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Purpose: Identification of corporate governance as a concept combining the ethical and economic dimension of contemporary organizations, taking into account the category of enterprise value. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on critical analysis of the literature, mainly in the field of corporate governance, as well as in the area of corporate value and ethics in management. Findings: The considerations presented in this study show that corporate governance can be approached as a management tool that would enable an enterprise to achieve various goals, both in the area of economic efficiency and business ethics. This means that corporate governance can be perceived as a factor that links the ethical and economic dimensions of contemporary management. Practical implications: Although the presented considerations are theoretical, they can be useful in practice in the work of managers of various enterprises. That is because they show the effects that can be achieved through introducing elements of corporate governance in the company. They show governance as a tool enabling the achievement of various goals. Social implications: Presenting governance in this way may result in greater interest in this concept. Its application in practice may cause multi-faceted beneficial socioeconomic consequences because governance provides such possibilities. Originality/value: This study shows a specific approach to the issues of corporate governance. This is not only a well-perceived code of good practices, but – above all – a tool for achieving various goals that are important for the functioning of modern enterprises.
COVID-19 jest określany mianem szoku egzogenicznego, który wpłynął na funkcjonowanie gospodarek światowych. Jedną z konsekwencji pojawienia się śmiercionośnego wirusa SARS-CoV-2 była panika na rynkach kapitałowych. Zdarzenie to stało się inspiracją do podjęcia badań, których celem była ocena sytuacji na giełdach w I kwartale 2020 r., ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem okresu bessy rynkowej spowodowanej pandemią. Poszukiwano przede wszystkim odpowiedzi na pytanie, kiedy rozpoczęła się dramatyczna wyprzedaż akcji na światowych giełdach, jak długo trwała, kiedy się zakończyła i o ile procent zmalały w tym czasie główne światowe indeksy giełdowe. Badaniom poddano historyczne notowania 44 głównych światowych indeksów giełdowych. Dla każdego z nich wyznaczono datę początkową i końcową tendencji spadkowej, a następnie obliczono wskaźniki dynamiki obrazujące zmiany spadków indeksów w ujęciu procentowym. Analizom poddano rynek europejski, azjatycki, Ameryki Północnej i Południowej oraz australijski. W rezultacie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że w ciągu około jednego miesiąca trwania paniki giełdowej indeksy straciły około jedną trzecią swojej wartości początkowej, przy czym skala spadków była większa w Europie i w Ameryce Północnej i Południowej oraz w Australii (średnie zmiany na poziomie ok. -36, -37 proc.), natomiast w Azji czas trwania bessy był mniej jednoznaczny i charakteryzował się spadkiem głównych indeksów średnio o 31 proc. W toku badań stwierdzono, że spadki zanotowane w czasie Wielkiego Kryzysu oraz kryzysu finansowego z 2008 r. trwały nie tylko dłużej, lecz także były znacznie większe w porównaniu do kryzysu z 2020 r. Wnioski z badań wskazują bardzo wyraźnie na cechę współczesnych rynków kapitałowych - wyceny giełdowe spółek są niestabilne, niejednoznaczne, mocno uzależnione nie tylko od ich potencjału strategicznego, lecz także od zawirowań otoczenia zewnętrznego.
COVID-19 is referred to as an exogenous shock that has affected the functioning of global economies. One consequence of the emergence of the lethal SARS-CoV-2 virus was panic in the capital markets. This event inspired research aimed at assessing the situation on the stock exchanges in the first quarter of 2020, with particular emphasis on the period of the market downturn caused by the pandemic. In particular, the researchers sought answers to the question of when the dramatic sell-off of stocks on global stock exchanges began, how long did it last, when did it end, and by how much did the major global stock indices drop during that time. Historical quotations of 44 major world stock exchange indices were analyzed. For each of them, the starting and ending dates of the downward trend were determined, and then the dynamics indicators were calculated, showing changes in the decreases of indices in percentage terms. The European, Asian, North and South American and Australian markets were analyzed. As a result of the research, it was found that in about one month of the stock market panic, the indices lost about a third of their initial value, with the scale of declines being greater in Europe, North and South America and Australia (average changes at the level of approx. -36, -37 percent), while in Asia the duration of the bear market was less clear-cut and was characterized by a decline in the main indices by an average of 31 percent. In the course of the research it was found, inter alia, that the declines recorded during the Great Depression and the Financial Crisis of 2008 lasted not only longer, but were also much larger compared to the crisis of 2020. The conclusions from the research indicate very clearly the feature of modern capital markets - stock market valuations of companies are unstable and strongly dependent on the turmoil in the external environment.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja współczesnych trendów w obszarze raportowania wykreowanej w przedsiębiorstwach wartości dodanej. W artykule wskazano na potrzebę wykorzystywania „czwartego sprawozdania finansowego” dla zapewnienia realizacji oczekiwań wszystkich interesariuszy, zgodnie z koncepcją zrównoważonego rozwoju. W publikacji określono, dla kogo w przedsiębiorstwach tworzona jest wartość oraz w jaki sposób następuje jej rozdysponowanie. Dodatkowo, przedstawiono przykłady aktualnie stosowanych metodologii, wykorzystywanych na potrzeby określenia kierunków dystrybucji wartości dla jej beneficjentów. Wykorzystana metodyka badawcza bazuje na porównaniu zaprezentowanych metodologii podziału wartości i poddaniu ich krytycznej ocenie na potrzeby stworzenia transparentnego systemu raportowania wyników.
