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The problem of the proper functioning of Park-and-Ride facilities seems to be of key importance for ensuring appropriate transport in cities in which the intensity of road traffic is systematically increasing, together with the increase of environmental pollution (air pollution, noise etc.). The attractiveness of a car park of this kind seems obvious - instead of a burdensome journey in one’s own car, one changes the vehicle to fast municipal public transport or another means of transport (a bike, a scooter), or reaches the destination on foot. This results in benefits - above all in terms of comfort (shortening the time of the journey), health advantages etc. As has been proven by experiments, facilities of this kind are an expensive investment, the location of which (e.g. stand-alone) does not always ensure full utilization. The concept presented in the article assumes the possibility of a gradual extension of the multistorey car park following the increase of the demand. The article attempted to demonstrate that one of the sources of increasing attractiveness is the appropriate location (guaranteeing easy commute to the car park), the possibilities to continue the journey in an attractive way, then increasing the attractiveness through the possibility to use various services (shopping, the gym, the swimming pool, cinema, restaurants) and thirdly: the plan of launching the car park and its utilization in the life cycle should ensure the possibility of flexible reacting to changes of the demand (the experiences of the ongoing pandemic indicate that there is no guarantee of ensuring systematic demand increase). An element which also seems significant is the limitation of costs in the initial stage of investments of this kind with the possibility of gradual extension following the change of user habits.
Problem poprawnego funkcjonowania parkingów Park and Ride wydaje się być kluczowy dla zapewnienia właściwego transportu w miastach, w których natężenie ruchu systematycznie rośnie i stosowanie do tego wzrostu rośnie zanieczyszczenie środowiska (zanieczyszczenie powietrza, hałas). Atrakcyjność tego typu parkingu wydaje się oczywista - zamiast uciążliwej podróży własnym samochodem, przesiadamy się na szybką komunikację miejską lub inny rodzaj transportu (rower, hulajnoga) albo docieramy na miejsce pieszo. Daje to nam korzyści - przede wszystkim w zakresie komfortu (skrócenie czasu podróży), zdrowotne itp. Jak udowodniły doświadczenia tego typu obiekty są drogą inwestycją, której lokalizacja (np. indywidualna) nie zawsze zapewnia pełne wykorzystanie. Przedstawiona w artykule koncepcja zakłada możliwość stopniowej rozbudowy parkingu wielopoziomowego w miarę wzrostu popytu. W artykule starano się wykazać że jednym ze źródeł podniesienia atrakcyjności jest właściwa lokalizacja (gwarantująca łatwy dojazd na parking), możliwości atrakcyjnego kontynuowania podróży, następnie podniesienie atrakcyjności poprzez możliwości realizacji różnych usług (zakupy, siłownia czy pływalnia, kino, restauracje) i po trzecie: plan uruchomienia parkingu i jego eksploatacji w cyklu życia powinien zapewniać mozliwość elastycznego reagowania na zmiany popytu (doświadczenia podczas przedłużającej się epidemii wskazują, że nie ma gwarancji zapewnienia systematycznego wzrostu popytu). Istotnym wydaje się także ograniczenie kosztów w początkowym etapie tego typu inwestycji z możliwością stopniowej rozbudowy w miarę zmiany nawyków użytkowników.
The preservation of historical documents is a task that requires a multidisciplinary team. Mechanical engineering can make valuable contributions. Historical documents made of paper have unique characteristics that must be considered for their preservation and exhibition. Specially designed encasements have emerged as a solution to meet these requirements. In the present research, a comparative design study was carried out. The study comprises identifying the main functions of the encasements. Subsequently, it is analyzed how the capsules that appear in the literature have solved these functions. With the information obtained, three new encasements were designed for historical documents in Mexico. From the results and design experiences, some insights and design principles were obtained; these can be universally applied.
This article is aimed at the engineering design of a manipulator, which is pneumatically controlled. It will serve for mounting the compressor of an air suspension system to the chassis of a sport utility vehicle (SUV) produced in the Slovak Republic. The manipulator will be used on an assembly line, on which SUVs are assembled. The designed device belongs to a group of dedicated devices, which are not produced within a serial production, however, it is the only functional prototype. Together with the manipulator structure, a pneumatic part of the assembly line including individual components, schemes and the pneumatic system will be proposed. Within the project process, all necessary customer demands, technical and safety standards have to be met. Moreover, ergonomic requirements for handling the device and other acts on the workplace have to be considered.
