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Artykuł dotyczy szczególnego rodzaju szyfrowania wiadomości, któremu towarzyszy ukrywanie szyfrogramu pod postacią tekstu. W efekcie otrzymujemy szyfrogram w formie tekstu, który jest poprawny stylistycznie i semantycznie, a więc zbliżony do tekstu naturalnego. W toku badań analizujemy metodę szyfrująco-ukrywającą s-Tech, a w szczególności jej wskaźnik φ, który służy do oceny trudności generowania szyfrogramu i do szacowania jakości wynikowego tekstu, to jest stopnia naturalizmu powstającego szyfrogramu. Celem badań jest sprawdzenie użyteczności tej miary jako uniwersalnego wskaźnika złożoności przebiegu szyfrowania i jakości tekstu. Badanie wskaźnika φ odbywa się poprzez manipulację dwoma parametrami systemu: długością n-Gramów w bazie n-Gramowej (w zakresie od n=1 do n=6, oznaczanej też jako LBS) oraz włączając (albo wyłączając) przetwarzanie wstępne. Oceniamy ich łączny wpływ – nie tylko na przebieg szyfrowania, na trudność, lecz również na jakość szyfrogramu. Analiza odbywa się poprzez porównanie wyników dla trzech wariantów preprocessingu: szyfrowanie hybrydowe połączone z kompresją LZW, kompresja SMAZ oraz dla sytuacji referencyjnej, w której tekst jawny w zapisie ASCII jest szyfrowany bez przetwarzania wstępnego.
The paper focuses on a unique encryption method combined with shaping ciphertext as natural text, which is a form of steganography. We analyze the s-Tech encryption method and its φ indicator by evaluating the difficulty of ciphertext generation and the quality of the resulting natural text. The research aims to examine φ as a universal indicator of both encryption complexity and natext quality. The analysis involves three preprocessing variants: hybrid encryption with LZW compression, SMAZ compression, and a reference situation with null preprocessing.
Content available Steganography in Audio Files: COTS Software Analysis
The paper presents the analysis of the Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software regarding the ability to be used in audio steganography techniques. Such methods are a relatively new tool for hiding and transmitting crucial information, also being used by hackers. In the following work, the publicly available software dedicated to audio steganography is examined. The aim was to provide the general operating model of the information processing in the steganographic effort. The embedding method was analyzed for each application, providing interesting insights and allowing classifying the methods. The results prove that it is possible to detect the hidden message within the specific audio file and identify the technique that was used to create it. This may be exploited further during the hacking attack detection and prevention.
This study investigates Thomas’ cyclically symmetric attractor dynamics with mathematical and electronic simulations using a proportional fractional derivative to comprehend the dynamics of a given chaotic system. The three-dimensional chaotic flow was examined in detail with Riemann-Liouville derivative for different values of the fractional index to highlight the sensitivity of chaotic systems with initial conditions. Thus, the dynamics of the fractional index system were investigated with Eigenvalues, Kaplan-Yorke dimension, Lyapunov exponent, and NIST testing, and their corresponding trajectories were visualized with phase portraits, 2D density plot, and Poincaré maps. After obtaining the results, we found that the integer index dynamics are more complex than the fractional index dynamics. Furthermore, the chaotic system circuit is simulated with operational amplifiers for different fractional indices to generate analog signals of the symmetric attractor, making it an important aspect of engineering. The qualitative application of our nonlinear chaotic system is then applied to encrypt different data types such as voice, image, and video, to ensure that the developed nonlinear chaotic system can widely applied in the field of cyber security.
Nowadays Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an emerging area of research to provide various communication services to end users. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are self-organizing wireless networks where nodes communicate with each other without a fixed infrastructure. Due to their unique characteristics, such as mobility, autonomy, and ad hoc connectivity, MANETs have become increasingly popular in various applications, including military, emergency response, and disaster management. However, the lack of infrastructure and dynamic topology of MANETs pose significant challenges to designing a secure and efficient routing protocol. This paper proposes an adaptive, secure, and efficient routing protocol that can enhance the performance of MANET. The proposed protocol incorporates various security mechanisms, including authentication, encryption, key management, and intrusion detection, to ensure secure routing. Additionally, the protocol considers energy consumption, network load, packet delivery fraction, route acquisition latency, packets dropped and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the applications to optimize network performance. Overall, the secure routing protocol for MANET should provide a reliable and secure commu-nication environment that can adapt to the dynamic nature of the network. The protocol should ensure that messages are delivered securely and efficiently to the intended destination, while minimizing the risk of attacks and preserving the network resources Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol outperforms existing routing protocols in terms of network performance and security. The proposed protocol can facilitate the deployment of various applications in MANET while maintaining security and efficiency.
