be used, to reconstruct individual stages of the tectonic development in the analyzed area.
This research presents soil gas 222Rn and 220Rn concentrations measured at 17 locations in the Izera Massif of southwest Poland. The average 222Rn concentrations at sampling depths of 10, 40 and 80 cm were 8, 78 and 224 kBq m–3, respectively. The average 220Rn concentrations for the same depths (10, 40 and 80 cm) were 6, 10 and 13 kBq m–3, respectively. Profiles of the concentrations versus depth can be fitted by exponential, linear and polynomial functions for soils developed on fault zones, above uranium mineral deposits, and above faulted uranium deposits, respectively. Soils developed on bedrock without fault zones or uranium mineralisation exhibit concentrations that follow a power function with an exponent of p<1.
Tufas in the Podhale Synclinorium (southern Poland) occur as encrustations on moss and plant remains, crusts, porous, clastic and massive tufas. The tufas are almost entirely composed of calcite with small admixture of quartz, illite and chlorite. These deposits indicate the biotic and/or abiotic origin of calcium carbonate. The tufas occur in the vicinity of map-scale and minor fault zones. They precipitate near fissure springs linked with small faults and fault rocks or seepages along them. Exposures with tufas occur along several oblique and lateral zones. The oblique zones are related to Białka and Biały Dunajec faults that have normal components. The lateral zones of tufa occurrences are connected with lateral faults limiting the “zone of beds with gentle dips” and extensional brittle structures within the hinge of the synclinorium. The relationship of the tufa with brittle extensional structures suggests Quaternary tectonic activity of the Podhale Synclinorium that can be explained by continued uplift in the area studied.
The paper presents the results of studies of fault zones carried out in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Three types of changes of the coal were distinguished: degradative changes connected with a deterioration in the quality of the coal; aggradational changes connected with an increase in the quality of coal; and the type of coal which shows no significant change in the values of its parameters. Hypergenic changes of the coal were mainly observed in the fissures of faults with the dominant strike in NW-SE and NE-SW directions. The faults of such parameters in the USCB are characterized as fragile. They were formed in the period of the inversion of the USCB, in a tensional stress regime. Aggrading changes of coal were observed in the faults planes with the dominant strike in NNW-SSE and W-E directions. The faults of such a run in the USCB are susceptible in nature and developed during the compressive regime. In the fault zones where no changes were in the coal quality, the orientation of faulting surfaces did not show the privileged run direction.
Przebieg stref tektonicznych można śledzić na podstawie skokowych zmian stopnia zaawansowania diagenezy minerałów z grupy illitu. W tym celu należy wykonać badania stopnia zaawansowania diagenezy dla konkretnego poziomu stratygraficznego. W prezentowanej pracy zastosowanie powyższej metodyki przedstawiono na dwóch przykładach: bloku małopolskiego oraz nasunięcia karpackiego.
The course of the principle fault zones can be traced on the basis of the rapid, step changes of the diagenesis of the illitic material. In that case the research have been made for one stratigraphic unit. In the presentation two different examples of the application of that method are presented: from the Małopolska Massif and the Carpathian Overthrust, from the southeastern Poland.
Praca bazuje na pomiarach dołowych sejsmiczność indukowanej miejsc zaistniałych wstrząsów i tąpnięc w latach 1993 - 2003. Zestawienie tych pomiarów z geolo-giczno-gómiczymi uwarunkowaniami eksploatacji wskazuje na możliwość ograniczenia zagrożenia tąpaniam, poprzez właściwe usytuowanie kierunku biegu ściar względem płaszczyzn uskokowych. Przechodzenie frontem ścian przez strefy uskokowe w istotny sposót zaburza ich planowany bieg. Analiza szczegółowa tektoniki, zwłaszcza stref uskokowych, pozwala ne wyznaczenie miejsc o zróżnicowanym jednostkowyrr wydatku energetycznym - JWE (J/t). Usytuowanie płaszczyzn uskoków w stosunku do struktury warstw otaczających eksploatowany pokład pozwala ne uściślenie warunków istnienia strefo różnej intensywność zjawisk sejsmicznych w każdym polu ścianowym.
The study is based on the underground mining - induced seismicity measurements taken in the areas of mine tremors and rockbursts occurrences during a period from 1989 to 2006. From the juxtaposition of the measurement results and the mining and geological conditions, it follows that there is a possibility to reduce the rockburst hazard through the proper situation of the longwall face advance direction relative to the fault planes. Passing the fault zones by longwall faces may considerably disturb their planned progress The detailed analysis of tectonics, particularly that of fault zones, allows locating places of the differentiated expenditure of energy (JWE, Jit). The position of fault planes with respect to the structure of the stratę surrounding the seam being mined allows defining accurately the conditions of existence of the zones of different intensity of seismic events in each panel.