Chmura obliczeniowa jest modelem przetwarzania umożliwiającym dostęp na żądanie do konfigurowalnych zasobów obliczeniowych za pośrednictwem sieci komputerowej. Obecnie jest to jedna z najszybciej i najintensywniej rozwijanych technologii informatycznych, która jest wprowadzana do coraz liczniejszych obszarów działalności człowieka. Szczególnie interesujące jest zastosowanie chmury obliczeniowej w działalności przemysłowej, takiej jak projektowanie inżynierskie. Wiele systemów IT opartych na chmurze obliczeniowej jest rozwijanych, aby wspierać proces projektowania. W artykule przedstawiono i opisano ideę przetwarzania w chmurze oraz dostępne obecnie usługi i aplikacje używane w projektowaniu inżynierskim oparte na tej technologii. Zaprezentowano również praktyczny przykład systemu wykorzystującego przetwarzanie w chmurze obliczeniowej, który jest stosowany w projektowaniu inżynierskim.
Cloud computing is a model for on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. Currently it is one of the fastest and most intensively developed information technology, which is introduced into the more and more areas of human activity. Of particular interest is the applicability of cloud computing in industrial activity such as engineering design. A lot of IT system based on cloud computing is developed to support the design process. The idea of cloud computing and the currently available services and applications used in engineering design, which are based on this technology, are described and discussed in the paper. A practical example of cloud-based system applied in engineering design is also presented.
Content available Social Utopias and Engineering Design
A paradox of our time is identified: on the one hand – the development of one global system (ecological, technological and social), on the other hand – the still increasing “balkanization” of science. The dynamics of this systems is a source of well-known numerous global problems. Its possibly effective solution needs adequate knowledge about the system. For this reason, counteraction to “balkanization” of science is of great practical importance. And this counteraction should comprise not only development of “transboundary” sciences (such as biochemistry or social psychology) but also establishing and developing links between very distant disciplines. This text is intended as a contribution to linking social and engineering sciences. The notion of design plays the central role in this text. Its meaning in the engineering sciences. The notion of utopia has been chosen as a partial counterpart to the term of engineering design. This notion was defined using a concept of possible world – taken from modal logic. It encompasses two ideas: this of design and that of prediction, It is claimed that we need many utopias and that their plurality is of fundamental importance for protecting us against the threats of utopianism. The paper suggests that social utopias can play a heuristic role in engineering design (particularly in the initial phase of defining technological problems), and – on the other hand – that the theory of engineering design can be supportive for, badly needed, development of methodology of utopias creation.
Content available Evaluating complicatedness in mechanical design
Few researchers recognize the differences between complexity and complicatedness. Recent research indicates that complexity is an inherent property of the system, and is not a negative attribute. Complicatedness is a design property that can be reduced starting at the design stage. Design solutions for complex systems can be complicated or simple. This study explores the current definitions of complexity and complicatedness. It is concluded that the complicatedness of mechanical design depends on the complexity of design properties such as number of parts and interfaces, manufacturing processes, and assembly. A model for evaluating complicatedness is derived based on these parameters. The derived complicatedness model is the only model to consider both functional and physical attributes as parameters. This model is the main goal of this research. We analyse three sets of functionally equivalent systems to verify the model. We then validate the model with an experiment in which experienced engineers review the designs of these systems and grade the complicatedness of each. Analysis of the results yields a perfect fit for two of the sets. For the third set, in which industrial design is embedded in the mechanical components, the results are inconclusive.