In this paper, we study the Lorenz chaotic system as a cryptosystem stream cipher. The system employs a stream cipher, in which the encryption key changes in a chaotic manner over time. For added security, one of the Lorenz generator's parameters are controlled by step function subsystem. The cryptosystem's bit stream passed the statistical randomness test. As a result, a cryptosystem's design can withstand many sorts of attacks, such as brute force. The system's key size will be greater than 256, allowing for a total of 2256 key spaces. As a result, the large key space will give strong plaintext security against a brute force attack.
W tym artykule badamy chaotyczny system Lorenza jako szyfr strumieniowy kryptosystemu. System wykorzystuje szyfr strumieniowy, w którym klucz szyfrowania zmienia się w czasie w sposób chaotyczny. Dla zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa, jeden z parametrów generatora Lorenza jest kontrolowany przez podsystem funkcji krokowej. Strumień bitów kryptosystemu przeszedł test losowości statystycznej. W rezultacie projekt kryptosystemu może wytrzymać wiele rodzajów ataków, takich jak brutalna siła. Rozmiar klucza systemowego będzie większy niż 256, co pozwoli na łącznie 2256 miejsc na klucze. W rezultacie duża przestrzeń na klucze zapewni silne zabezpieczenie tekstu jawnego przed atakiem brute force.
With the increasing uses of internet technologies in daily life, vulnerability of personal data/information is also increasing. Performing secure communication over the channel which is insecure has always been a problem because of speedy development of various technologies. Encryption scheme provides secrecy to data by enabling only authorized user to access it. In the proposed paper, we present an encryption algorithm designed for data security based on bilinear mapping and prove it secure by providing its security theoretical proof against adaptive chosen cipher-text attack. With the help of a lemma, we have shown that no polynomially bounded adversary has non-negligible advantage in the challenging game. We also give the comparative analysis of the proposed scheme in terms of security and performance with Deng et al., 2020 and Jiang et al., 2021 schemes and prove that proposed algorithm is more efficient and secure than others existing in literature against adaptive chosen cipher-text attack.
Nowadays, information security management systems are important parts of managing a system for better handling of the information security. In scenarios and situations where safety management is done by managing protection of malwares, it is important to manage security issues properly. Cryptography is an approach which makes possible for a recipient to encrypt and decrypt the information. A combination of two different strategies for encryption and decryption in the text encoding will be transformed into the used all content. The encryption and decryption key of the content decryption key is used. There are different types of information. A number, such as finding two large prime numbers with that product. The number, the size of the RSA key is large enough to make, it's hard to pinpoint these numbers. The key, known as the RSA public key, is the most prominent open encryption. Calculations were used for information exchange. In this paper, we created a program for simulation and testing of apply cryptography of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm for better performance. In this study, this program is an application of a new algorithm to be the AES&RSA principle of using a public key instead of a private key for cryptography, and the testing of encryption and decryption for the AES&RSA algorithm resulted in time is no different on the AES algorithm and more secure encryption and decryption. The results indicated that the time needed for encoding and decoding of AES&RSA algorithm has been reduced (i.e., efficiency has been improved).