The paper presents the changes of coal seams quality near fault zones. Three types of relations have been found. The first one shows an increase of coal quality at the 0.2 m distance from fault surface, as a result of increase of coalification degree. It is assumed that, this type was caused by heat of friction which was rising during faulting. It is revealed as an increase of such parameters as: caking properties, vitrinite reflectance, calorific value and carbon content, as well as the decrease of oxygen, ash, and moisture content. The second type presents differed degree of coal quality decrease. This type was produced due to hypergenic processes. The author found four subtypes of oxidation-type changes of coal quality parameters in fault zones. The first one shows the highest level of hypergenic processes in a coal seam about 1 m off a fault plane. The second presents minor degree of oxidation processes in the coal seam at a smaller distance from the fault. The third one demonstrates minimum oxidation changes of coal quality at a distance of 0.2 m from the fault. The fourth subtype of the oxidation changes of coal quality has been observed only in tectonic breccia and not in the coal seams itself.The third types demonstrates faults which do not show any impact on changes of coal quality parameters. To this type belong faults from SW part of USCB and faults with downthrown up to 20 m.
Analyses of intact orientated samples of incompetent fault rocks from thrusts within the Magura nappe in the Beskid Wyspowy Mountains indicate an arrangement of clay mineral plates parllel to numerous shears present in the rocks. Reconstruction of the development of the shears suggests several phases of formation. Maximum palaeotemperatures in the range 80-160 stopni C were reconstructed from the fault zones
Content available remote Tectonics of the consolidated basement of the Polish Carpathians
Based on the results ofmagnetotelluric soundings a sketch of the main tectonic elements of the consolidated basement of the Polish Flysch Carpathians and a number of longitudinal profiles and cross-sections have been drawn. The sketch as well as the sections allowed for developing a concept about major tectonic pattern of the consolidated basement in this part of the Carpathians. Morphology of the consolidated basement surface of the Carpathians is very diversified. Depth to the top of the basement surface varies from several hundred meters in the western part of the Carpathians to around 20 km in the south-eastern part. Generally, the surface drops from the north-west toward the south-east. The drop is not uniform, and it has a discontinuous character. In the tectonics of the consolidated basement of the Carpathians, in the territory of Poland, three major elements influencing its structure are distinguished. These are two transverse, generally SW-NE oriented fault zones (A-A and B-B), where the basement is dipping eastward. The third element, of a comparable meaning to the other two, is a longitudinal zone of the basement dipping southward - " regional basement slope ". The first of these large fault zones, the transverse and western-most one (A-A), runs from Babia Góra to the region ofRzeszotary. The dislocated area lying to south-east of the fault zone is lowered by about 8.5 km in its southern part and about 2 km in its northern part. The second, transverse B-B fault zone follows the Wysowa-Sedziszów Małopolski line. The dislocated area lying to the east of this fault zone is lowered by several kilometers to maximum of 12 km in the southern part. The entire eastern block is moved along the fault 40 km to the north. The B-B zone separates the central block from the eastern one. The third major tectonic element is the described earlier zone of the regional basement slope (Fig. 2). It is a longitudinal element which remodels the consolidated basement of the Carpathians in the southern direction. Along this zone, there is an abrupt block-wise lowering of the consolidated basement to the south. The two transverse dislocation zone A-A and B-B, discussed earlier, divide the consolidated basement of the Polish Carpathians into three regions. The western region located to the west of the A-A zone, the central region between the A-A and B-B zones, and eastern region located to the east of the last zone (B-B). The consolidated basement of the western region is relatively shallow, at the depth from one to four kilometers. This region is technically calm. The central and eastern blocks are two-fold, separated by the regional basement slope into the elevated northern part and lowered southern part. An outlined general framework of the tectonics of the consolidated basement of the Polish Carpathians is a present-day representation, yet it was finally formed in the Neogene. We can assume that in the Early Neogene (probably at the turn of the Oligocene and Miocene) the northern plate collided with the Carpathian block. In the Lower Miocene, along the boundary between the northern plate and the Carpathian block, the latter was dropped from a few kilometers in the west to several kilometers in the east. After the lower Miocene, probably at the Middle/Upper Miocene interface, the Carpathian block started to disjoin. It was fractured along the A-A zone and, in its eastern part, rotationally shifted by about 40 km to the north-east. In the west, the western block was formed. The eastern part, apart from being shifted and rotated, was additionally lowered by a few kilometers towards the south. In the Upper Miocene a fracture along the B-B zone took place, and, as in the previous stage, the eastern part was rotationally transferred by ca 40 km to the north-east. Thus, the net shift, along the A-A and B-B line was about 80 km. The eastern part was divided along the B-B line into the central and eastern blocks. The eastern block, moreover, is lowered by a few kilometers to the south. This process is accompanied by a development of a set of oblique slip faults of various directions.
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