Niewielu naukowców uznaje różnicę pomiędzy złożonością a skomplikowaniem. Jednak ostatnie badania wskazują, że złożoność jest nieodłączną cechą systemu i nie jest to cecha negatywna. Skomplikowanie jest natomiast cechą konstrukcji, która może być zredukowana już na etapie projektowania. Rozwiązania projektowe dla złożonych systemów mogą być skomplikowane lub proste. W prezentowanym artykule analizie zostały poddane definicje złożoności i skomplikowania. Stwierdzono, że skomplikowanie konstrukcji mechanicznych zależy od parametrów projektowych takich jak liczba części i interfejsów, procesów produkcyjnych i montażu. Model oceny skomplikowania oparty jest na tych parametrach. Jest to model, który uwzględnia zarówno funkcjonalne, jak i fizyczne cechy konstrukcji. Opracowanie tego modelu było głównym celem przeprowadzonych badań. Do weryfikacji modelu przeanalizowane zostały trzy zestawy funkcjonalnie równoważnych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych opracowanych przez niedoświadczonych konstruktorów. Weryfikacja polegała na analizie skomplikowania projektów przez doświadczonych inżynierów, którzy przeglądali projekty tych konstrukcji i oceniali poziom skomplikowania każdego z nich. Analiza wyników pokazała idealne dopasowanie dla dwóch zestawów. Dla trzeciego zestawu, w którym jako elementy mechaniczne wykorzystano rozwiązania przemysłowe, wyniki są niejednoznaczne.
W artykule przeprowadzono ocenę oprogramowania wykorzystywanego do nauki projektowania złożonych i wielkogabarytowych konstrukcji cienkościennych. Większość oferowanych środowisk graficznych umożliwia zamodelowanie struktury przestrzennej obiektu i przeprowadzenie badań symulacyjnych obejmujących np.: analizę wytrzymałościową i statyczną, obliczenia drgań własnych i wymuszonych. Moduł obliczeniowy w tego typu programach bazuje na metodzie elementów skończonych. W pracy zamieszczono przykładową ścieżkę projektową i analizę pokładu okrętu typu RO-RO, na którym zaparkował samochód ciężarowy. W przedstawionym przykładzie wykorzystano oprogramowanie firmy MSC z preprocesorem Patran i modułem obliczeniowym Nastran.
In the paper the software to the teaching of designing of complex and large-scale thin-walled structures was evaluated by the authors. The bundle of MSC software, named Patran-Nastran, was presented. The software is based on Finite Element Method. The authors, during the teaching process, focus on basic analyses: linear static strength analysis, normal mode (eigenvectors) analysis and frequency response analysis (forced vibrations calculations). An example of RO-RO ship's deck analysis was presented. The deck was loaded with the wheels of truck. A short description of the modeling process as well as the results of the analyses are presented in the paper. Discussion about objectives of the teaching process was carried out. In the authors' opinion, knowledge of that very specialized software is important not only for a calculating engineer. All mechanical engineers should have basic knowledge about the calculations process because they will be recipients of the calculations performed during structure designing. Thin-walled structures are very useful for teaching because during the structure modeling we have to choose types of FEM elements. Stiffeners may be modeled by 1-D elements (with offset) and the plates should be modeled by 2D elements. Differences between beam and rod 1D elements as well as shell, plate and membrane 2D elements should be stressed during the teaching process.
Content available remote Open Issues in Design Informatics
Design informatics - the use of computers as a means of generating, communicating and sharing data, information and knowledge in design-has been a central theme in design research and practice for many years. This paper reviews the recent progress of research in design informatics, and makes suggestions for future research directions. The review encompasses various technologies of computer-aided engineering and computer-supported collaborative work with an emphasis on applications in mechanical engineering and related disciplines and on support from conceptual design to life-cycle support. Topics include viewpoint modelling and artefact semantics, model-based engineering, support for creativity and for distributed design, machine learning and the potential for deep learning in design.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia wynikające z postulatów ochrony środowiska. Realizacja ich wymaga od konstruktorów i producentów uzupełnienia tradycyjnych list wymagań o nowe, związane z ekologią, ekologistyką i logistyką zwrotną. Powoduje to konieczność uwzględnienia w procesie konstruowania całego cyklu życia maszyny lub urządzenia, przy czym materiały konstrukcyjne i eksploatacyjne powinny być w jak największym stopniu użytkowane powtórnie. Taki proces projektowo--konstrukcyjny wymaga wykorzystania wiedzy z różnych dziedzin, co jest możliwe tylko w projektowaniu współbieżnym.
This article surveys the recently emerged field of design for environment. Objectives of ecodesign are discussed in details. Requirements for the product design and manufacturing are presented. A five-step procedurę for ecodesign as well as a questionnaire for design team work is recommended. Importance of disassembly for subsepuent end-of-life processes is emphasized.
