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w słowach kluczowych:  environmental microbiology
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This study aims to investigate the biosurfactant production capabilities of bacterial strains isolated from oil-contaminated soil samples. Employing a comprehensive methodological approach, we collected soil samples from thirty different fuel pumps and conducted an extensive screening of bacterial isolates using various tests such as hemolytic activity, emulsification index, blue agar plate method, and drop collapsing test. The results revealed significant biosurfactant production among certain isolates, specifically highlighting the effectiveness of two particular strains. This paper presents a detailed analysis of these strains, including their optimal growth conditions in terms of pH, temperature, carbon, and nitrogen sources. Our findings indicate a notable potential of these bacterial strains in biosurfactant production, with implications for environmental bioremediation, particularly in oil pollution contexts. The study also sheds light on the limitations encountered and underscores the originality of the research in exploring biosurfactant production in a novel context. This study contributes to the field by offering insights into the effective utilization of microbial strains for biosurfactant synthesis, which is crucial for sustainable and eco-friendly bioremediation practices.
Promieniowce termofilne (Thermoactinomycetes) to ciekawa grupa bakterii, która dotychczas nie była opisywana w polskim piśmiennictwie. W jej obrębie można wyróżnić tylko jeden rodzaj, którym jest Thermoactinomyces sp. Są to bakterie Gram-dodatnie, w większości tlenowce, kwasoodporne, zbudowane ze strzępek tworzących „grzybnie”, z których mogą wyrastać strzępki zwane sporangioforami, ze sporami służącymi do rozprzestrzeniania się. Najczęściej izolowane są z gleby, kompostu, torfu i wody. Obecne są także w nawilżaczach i klimatyzatorach, ale również wykrywa się je w płucach i plwocinach ludzi i zwierząt. U ludzi mogą być też przyczyną chorób układu oddechowego.
Thermoactinomycetes are interesting group of bacteria, which has not been described in Polish literature. They comprise only one genus, which is Thermoactinomyces. These bacteria are Gram-positive, aerobic, acid-resistant, structured with hyphae forming a mycelium with sporangiophores and spores serving to spread those germs. They are most commonly isolated from soil, compost, peat, water, present in humidifiers and air conditioners, but also detected in the lung and sputum of people and animals. They may cause many diseases, especially of the respiratory tract.
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