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w słowach kluczowych:  environmental technologies
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Purpose: The primary objective of this paper is to present the results of research conducted to identify factors influencing the development of environmental technologies in regions undergoing transformation. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve the intended objectives, a study was designed which involved an initial identification of factors related to the development of environmental technologies. These factors were then structured and analyzed by a group of experts involved in the fair transformation process in the Silesian Voivodeship. The factors were categorized into four groups, which were evaluated by entities collaborating with the Specialized Observatory for Environmental Protection Technologies, followed by a ranking process. This resulted in the classification of factors into groups of significance, corresponding to their importance in the development of environmental technologies in transforming regions. Findings: The main outcome of the analyses indicated that regional (specific) factors are significant for the development of environmental technologies but are not the key factors that would decisively influence this process. Instead, political-legal and economic factors were identified as key. Research limitations/implications: The study's findings are primarily limited to one region - the Silesian Voivodeship. Therefore, it would be advisable to conduct comparative research in other mining regions, which would allow for the assessment of the same group of factors. Additionally, considering studies in regions where the transformation is not associated with mining but with other economic sectors would help to expand the list of specific factors and verify the other three groups. Practical implications: The practical significance of the conducted research is linked to the design of legal and economic instruments for the development of environmental technologies. The study confirmed the crucial importance of these groups of factors. Furthermore, the results can be utilized by regional authorities in shaping development policies and fostering collaboration among local stakeholders. Social implications: The research demonstrated that quality of life and social acceptance play a key role in the development of environmental technologies in transforming regions. This finding should serve as an impetus for planning informational and educational activities during the development and implementation of these solutions. Originality/value: The article provides insights into factors crucial for planning the development of environmental technologies under the specific conditions created by the socio-economic transformation of a region.
The manuscript focuses on the subject of environmental solutions for maritime ships. With the increasing volume of cargo transported by sea, it is crucial to minimise its environmental impact. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced new regulations in recent years to limit environmental damage. IMO’s initial strategy for reducing GHG emissions from ships aims to reduce GHG emissions from vessels by 50% by 2050 and CO2 emissions by 70% compared to 2008 (Resolution MEPC.304 (72), 2018). This has prompted ship owners to seek solutions to reduce fossil fuel consumption. The study aims to determine the feasibility of using eco-friendly solutions in maritime shipping to meet the challenges and needs of sustainable maritime fleet. Own contribution includes expert findings, which evaluate individual solutions and their potential uses in global maritime fleet. The publication also highlights the current usage of eco-friendly solutions on ships as well as crew and ship owner attitudes towards their future use and presents conceptual solutions. It should be noted that the subject-matter addressed in this paper is topical and very important in view of the limitations being introduced in respect of environmental standards. The manuscript focuses on the subject of environmental solutions for maritime ships. With the increasing volume of cargo transported by sea, it is crucial to minimise its environmental impact. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced new regulations in recent years to limit environmental damage. IMO’s initial strategy for reducing GHG emissions from ships aims to reduce GHG emissions from vessels by 50% by 2050 and CO2 emissions by 70% compared to 2008 (Resolution MEPC.304 (72), 2018). This has prompted ship owners to seek solutions to reduce fossil fuel consumption. The study aims to determine the feasibility of using eco-friendly solutions in maritime shipping to meet the challenges and needs of sustainable maritime fleet. Own contribution includes expert findings, which evaluate individual solutions and their potential uses in global maritime fleet. The publication also highlights the current usage of eco-friendly solutions on ships as well as crew and ship owner attitudes towards their future use and presents conceptual solutions. It should be noted that the subject-matter addressed in this paper is topical and very important in view of the limitations being introduced in respect of environmental standards.
Content available Innowacje w przemyśle oponiarskim
W pracy przedstawiono innowacje w przemyśle oponiarskim. Największym odbiorcą wyrobów gumowych jest przemysł motoryzacyjny. Guma jest wykorzystywana do produkcji opon samochodowych i innych elementów znajdujących się w samochodach, tj.: elementy zawieszenia, wycieraczki, węże, uszczelki w kabinie, komorze silnikowej czy silnikach i skrzyni biegów. Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii oraz dbałość o środowisko naturalne spowodowały poszukiwanie nowych rozwiązań w technologii opon samochodowych, które stałyby się bardziej nowoczesne, innowacyjne i ekologiczne. Są to innowacje związane ze zdobywaniem nowych źródeł surowców do produkcji opon tj.: elastomerów z biomasy, zrębków drzewnych, kauczuk naturalny z mniszka kok-sagiz (Taraxum kok‑saghyz) oraz stosowaniem surowców wtórnych. Nowymi rozwiązaniami mogą być także: opony wykorzystujące technologie druku 3D, wprowadzenie czujników połączonych z komputerem pokładowym lub smartfonem. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu kierowca będzie na bieżąco informowany o stanie dróg, jakości opon i będzie mógł kontaktować się z innymi użytkownikami dróg za pomocą nowych technologii. Prezentowane innowacje związane są z wpływem rozwoju nowych i proekologicznych technologii na przemysł oponiarski.