Cloud computing is a model for on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. Currently it is one of the fastest and most intensively developed Information technology which is introduced into the more and more areas of human activity. Of particular interest is the applicability of cloud computing in industrial activity such as engineering design. A lot of IT system based on cloud computing is developed to support the design process. The idea of cloud computing and the currently available services and applications used in engineering design, which are based on this technology, are described and discussed in the paper. A practical example of cloud-based system applied in engineering design is also presented.
Chmura obliczeniowa jest modelem przetwarzania umożliwiającym dostęp na żądanie do konfigurowalnych zasobów obliczeniowych za pośrednictwem sieci komputerowej. Obecnie jest to jedna z najszybciej i najintensywniej rozwijanych technologii informatycznych, która jest wprowadzana do coraz szerszych obszarów działalności człowieka. Szczególnie interesujące jest zastosowanie chmury obliczeniowej w działalności przemysłowej, takiej jak projektowanie inżynierskie. Wiele systemów IT opartych na chmurze obliczeniowej jest rozwijanych, aby wspierać proces projektowa¬nia. W artykule przedstawiono i opisano ideę przetwarzania w chmurze oraz dostępne obecnie usługi i aplikacje używane w projektowaniu inżynierskim, oparte na tej technologii. Zaprezentowano również praktyczny przykład systemu wykorzystującego przetwarzanie w chmurze obliczeniowej, który jest stosowany w projektowaniu inżynierskim
Content available remote Selected qualitative changes to the solving of engineering optimization problems
This article presents and describes some qualitative changes that have occurred in the engineering design of building structures over the last forty years. With widespread access to computers and the development of software tools, optimization problems, which in the nineteenseventies were solved analytically or, when justifiable, using mathematical machinery (e.g. first Polish minicomputers type Odra 1,300) are now often settled through the use of specialized add-ins to spreadsheets. This state of affairs has created a basis for significant changes in the quality of educational opportunities in the context of construction faculties within technical universities. These changes are illustrated with a simple example of the optimization (determination of the dimensions of the beam subjected to bending).
W artykule przedstawiono i opisano zmiany jakościowe, jakie zaszły w projektowaniu inżynierskim konstrukcji budowlanych na przestrzeni ostatnich czterdziestu lat. Dzięki powszechnemu dostępowi do komputerów i rozwojowi oprogramowania narzędziowego problemy optymalizacji, które w latach siedemdziesiątych ubiegłego stulecia były rozwiązywane analitycznie lub tylko w uzasadnionych przypadkach za pomocą maszyn matematycznych (tak wtedy określano pierwsze minikomputery typu Odra 1300), są obecnie rozwiązywane za pomocą m.in. dodatków do arkuszy kalkulacyjnych. Taki stan rzeczy stworzył podstawy do istotnych zmian jakościowych także na polu możliwości edukacyjnych na wydziałach budowlanych uniwersytetów technicznych. Wspomniane zmiany zilustrowano przykładem optymalizacji przekroju poprzecznego belki zginanej.
Purpose: The main aim of research was to analyse the exponents values assigned to operations in relative manufacturing costs estimation method based on the similarity theory. Design/methodology/approach: The manufacturing costs were calculated with similarity theory use. This method uses exponents assigned to operations. This exponents were estimated for such operations like: facing, inner and outer turning: rough, semi finished and finished. The manufacturing process was simulated in CAM module of advanced graphical program Siemens NX. Findings: The manufacturing costs estimation method based on costs similarity uses exponents assigned to operations. The CAM simulation can be applied to calculate the exponents values. This approach improves accuracy of the method results. Research limitations/implications: The estimated exponents values can be applied only to previously analyzed operations. Practical implications: The exponents estimation process was applied to manufacturing process of shaft and sleeve simulated in CAM module. Originality/value: Described analysis presents the estimation process of exponents assigned to operations with CAM simulation use.