The aim of the article is to present contemporary trends in the area of reporting of created value added in enterprises. The article pointed out the need to use 'fourth financial statements' to ensure the implementation of the expectations of all stakeholders, compatibly with the concept of sustainable development. In the publication defined the stakeholders and showed the ways of distribution of value creation. Additionally, it was presented the current examples methodologies, adapted for determining the directions of the value distribution for its beneficiaries. The research methodology based on a comparison of the presented methodology of value distribution and subjected to critical evaluation on the need to create of transparent reporting system.
Ewolucja uwarunkowań i proces restrukturyzacji były determinantami tworzenia wartości przedsiębiorstw. Artykuł jest formą konkluzji na temat wpływu restrukturyzacji hutnictwa na strukturę wartości firmy. Celem publikacji było wykazanie, że restrukturyzacja hutnictwa była podstawą nowych kategorii wartości przedsiębiorstw. Charakterystyka zestawu wartości stanowiła treść niniejszej publikacji.
Market and restructuring process were determinants of enterprise value. The article is the form of conclusion about restructuring process in metallurgical sector in Poland according to enterprise value. The aim of the article was presentation the structure of value categories according to restructuring results.
Content available Life cycle business modelling
The article deals with the task of life cycle business modelling. In the article the strategic orientation of enterprises is examined from the point of estimation view of its possibility to cost creation. A problem consists in development of management mechanism of the difficult mutually concerted multistage complex of tasks in industries of cost creation for a consumer and cost of enterprise, as in turn laid out on the row of the recommended project measures. This task was set forth in terms of the dynamic programming. The brought analysis over of this task allowed forming the comfortable and transparent algorithm of her decision, and her erection in an eventual result to the task of the linear programming.
Content available remote Procedura oceny strategii przedsiębiorstwa pod kątem tworzonej wartości
W niniejszym artykule została przedstawiona problematyka oceny strategii przedsiębiorstwa na podstawie wartości przedsiębiorstwa. Sednem problemu jest jakościowy charakter strategii przedsiębiorstwa z jednej strony i ilościowy charakter wartości przedsiębiorstwa z drugiej. W celu umożliwienia dokonania oceny strategii przedsiębiorstwa, na podstawie wartości przedsiębiorstwa została opracowana procedura, której ogólne zarysy przedstawia poniższy artykuł.
This paper raises the issue of evaluation of entrepreneurial strategies based on entrepreneurial value. The problem revolves around the qualitative nature of entrepreneurial strategy on one hand and the quantitative character of the entrepreneurial value on the other. In order to facilitate the value-based evaluation of entrepreneurial strategy a procedure is proposed and discussed below.
Content available remote Business Intelligence Systems as a tool of Value Based Management
W artykule podjęto problem wykorzystania systemów klasy Business Intelligence (BI) jako narzędzia kreującego wartość przedsiębiorstwa. Na bazie danych historycznych można realizować wielowymiarowe analizy i tworzyć na ich podstawie raporty, zestawienia, a także plany. Można zatem stwierdzić, że zarządzanie wiedzą i zasobami informacyjnymi w znacznym stopniu warunkuje wartość organizacji. Implementacja systemów klasy BI może być przeprowadzona z sukcesem tylko w określonych kategoriach organizacji, które spełniają poszczególne kryteria, np. wielkość, złożoność struktury wewnętrznej, okres funkcjonowania na rynku lub też skala działania. Kryteria te warunkują również funkcjonalność systemów BI, która może być rozpatrywana jako iloczyn zbiorów (tworzonych przez wskazane kryteria). Koncepcja Value Based Management (VBM) może być rozumiana jako tworzenie wartości dla akcjonariuszy lub podnoszenie ogólnej wartości przedsiębiorstwa na rynku, umacnianie jego przewagi konkurencyjnej. Mówiąc o VBM, należy uwzględniać różne wskaźniki finansowe, EPS, ROE, ROCE, ROIĆ, ROA, EVA, DCF, IRR, czy też CFROI, które charakteryzują relacje wewnętrzne w różnych przedziałach czasowych, co pozwala na ich wykorzystanie w wielowymiarowych analizach (np. w kostkach OLAP). Ważnym pojęciem jest także nośnik wartości (ang. value driver), który może pełnić rolę zarówno potrzeby informacyjnej, jak i wymiaru kostki analitycznej - na określonym szczeblu zarządzania. Systemy klasy BI można więc uznać na narzędzie VBM, wywierające znaczący wpływ na kreowanie wartości organizacji i jakość procesów zarządzania.