The paper presents innovations in the tire industry. The largest consumer of rubber products is the automotive industry. Rubber is used in the production of car tyres and other components in cars, i.e.: suspension elements, wipers, hoses, seals in the cabin, engine compartment or engines and transmission. The development of modern technologies and taking care of the natural environment caused the search for new solutions in car tire technology, which would become more modern, innovative and ecological. These are innovations connected with gaining new sources of raw materials for tire production, i.e: elastomers from biomass, or from wood chips, natural rubber of dandelion kok‑saghyz (Taraxum kok‑saghyz), use of recycled material. New solutions may also be: 3D‑printed tires, introducing sensors connected to the on‑board computer or smartphone. Thanks to this solution, the driver will be kept informed about the condition of the roads, the quality of tires and will be able to contact other road users with the help of new technologies. The innovations presented are related to the impact of the development of new and environmentally friendly technologies on the tire industry.
Many innovative environmental technologies never reach the market because they are new and cannot demonstrate a successful track record of previous applications. This fact is a serious obstacle on their way to the market. Lack of credible data on the performance of a technology causes mistrust of investors in innovations, especially from public sector, who seek effective solutions however without compromising the technical and financial risks associated with their implementation. Environmental technology verification (ETV) offers a credible, robust and transparent process that results in a third party confirmation of the claims made by the providers about the performance of the novel environmental technologies. Verifications of performance are supported by high quality, independent test data. In that way ETV as a tool helps establish vendor credibility and buyer confidence. Several countries across the world have implemented ETV in the form of national or regional programmes. ETV in the European Union was implemented as a voluntary scheme if a form of a pilot programme. The European Commission launched the Environmental Technology Pilot Programme of the European Union (EU ETV) in 2011. The paper describes the European model of ETV set up and put to operation under the Pilot Programme of Environmental Technologies Verification of the European Union. The goal, objectives, technological scope, involved entities are presented. An attempt has been made to summarise the results of the EU ETV scheme performance available for the period of 2012 when the programme has become fully operational until the first half of 2016. The study was aimed at analysing the overall organisation and efficiency of the EU ETV Pilot Programme. The study was based on the analysis of the documents the operation of the EU ETV system. For this purpose, a relevant statistical analysis of the data on the performance of the EU ETV system provided by the European Commission was carried out.
Russian cement industry is in decline. Enterprises operate on the basis of technologies developed in USSR. In this connection such fundamental issues of the enterprises functioning, as energy efficiency, environmental safety, resource-saving, resources provision and others, are overlooked. The paper attempts to define the priorities of the Russian cement industry development based on the experience of developed countries. The most promising technologies for the designated key areas were described and their benefits and drawbacks were identified. Due to the major role of the raw resources in Russian economy, the issues of increasing the efficiency of cement plants, should be discussed with considering the efficiency of mining enterprises extracting mineral raw materials needed for manufacturing process. Given the significant investments required to the industry modernization, which can not be achieved through government support, it is proposed to create conditions for the development of the integrated companies. In addition, a key factor that can ensure the sustainable development of the industry is a cross-sectoral co-operation, which will allow to organize a low-waste production cycle with a minimal costs of raw materials.
Zielone zamówienia publiczne (ang. green public procurement) w Unii Europejskiej są jednym ze sposobów poszukiwania rozwiązań wpływających na rozwój i upowszechnienie technologii środowiskowych. Polityka proekologiczna w Polsce jest zatem z jednej strony obiektywnym wymogiem współczesności, ale również pochodną oczekiwań stawianych przez bogate w tym zakresie prawodawstwo europejskie. Determinantów proekologicznych postaw samorządów można poszukiwać również w polskich regulacjach prawnych, takich choćby jak ustawa Prawo zamówień publicznych (Pzp) czy ustawa o publicznym transporcie zbiorowym17. W związku z powyższymi uwarunkowaniami autor w artykule podnosi problematykę proekologicznych postaw, a często i postępowania, samorządów w związku z nabywaniem dostaw i usług (w tym transportowych) finansowanych ze środków publicznych, których wydatkowanie regulowane jest zasadniczo ustawą Prawo zamówień publicznych. Artykuł w związku z tym jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie: jakie systemowe, podmiotowe oraz przedmiotowe warunki uczestnictwa w postępowaniu o udzielenie zamówienia publicznego sprzyjają zrównoważonemu rozwojowi? Celem artykułu, mimo pewnego poziomu fakultatywności rozwiązań ekologicznych funkcjonujących w prawodawstwie dotyczącym obszaru finansów publicznych, jest wskazanie możliwości osiągania przez organizacje publiczne społecznych i gospodarczych celów w zgodzie z wymogami ochrony środowiska naturalnego, z poszanowaniem prawa i w granicach prawa oraz interesów zarówno mieszkańców jak i uczestniczących na rynku zamówień publicznych wykonawców.