Content available remote Overview of joining methods of the layered composite with steel
Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore how to combine laminate panels with a steel plate. The resulting sample composite panels were assembled with steel plate using two types of joints: with rivets and a rivet nuts. The analysis was carried out using resistance strain gauges. The results will be applied in the application of composite panels in the renovation of freight wagons. Design/methodology/approach: Composite panels were produced using the contact method. A series of tests was carried out using a resistive strain gauge. Strain gauges were stuck in the form of a rectangular rosette. In addition, will be performed value measurement of application force and deformation at characteristic points. Findings: It was found that the most significant impact on the ultimate strength of the composite fiber-steel has a diameter of drilled holes in the panels. The use of blind rivets and rivet nuts does not significantly change the mechanical properties combine complex components. The use of blind rivets creates artwork permanently solidified, while the use of rivet nuts allow the exchange of used composite panels, in the case of damage. Research limitations/implications: Further research will include the use of other composite materials to cover the steel plate. There are also plans to perform research using CAx software in order to define the initial structure of the composite. Practical implications: The article presents a number of basic research leading to the proposed methods joining composite and steel plate. A number of research, leading to information about the possibilities of use of the above composite materials in the process of repairing of freight wagons Originality/value: These studies are very important for the application of composite materials in areas such as automotive, ship building and aviation.
Content available remote Model-based design approach to reducing mechanical vibrations
Purpose: The paper presents a sensitivity analysis method based on a first-principle model in order to reduce mechanical vibrations of a hydraulic damper. Design/methodology/approach: The first-principle model is formulated using a system of continuous ordinary differential equations capturing usually nonlinear relations among variables of the hydraulic damper model. The model applies three categories of parameters: geometrical, physical and phenomenological. Geometrical and physical parameters are deduced from construction and operational documentation. The phenomenological parameters are the adjustable ones, which are estimated or adjusted based on their roughly known values, e.g. friction/damping coefficients. Findings: The sensitivity analysis method provides major contributors and their magnitude that cause vibrations Research limitations/implications: The method accuracy is limited by the model accuracy and inherited nonlinear effects. Practical implications: The proposed model-based sensitivity method can be used to optimize prototypes of hydraulic dampers. Originality/value: The proposed sensitivity-analysis method minimizes a risk that a hydraulic damper does not meet the customer specification.
Dobór optymalnego materiału dla nowoprojektowanego wyrobu odgrywa jedną z kluczowych ról w procesie projektowania inżynierskiego. Poprawnie wyselekcjonowany materiał pozwala na efektywne wykorzystanie dostępnych w produkcji środków technologicznych, jednocześnie zapewniając sprostanie wymaganiom funkcjonalnym wyrobu w połączeniu z ekonomiczną zasadnością produkcji. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono metodę optymalizacji procesu doboru materiału. Przedstawiona metoda charakteryzuje się intuicyjnością stosowania, oraz możliwością zalgorytmizowania, która pozwala na łatwe stworzenie narzędzia pomocnego konstruktorowi w jego codziennej pracy.
Selection of the optimum material for the newly designed product plays a key role in the process of engineering design. Correctly selected material allows for efficient use of available resources in the production technology, while providing a product to meet the functional requirements in conjunction with the legitimacy of economic production. This paper presents a method of optimizing the material selection process. The presented method is characterized by intuitive use, and the possibility algorithmisation, which allows to easily create a helpful tool in the designer's everyday work.
Content available remote Towards Knowledge Engineering Based Guidance for Electrical Engineers
This paper proposes a concept of knowledge engineering based innovative approach for seeking solutions related to electric al engineering systems. The knowledge base approach is discussed for its effectiveness at preliminary stages of solution hunting and solution design, which may reduce the iterations of design process and save time/cost. While referring research literature, this paper builds a hypothesis for novel and efficient usage of knowledge engineering tools for Electrical Engineers. The research seeks development of a methodological tool, which will be generic for aimed sub-sector (e.g. power distribution) of electrical systems. Based on structured innovation approach, this tool will provide conceptual guidance and direction to find solutions in sector specific electrical system problems. This structured approach and electrical engineering focus of the tool will facilitate electrical engineers for reaching practical and effective solutions with less expertise and time.
W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie metod inżynierii wiedzy do rozwiązywania problemów związanych z systemami elektrycznymi. Pozwala to na ograniczenie liczby iteracji przy projektowaniu i skraca czas projektu.