The analysis of mobile communication standards is carried out, the functional structure and interfaces of interaction between the structural elements of the cellular network are considered. To understand the principle of communication according to the GSM standard, a block diagram of a mobile switching center (MSC), base station equipment (BSS), control and service center (MCC), mobile stations (MS) is presented. The main algorithms for ensuring the confidentiality and security of mobile subscribers' data, in different types of standards, as well as the vulnerabilities of information flows are considered. In particular, the following dangerous types of attacks have been identified, to which mobile network subscribers are sensitive: sniffing; leakage of personal data; leakage of geolocation data; spoofing; remote capture of SIM-card, execution of arbitrary code (RCE); denial of service (DoS). It is established that the necessary function of the mobile network is the identification of subscribers, which is performed by IMSI, which is recorded in the SIM card of the subscriber and the HLR of the operator. To protect against spoofing, the network authenticates the subscriber before starting its service. In the case of subscriber identification, the subscriber and the network operator are protected from the effects of fraudulent access. In addition, the user must be protected from eavesdropping. This is achieved by encrypting the data transmitted over the radio interface. Thus, user authentication in UMTS, as well as in the GSM network, is carried out using encryption with a common key using the "hack-response" protocol (the authenticating party sends a random number to the authenticated party, which encrypts it according to a certain algorithm using a common key and returns the result back).
Przeprowadzana jest analiza standardów komunikacji mobilnej, rozważana jest struktura funkcjonalna i interfejsy interakcji między elementami strukturalnymi sieci komórkowej. Aby zrozumieć zasadę komunikacji w standardzie GSM, przedstawiono schemat blokowy centrali ruchomej (MSC), wyposażenia stacji bazowej (BSS), centrum sterowania i obsługi (MCC), stacji ruchomych (MS). Rozważane są główne algorytmy zapewniające poufność i bezpieczeństwo danych abonentów telefonii komórkowej w różnych typach standardów, a także podatności na przepływ informacji. W szczególności zidentyfikowano następujące niebezpieczne rodzaje ataków, na które podatni są abonenci sieci komórkowych: sniffing; wyciek danych osobowych; wyciek danych geolokalizacyjnych; podszywanie się; zdalne przechwytywanie karty SIM, wykonanie dowolnego kodu (RCE); odmowa usługi (DoS). Ustalono, że niezbędną funkcją sieci komórkowej jest identyfikacja abonentów, która jest realizowana przez IMSI, która jest zapisywana na karcie SIM abonenta i HLR operatora. Aby zabezpieczyć się przed podszywaniem się, sieć uwierzytelnia subskrybenta przed uruchomieniem usługi. W przypadku identyfikacji abonenta, abonent i operator sieci są chronieni przed skutkami nieuprawnionego dostępu. Ponadto użytkownik musi być chroniony przed podsłuchem. Osiąga się to poprzez szyfrowanie danych przesyłanych przez interfejs radiowy. Tak więc uwierzytelnianie użytkownika w UMTS, jak również w sieci GSM, odbywa się z wykorzystaniem szyfrowania wspólnym kluczem z wykorzystaniem protokołu „hack-response” (strona uwierzytelniająca wysyła do strony uwierzytelnianej losową liczbę, która ją szyfruje zgodnie z określnym algorytmem używając wspólnego klucza i zwraca wynik).
ZIP jest popularnym formatem do bezstratnej kompresji i archiwizacji danych. Programy do tworzenia archiwów ZIP oferują możliwość szyfrowania danych, co jest często wykorzystywaną funkcjonalnością przy przesyłaniu plików zawierających dane osobowe pocztą e-mail. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przegląd dostępnych metod szyfrowania archiwów ZIP oraz analiza, które sposoby szyfrowania są bardziej podatne na atak brutalny.
ZIP is an popular archive file format, which supports lossless data compression. Software, which is used to create an ZIP archive also offers encryption, which is useful to send files containing personal data by e-mail. The aim of this article is to review the available encryption methods for the ZIP archives and to analyze which encryption methods are more vulnerable to brute force attack.
RFID systems are one of the essential technologies and used many diverse applications. The security and privacy are the primary concern in RFID systems which are overcome by using suitable authentication protocols. In this manuscript, the cost-effective RFID-Mutual Authentication (MA) using a lightweight Extended Tiny encryption algorithm (XTEA) is designed to overcome the security and privacy issues on Hardware Platform. The proposed design provides two levels of security, which includes secured Tag identification and mutual authentication. The RFID-MA mainly has Reader and Tag along with the backend Server. It establishes the secured authentication between Tag and Reader using XTEA. The XTEA with Cipher block chaining (CBC) is incorporated in RFID for secured MA purposes. The authentication process completed based on the challenge and response between Reader and Tag using XTEA-CBC. The present work is designed using Verilog-HDL on the Xilinx environment and implemented on Artix-7 FPGA. The simulation and synthesis results discussed with hardware constraints like Area, power, and time. The present work is compared with existing similar approaches with hardware constraints improvements.