Green public procurement in the European Union is one way of finding solutions that affect the development and dissemination of environmental technology. Environmental policies in Poland is therefore in one hand, the objective requirement of the present, but also a derivative of the expectations set by the rich in this respect European legislation. Environmental determinants of attitudes of local governments can also look in the Polish legal regulations, such as for example the Public Procurement Act and the Act on Public Transport. In view of these considerations the author of the article raises issues of environmental attitudes, and often the case, local governments in connection with the purchase of supplies, works and services financed from public funds, whose spending is essentially governed by the Public Procurement Law. The article is also proposed by skillful use of signs and conditions for participation in the proceedings of public procurement, which promote sustainable development of local governments. The article, therefore, despite a certain level of optionally ecological solutions, indicates the possibility of achieving by local social and economic objectives in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection.
Content available remote Energetyczne i ekologiczne turbulencje w zarządzaniu gospodarką
An ideal society should take care about environment and that is why it should not product more than it is able to use. To achieve this aim this kind of society must use of new technologies of management such us recycling, ecological materials and more other. Some other changes should also be created to minimize bad influence on environment. The most important thing is making economy growing thanks to small part of natural forces, as small as possible. People should not take from ecosystem more than it can give. A green revolution is a priority in European countries and any crisis cannot change it. The economy must be balanced, because only this can bring a development. Ecological innovations and environmental technologies give a big chance for development.
W ramach starań o łatwiejszą i szybszą penetrację rynku przez technologie środowiskowe Komisja Europejska czyni starania o wprowadzenie we Wspólnocie dobrowolnego systemu weryfikacji tych technologii. W efekcie jego funkcjonowania właściciel technologii mógłby uzyskać certyfikat potwierdzający jej zalety: redukcję emisji, mniejsze zużycie surowców, niższą energochłonność, czy zmniejszenie innych obciążeń środowiska w stosunku do stosowanych technologii alternatywnych. Publicznie dostępny, niezależny i obiektywny osąd korzyści środowiskowych z zastosowania technologii stanowić ma na celu uwiarygodnienie oferty dla wszystkich stron zainteresowanych, tj. dla potencjalnych odbiorców, instytucji udzielających stosownych pozwoleń, organizacji ekologicznych i społeczności lokalnych. W celu przetestowania systemu weryfikacji zostało wprowadzone do 6 Programu Ramowego Badań i Rozwoju Technologii UE kilka projektów badawczych, a wśród nich projekt o akronimie AIRTV dotyczący technologii ochrony czystości powietrza. W projekcie tym między innymi dokonano oceny technologii opalania pieców ceramicznych palnikami gazowymi o specjalnej konstrukcji, dzięki którym spaliny osiągają dużą szybkość wylotową, a ich cyrkulacja zapewnia równomierny rozkład temperatury w piecu i umożliwia skrócenie czasu wypalania ceramiki bez uszczerbku dla jakości produktu końcowego Korzyści środowiskowe z zastosowania technologii polegają na zmniejszeniu zużycia gazu ziemnego i energii elektrycznej, redukcji emisji ditlenku węgla, obniżeniu temperatury i zmniejszeniu ilości gazów spalinowych. W referacie przedstawiono przebieg procedury weryfikacji tej technologii i jej wynik oraz omówiono perspektywy wdrożenia systemu i dostrzeżone problemy związane a jego wprowadzeniem. Celem było przybliżenie kwestii weryfikacji uczestnikom cyklu paliwowego gazu ziemnego, w którym szereg obecnie stosowanych i rozwijanych technologii może z powodzeniem kandydować do miana technologii środowiskowej.
Content available remote System monitorowania technologii środowiskowych
Omówiono podstawy formalne oraz założenia i cele systemu monitorowania technologii środowiskowych, który będzie gromadził informacje na temat rozwoju tych technologii w Polsce. Przedstawiono zasadniczą budowę systemu oraz zasady klasyfikacji technologii jako środowiskowej wraz z podziałem na sektory i podsektory środowiskowe.
Formal bases, assumptions and objectives of a system for monitoring of environmental technologies, which will collect information on a development of these technologies in Poland, were discussed in the paper. A principal design of the system and principles of classification of technology as environmental technology, with an environmental division into sectors and sub-sectors, were presented in the paper.
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