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w słowach kluczowych:  enterprises from the SME sector
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In the era of strong economic development, one of the elements of a company's competitiveness is innovation. It determines the company's development and its success. Appropriate management of innovations in a company determines specific activities in the areas - search, planning, implementation, diffusion and control. Innovations can be about products, processes, organization and marketing. There are many innovations in the financial sector that increase the quality and efficiency of work. This article presents the results of a study conducted using a survey among financial services companies and companies that use a number of financial and accounting innovations in their activities to improve their activities in this area. The research was carried out at the end of 2019 in 40 enterprises of the SME sector in the Śląskie Voivodeship. The results of the research were compared with the prevailing trends both in Poland and in the world, based on publicly available reports and messages. Thegoalof this article is to draw attention to the level of innovative activity in the financial and accounting area of enterprises from the SME sector, and to identify and analyze the elements of managing these innovations in the explored enterprises.
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