Content available remote The exemplar design features in creation of the series of types
Purpose: The paper presents way to designate the exemplary design features by optimizing the features by means of the Finite Element Method. The subject of optimization are the qualitative and quantitative geometrical design features: the geometrical design form and the geometrical dimensions. Design/methodology/approach: The fallowing computer aided methods were used to support the engineering process: FEM analysis, geometry optimization, optimization of the dimension values using the variant analysis and relational parameterization. These stages were developed in TOSCA software and advanced graphical programs: NX and I-DEAS. Findings: The result of research was the determination of exemplar design features that take into account consideration: technical expediency, economic expediency and production capacities. On the basis of design features and with the use of the relational parameterization, the series of types was established. Research limitations/implications: Due to the iterative process, optimization based on Finite Element Analysis is time consuming. Practical implications: The described method can be used in creating the series of types and modular construction systems. Originality/value: The presented algorithm of optimization and analysis of the geometrical features with the use of the Finite Element Method, allows determining the exemplar design features, which are the basis for the development of an exemplar form of the series of types.
Content available remote Relative manufacturing costs in series of types with partial similarity
Purpose: The main aim of research was to analyse the relative manufacturing costs estimation process based on the similarity theory. Design/methodology/approach: The manufacturing costs were calculated with similarity theory use, where the exponents were assigned to operations and cutting processes. Findings: Many of construction series of types are similar partially. Because of that it is important to develop methods of manufacturing costs of series of types based on partial similarity. The cutting processes exponents use gives more accurate results than operation exponents. Research limitations/implications: The calculation process preparation stage is more time consuming with exponents assigned to cutting processes than to operations. Practical implications: Presented method was applied to sleeve series of types manufacturing cost estimation process. Originality/value: Described analysis presents the manufacturing costs estimation method of partially similar series of types where exponents are assigned to cutting processes.
Purpose: The aim of this work is to present the use of composite materials in the construction of freight cars. Particular attention was paid to the use of these materials in the construction of a freight wagon door. It is dangerous when mechanical damage is made to wall panels of a wagon during transport. Improperly distributed transported material can exceed the allowable stress level and thereby damage the lining of the wagon. One possible solution to this problem is replacing steel plates with composite panels which have better mechanical properties and do not cause an increase of the nominal weight of a freight wagon. Design/methodology/approach: Experimental studies included: develop a research methodology of experimental tests of deformation of the wall door of a freight wagon. using strain gauge, placing strain gauges at key points, performed single-layer and double layer laminate panels with steel plates. Findings: Composite materials made of 5 mm steel plate and a multilayer laminated panels can be used in the construction of freight cars. Research limitations/implications: An expanded scope of the studies would include an analysis and synthesis of composite panels of various thicknesses, depending on the degree of damage to the hull of a freight wagon. Practical implications: Composite panels can be applied in the repair and construction of freight wagon shells. The obtained result shows the possibility of reducing the weight of the whole railway carriage and the price of a wagon repair, eliminating the need to completely remove the shell. Originality/value: Innovative use of composite panels in the repair and construction of structural elements of freight wagons, is new to the Polish scale. Initially DB Schenker Poland, is development of interest in further research and implementation of new technology.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję zarządzania informacją w procesie konstruowania wyrobu z uwzględnieniem jego montażu i demontażu. Zwrócono również uwagę na techniczno-ekonomiczne znaczenie zarządzeania informacją w proces kształtowania postaci konstrukcyjnej wyrobu. Realizując potrzeby związane z podejmowaniem decyzji w tych procesych zaproponowano konstruktorowi komputerową bazę dany (Internet/intranet) jako repozytorium danych uwzględniających zasady montażu i demontażu wyrobów w przemyśle elektromaszynowam.
The article describes the concept of information management in the product design process in terms of product assembly and disassembly issues. Also considered is technical and economic impact of information management on modelling of product construction identity. To meet the needs regarding the decision-making in course of these processes a designer is provided with a computer database (Internet/intranet) as a data repository covering principles of assembly and disassembly of the industry-made electromechanical products. The established directives for modeling of product construction identity covering the issues discussed above as well as computer database constituting an „Internet-based design service ISEKOŠ" give a designer the ability to manage the data in a quick, comprehensive way while keeping pace with requirements of the modern IT technology.
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