The idea of intensive management of a company lies in constant search of effective sources of financing enterprise economic activity. Working capital should play an important role in this financing. Working capital ought to become a basis for the growth of generated capital, and financial affect not divided. As a result it activates the development and enterprise's growth value of a company towards the growth of productivity and remunerative of the engaged fortune and costs.
If the organizations want to succeed in more dynamic and complicated environment of companies, they can not build their competitiveness only on definite products, technology or resources. The worth of company is based on intellectual assets: unique skills, knowledge, which decide about financial outcomes. The paper reported models of intellectual capital and methods of IC surveying. The paper introduced suggestions of different rates, which can be used to estimate of intellectual assets and to gain necessary information to make decisions in the future.
The paper contains the analysis of the Adjusted Present Value of the company. It is consisting from two parts. General methodological remarks referring to APV were restated I in the first part. In the second part it is contained the method of calculating and analysing I factors shaping the APV's value.
Numerous researches shows that many enterprises makes investments with negative NPV. Another surveys indicates that many enterprises have difficulty with current asset management which have a significant influence on value creation process. Both factors makes that many enterprises destroy their value. Therefore this article presents current asset management strategy and their influence on value-based management.
Maximization of wealth of his owners is the basic financial aim in management of enterprise. Cash management must contribute to realization this aim. Article presents the method of determination precautionary level of cash in firm. Level of cash in firm increase net working capital and costs of holding cash. Both of them decrease value of the firm.
The paper presents issues of influence of restructuring on a company's value. Changes occurring in relations between company management and shareholders, which generally speaking mean the company owners, cause that the idea of company's value management seen through widely understood restructuring processes, has priority significance. Thus restructuring activities are to some extent stimulators of changes and influence perceiving of the company as specific investment resulting in maximizing of its value. The paper also presents a useful tool, which is Matrix of Value EVA, allowing to define differences between development paths increasing or decreasing the value. What is also shown is a pentagonal frame restructuring plan which is used to evaluate possibilities of organizational reconstruction.
The analysis of the cross-border consolidation processes from the point of view of their value management is the main subject of this study. Outer restructuring which may consist, among others, in selling or acquisition of the other target and using the financial engineering instruments, is one of the possible way of the enterprises value creating. The problems connected with both merger and acquisition activity which have especially increased in recent years and their influence on the value of company were shown. Moreover, the aim of this study is to indicate the factors which make that not each merger and acquisition cause increase in the value of companies involved in these processes.
The aim of the article is to present the method of economic value added (EVAŽ) and to assess its usefulness in processes of the efficient management in practice of companies. An idea of economic value added is one of the newest methods of corporate financial efficiency calculating. This method allows to implement in practice of companies different operating tasks, concentrated on company value increasing. The article takes into special attention a problem of costs of capitals used when economic value is calculated, especially the cost of equity. At the end there are presented calculations of EVA in three different example companies, which allow to draw conclusions.
Financial decisions are of great importance among economic decisions. They concern financial flows in the management of finances, the process referring to the management of assets or the choice of financial resources of economic activity. The article presents the indicators of an enterprise value as instrument to administration of contemporary organization.
Selection of the most valuable sale should be considered as one of the most important tasks of the Value Based Management. One of the methods useful on this field is the analysis of net present value (NPV) of sale. Present Value (PV) of sale depends on: a) price of product and amount of sale, b) credit-policy alternatives (conditions of payments). In this paper is undertaken an attempt to consider problem of assessment cost of capital, depending on conditions of payments - prepayment, cash on, trade credit (two-part or net terms).
VBM as a new trend, mainly in the fields of strategic management and corporate finance management, has become a frequent topic of discussions in academic environment, as well as among managers and consultants. It impacts not only areas mentioned above, but all the areas of companies' lives, including marketing, selling, motivation, goods storage etc. Due to prof. A. Rappaport, one of the pioneers of the VBM idea, there is a big chance that it will became a standard in a couple of years. Learning organization is another new trend, which emphasizes the role of learning in the organization. Comprehensive approach is one of the main requirements suggested both by value based management and learning organization trends. The article shortly introduces a comprehensive value based management system model elaborated by the author.
The intensive changes in the models of business management, that we have witnessed recently, are accompanied by the common view that the permanent improvement of the organisation is the key element of the process. The success-oriented market players are forced to apply any solutions that would effectively increase the value of a company. The Economic Value Added - as one of the most important measuring instrument in finance management., is answer to send a multi aspects challenge to administration of contemporary organization.
All activities in the firm are undertaken with thought of the realizations of the concrete target. These targets are different and individual for every firm. In the literature exchanged are numerous business strategies and paths of their realizations. The sense of however these all activities and even the Tightness of targets and strategies one can properly rate only after the impartment of the answer on the question: how this activity affects the value of the firm. Managers should have the consciousness that itself firm is not herself value from himself. It is a machine which should bring satisfying value: to customers - the satisfaction of needs, to workers and persons to manageresses - competency and conditions to the self-realization, the owners the turn from invested capital. Because to administer with he firm one ought properly to identify sources of the value and ably them to administer, so that that value constantly former created.
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