This paper represents a developed cryptographic information protection algorithm based on a substitution permutation network. We describe the cryptographic transformations used in the developed algorithm. One of the features of the algorithm is the simplicity of its modification with regard to different security levels. The algorithm uses a predeveloped S-box tested against differential and linear cryptanalysis. The S-box is consistent with one of the known standards AES and GOST R 34.12-2015. We provide the findings of an avalanche-effect investigation and statistical properties of ciphertexts. The algorithm actually meets the avalanche-effect criterion even after the first round.
With the growth of data stored in cloud, data may become the target of attackers in the Internet. Therefore, the end users require high confidentiality, integrity and authentication in order to protect their data in cloud. In this paper, we aim at a comprehensive studying about the data security in cloud computing. The paper will discuss the details of cloud computing data security challenges and find out which are the most important challenges as well as the efficient solutions. The existing authentication and encryption algorithms are compared in terms of users' scenarios, outstanding features and the limitation. We also review the advantages and drawbacks of the algorithms for data security in terms of cloud computing services.
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) offers automatic traffic control and collision avoidance services to the maritime transportation sector worldwide. Because AIS lacks security mechanisms, it is vulnerable to misuse and exploitation by unlawful adversaries (e.g. sea-pirates, terrorists, smugglers). To address the security issues of the AIS, in an earlier paper [1], we proposed the deployment of a Maritime Certificate-less Identity-Based (mIBC) public-key cryptography infrastructure that enhances AIS with on-demand anonymity, authentication, and encryption capabilities. In this paper we address implementation aspects of that infrastructure. In particular, we propose to use the Sakai-Kasahara Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) approach to implement the mIBC infrastructure, following the IEEE 1363.3-2013 standard for Identity-Based Cryptography.
Random sequences are used in various applications in construction of cryptographicsystems or formations of noise-type signals. For these tasks there is used the program generator of random sequences which is the determined device. Such a generator, as a rule, has special requirements concerning the quality of the numbers formation sequence. In cryptographic systems, the most often used are linearly –congruent generators, the main disadvantage of which is the short period of formation of pseudo-random number sequences. For this reason, in the article there is proposed the use of chaos generators as the period of the formed selection in this case depends on the size of digit net of the used computing system. It is obvious that the quality of the chaos generator has to be estimated through a system of the NIST tests. Therefore, detailed assessment of their statistical characteristics is necessary for practical application of chaos generators in cryptographic systems. In the article there are considered various generators and there is also given the qualitative assessment of the formation based on the binary random sequence. Considered are also the features of testing random number generators using the system. It is determinedthat not all chaos generators meet the requirements of the NIST tests. The article proposed the methods for improvingstatistical properties of chaos generators. The method of comparative analysis of random number generators based on NIST statistical tests is proposed, which allows to select generators with the best statistical properties. Proposed are also methods for improving the statistical characteristics of binary sequences, which are formed on the basis of various chaos generators.
Sekwencje losowe wykorzystywane są do tworzenia systemów kryptograficznych lub do formowania sygnałów zakłócających. Do tych zadań wykorzystywany jest generator sekwencji losowych, który jest urządzeniem deterministycznym. Taki generator z reguły ma specjalne wymagania dotyczące jakości tworzenia sekwencji liczbowej. W systemach kryptograficznych najczęściej stosuje się generatory liniowo-przystające, których główną wadą jest krótki okres formowania pseudolosowych sekwencji liczbowych. Z tego powodu w artykule zaproponowano użycie generatora chaotycznego, jako że okres próbkowania w tym przypadku zależy od rozmiaru siatki bitowej w używanym systemie obliczeniowym. Oczywistym jest, że należy oszacować jakość generatora chaotycznego za pomocą systemu testów NIST, dlatego też do praktycznego zastosowania generatorów chaotycznych w systemach kryptograficznych wymagana jest szczegółowa ocena ich cech statystycznych. W artykule rozważono różne generatory, a także podano ocenę jakościową procesu formacji na podstawie losowej sekwencji binarnej. Rozważano również funkcje testowania generatorów liczbowych przy użyciu systemu. Stwierdzono, że nie wszystkie generatory chaotyczne spełniają wymagania testów NIST. W artykule zaproponowano metody poprawy właściwości statystycznych generatorów chaotycznych, tak jak również metodę analizy porównawczej generatorów liczb losowych, która oparta jest na testach statystycznych NIST, i która pozwala wybrać generatory o najlepszych cechach statystycznych. Przedstawiono także metody poprawy właściwości statystycznych sekwencji binarnych, które powstają na podstawie różnych generatorów chaotycznych.
This document presents a conceptual model of a system for protecting thedata stored in publicly available data storage systems. The main idea was toapply encryption on both the client and server sides that would consequentlyhave a significant impact on data security. The compatibility with existingsystems allows us to deploy the solution fast and at a low cost. The testsconducted on a simplified implementation have confirmed the solution’s validity,and they have shown some possible performance issues as compared to theclassical system (which can be easily bypassed).
Głównym zadaniem omówionym w niniejszej publikacji było przygotowanie stanowiska laboratoryjnego do badania poufności przetwarzanej informacji. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono porównanie możliwości dwóch programów o licencji otwartej - narzędzi służących do szyfrowania, realizujących szyfrowanie z wykorzystaniem szyfru blokowego AES. W części drugiej opisane zostało działanie dwóch programów stworzonych w C++ na potrzeby stanowiska laboratoryjnego. Pierwszy realizuje szyfrowanie klasyczne, przestawieniowe, drugi do szyfrowania używa operacji XOR.
The main task discussed in this publication was to prepare a laboratory stand to investigate the confidentiality of information processed. The first part of the article presents a comparison of the possibilities of two open license programs - encryption tools that implement encryption with the use of AES block cipher. The second part describes the operation of two programs created in C++ for the needs of the laboratory workstation. The first one performs classic, changeable encryption, the second one uses XOR operation for encryption.
Content available remote Malicious and harmless software in the domain of system utilities
The focus of malware research is often directed on behaviour and features of malicious samples that stand out the most. However, our previous research led us to see that some features typical for malware may occur in harmless software as well. That finding guided us to direct more attention towards harmless samples and more detailed comparisons of malware and harmless software properties. To eliminate variables that may influence the results, we narrowed down our research study to specific software domain - system maintenance and utility tools. We analysed 100 malicious and 100 harmless samples from this domain and statistically evaluated how they differ regarding packing, program sections and their entropies, amount of code outside common sections and we also looked at differences in behaviour from the high-level view.
W artykule został przedstawiony sposób przechwycenia transmisji danych poprzez kanał kwantowy. Najpierw omówiona została ogólna budowa sieci kwantowej oraz protokół komunikacyjny. Następnie przedstawiony został sposób obejścia zabezpieczeń sieci kwantowej na przykładzie jednego z komercyjnych systemów kwantowych.
In this article was shown the way to intercept data transmission over the quantum channel. First was discussed the general structure of quantum network and communication protocol. Then was illustrated the way to bypass the protection of quantum network with the example of one of commercial quantum systems.
Content available Technologia blockchain i jej zastosowania
W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty analizy technologii rozproszonego rejestru blockchain. Analizę przeprowadzono pod kątem możliwości zastosowania technologii blockchain w różnych dziedzinach działalności ludzkiej.
The article presents the results of analysis of the distributed registry technology called blockchain. The analysis was performed for the possibility of using the blockchain technology in different spheres of human activity.
In the paper there are presented two new models of encrypted hierarchical secret sharing schemes based on barycentric Hermite formula. Moreover an application of the second scheme to design a novel broadcast encryption protocol is proposed. The protocol allows to send a decoding key to any user via broadcast channel and revoke some users without the necessity of updating encrypted private keys of the other users of the system. To ensure the safety of user private keys the protocol uses one-way functions that fulfill special conditions.
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